View Full Version : A Death In The Family

May 5, 2010, 3:50 PM
I speak not of a human, but a guinea pig. Sometime between 7am and 9am British Summer Time, my guinea pig, Beatrice Beauregarde, died. The last time, I saw her alive, was at about 7am, when I checked on her and she lifted up her little head, looked at me, with half closed eyes and sniffed the air, to see who it was. I told her, that her time had come and she should go and join her friends, Martha and Winnie and all the many guinea pigs, I have owned, in guinea pig heaven. She lowered her sweet face and I think she died, soon after that.

Beatrice was about four years old. I had been her human for about three years and when I bought her, she was heavily pregnant. Her previous owner, had taken her to the pet store, knowing this. In due course, she had two pretty, white pups and as soon as they left home, she joined her new friends.

Never, a very brave guinea pig, for she was playing second fiddle to the very fiesty Martha, she nevertheless, did her bit, to make sure food was received, when required.

Last summer, Martha and Beatrice had to move indoors, for a field mouse was stealing their food and left behind a rather nasty, wriggly calling card (several). I think that some parasite may have done some damage to Beatrice's body and brain, for a few weeks ago, it became apparent, that something was very wrong with her. An end was in sight. Beatrice grew old and very small and also suffered seizures......and this morning she died.

Martha died, just before Christmas, from old age and as ever, awkward to the last. She died, blocking the way out of her little house, trapping Beatrice inside. I did not cry, back then, but this morning, I wept many tears, for the loss of two very beautiful guinea pigs and their very individual characters.

Beatrice, at least, did have a friend, to share her last months. Lily-Marlene Loveinamist, a pretty young thing, constantly by her side. So now Lily wonders where Beatrice has gone and she will need her own friend.

We love our pets, and they so often, return that love. Guinea pigs do so, by being amusing, by making so many different sounds and by being so very beautiful.

Rest in peace, sweet Beatrice, you were so pretty and had a very fetching crest upon your head. I'll miss you, just as I miss, all of my long dead, piggie friends.

Which pet, do you all remember, with great love and affection?

May 5, 2010, 4:01 PM
I'm sorry for your loss, Canticle.


When I was much much younger I had a male cat "Thomas Goodboy Cat". He used to get into the bird feeder and wait for birds to show up.

He was a very territorial cat and once chased off a St Bernard that followed me home.

Unfortunately he must have gotten into some antifreeze, bcause he eventually had to be put down.

Last year I had a scare with my minature pinscher, Shadie, she got loose while I was on vacation. A friend was taking care of her while I was away.

She was picked up by the dumb friends league a week or two ofter she had dissapeared. Cost me $150, for food and shots.

I had thought that she had got run over or something. I can tell you I was a very happy girl when I got her back.

May 5, 2010, 5:26 PM
Sorry for your loss, Canticle!!

It is amazing that we can get so attached to those little balls of fur---some do with snakes and such--that I have to say I don't much understand--but anywhooo----sorry to hear about your little baby!!

I know I sure go into a funk when I lose one of my kitties or a doggie.

As somone I know likes to say---"love in a living fur coat!"

May 5, 2010, 7:18 PM
Sorry to hear that, Canticle. Pets are more than pets. They are extended family.

Currently I have three aquariums. Originally bought one just so I could hear running water. That one has nine assorted platys, a silver and veiltail angelfish, two African dwarf frogs, one molly and a bristlenose pleco. Second has a mature marbled wild angelfish, dwarf puffer (my favorite!), eight black skirt tetras, five rummy nose tetras, ten whiteclouds (eight white, two golden) and an otocinclus. Third has six Endler's and twenty four galaxy rasboras aka celestial pearl danios, which are an endangered species I raise for two local fish stores. I miss my two crowntail bettas and golden 'mystery snails'. The bettas were eaten by the otocinclus when algae got low in the tank. When short on algae, otos latch on to slower moving prey like a crowntail betta that can't swim quickly and literally suck the slime and scales off. No more bettas in those tanks. Though they have that 'fighting siamese' reputation, they're actually quite peaceful and full of personality. They won't bother anything unless it has large fins which, to them, signals competition, though neither crowntail betta had a problem with the angelfish possibly because their fins are so thin and mostly transparent. The mystery snails were beautiful and laid eggs regularly :.) Originally bought them to make babies to feed to my dwarf puffer, but became enamoured of their grace and habits. Lost those when a heater thermostat went berserk and cooked them one afternoon while I was out *sigh*

Anyway, I have these all fish because I need to nurture something that won't mind my efforts *lol* And though most of my pets, and there have been dozens, died of old age, I don't think I could stand to lose another. I am attached to my fish, but the relationship is more distant probably because they're not all over me and in my face :.)

I've nearly always had cats, dogs and ferrets; parakeets until one of the ferrets ate them. I allowed my sons to have a mini zoo including a mama black emerald scorpion with 17 babies which he raised for a few years then finally gave away to a pet store when he moved, a Savannah monitor, iguana, two geckos, mice, rats (still miss Posey after twenty years have passed), guinea pigs, hamsters, a rose hair tarantula, pet pigeons (Napoleoon and Josephine), two pigs - Charlie and "The Mouth" :.), a dwarf bunny, raised a baby wild opossum, raised two baby wild squirrels, fostered several stray cats and dogs until we found homes for them, and of course my horses when I was a teenager.

My favorite cats were Tom, an orange tabby who once raised a litter of kittens alone; and Yvette, a gorgeous little silver tabby Maine Coon found in the dumpster at work. She is now nineteen and about to go very soon, though I did leave her with my 2nd ex because she was too attached to her hunting grounds.

Favorite dog was Dorian, a white Lhasa Apso with a heart bigger than the skies. Had SOOOOO much character and spunk. He thought he was a cat and despite his short, stubby legs, often attempted 'cat things' because they were his constant companions since we first got him. The cats of course hated it when he shared their water... such a sloppy drinker *lol* He went blind at age three and it was really cool how the cats protected him, sometimes from each other when one was play fighting with him :.) In fact, one of the cats would only allow Dorian near her kittens when they were first born because they were sleeping pals. Dorian died at nine, which I was told was old for him because he had a hole in his heart.

Then there was Deion, my dwarf bunny. Didn't know he was a hybrid until he died of a heart attack in my hands. I was so shocked that even though he was already gone I ran him to a nearby vet, totally lost in hysteria and screaming at them to do something, that he was fine just ten minutes before. The vet shuttled me off to a private room and explained that a massive heart attack such as he had, could not be undone and he'd already lived longer than he should have. I just died inside... took weeks to recover from that and even now many years later, I still remember how he felt dying in my hands.

I miss them all. I'll never forget any of our pets.

Falling Leaves
May 5, 2010, 7:39 PM
I wrote these words after we had to send our 14 yr old dog to his rest:

"I have always believed that God, in His infinate wisdom, rewards our furry friends who have protected us, given us love, companionship and comfort when we needed it most, and provides a place for them as well as He does for us"

Sorry to hear of your loss.

May 5, 2010, 7:43 PM
Marie, thank you for your condolences. I'm over the upset of losing Beatrice, now and I try to not be too sentimental. Memories of what a sweet little animal, she was, will remain with me. The body has to die sometime and this was her time.

Everything happens so quickly, in the life of an animal, such as a guinea pig. I have held pups, when new born and then seen then go through the life cycle and die. A guinea pig can live for up to 8 years. Beatrice was about 4. She had a healthy life, until a few weeks ago, so I guess she suddenly became very old, She certainly seemed to shrink in size, but her squeak was just as loud.

''Thomas Goodboy Cat.'' What a fantastic name, for the cat you owned (No, we don't own them. They own us.). I always think that animals should have rather illustrious names. It doesn't always work out that way, of course.

I had a red tabby cat. She was going to have a wonderful name, once I had thought of one. Then, my mother said ''Isn't she a lovely sandy colour.'' Of course we had found the name and Sandy, the little kitten duly became. it suited her. Nothing else would have done.

I once bought a baby rabbit (Yep, I used to surprise the family and no doubt at all, they shook their heads in consternation), who had the longest ears and the longest back legs. All black, with a white smudge on her nose and on one paw. So, what else could she be called, but Smudge. The most amazing creature I have known...gentle, loving and with the sweetest disposition.

Sad that these animals will sometimes eat, swallow, consume things, which will bring about their death. One does feel so helpless, when they are dying.

Volty, ''love in a living fur coat.''.......that is so true and it is an unconditional love. Unconditional, so long as you feed the varmints....lol! Cats and guinea pigs never go hungry, in a caring household. In fact, when you have a guinea pig that can out squeak a lawn mower, you dare not forget to feed it. That one was the late, the great, Mabel, who cared not for other piggies, but loved the rabbit Smudge, a feeling which was mutual.

And, yes, they are like ''babies,'' for without our care, they would starve ad suffer greatly. They bring great joy, teach children responsibility and very often, make one feel quite humble, because they can overcome great adversity.....such as, being born without eyes.....and that was Kipper...the pluckiest little pig, I have known.

May 5, 2010, 7:45 PM
Sorry to hear about your loss. As Volty said, pets are more than animals they are parts of our lives. There are there with a welcoming bark and can comfort us when we are said...it is like they innately know what we need.

Big ole hugs to you from Boston.


May 5, 2010, 7:49 PM
I wrote these words after we had to send our 14 yr old dog to his rest:

"I have always believed that God, in His infinate wisdom, rewards our furry friends who have protected us, given us love, companionship and comfort when we needed it most, and provides a place for them as well as He does for us"

Sorry to hear of your loss.

I like that......very much. I never allow anyone to say, that animals do not have souls. If there is a god, then these wonderful and loving creatures, are with us, for a reason. Beautiful words FL and thank you. I wanted to write about Beatrice, not so much for me, but because I knew, that others would then remember, their dear and departed pets.

May 5, 2010, 7:52 PM
Sorry to hear about your loss. As Volty said, pets are more than animals they are parts of our lives. There are there with a welcoming bark and can comfort us when we are said...it is like they innately know what we need.

Big ole hugs to you from Boston.


Thanks Belle. Now, I'm concentrating on getting a new friend for young Lily, who really doesn't know, where her Auntie Bea has gone.

May 5, 2010, 7:54 PM
The loss of an animal is almost as bad as losing a child, and I am sorry for your loss. Fur Babies are an intricate part of a person's life and I know the pain of your loss.

May 5, 2010, 8:24 PM
I'm sorry for your loss, Canticle. I grew up having gerbils - I love those little ones! :-) Also have had a number of dogs and cats as well. "My" cat, Blackie, is 17 now, has kidney disease, lives at my parents' house back in Wisconsin (they wouldn't let me take him when I moved to Nevada). He is still "my" cat, and will jump into my arms from my mom's arms when I come to visit. I will miss him so much when he passes. I had another cat, Tigger, a tabby, when I was growing up and I still miss him. Charlie, our part Olde English sheepdog/part German shepherd or collie (we don't know who the father was) was my favorite dog out of all that we had, and we had had a white German shepherd mix, a Great Dane and a flat-coated retriever and now my parents have an Australian sheepdog (I think). We got Charlie as a little puff of fur the summer when Prince Charles and Princess Diana were married, hence the name - but it suited him!

Here where I live, I have a black cat named Tasha and a red Dachshund named Bella. Tasha is 12 years old and Bella is about 3. Tasha and I have been through a lot together, leaving my ex when he became violent, and she's not a lap-sitter and doesn't like to be petted/stroked or picked up, but loves to be admired from afar. Bella loves to give kisses and sit in one's lap. She is just a love.

Anywhoooo, I found this link to The Rainbow Bridge, where all of our pets go to wait for their people:


May 5, 2010, 8:28 PM
So sorry to hear of the loss of your friend.

I too have a guines pig. He's an Absynnian named Lucky. I got him so I wouldn't be the only male in the house and we became fast friends. I let him run arounds in the evenings and we watch tv together, we even play tag.

It'll be a sad day when he goes. I'll miss him terribly.

So I do understand. Take care.

May 5, 2010, 8:59 PM
Hugs..I'm sorry that you lost your friend and my heart goes out to you.

This past year I had to have my cat, Oscar, put to sleep. He was 18 plus years old and my best friend. He had disappeared for several days and when I found him he was completely emaciated, and went down hill from there, in the end he didn't even recognize me. The decision to have him put down was the hardest decision I have ever had to make. His last day he wanted to go into the yard, I took him and he could barely stand, but made a circuit of the yard stopping after every couple steps drinking rain water. I knew what I had to do and it still tears me up.

A couple of months later, on my birthday, we had a freak accident that killed by two guinea pigs (Roy and Little Pig). My hubby set their cage outside (we were fumigating the house) and he didn't have a grip on the bottom and it fell out. We put the pigs back in, not noticing anything wrong. When we came back and I brought their cage in, I noticed that they weren't moving. I think both of them broke their backs in the fall. I held Roy until he died in my arms (he was my fav...Little Pig was never very friendly or social) and then held Little Pig until he left me.

We also lost the best hamster ever, Bubba. He was about 5 or 6 years old and I'm really not sure what was wrong with him. His body became seriously bloated and we thought he wouldn't make it long, but he fought it and stayed with us for several months longer than we thought he would.

This past year was just not a good year for me. They are all buried in my yard and even though most will think I'm nuts, I still go talk to Oscar when I'm upset. He will always be my best friend.

Mrs Pasa

May 5, 2010, 10:23 PM
Like the others, I offer you my support. You write that you have accepted the death of your friend. That is very strong of you.

When we bring a pet into our lives, we know that they will have to leave our lives if we do not leave their life first.

My story of loss of a companion creature deals with the loss of two monkeys. They had the mind of a two year old child and like humans constantly evolved. You never knew what they were going to do. They were not pets and I knew that. They were primates and I knew that I had to accept their independence. We could co exist but they were not a dog , cat etc. I had researched and read about them. I knew that when such a creature dies that they elevate at their death to be so very much more human than can be imagined. When it actually happened, I was still taken back. When Sam was dying, he actually took my hand and put it on his chest where he felt pain. That was something indeed to deal with. I had Vet over and took over two hours to euthanize Sam. It was the best thing that I could do for him and I knew it. I cried as deeply for Sam at his death as I did for my own mother at her death. I knew both were at their end as others have written. I didn't want either to suffer any more.

I now have a small dog and love her dearly. It has been a long time since I've had a dog. I know that one of us will leave first. I think that people who bring creatures into their life and take that commitment seriously are to be admired. I don't understand very well people who bring a dog into their life and then discard it. However, I'm sure that are good reasons why they do it.

May 6, 2010, 2:11 AM
Hugs Canticle...pets can be so much more than just a pet, they become our children our family.

I'm sorry for your loss. Mine was a mutt stray named Shep. She showed up and stuck around and saved each of our lives when the three of us kids were running around. Usually it was from snakes and once it was a stray dog that had a mean streak. We had Shep for almost 10 years and it was the first time I saw my dad cry when he dug a grave for a pet. Shep was some kind of golden lab mix had long fur though, completely loyal and sweet and fierce in our defense. And I still cherish the memories of her just being there.

May 6, 2010, 3:32 AM
Sorry to gear of your loss. As everyone else says, pets are true and joyous companions. They leave a hole not easily filled.


May 6, 2010, 11:03 AM
Thank you, to all of you, who have sent me condolences and have also written about your own pets, which is the main reason I wrote about

Some very moving stories have been told, about much loved animals and it's good to see that there are others, who have had hearts captivated by little guinea pigs.

gfofbiguy.....what a lovely thing to read, in Rainbow Bridge. My daughter and I used to talk about guinea pig heaven and also bunny heaven, more I a humorous way, of remembering different piggies and what they would be doing. The same could be mused upon, about all animals.

Like my beautiful little boy, Billy (Billy the Pig), who loved playing soccer, in this life and in the next. The soccer matches can go on, as long as the players wish and no one never gets tired, or dirty. Little piggie angels get their wings in a mess, but Billy had a solution, detachable wings. And before you get your wings, up there? Well. you move your own, personal cloud about, by thought power. :)

Mrs Pasa, I had a similar thing happen to a guinea pig of mine. Millie decided to leap out of a box and I think she broke her back. Very sad.

Tenni, thank you for that very moving piece about the death of one of your monkeys. You conveyed so much in those words.

I reckon a lot of people have thought about and remembered, dear departed animal friends and probably shed a tear or two. For those friends, just like our human loved ones, are remembered, held close in our heart and so never really die.

I have a very confused young guinea pig now, who can't understand why she is alone. Beatrice was ''training,'' her and you know what, it's paid off, for not long ago, she found her squeak. For the very first time, she requested food be delivered. Lily wasn't allowed to do that, when Beatrice was alive. Come the weekend, Lily will have a new friend and so a new dynasty will begin.

Keep those stories coming, for they fill our hearts with joy. Loving an animal and being allowed to care for one, is a sweet and precious honour. :)

May 8, 2010, 2:08 PM
We have a new member of the team!!! Alice Arbuthnott has joined the show and less than an hour ago.

Alice is the sweetest little guinea pig pup, that £20 could buy. Small and very docile, but inquisitive enough, to eat pieces of lettuce, dangled before her and wanting to be stroked.

She fits into the palm of my hand. Next week will have seen her grow and she could be twice that size.

Lily waits in anticipation....for there is a new guinea pig scent, in the air. For now, Alice will remain on her own......but soon...very soon.....two cavies will be introduced, told that they must be polite and asked if they will shake one anothers paw.

New life.....new friendship.....new smiles upon my face. Gee, I do love piggies.

May 9, 2010, 5:53 PM
One should never get too happy about anything. This afternoon, 24 hours after I got her, Alice died. She just died. I was holding her, when she took her last breath and I have absolutely no idea what can have been wrong with her. She just died.

May 9, 2010, 7:41 PM
Oh geez, that absolutely sucks balls!!!!!

May 9, 2010, 9:50 PM
Oh geez, that absolutely sucks balls!!!!!

Yeah, Mikey, it does. She was only 8 weeks old and though small and a little quiet, she seemed fine. The pet store had 5 female guinea pigs and they had been in quarantine and then received health checks. I guess there was something wrong with her, that could not be detected by a general check. My other guinea pig, Lily, wanted nothing to do with her, so I guess they instinctively know, that something is wrong. Lily knows what has happened, though, for tonight she is very quiet. It's just sad that a litttle life ended so suddenly, for even in those few hours, she had found a place in my heart.

May 9, 2010, 10:10 PM
One should never get too happy about anything. This afternoon, 24 hours after I got her, Alice died. She just died. I was holding her, when she took her last breath and I have absolutely no idea what can have been wrong with her. She just died.

Sorry Canticle, that sucks!

May 12, 2010, 8:28 PM
Thank you....all

Lily now has a new friend and this little lady is very much alive and getting the usual piggie bullying...''This is MY place and we do things MY way''

Her name is Rosie and she is grey and white and very pretty.

So, smiles all around.