View Full Version : Got Wood?

May 5, 2010, 9:30 AM
As the cute, in a folksy kind of way, guy handed me a sticker titled "GOT WOOD", many thoughts rushed thru as to what the appropriate response should be. I opted for the plain, drum roll please, "pardon me"?

Oh crap, here is one wasted opportunity I'll never get back! But, I'm usually so good at comebacks, what the hell happened there! aaaaaaahhhh

Anyway, back the sticker.

The small print mentioned www.musicjeffwood.net .

In Texas last week, I passed by a little place that served lunch and you guessed it, Jeff Wood, who honestly this little canuck had never heard of, played a few tunes from his album as well as classic hits.

His set was absolutely fantastic, needless to say, I bought his album.

Samples of his music are posted on his web site.

Man it's killing me, what should the response have been. Want to check it out? Solid as an oak? always? This is starting to sound like a Seinfeld episode!


May 5, 2010, 9:47 AM
LOL DM I think they were making a play on the huge ad campaign for dairy here that is "Got Milk?" has several famous people with supposedly milkstaches but actually some thick cream.

I listened to "Where you Belong" and I wasn't that impressed with his actual voice, might have just been the quality of the youtube, but the lyrics... "I have loved you for so long, stay with me where you belong" oh yeah... worth buying the cd for lyrics like that.

As a response? Well as a female I could have just smiled and said "Not yet, but there's surgery" and done it with a straight face.

May 5, 2010, 11:52 AM
lol Being the typical lecherous smart-ass that I am, I would've grinned and said, "No I dont Darlin. Are you offering some?" :bigrin:
Flirt and a half, Cat...lol