View Full Version : Family Research Council Founding member Caught with Male Prostituite

May 5, 2010, 8:55 AM
The pictures on the Rentboy.com profile show a shirtless young man with delicate features, guileless eyes, and sun-kissed, hairless skin. The profile touts his "smooth, sweet, tight ass" and "perfectly built 8 inch cock (uncut)" and explains he is "sensual," "wild," and "up for anything" — as long you ask first. And as long as you pay.

On April 13, the "rent boy" (whom we'll call Lucien) arrived at Miami International Airport on Iberian Airlines Flight 6123, after a ten-day, fully subsidized trip to Europe. He was soon followed out of customs by an old man with an atavistic mustache and a desperate blond comb-over, pushing an overburdened baggage cart.

That man was George Alan Rekers, of North Miami — the callboy's client and, as it happens, one of America's most prominent anti-gay activists. Rekers, a Baptist minister who is a leading scholar for the Christian right, left the terminal with his gay escort, looking a bit discomfited when a picture of the two was snapped with a hot-pink digital camera.

Reached by New Times before a trip to Bermuda, Rekers said he learned Lucien was a prostitute only midway through their vacation. "I had surgery," Rekers said, "and I can't lift luggage. That's why I hired him." (Medical problems didn't stop him from pushing the tottering baggage cart through MIA.)

More here: http://www.miaminewtimes.com/2010-05-06/news/christian-right-leader-george-rekers-takes-vacation-with-rent-boy/1

Now thats no way to use a cute rent-boy! To haul your package through the airport...

But it does remind me of this sketch from "The Big Gy Sketch Show"


Rekers is a board member of the National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH), an organization that systematically attempts to turn gay people straight. And the Huffington Post recently singled out Rekers as a member of the American College of Pediatricians — an official-sounding outfit in Gainesville that purveys lurid, youth-directed literature accusing gays of en masse coprophilia. (In an email, the college's Lisa Hawkins wrote, "ACPeds feels privileged to have a scholar of Dr. Rekers' stature affiliated with our organization. I am sure you will find Prof. Rekers to be an immaculate clinician/scholar, and a warm human being.")

Rekers lectures worldwide, from Europe to the Middle East, on teen sexuality. Yet during his ten-day sojourn with Lucien to London and Madrid, he had no lectures scheduled. Both men deny having sex on the trip, and emails exchanged between the two before their jaunt are cautiously worded...

In his interview with New Times, Lucien didn't want to impugn his client, but he made it clear they met through Rentboy.com, which is the only website on which he advertises his services. Neither Google nor any other search engine picks up individual Rentboy.com profiles, any more than they pick up individual profiles on eHarmony or Match.com. You cannot just happen upon one.

May 5, 2010, 9:29 AM
That is so precious and it does figure doesn't it??

I am more and more convinced-----when you have one of those preacher types (or anyone for that matter) who makes such a big deal about hating homosexuality--and/or--they always have to do things to prove their heterosexual bona fides---I say----"Wow----we really do have repressed homosexual issues--don't we pal?????"

Can you imagine the degree of self-loathing that people like the Herr Docktor must have to be so publicly anti-homosexuality and to be so prominent in the "fight" to deny rights to GLBT people----but to really be fighting those "demons"??????--but then again-----if the report is indeed acurate--and it appears to be--the "Good Doctor" just hides it well while he goes about frolicking with a pretty boy stud!! I am sure that the stud doeesn't come cheap-----kinda funny that--since I am sure the money the "Good Doctor" used to take the trip and pay the hooking twink---came from his speaking fees denouncing gays and peddling that nonsense that "gays can be fixed" by turning them straight.

This is as they say in the charge card commercial is: "PRICELESS!!" I wonder if the good doctor charged this trip and the stud boi's fees on his Master Card?? If he did--maybe they could use Herr Docktor in one of their future ads????

May 5, 2010, 12:02 PM
Perhaps he was going to try to reform the boy?

May 5, 2010, 12:18 PM
Perhaps he was going to try to reform the boy?

Very possible, after all, doesn't Gay conversion therapy always include a week long stay in Europe with the same sex person trying to convert you?:yikes2::rolleyes:

None of this surprises me.
Hypocrisy amongst Christian leadership and (to a lesser, but growing degree) many of their followers has been rampant since before the fall of Rome. It has become a tradition that has carried through all of Christianity, even amongst the protestant religions and it is epidemic within the more extremist sects.

May 5, 2010, 12:57 PM
Perhaps he was going to try to reform the boy?

As a luggage carrier? :tongue:

People are strange sometimes :.)

May 5, 2010, 5:28 PM
Maybe we, for shits and grins, should start a thread on "Why was the male escort with the old homophobe???


May 5, 2010, 5:47 PM
You know Voltie, "carrying my lugage" will be this years "wide stance"

Lucien-the-rent-boy: Thats a biiig load you have there

Old (and scary) homophobe: It's too big for me! Can you take it?

Lucien-the-rent-boy: I can take your load Mister, I can take the whole thing!

May 6, 2010, 9:27 PM

The male escort hired by anti-gay activist George Alan Rekers has told Miami New Times the Baptist minister is a homosexual who paid him to provide body rubs once a day in the nude, during their ten-day vacation in Europe.

Rekers allegedly named his favorite maneuver the "long stroke" -- a complicated caress "across his penis, thigh... and his anus over the butt cheeks," as the escort puts it. "Rekers liked to be rubbed down there," he says.

Although Rekers does have physical ailments that make it difficult for him to haul suitcases, Lucien wasn't hired to carry luggage on their European vacation, the escort says...

"It's a situation where he's going against homosexuality when he is a homosexual," Lucien says. (When New Times called seeking comment, Rekers had turned his phone off. An email was not returned. He has termed the New Times article "slanderous" on his website.)...

In the past 24 hours, Rekers, a board member at the National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) and cofounder of the Family Research Council, has claimed he took Lucien to Europe to inspire him to accept Jesus into his heart and renounce his homosexuality.

Lucien now offers Rekers a counterproposal: "In all honesty, he should disassociate himself from these [anti-gay] groups."


May 12, 2010, 11:45 AM
Update from Care2.com


(Updated) Gay Anti-Gay Activist Paid $120,000 for Anti-Gay Testimony by FL

Generally, I am not one to write about something as seemingly tabloidish as someone’s personal sex life but when the recent rank hypocrisy of George Rekers became a story about something more than sex I felt compelled to write about it.

As some of you may know George Rekers is an avid anti-gay activist Methodist Minister, with strong ties to the virulently anti-gay Family Research Council and the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH), and—he is apparently gay. According to the Miami New Times, Rekers recently returned from a 10-day trip to Europe with a male escort whom he contacted via Rentboy.com. Now Rekers is certainly not the first anti-gay activist to be outed as gay (see Ted Haggard, Larry Craig, etc.) so initially I took note of the story and moved on giving it little thought, until I realized this is the same man whom Florida paid $120,000 to testify as an expert witness against Martin Gill, a gay man who wants to adopt the two children he has fostered for more than four years. I wrote about this a few months back in “Everybody Run that Homosexual Wants a Son” which details the lengths Florida has gone to remain the ONLY state that specifically prohibits someone from adopting if they are gay—even though they can foster children indefinitely. I am not going to get into details of Florida’s unfair adoption laws in this article, if you want to know more about them please refer back to my previous story.

Since I live in Florida I take this a little personally. Like most states we are struggling to make ends meet and the thought that we paid Rekers $120,000 dollars for his bigoted anti-gay testimony is appalling in and of itself, but add to that the fact that he himself is homosexual and I am apoplectic. Wow, I mean I never gave much credit to his testimony to begin with but at least Attorney General Bill McCollum (Republican Candidate for Florida’s next Governor) could have claimed that his views at least represented an honest (but dead wrong) opposition to homosexuality or fair adoption. This man basically sold us his false medical information and preached us ideas he disobeys in his own life while taking money that could have gone to education, foster care programs, etc. Instead it went to his vacation in Europe with a male prostitute. It is disgraceful that the attorney general used taxpayer dollars to compensate this discredited bigot-for-hire. It shows just how low he had to scrape to find anyone even willing to defend Florida's harmful ban that denies children forever homes.

What’s possibly worst is we are not the first state to pay him for this testimony. In 2004, he testified in Arkansas but, even without his recently acquired stink of hypocrisy, the Arkansas Judge, Timothy Fox, said, “Rekers' testimony was worthless as evidence because it was only his personal view.” The Arkansas Supreme Court concluded later that Rekers' testimony was pointless and it declared Huckabee's anti-gay rule unconstitutional. “Rekers testifies as a scientific expert for states that adopt anti-gay laws. The states lose, but Rekers always takes in big fees."

Did I just say that was possibly worst? Let me correct myself—what is worst is that Rekers adopted a child in Florida about four years ago. So not only does he obviously act out the very actions he vilifies but he also breaks the law against gays adopting even though he has given “expert” testimony in support of that law. I certainly have no desire to see a family broken up in any manner, even one headed by someone such as Rekers, but it might not be unfair to have our attorney general look into this. After all if the reports are true and he did adopt in Florida, then he did so under perjury, which is a felony. When you apply for an adoption in Florida you must answer a question related to your sexuality and sexual lifestyle. If he lied on the application (the only way he could have obtained a Florida adoption) then he has broken the law. Many families suffer when a parent breaks the law so I don’t see why his should be exempt. Of course I am loath to have such an abhorent law upheld but on the other hand wouldn't it be ironic if his trial for breaking the law actually helped to overturn the law?

As for Rekers, I am not going to ascribe motives for his actions, he could be a closeted gay who felt too oppressed by societal opposition to embrace his true self and thus filled with self-hatred turned to anti-gay campaigning to cast judgment on and shape legislation against the gay community as a way of atoning for his “sins” or he could be a happy as can be gay man who just likes making money even if, or perhaps because, it hurts others i.e. he could simply be an asshole. Whichever it is, I don’t care.

What I do care about is that this man has robbed my state of needed cash flow, has attempted to prevent a loving man from adopting two children who need and love him, and that the man who paid him to do this is attempting to become the new governor of my state. I admit to not knowing much about Alex Sink (McCollum’s presumed Democratic opponent), other than she supports fair adoption, but that is enough for me. I will do everything I can to make sure McCollum doesn’t win. And for those of you that say people shouldn’t vote on a single issue—I say would you vote for a man that would not let a white person adopt a black child or vice versa? Would you vote for a man that would not allow interracial marriage? Would you vote for a man who was bigoted towards any racial minority group? If so, then don your white hood and vote for the man who promises you a tax cut, as for me, I will vote for the person who promises to increase the number of forever homes available to those most in need.


As I originally stated, I am not one to write about these type of salacious issues and it was only Reker's hypocritical connection with the ban on gay adoptions in Florida that caused me to write about this but whatever reluctance I had toward destroying an individual does not extend to my desire to see NARTH taken down a peg or possibly obliterated. According to newly released information NARTH put together a questionnaire for Rekers to send to Jo-vanni Roman in an attempt to bury the story despite its claim of attempting to provide a full investigation into the scandal.

From the article:

"Members of one of America's largest "ex-gay" organizations may have secretly intervened in the rentboy scandal, publicly calling for a "thorough investigation," while working behind the scenes to quash the story.

Officials of the National Association for Therapy and Research of Homosexuality (NARTH) allegedly had a hand in crafting a questionnaire George Alan Rekers emailed to Jo-vanni Roman, the gay escort who accompanied him on a two-week trip to Europe.

Lucien asked Rekers repeatedly if anyone else had been involved in the questionnaire. "Yeah, one of the guys who's on the board of a professional organization with me," Rekers said.

In fact, Rekers is on the board of NARTH, a non-profit based in Encino, California, that believes homosexuality is a curable mental disorder. NARTH claims to be able to turn gay people straight.

Lucien denied to the New Times making the statements in Rekers's questionnaire. The young man restated his allegation that he had a consensual "sexual encounter" with Rekers. The far-right theologian denies it.

NARTH, where Rekers is a senior figure, issued a May 6 press release on its website: "NARTH takes seriously the accusations that have been made (about Rekers), and we are currently attempting to understand the details behind these press reports... we urge all parties to allow a respectful and thorough investigation to take place."

If NARTH really did try to squash the story this could be the proverbial nail in the coffin for the organization as it would be betraying its supporters by trying to hide this story. NARTH should have just let Rekers crash and burn on his own like the Family Research Council did, instead the only thing NARTH may successfully bury may be its own reputation.

Don't blame me. I don't make this up, but I do make sure that the news is spread.