View Full Version : Murphy's Law Days

May 4, 2010, 5:24 PM
Anyone ever have a day like this: No matter what will go wrong Does? Its one of those days when ya just should have stayed in bed, pulled the covers up over your head and slept the whole friggin day away?

1. Try having the electricity go out while you're stuck in an elevator with a panicy, clostrophobic, disabled student who has to pee like a mother fucker and who wets herself 2 seconds before the power comes back on. And this is after she has a panic attack and is screaming at the top of her lungs to be let out of the elevator because she's ConVinced that its closing in and we'll both be squished to death.

2. Try taking your student in his wheelchair from one building to another and you're late for a lecture. It begins to down pour, and one wheel on said wheelchair decides to seize up and not move ANYwhere....I cant move the damn chair, and the student is too big for me to pick up and carry, and it is now hailing and pouring at the same time. I had to get one of the big Security guards to come pick up the student, who nearly drops him when he slipped on the hail and threw his back out....

3. We get to class and find out we have a Sub Teacher who has no idea of the lesson plans for that day, has no book for the lesson, and who sent off the student aides because he thought he "Could handle things just fine" and didnt realize that the class consisted of disabled students. I am the only scribe and mobility aide in the damn room, and there are 12 students who have no, or limited use of their hands. So he panics and decides to pop in a movie for the 2 hour class and have the students do a paper on the movie. What he popped in was an Amateur porn movie that someone had left in the machine when they borrowed it last. Sooo, class was cancelled and we had the chore of getting 12 students Back to the cafeiteria because Their aides werent to come get them for 2 hours. Back out in the rain and hail we went.

4. Now here's the clincher: I get 'my' charges on thier buses, to their parents cars, in their "going home vans" and finally board my bus for the trek home, and I cannot wait. All I want are some dry clothes, a hot shower, some food and Maybe a good stiff drink...lol

All is going well, we're heading home and hit a slight traffic jam inside the tunnel half-way home. Its ok,,its dark, noisy, ect. But I close my eyes to relax a minute. All of a sudden theres a loud BAM!!! sounding like a Howitser going off and the bus lurches to one side as the driver slams on the brakes, throwing people off their seats and sending panic all thru the friggin bus.. There's screaming, people jumping up in confusion, and there is chaos all over the fukn place. Turns out we blew a tire, and the bus swerved into the tunnel wall going 20 miles an hour. No one was hurt, but the bus's door was jammed up against the wall and couldnt be opened. All I can do is think "Lord, take me now. Just take me now"

So here it is 2 hours later, I am home, showered and still wet haired. But I have my bathrobe on, a towel around all this hair and have that stiff drink in front of me. I have Pizza coming, and intend to do nothing the rest of the damn night, but pray that tomorrow is a better day. Hope the lil fucker doesnt hafta go thru the tunnel to get here.......sigh
Cat, hermiting out

May 4, 2010, 5:31 PM
Awwww poor Cat, sounds like a bad day all around. Cheer up tomorrow HAS to be better :)

May 4, 2010, 5:39 PM
Those kinds of days always seem to pile up the bad news don't they? It's like the first disaster sets the next one in motion, ad infinitum until you can sleep and hit the reset button on the destiny clock...
Don't worry, it's rare to have two of those days in a row, and if tomorrow sucks too, you can always have a good laugh at the absurdity of it all. :tong:

May 4, 2010, 6:16 PM
lol On a small foot note. My oldest son sent me a wonderful early Mother's Day present that made up for all the Ca-ca that has happened. He sent me some personalized M&M's with little sayings on them, and they have teeny tiny pictures of my family on them! *Sniff* That makes it all better now. :}
Somewhat better Cat.:)

May 4, 2010, 6:28 PM
Yes Cat - I too have had those kind of days as well. Very very frustrating they are to say the least. :)

But Murphy, and his family have been around for centuries. I heard tell that the family wasn't spawning as it should and is now issuing franchises to the Fuck-Up Fairies. :eek: Yep, the Fuck-Up Fairies. :rolleyes:

They lit upon me just the other day. I was driving home from a job in Dallas when Mom called . . . . .
We had taken her car in to the dealership to have some warranty work done. While there, the service adviser said they had a oil change & tire rotation special on for $29.95. That was a bargain.
. . . . . Anyway, Mom said that it cost her almost $75 to get the car out of the shop.
(1)That sort of pissed me off! A car dealership taking advantage of an old lady who's hard of hearing. So I called the dealership up. I very sternly but politely chewed their ass. The service mgr would call me the next day to correct the situation. I did all of this while on the side of the motorway.
So I resumed my journey down the freeway when all of a sudden, an old white haired woman (no it was not my Mom) entered the freeway without looking that the lane she was about to enter and did, was already occupied (by me!) :yikes2: (2) . Good thing the center lane was vacant or a crash would have ensued.
First Mom's call and now this! Sheeeesh!! I'm a little more tiffed now. :shades:
I go less than a half mile down the freeway (still in the center lane) when this young man in a green Mitsubishi (in the left lane) decides to move right (3)and had I not applied my brakes rather sternly, there could have been another crash. :yikes2:
At this point I am no longer a little pissed.:banghead:
I am rather annoyed at the dumb-asses that are allowed to have a divers license now days . So I get past this shit-head and motor on.
As I am about to merge from one freeway to another, I look in my sideview mirror at an open place to merge. There is a blue van coming up but I should have enough clearance to make the transition smoothly. So, I give my signal to move left, check my blind spot an start to move over.
Here comes that blue van honking his horn and had I not veered back to the right, he would have hit me. He intentionally sped up to keep me from getting in "his lane". The bastard cut me off! THAT WAS #4!!!!
So when traffic allowed I moved into the lane to my left, saw it was clear to move to the center lane and the blue van did the same.
I thought to myself "Oh no asshole! I'm gonna get the left lane before you do!" And I did too!
As I pulled up next to the blue van, and I was livid at this point, I shot him the #1 fan sign and yelled out "FUCK YOU!"
He casually replied to me by holding a Badge in his window.
Was he a cop? a security guard? a fireman? who knows? and I didn't care!
What did I do? Shirk back into my seat and lower my head? Hell No!
I shot him the bird again and yelled out, you guessed it, FUCK YOU!!!.

Now, 98-99% of the time these asshole drivers would merely cause me to shake my head, call them a dumb-ass and go on my merry way :wiggle2: . But today was different. And why you might ask? :confused:
Because the FUCK-UP FAIRIES were riding with me. I think they were hiding in the rear of my car.

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it. I was influenced by the "F-U-F".

So, to make sure the Fuck-Up Fairies aren't riding with you, check your car thoroughly before driving in traffic! :bigrin:

Doggie :doggie:

May 4, 2010, 7:31 PM
Sorry you had a sucky day Cat, *hugs & snuggles * It has to Get Better

Doggie I' sorry they let the FUF in the car with you, someone should keep them locked up somewhere far far away.

On a positive note today is Star Wars day & May the 4th be with you!


May 4, 2010, 7:37 PM
Marie....I am just groaning and laughing at the same time.

Doggie...you need to go sit with Cat and eat some Pizza and M and M's and just relax with a nice big glass of your favorite alcohol. Hugs ya both it's gotta be better soon.

May 4, 2010, 8:20 PM
OMG...Doggie and Marie..My ribs hurt now! Thank you So much for that!
Cat, wiping tears of laughter out of my eyes..:bigrin:

May 4, 2010, 11:36 PM
I hope the pizza and the drink helped sort it all out!!

Hope ya get a good night's rest and tomorrow is a much better day!

May 5, 2010, 1:27 AM
Thank you Darlin. I'm sure it'll be fine. :} If its not..I'm comin home early! lol