View Full Version : Who Are You?

May 2, 2010, 10:48 AM
My friend said to me, who are you man? what are you all about, I said to her, "The best way for me to describe it is like this:
I'm an anarchist reactionary running dog revisionist,
Hindu muslim catholic creation/evolutionist,
Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist,
Minimal expressionist post-modern neo-symbolist,

armchair rocket scientist graffiti existentialist,
deconstruction primitive performance photo-realist,
be-bop or a one-drop or a hip-hop lite-pop-metalist,
gold adult contemporary urban country capitalist.

Thinking I was impressing her and had covered all the bases with my deep, or not so deep character evaluation, she looked at me and said "Is that all?"

You bet your life!
Just some Sunday Morning Humour to start you day! Let us know who You are!

May 2, 2010, 10:56 AM
ROFL, but did you say it all in one breath?

May 2, 2010, 11:14 AM
:rotate::cutelaugh:shades: Very Nice!

May 2, 2010, 11:27 AM
Good lord Baby..I dont know what all you been drinkin, but I want some! lol
Good stuff Sugar.
Just Cat, everybodys feline..:cool::bigrin:;)

May 2, 2010, 12:13 PM
^ I want some too! *lol*

I avoid describing myself, and actually if someone asks me to usually I'll lead them down an opposite path for fun. However, a long time friend once introduced me to someone as a "friendly bitch obsessed with health" :.) I liked it. Been using that since to keep it simple.

May 2, 2010, 12:50 PM
:male: : I would have to say I'm a lazy, motivated, Dish washing slob, With OCD tendencies. Who loves being the most sarcastic son of a bitch you'll ever have to pleasure of meeting, yet is also a very kind and gentle person, who will go out of his way to help if need be.

I'm a photographer, a writer, a cashier, a technician, a reader, a giant a gamer, a dork, a nerd, a geek, a dweeb, and that hot bad boy you had in your math class your senior year of high school that no messed with, no one knew and all the freshmen girls were in love with.

I love Life and stress every moment of it.

I'm tall, skinny, short and fat, depending on what angle you see me. I can be so scary looking you wouldn't even know that I could never hurt a fly. :bigrin:

I'm also very talkative.

May 2, 2010, 1:11 PM
"This is , he's the guy back in the woods we let be 'less we got trouble."

"Oh him? He's Nobody, Nobody, say hello to the folk." "Hello, folk."

I've always the been the one in the back holding it all together, pitched right in with the green machine. I'm not really anybody in particular, another human just like most. Tend to think of being something akin to glue or honey, or even water.

May 2, 2010, 11:05 PM
I am friend, I am lover. I am tattletale and Mother Confessor.
I am nature's wild-child, and am City savvie. I am the best of two blended cultures, yet I belong to neither.

I am laid back and smooth, and I am pure mischief on the paw. I am beauty queen not. I am strong, yet feminine. I am independant and dependant on none.
I am at once quiet, but fiercely determined if backed into a corner.
I am tender, I am savagely lustful.The twinkle in my playful eye can go from giggles to deadly seriousness in 0 to 60 heartbeats.

I am passion in a myriad of forms, I am a calm summer night, and at once a raging torrent of sensuality and pleasure. A maelstrom of love and lust.
I am scholar, I am student of life. I am a contridiction to what people perceive, I am not what most expect.
I am me, your Cat...everybody's Cat;)

May 2, 2010, 11:11 PM
Pretty much this song covers most of it.....

Im a Bitch (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuP8VBroyyg)

May 3, 2010, 1:08 AM
Pretty much this song covers most of it.....

Im a Bitch (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuP8VBroyyg)

Haven't heard that one in a while!

May 3, 2010, 2:50 AM
Hot tempered, sometimes crabbit bitch who likes to be loved and be the centre of attention.. unpleasant selfish streak..spoilt brat... vain.. likes her own way.. doesnt suffer fools at all well.. but cares and wears her heart on her sleeve..

May 3, 2010, 3:25 AM
I'm beautiful, artistic, talented and spiritual.
I'm a friend who can keep a confidence.
I'm a mother, who loves her children.
I'm strong and a survivor and I'm also incredibly fragile.
I'm a loner and I also need to have company.
I'm someone who makes a promise and never breaks a vow.
I'm forgiving, but expect to have that forgiveness given, to someone who cares enough, to want it.
I'm honest and truthful and the only lie I'll tell, is a white one, to protect or stop a surprise from being spoiled.
I don't lie and don't expect to be lied to, in return. Honesty should be met with honesty.
I am angry and I probably always will be, but I regret getting too angry, for the person wasn't worth it.
I love....my beliefs, my principles, my fellow humans, my children and one person in particular.
I'm in love and always will be, but I now know that it was doomed from the beginning, so I must be strong and gather that strength, to take me forward in life.
I'm scared.
I want to be divorced from someone I probably never loved and I've never led an independent life.
I'm scared.
I want to be alone........but then I realise....I've always been alone.
And I wish things could have been different, but they never were to be so.
I'm glad I found this site, even though I was angry at first. I'm glad I found some good people, who listened and talked.
I love my granddaughter, even though no one knows it. I'm pleased she looks like me, as do all my children.
And last, but not least, I love my guinea pigs, all of them, dead or alive. I love the two. I now have, Beatrice Beauregarde and Lily-Marlene Loveinamist.
I love me, because me is a good person and me feels so alone, because I miss someone so much.

May 3, 2010, 12:15 PM

I'm smart, too smart for my own good sometimes. I over-think everything, I'm a little self-righteous and I have a tendency to eat my foot. I'm slow to trust completely, though I'm kind of idealistic and want to believe that people are mostly decent human beings. I have high standards of morality, though not the kind of morals everyone else might have. I'm hard on the outside. I do what i need to do to survive and get by; if that means stepping on someone to get my way, so be it.

I'm tenacious, faintly obsessive, and highly inquisitive. i like meaningful order but I hate bullshit red tape.

I'm loving, loyal to a fault, and soft and sweet underneath the hard shell of cynicism I've built around myself. I love life but I hate people a lot because they disappoint me. See: Those high standards of mine.

May 4, 2010, 7:35 PM
Strong willed
politically aware
history (esp military) buff
Reasonable Mum
terrible homemaker
uber passionate at times
non-telly watching

gal!!!! :female::female:

May 4, 2010, 11:14 PM
I'm just me.

I march to the beat of my own sousaphone.

I help and I'm helpless sometimes
I dream big but I can't always make dreams a reality
I keep moving forward even if sometimes circumstances push me backwards
I'm not always the nice, sweet person you see here. Sometimes I'm a cold-hearted bitch from Hell...on wheels even.
My main coping mechanism is avoidance when things get really, really bad. I've been known to actually run away a few times before I pulled myself up by my boot straps and dealt with the situation.
I've been through an extreme health situation caused by complications from a bad boob job (http://boobcast.net) and come out stronger for it. While I was in the midst of it, I was very, very weak and nearly killed myself.
I don't handle stress well in the moment but give me a little time and I'll whip the hell outta whatever it is in my way.
I like to think that I'm not "normal" because normal is boring. That's not really true. I'm as normal as the next pink-haired, happily married, bisexual Mom of two adult sons.
I'm a skeptic, atheist, writer/blogger (http://fledgelingskeptic.com), curious knowledge seeker,.
I occasionally have problems admitting my mistakes especially when it cost us money. I wanted a college degree but finally realized that I just don't have the discipline or desire to stick with one thing that long.
I'm mildly OCD, which keeps life interesting and spontaneous.
At the age of 43, there is so much more but I won't bore you all with it.
I'm just me.

May 9, 2010, 7:47 PM
Like HerbWoman39, I am me:

dirty minded, goofy, strong willed, independent, defiant, loving, sappy, out of this world, sentimental... I can cry at a commercial, kinky, love to laugh, sneaky... I blanked on myself! I can't think of anything else.

May 10, 2010, 4:36 PM
I've told people that I was a Child of the World...That always gets some odd looks, but either you accept me for who I am, or its just going to be your loss:bigrin:

May 10, 2010, 7:26 PM
... a woman of few words.

May 10, 2010, 9:33 PM
I'm............................................... ............................................me!

May 10, 2010, 11:12 PM
I - - - am - - - DOGGIE

May 11, 2010, 7:01 AM
I am what I am, which is often a bundle of contradictions:

Like Herbwoman, I dream big, yet can't always make my dreams a reality (I've been pursuing my career as an independent filmmaker for 20 years with little success due to lack of resources).
I'm extremely stubborn (see above), yet often don't stand up for myself.
I'm a skeptic and an atheist, yet I believe in the paranormal.
I can be a bundle of stress over nothing, yet I'm calm in emergencies.
I'm the nicest guy you'll ever meet, unless you piss me off, in which case, start running... :devil:
I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, yet I have trust issues thanks to people in the past who have taken advantage of my good nature.
I'm wildly creative (and creatively wild), yet I have trouble communicating my ideas to others, so no one knows (and more importantly, no one with money is using that money to finance my projects!).
I now consider myself bi, not gay, yet women don't really turn me on - it's confusing because I'm interested in sex with women, but not attracted to them physically the way I'm attracted to men.

As I said, a bundle of contradictions - and those are just the ones off the top of my head...

May 12, 2010, 9:09 AM
I´m a child of the 1980s raised into the 1990s...
I behaved as an old man when I was a kid,behaved like an adult when I was a teenager, currently behave as a teenager now that I am an adult, and hopefully will behave as a kid when I am an old man.
I am a man raised among women.
I like to be strange. I love to be weird. I fancy the look on the face of people when I do something they don´t have any idea is about.
Opinions about me differ. Some people say I am a nice,good-looking,gentle,educated,polite and intelligent boy. Others say that I am a lazy,parasitic bastard,sociopathic, and that I have never worked and never will work any day of my life. Yet people tend to laugh at the first personality behind his back and seem to feel a strange but wholesome attraction by the second personality.
I am a hat collector, and must admit I have a fetish with Venetian Masks.
I am a dreamer.
I have kissed my fair share of several boys and girls, and every kiss I remember fills me up with passion,even if it lasted for a few moments on a random, short Carnival night.
I am a poet and a writer...although a very lame one.
I am not the first known bicurious in my family...and I feel both glad and threatened by that remark.
I went to a psychologist once, afflicted from clinical depression.
I am agnostic,Im just waiting to die to see if there is anything(anyone) after Death.
I am the favorite uncle of several nephews and nieces,that are the closest thing that I have got to children of my own.
I fell in love with a woman,I lost her.Another woman fell in love with me,but we lost both each other.I fell in love with a woman,and I lost her again...and then I loved a woman more than I will ever know...and she just turned away. See a pattern here?

May 12, 2010, 11:28 AM
To quote Eminem "I am whatever you say I am. If I wasn't then why would I say I am."
No matter how I show my good nature to people and go extremely out of my way to help others. There are still some out there that think I am a pure asshole. But you know what let them think as they wish because if they are Bible beaters then you know what, they are going to burn in Hell for judging me. That is why I like the quote I listed.