View Full Version : every one has one

May 2, 2010, 12:41 AM
There are things in life that we want to say to someone, but we keep them in so that feelings, relationships, families dont get hurt. What if you could say one thing to someone and not have to worry with anything happening? What would it be? Who would it be too?

My one thing would be for me to tell someone would be for me to tell my husband that the girl that he is sleeping with now really can't have kids. I know that he really wants to and she can't. I once told him that i didnt' htink that i wanted anymore kids and he told me that he would leave me if i didn't have anymore kids. Because he is the last one in his name. if he doesn't have another kids his name dies with him. I want to be the one to tell him but you know what he will know soon enough.

May 2, 2010, 12:57 PM
I would tell my first ex I knew he had a girlfriend when I was five months pregnant with our second son. He told me about her on his birthday, six weeks after delivery. Slow poke.

I would tell my second ex that wife number five is also going to leave him if he doesn't give up the special friends on the side *lol*

I would tell third ex to lighten up and enjoy life more. Did do that a number of times, but apparently I didn't convey it well.

May 2, 2010, 1:23 PM
yea they never really learn but you know what one of these days they are going to come across a person that is going to let them have it. It just takes some time just wait for it. thanks for the reply

May 2, 2010, 1:52 PM
I would tell my parents that a child doesn't forget sexual abuse happens when they grow up and therefor its bullshi that they never talked to me, that perpetrators don't necessarily stop, because they were found out and went to "therapy", and to not get all the victims help because we were young and it won't affect us later in life is a joke. Hmmm... two drug addicts, one drunk, and one who is physically ill everytime she looks in a mirror... great job!

May 2, 2010, 8:38 PM
wow, did I just say all of that :yikes2:

May 3, 2010, 8:23 AM
yes..yes, you did say all of that. and don't you feel better having let it out?
most all of us have baggage...and skeletons....and thoughts that we keep locked up. exhale and relax. your words fell softly in a safe place.


May 3, 2010, 9:30 AM
thank you so much for sharing that with us julbug. Byhisside is right your words are safe with us. If you need to vent please feel free this site has wonderful listeners and alot of people with wonderful advice. I hope taht you got some peace in venting and if you ever need to just vent feel free to send me or anyone on this site a email i'm sure that they will be more then happen to help. thanks again to everyone that responded to my post.

May 3, 2010, 9:42 AM
Not to be a total downer...but this is a public forum and unless the individuals account is registered with an unknown email address that no one could pop into google...nothing that anyone does here is actually private or safe...your best bets at having some privacy and safety in things you say is through sending people messages privately here...just felt that I should throw this out there...

May 3, 2010, 6:35 PM
not to worried about the privacy thing for me. Thats what they deserve if they google me :tong: I've come to terms with my issues through way to many yrs of therapy, thats just the one thing I never shared with my parents as I would hate to make them feel even worse than they do. Every therapists says I should tell them because I'm doing it for myself and not them. I cant be that selfish that I would destroy my parents. besides they can barely figure out their email, let alone know what a search engine is. Thanks though for the concern

May 3, 2010, 7:06 PM
Point taken, Rissa.
When I wrote her worde fell softly in a safe place I meant that she offended no one and no one would judge her for how she feels.
And thanks, Rissa, for throwing it out there.

May 4, 2010, 7:27 PM
I would tell my (soon-to-be-ex) husband's partner that she has one of the most wonderful, gentle yet strong men in the world.
Don't let him go.

Our time has passed, and its your turn now. Love him and he will love you so deeply you will treasure him forever.

(Oh and it may help if you're not bisexual ... :))

May 4, 2010, 8:46 PM
I guess for me, I would tell my best friend from junior high that alll the lies you told people about me when you moved away, were, I know a pathetic attempt to keep those friends yours. I harbor no ill will towards you for turning all of them against me. Just know, I almost didn't live through high scchool because of it. But I did, and I am now the stronger of us for it. In fact, those friends you turned against me, I have reconnected with and found that they regret doing that to me. Sorry for the tangent.

May 4, 2010, 10:33 PM
Some days I wish I had the balls to tell my mother that just because she's a frigid, shallow bitch doesn't mean her daughter's going to end up the same.

...And there's nothing wrong with being passionate even though that intensity makes me a little loopy. I don't need help. I just need a little release from the pressure. This past year has been very close to a complete hell. I'm almost there. Cut me some goddamn slack. I finished school and got a job. Doesn't that count for anything? Clearly not as much as I thought.

May 5, 2010, 1:34 AM
Thank ya'll so much for posting something on this. And i understand where you all are coming from. I have loved someone so much that i have had to let them go and hope that the person that they are with does him better then what i did. I was just in a part of my life that wasnt good. And now il'm regretting not being there for him like i should have been. Then there is my x mother she is something else comes to a place and lies but you know what no matter what you are going to have to answer for that not to me you kno wwhat but you will have to answer for it. I dont care what she may think but it will happen. I dont really care now because i'm just not wanting anything to do with him or his family at all. because i have a family that is so much better and are there for me now. They didn't like me and didn't want to be there for me because of things that he did to me and i will not go into detail what they where but he had no business acting like that. But you know what he will one day have to answer for that too. but we all have things and problems in are lives but it will be okay we all will walk with are heads high because it doesnt matter if i'm this or if i'm that. It only matter what i think and what i do nothing else. that is the one point that everyone must look at. It's not what can i do to make you happen it's what can i do to make me happy.