View Full Version : Tender Triad

Apr 28, 2010, 7:30 AM
Threesome sex is tender bliss
When I receive orgasmic kisses
From Bess and Beth upon our bed.
My lovely ladies give me head
And suck upon each other's breasts
On a Saturday!

I penetrate vaginal heat
That glows with loving wet and sweet,
While Bess adores my tender bum
And sacred merging erupts with come
Deep inside sweet Beth.

Apr 28, 2010, 8:48 AM
This sounds like it was written a long time ago, lol.

Apr 28, 2010, 10:35 AM
Interesting poem and I'm happy you are happy in your triad life, but monogamy is the way for me and my partner. There is no true way and each much choose their own path. Goddess grant you bright blessings as you three continue on yours.

Apr 28, 2010, 10:37 AM
Interesting poem and I'm happy you are happy in your triad life, but monogamy is the way for me and my partner. There is no true way and each much choose their own path. Goddess grant you bright blessings as you three continue on yours.

Not to start a debate but I wonder if humans were really meant to be monogamous.

Apr 28, 2010, 11:41 AM
Good writing, Hon. Write on. :}

Apr 28, 2010, 12:36 PM
Not to start a debate but I wonder if humans were really meant to be monogamous.

Actually, there is a genetic component against it.

Speaking from a completely genetic/anthropological point of view, it is not until society developed through larger groupings of people that monogamy really developed through the advents of certain religions.

Prior to Christianity in Europe (and many other Pagan cultures), the marriage lasted a year and a day and the vows were "as long as love lasts", renewable at the end of that year and a day (which is where the tradition of the anniversary comes from) as opposed to after Christianity, where it was changed to "til death do you part".

Socially, it was neither encouraged nor discouraged until Christianity.

Genetically we are driven to procreate.
That means, for men, to spread our seed and increase the probability that our genetic line will continue after our death. Admittedly, that is less of a problem now, than it was thousands or hundreds of years ago.
For Women, it means that there is a genetic desire to seek out that male who has the strongest chance of producing a child that can survive. Again, as society and medicine developed, this became less of an issue.

In modern times, between advances in diet and medicine, there may or may not be some effect on the genetic component.
Since we already know that advances in quality of diet and other related factors have actually activated the gene that determines height, some of those advances may have affected our natural and genetically driven need to "spread it around" for survival of the genetic line and the species.

That genetic component is also one reason why men can father children well into their 80's and women have a much shorter period in which to actually become pregnant.

Apr 28, 2010, 1:00 PM
Telling people it's a sin to have more than one partner or a partner of the same sex helps too. I still feel a lot of pull and conflict over it because I used to be Christian.

Apr 28, 2010, 1:01 PM
For crying out loud must every thread turn into a debate on the evils of Christianity??? This is not about anything like that and it's not to debate whether we can be monogamous, since there is another thread asking if bi men exist and answered positively by a few guys on here it's clearly just a matter of choice. Not a forced choice, a loving choice.

I simply wished the OP well in his relationship, stated that there is a path for everyone to walk and that my partner and I follow the monogamy one. There was no room to open a debate about anything instead of just talking about the poem and what it expresses about the happiness of their relationship.

Sighs another thread turned into religion bashing 101. I'm done posting in this one, Hathor I am sorry that your thread got jacked. Please continue to post more of your insights and welcome to the site.

Apr 28, 2010, 1:14 PM
Threesome sex is tender bliss
When I receive orgasmic kisses
From Bess and Beth upon our bed.
My lovely ladies give me head
And suck upon each other's breasts
On a Saturday!

I penetrate vaginal heat
That glows with loving wet and sweet,
While Bess adores my tender bum
And sacred merging erupts with come
Deep inside sweet Beth.

Very nice writing honey!

Apr 28, 2010, 9:32 PM
Very good poem. Me likes. Me also likes threesome sex as I find it so incredible, as long as all three feel the love. Monogamy is not for everyone, so if it works for you, great, but just remember everyone, do not throw stones!!!

Apr 28, 2010, 10:32 PM
Nice poem but I think that you need to pay more attention to punctuation at the end of the lines to get more rhythm going. The vagina was given really good imagery.

Apr 28, 2010, 10:57 PM
Telling people it's a sin to have more than one partner or a partner of the same sex helps too. I still feel a lot of pull and conflict over it because I used to be Christian.

I'll let you in on a little secret.......most Pagans started life as Christian. Some of us use the term "recovering Christian" when referring to ourselves.

But that one Christian influence has been pretty devastating. It has, unknowing or not, created an environment where lying and cheating is very common; particularly the lying part.

And let us not forget the whole "women as property" thing that has only begun to change in the last century.

There are so many variables, that there is no way to cover them all in a thread like this.

Apr 28, 2010, 11:16 PM
For crying out loud must every thread turn into a debate on the evils of Christianity???

Where Christianity is an influence, yes.
But Christianity is not the only religion that does that. It sounds as if you are taking this issue as an attack on that particular faith, just because of the negative influences it has had on human freedoms and particularly on human sexuality. If you don't like Christianity being bashed then do something about Christianity's leadership for the past 1800 years to today.

This is not about anything like that and it's not to debate whether we can be monogamous,....

Actually, it became that, as well as why we are or are not; what factors are involved. All of the factors. You should be used to how these discussions ebb and flow by now.

If every issue were as black and white as only a single factor, then there would be no discussion at all, really. That would be pretty boring.

since there is another thread asking if bi men exist and answered positively by a few guys on here it's clearly just a matter of choice. Not a forced choice, a loving choice.

True, but that was on bisexuality and whether it existed. A completely different issue, which has no real bearing or significant impact on the issue of monogamy.

I simply wished the OP well in his relationship, stated that there is a path for everyone to walk and that my partner and I follow the monogamy one. There was no room to open a debate about anything instead of just talking about the poem and what it expresses about the happiness of their relationship.

And there is nothing wrong with doing so, but you completely ignored the issue, which I and others have been discussing, thus staying on topic; i.e. are we monogamous or not for reason of nature or society.

Sighs another thread turned into religion bashing 101. I'm done posting in this one, Hathor I am sorry that your thread got jacked. Please continue to post more of your insights and welcome to the site.

It isn't bashing when it is true.

Christianity has had a huge influence on western society, largely negative, from the Crusades, Witch trials, thirty years war, persecutions of Protestant Christians by Catholics, persecution of Catholics by Protestants, for slavery, opposition to inter-racial marriage and the Trail of Tears, just as Islam has had a huge influence over Middle Eastern culture through many of the same actions. Or have we forgotten that Islam currently has sectarian violence just like Christianity had.

Ignoring religious history and it's influence on the development of society is as bad as saying that the past never existed.

I have a hard time understanding why us Pagans have a better grasp of Christianity, it's doctrine and history than Christians do.

Apr 29, 2010, 9:07 AM
This is painful...so very painful...:(

Apr 29, 2010, 9:08 AM
This is painful...so very painful...:(


Apr 29, 2010, 9:10 AM
FalconAngel, I'm glad we agree about something, lol.

Apr 29, 2010, 9:16 AM
Because not EVERY thread on here has to be something debatable, yet it always turns into that.

Debate is great...but people need to learn when to pick their battles.

Apr 29, 2010, 9:18 AM
Well, I did say I wasn't trying to start a debate, but I guess I did by mistake.
