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Apr 27, 2010, 9:50 AM

Six Arrested at White House in DADT Protest
By Julie Bolcer

Six U.S. military veterans chained themselves to the White House fence Tuesday afternoon in order to protest the "don't ask, don't tell" policy. Participants, who were removed from the fence and arrested around 1 p.m., included Lt. Dan Choi (pictured) and Capt. Jim Pietrangelo, who were arrested in a similar action last month.

The Advocate's Washington correspondent Kerry Eleveld tweeted from the scene around noon Tuesday:

"6 vets just handcuffed themselves to the WH gates again protesting."

By 1 p.m., according to Eleveld, all the activists had been removed from the fence and placed in a police vehicle about to leave the scene.

According to Autumn Sandeen, She was treated horridly.


When we arrived at the DC Superior Courthouse, Officer Carr of the Park Police also represented you poorly. Specifically, when he was identifying the make-up of the prisoners to the corrections officer who was going to be processing us, he identified the six of us in the following manner (emphasis added):

There are two women, and three men -- Well, really four men, and one of them is an impersonator.

My peer female protesters -- Cadet Mara Boyd, and Cpl. Evelyn Thomas -- were in a holding cell behind the U.S. Marshal's station. They heard that same U.S. Marshal in the fuchsia blouse state the following to one of her peer officers (emphasis added):

"Did you see it? The nerve of it to be wearing a Navy uniform. Did you see the shim in the Navy Uniform?"

Calling transgender people "it" is clearly a way of dehumanizing transgender people. "Shim" -- a term relative to "she-male" -- is also a dehumanizing term to identify transgender people. President Obama, your U.S. Marshal calling me "it" and "the shim" is the equivalent to calling an African-American by the n-word, or calling a Gay-American by the antigay f-word, it is absolutely unacceptable.

I believe the behavior of your U.S. Marshal's sent the message to the prisoners that your representatives wouldn't protect me if these prisoners had sought to physically harm me -- because I was a less than human, a "shim." At no time did any officer correct or dissuade any of the other officers from such offensive behaviors. In fact, they seemed to feel comfortable in doing so around each other, even in front of other prisoners.

President Obama, you should be able to identify the U.S. Marshal who raised her fist and yelled "Go Navy" several times, and called me "it" and "shim" because there is a fixed camera facing the U.S. Marshal Station. I've asked Jeff Lynch of the DC Trans Coalition to help me file a Freedom Of Information Act request for that segment of video -- because I too would like to see the video, and I'm sure too that many others would like to see it as well...

Now I have no problem with transgender folks being arrested, if they are doing something that requires it. However we all have the right to be treated as humans when we are arrested. This type of treatment, is absolutely wrong.

It should be noted that at no time did Autumn intentionally mislead these federal marshals.

In addition as a military veteran, I would like to say "thank you " to these vets for standing up. Especially thank you to Autumn.

Long Duck Dong
Apr 27, 2010, 10:13 AM
all respect I had for them went out the window when they committed a criminal act while in uniform....

the service men and women has enuf issues to deal with, without people dishonoring the uniform and the services by committing a criminal act in uniform

sure, protest, make a stance, let your voice been heard.... but not by giving the anti war protestors and anti service activists another reason to make more of a mockery of the services... they have enuf shit to deal with in iraq and other places without service personnel, making more trouble.....

Apr 27, 2010, 10:24 AM
This act was done on behalf of their fellow servicemen & women. Done for the right reasons, protest is our responsibility. To stand up and right a wrong is our job, as rational human beings.

I know tht you arent for civil disobedience, LDD, in any form. However this was done peacefully, as peacefully as any protest could be done.

Long Duck Dong
Apr 27, 2010, 10:41 AM
peacefully yeah.... and for a honorable cause, yeah...... but performing a criminal act to garner attention ??? and in uniform ????

would it have not been better to arrange more people and have a peaceful and LEGAL protest ?????

now the attention is not on their cause, but what happened with the us marshalls..... and thats gonna take the focus off 6 people with a stance on DADT and put it on one person with a issue with the us marshalls...

yeah..... really intelligent move, people..... well bloody done......

Apr 27, 2010, 10:49 AM
To quote Autumn Sandeen quoting Pres. Obama:

Sir, I engaged in civil obedience to pressure you because you told us we should.

Specifically, you stated the following to an lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) audience on October 12, 2009:

Now, I've said this before, I'll repeat it again -- it's not for me to tell you to be patient, any more than it was for others to counsel patience to African Americans petitioning for equal rights half a century ago...
If we are honest with ourselves we'll admit that there are too many who do not yet know in their lives or feel in their hearts the urgency of this struggle.

...And that's why it's so important that you continue to speak out, that you continue to set an example, that you continue to pressure leaders -- including me -- and to make the case all across America.

So, five other veterans and I spoke to you with our actions.

Apr 27, 2010, 12:29 PM
Well, unfortunately there goes their military career. Protesting in uniform wasnt the best move that they could do for themselves. I understand why they did, but it wasnt the best thing that they could have done for ThemSelves. And yes, all of the attention to what they were protesting for, has been over shadowed by what the Marshals did to them. At least they werent beaten, or hurt in any way in the name of "Ooops..accident"

I applaud their cause and why they did it..I just dont applaude that they did it in their uniforms. They will be asked to leave the service before long. No matter how subtle, it'll happen...:(

Apr 27, 2010, 12:43 PM
Actually Cat, 5/ 6 of them are veterans. So they are already out of the service.

The only active duty member was Lt Dan Choi.

Apr 27, 2010, 5:11 PM
Oh! Then that shines a whole different light on the matter. What they do in their civilian lives is a different thing, but I still maintain that whoever did it, they shouldnt have done it in a uniform. Lt Choi will probably be the one hit hardest by this in the long run. I wish him and the others well..:}

Apr 27, 2010, 6:24 PM
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

There's nothing illegal about their protest.

Apr 27, 2010, 6:51 PM
How horrible. :(