View Full Version : I'm in love with Gerard Butler

Apr 25, 2010, 6:37 PM
So I just watched the movie P.S. I Love You (amazing!)for the first time and I had two startling revelations.

First, and, yes, more unrealistically: I'm in love with Gerard Butler and we're going to get married. And don't you dare point out the numerous flaws in that plan.

Second: While I am not normally sexually attracted to a lot of actresses, I am extremely attracted to many actors. However, conversely, I have a much easier time becoming enamored with women in real life then I do men (there are very specific men that blow my mind, but they are rarer, and sadly mostly straight, than the beautiful women I find).

Go go gadget amateur psychology team--discuss!

Apr 25, 2010, 6:39 PM
Honey stand in line, several claimed him after 300...oh the abs.......

Apr 25, 2010, 6:47 PM
While I am not normally sexually attracted to a lot of actresses, I am extremely attracted to many actors. However, conversely, I have a much easier time becoming enamored with women in real life then I do men (there are very specific men that blow my mind, but they are rarer, and sadly mostly straight, than the beautiful women I find).

One or two ideas:

Is your bisexuality private, or if you will, a fantasy? If so, perhaps actors, who are in the business of being make-believe (fantasy) fit right into your fantasy world (no insult intended).

Or is it because most actors are chosen because of their looks, so there are so many handsome ones as compared to ugly actors, while in real life, a truly handsome man is not so common?

And don't forget, being bisexual means we still find most women hot too.

Apr 25, 2010, 6:59 PM
XD No worse a fantasy than my crush on John Barrowman.

Perhaps you're more attracted to actors than actresses because actors portray a much wider range in what's attractive whereas actresses it seems to be the same thing in different heights and hair colours.

Apr 25, 2010, 9:02 PM
Omega, hon, that's just your preference. Some guys watch movies to see the guys, some girls watch movies to see the girls, some guys and girls watch together to see both guys and girls together. It's just your own thing and totally normal. (No, I'm not referencing porn either y'all)

In your fantasies you can come up with any number of situations that would completely blow your mind and make you very happy if they occurred. It's a bit like watching wrestling and wishing you were the one smacking a chair over Randy Orton's head or watching an airplane movie and becoming the one who is chosen to land the plane cause the pilot oh so conveniently died. Fantasies about everything are normal and merely an exercise in your creativity. They can be as detailed or as minimalistic as you like, as long as they please you, you are fine. So keep dreaming about marrying GB, just tell me if both of you are dressed in Armani Tuxes? :tong:

Apr 25, 2010, 9:25 PM
You are totally invited to the wedding Twyla, and you can bring LDD :tongue:

Apr 25, 2010, 9:28 PM
You are totally invited to the wedding Twyla, and you can bring LDD :tongue:

Woot color us there :)

Apr 25, 2010, 9:40 PM
Excellent! Now that I have some guests all I need is a venue, some food, music, and...there was one more thing...what was it <thinks hard>...oh yeah...Gerard Butler!

Geez...I like fantasy weddings way better than real ones :P

Apr 25, 2010, 9:41 PM
ROFL yeah, and they are so much cheaper :)

Apr 26, 2010, 1:43 AM
Hey Omega? I'm sure Miss Belle and I could set you up with one Hell of a recieption buffet....lol:bigrin:

Apr 26, 2010, 6:02 AM
I'm in love with Gerard Butler and we're going to get married. And don't you dare point out the numerous flaws in that plan.

Betta wotch it..seem 2 recall Taylor has big thing for Gerard Butler.. she mite take dim view a u pokin ya nose in wer she don wannit..;):tong:

C Taylor???? Me dus luffya.. lookin afta ya best interests... :bigrin::tong:

Apr 26, 2010, 9:38 AM
He is God! LOL Fell in love with that hunk when he was on Lara Croft movie!!

Apr 26, 2010, 10:05 AM
I think he's attractive but it's annoying how everyone is in love with him. It feels so cliche. Also, he's too perfect. Since someone mentioned John Barrowman, I also want to mention he's too perfect too. I like to see flaws...

Apr 26, 2010, 12:48 PM
So I just watched the movie P.S. I Love You (amazing!)for the first time and I had two startling revelations.

First, and, yes, more unrealistically: I'm in love with Gerard Butler and we're going to get married. And don't you dare point out the numerous flaws in that plan.

Second: While I am not normally sexually attracted to a lot of actresses, I am extremely attracted to many actors. However, conversely, I have a much easier time becoming enamored with women in real life then I do men (there are very specific men that blow my mind, but they are rarer, and sadly mostly straight, than the beautiful women I find).

Go go gadget amateur psychology team--discuss!

HEY!!! Me first!

Well - -

If you're hot, we can share him. He is rumored to be bisexual, though there's little to buttress this.

Funnily enough, when it comes to fantasies about bisexual men, I tend to fantasize more about non-celebrities, or people I have actually interacted with, whether online, over the phone, or in person. Gerard Butler, Sam Worthington, and Christian Bale are my known exceptions to the rule.

You probably think more about non-attainable men as a manifestation of distancing yourself from your emerging bisexuality. Because my first encounters with male bisexuals were with people I met and interacted with on some level, my fantasy development went backwards, from real men outward. YMMV.


Apr 26, 2010, 1:49 PM
Yep yep, John Barrowman Is a hottie, and so is the Capt on Firefly..I just cant think of his darn name at the moment...lol He also plays on Castle.

Apr 26, 2010, 7:16 PM
HEY!!! Me first!

Well - -

If you're hot, we can share him. He is rumored to be bisexual, though there's little to buttress this.

Funnily enough, when it comes to fantasies about bisexual men, I tend to fantasize more about non-celebrities, or people I have actually interacted with, whether online, over the phone, or in person. Gerard Butler, Sam Worthington, and Christian Bale are my known exceptions to the rule.

You probably think more about non-attainable men as a manifestation of distancing yourself from your emerging bisexuality. Because my first encounters with male bisexuals were with people I met and interacted with on some level, my fantasy development went backwards, from real men outward. YMMV.


Don u worry ya pwetty wickle head Taylor...me warned 'im off...road is clear... gud luk babes!!! Muah!:bigrin: Share 'im..ok... enjoy!!!

Apr 27, 2010, 2:50 AM
OK first of all...quit ruining my fantasy wedding! I need a Fran-esque person to defend my random love-dreams. (tempts Fran to switch sides with lots of chocolate) As Taylor astutely observed, I am a freshly minted bisexual, so I need Gerard to help me through these trying times. <snickers> That being said, Taylor I am willing to talk about sharing ^_^

The captain from Firefly is Nathan Fillion, Ms. Cat. And he is yummy. le sigh. Also, for sci-fi fans, check out mega-hottie and super actor Ben Browder.

I love the offer for your catering prowess Ms. Cat, but I'm a pain to cook for (curses food allergies). Also, I hear Ms. Belle is a whiz with make-overs so she might be better suited making me all perty, if she would be up to the task ^_^ Since this fantasy seems to be persisting quite nicely, in my own head at least, you're all invited! Huzzah! :P

Taylor, you may be absolutely right. It's easier to fantasize about the unobtainable men and put off having the real world experience I'm still slightly terrified about. Thank you for the realization, I'll be working on that.

P.S. Thanks for indulging me!

Apr 27, 2010, 10:33 PM
I think he's attractive but it's annoying how everyone is in love with him. It feels so cliche. Also, he's too perfect. Since someone mentioned John Barrowman, I also want to mention he's too perfect too. I like to see flaws...

I actually don't find Gerard Butler all that attractive, and I think I'm more in love with with John Barrowman's portrayal of Jack Harkness on Torchwood and Dr. Who. In all honesty, I prefer a bit more androgyny in my men or geek-chic.

But seriously...John Barrowman's smile could cure cancer.

Apr 28, 2010, 1:38 AM
OK first of all...quit ruining my fantasy wedding! I need a Fran-esque person to defend my random love-dreams. (tempts Fran to switch sides with lots of chocolate) As Taylor astutely observed, I am a freshly minted bisexual, so I need Gerard to help me through these trying times. <snickers> That being said, Taylor I am willing to talk about sharing ^_^

The captain from Firefly is Nathan Fillion, Ms. Cat. And he is yummy. le sigh. Also, for sci-fi fans, check out mega-hottie and super actor Ben Browder.

I love the offer for your catering prowess Ms. Cat, but I'm a pain to cook for (curses food allergies). Also, I hear Ms. Belle is a whiz with make-overs so she might be better suited making me all perty, if she would be up to the task ^_^ Since this fantasy seems to be persisting quite nicely, in my own head at least, you're all invited! Huzzah! :P

Taylor, you may be absolutely right. It's easier to fantasize about the unobtainable men and put off having the real world experience I'm still slightly terrified about. Thank you for the realization, I'll be working on that.

P.S. Thanks for indulging me!

Hey, acknowledgment of what it is - is the first step to figuring out who you are. And remember . . .



Apr 28, 2010, 5:25 AM
I actually don't find Gerard Butler all that attractive, and I think I'm more in love with with John Barrowman's portrayal of Jack Harkness on Torchwood and Dr. Who. In all honesty, I prefer a bit more androgyny in my men or geek-chic.

But seriously...John Barrowman's smile could cure cancer.

Gerry Butler an John Barrowman.. flower a Scottish manhood.. both a whom help Fran feel less self conscious bout 'er top toothy pegs..:tong: Ta guys...;)

Apr 28, 2010, 3:11 PM
Gerry Butler an John Barrowman.. flower a Scottish manhood.. both a whom help Fran feel less self conscious bout 'er top toothy pegs.. Ta guys...

As they say in Missouri, "Show Me" lol

I always find, in any film I've ever seen him in that I spend an inordinate amount of time looking at his teeth. He must have spent his entire child-hood sucking his thumb.

Another twenty years and he'll look like Ken Dodd.lol That should cool Taylor and Omega's ardour.lol No, I don't have a photo of Ken Dodd to send them, they can try googling him.

By the way, if any of you haven't seen Butler's film, ' The Bounty Hunter' yet, I wouldn't bother, it isn't very good.

Apr 29, 2010, 2:31 AM
<puts TaylorMade on his favorite persons list>

Funny graphics are the way to my <3

Apr 29, 2010, 2:54 AM
Hey, I've been in lust with John Barrowman ever since I first saw Torchwood. Love that cocky little smart assed attitude, and that man's mouth makes me wanna jump up there and do obscene things to it...lol :bigrin:
Damn, now I gotta wipe off the keyboard of drool again...sigh..lol

Apr 29, 2010, 5:22 AM
Hey, I've been in lust with John Barrowman ever since I first saw Torchwood. Love that cocky little smart assed attitude, and that man's mouth makes me wanna jump up there and do obscene things to it...lol :bigrin:
Damn, now I gotta wipe off the keyboard of drool again...sigh..lol

e' is luffly Cat.. wen e' talks wiv a 'merican accent 'e sounds wot 'e is.. a nice funny nutcase.. shud 'ear wen 'e is wiv 'is mum.. back inta the Glasgow... an 'e sounds rite camp.. an even more of a nice funny huge nutcase..

...funny thing bout Barrowman.. wen 'is family emigrated 2 the US e' got badly bullied cosa the way e' spoke wen at school (not always jus non whites who get racist abuse then ova ther.... same thing happens 'ere).. so 'e adopted the accent 'e uses on telly wen not wiv 'is family.. wud normally say nowt gud cums outa bullyin'.. but for John Barrowman it worked... cos me doubts e' wud b the success 2 day if 'e spoke normally in west a Scotland vernacular..

btw..like 'im as an actor.. but 'is singin leaves me cold... but then thats me...