View Full Version : Don't Shoot the Messenger

Apr 25, 2010, 1:27 PM
As a few of you may be aware I am very close to Quintus, who was banned and branded as a troll last year. A few of you may also be aware that at the time when the banhammer came down he was in recovery from hitting rock bottom in his real life. I won't go into details, though I know them all.

Earlier in the week he attempted to mend bridges on this site by posting an apology but was unable to do so (or it was deleted). Though I am probably risking the loss of my account by doing this, I am posting the apology on his behalf.

A word to all tattletales, mods, and admins: Don't shoot the messenger and take a chill pill before considering any rash actions. I am not a sock puppet or troll. You can check my ip address and though I've been occasionally antagonistic on these forums, I have never trolled this site.

Though Quintus was often abrasive in his manner, he was not trying to offend anyone. He wanted to bring something to this site more than adding to the flood of sex-related threads. The fact is, neither of us believe our sexual identity is the whole of who we are. No one is just a bisexual. We care about politics and music; we have favourite TV shows, authors, and movies. We may write, paint, or play a sport. You see what I'm trying to say here? Anyway, sorry this little intro was a bit long-winded and preachy. I guess I'm just trying to get out anything I might want to impart because I fear this may be the last time I'm able to post on this forum.

Hi. This is Tom. I'm one of the old-schoolers from this site.

I am not "beserker" or gayazn or any of the more malicious trolls. I'm a countertroll.

In a psychotic episode I turned to some of the trolls from anus.com for help. They showed more understanding than most of the people here did.

I don't really give a shit if anyone cares. I still care about some of you.

My dx at this point is asperger's, adhd and mood disorder nos.

I work a really shit part time job, and I get a crazy check from the government.

Things got really out of hand for a time. My family is a bunch of Catholic fundamentalists. Things are bad for me, but much worse for my younger brother, also bi.

I don't expect anyone to accept my apology or to show me any empathy. I just felt an explaination was owed. I will now run along to who knows what.



I do this out of love, not malice.

Apr 25, 2010, 5:42 PM
I neither recall the s/n or the post, so I cannot honestly comment further on it.

Apr 25, 2010, 5:55 PM
Ohhhh so THAT is what that post was. None of us were able to see it because when we tried to click on the thread it said that it did not exist.

Apr 25, 2010, 6:14 PM
Yes, the powers that run this forum are quite good at routing out undesirables it seems. :rolleyes: God forbid someone try to clear the slate.

Annika L
Apr 25, 2010, 9:57 PM
As a few of you may be aware I am very close to Quintus, who was banned and branded as a troll last year. A few of you may also be aware that at the time when the banhammer came down he was in recovery from hitting rock bottom in his real life. I won't go into details, though I know them all.

Earlier in the week he attempted to mend bridges on this site by posting an apology but was unable to do so (or it was deleted). Though I am probably risking the loss of my account by doing this, I am posting the apology on his behalf.

A word to all tattletales, mods, and admins: Don't shoot the messenger and take a chill pill before considering any rash actions. I am not a sock puppet or troll. You can check my ip address and though I've been occasionally antagonistic on these forums, I have never trolled this site.

Though Quintus was often abrasive in his manner, he was not trying to offend anyone. He wanted to bring something to this site more than adding to the flood of sex-related threads. The fact is, neither of us believe our sexual identity is the whole of who we are. No one is just a bisexual. We care about politics and music; we have favourite TV shows, authors, and movies. We may write, paint, or play a sport. You see what I'm trying to say here? Anyway, sorry this little intro was a bit long-winded and preachy. I guess I'm just trying to get out anything I might want to impart because I fear this may be the last time I'm able to post on this forum.

I do this out of love, not malice.

Hi Tess! Nice to see you back!

Nobody's shooting at you, hon, and at least some of us appreciate you bringing us Tom's (seemingly innocuous) message.

I would be curious to know exactly what it is that Tom is apologizing for. I know that a while back, and a few times since, someone who seemed/claimed to be him did some inappropriate things, including harrassing members, and claiming to go to other sites and encouraging people to come here and harass us. We certainly have been harrassed (individually and collectively) quite a bit since then.

I don't pretend to know whether that was actually Tom and whether he actually did encourage people to harrass us...and I truly don't care, as long as he's in a good/better place now. But I am curious about exactly what behavior he is apologizing for: specific slights to specific members? recruiting people to harrass the site? a war against Drew to get his profile removed? Again, I don't care what he did, but if he's going to apologize for something, that apology is only meaningful if we know what it's for, and what it's not for.

But, if Tom's (again, seemingly innocuous) apology/explanation/message was removed, then it's not unlikely that any attempted explanation of that message will also be removed. Given what we were led to believe (by posts that it appeared that Tom made, but could have been made by someone pretending to be him), I can understand if Drew is a little short on patience with him.

My impression, though (for whatever it's worth), is that Drew is extremely fair, and I do not believe he would punish or ban you for your post, or for any post I've seen you make.

So calm down, and if you like the people here, settle in...I remember that you seemed fun and interesting until your sudden departure, and it would be nice to get to know you better.

Apr 25, 2010, 10:55 PM
Thanks for that.

Under the aliases of Quintus and Azreal, he stirred up a couple small shitstorms for being overtly opinionated in an indelicate manner. That's the short story. XD

Apr 26, 2010, 5:52 AM
Don go in for bannin peeps.. Trolls, idiots, bigots or ne 1 else.. makes us as bad as them.. cant say me ev took in mucha wot Azrael sed.. wos usually bollox but lotsa peeps talk bollox.. sum peeps say me dus.. so ther ya r.. but 'e did.. a lot.. thing is 2 me own teensy lil mind.. makes us as intolerant as so many a those who h8 us..

Hardly the way 2 go is it? Make us as bad as them.....:(

Apr 26, 2010, 11:27 AM
BP--the only ones who can remove posts like that are the owner/operators of this site and they must have had their reasons for removing the post----if not for the post itself--but for something the person posting it had done that previously.

This site is owned by someone and for the most part--they do have the right to "deny service" to anyone they chose for legit reasons---since they deleted Quintus/Azrael's post---it must have been for prior actions with the prior actions being that he set off a "troll attack" on the site---certainly a legit reason for site operator to delete a post of any sort from someone who did that in the past.

I do thank you for posting what he said up though since I didn't get to see the original post before Drew deleted it. I am glad in this case, his heart and mind were "in the right place."

Apr 26, 2010, 10:14 PM

I think the issue is that he can have an account here but he's not allowed to post, but he tried anyway and it got deleted. C'est la vie, at least I got it out there.

Apr 26, 2010, 10:30 PM

I think the issue is that he can have an account here but he's not allowed to post, but he tried anyway and it got deleted. C'est la vie, at least I got it out there.

That's kind of bullshit, it's been a long time so let him at least post. If he acts destructively, boot his ass. Otherwise leave him alone. Well that's my :2cents:

Apr 26, 2010, 11:24 PM
Meh, could be argued that he lost that right for making multiple accounts while he was on his troll-ish rampage. He wasn't sock puppet-ing, just kept on turning up like a bad penny.

Apr 27, 2010, 6:02 AM
When I posted the infoterror link on What Happened Here? I did it to let some of the more recent posters know that what Tom had actually done on his rampage had turned a lot of people against him including Drew for what would be described as fairly nasty trollish behaviour. Also to show that he was real and the cause of so much twitchyness.

At the end of the day he is a human being and he has recognized his issues. That’s big as he is now aware that he was 'acting out' aggressively against members of the site at the time, who would have probably been more empathic if he had shown a little more, himself.

I bear no malice towards him and if all you're saying is true, then I wish him well. How he conducts himself in future becomes his life choice once again.

Oh and Brutal P good to have you back in town.... :bigrin:

Apr 27, 2010, 7:07 AM
What can I say? Sometimes he gets a little radical.

...Ok, a lot radical.

He's doing a lot better these days.

Apr 27, 2010, 7:29 AM
... Azreal can't be any worse than Pasadenacpl ...

Apr 27, 2010, 9:00 AM
I don't think that you have adhered to the Rule 2.

Apr 27, 2010, 7:15 PM
Haha! too many moderators not enough posters :tong: :bigrin: ;)

Apr 27, 2010, 10:52 PM
Now now, lets play nice, Ya'll. If you have a beef with someone, keep it civil.
I know Tom and his persona's caused more than A Little chaos, and caused many folks to create more animosity amoung each other. I hope he IS doing better and has out-grown his demons. Maybe if he left the persona's by the wayside and adopted a decent mannerism, he may be welcomed again....as long as no more shit is started. But ditch the personas, All of them, and be himself.

Apr 27, 2010, 11:18 PM
Erm. Yes, that's all well and good. All those old handles were banned and now he only has one (ok, two if you count his idea of us having a joint account). He has trouble posting with that one, either being disabled from forum participation or getting posts deleted.

...unless of course when he got deleted last time it was due to that weird purge everyone was going on about over the weekend.

Apr 27, 2010, 11:35 PM
I can tell ya--I really don't know what sort of "trouble" that Tom may have caused on here---Drew must be aware of what it was.

I can also tell ya---the "troll" that I had the big beef with was a person I frist had met who called himself "Bisexualinsocal" way back when I first came here--for a time that guy was ok, but then he had a meltdown of one kind or another!!

He and I first got into it over political type stuff with one of his big things being that "global warming is bunk" and "environmentalism is like a religion" and other things of that sort.

It was one thing that I didn't agree with him or me with him, that is to be expected--its just that he was so fixated and relentless on making his points and he never relented in them and there was never any middle ground at all with him--then he started to create many different personalities that would say the same things--- often using the same exact words---he would inundate the email account I had that was connected to this site with the same exact messages, word for word, under literally dozens of names that he used on here or not---many of those names had some very fracked up ways of being constructed with various patterns emerging along those lines.

He was a coward though----his emails always came from GMail accounts and if I tried to send him a response----those messages were blocked to him!!!

He started sending the same sorts of messages to others on here doing the same thing and he liked to attack people on the board with a few of his favorite things saying people were ugly and fat if they said they were overweight at all, he also got into some racisl stuff too--calling me racist a few times--one of them being when I jokingly talked about people "being on the down low" by not revealing their gay and or bisexual side to others---but I didn't mean that at all in any sort of racial context--I was speaking of people "being on the down low" as a universal type of thing.

He also liked to say that people on here were really not bi but gay and in denial----whatever else came to his fracked up mind.

With his persistence in posting up with certain topics, fixating on certain people and other things---it was pretty obvious to me that he had some sort of mental problems. Another of his patterns was that he might be gone for a month or so--then all of a sudden--the site would get hit with his "drive by" posts as I called them----there would be numerous posts of the same sort by several "new people"--done at the same time periods each day--midnight Pacific time being a prime posting time for him.

This guy was such a bother to me and a few others--that any other "trolls" we had were really no big deal--it was just something with this guy--he did this for almost four years but I think I can reasonably say that---unless he has changed his tactics finally---this guy has not been on the site in quite some time now---since at least late last year!! May he not return to vex us yet again and I hope that his mental issues, the many I think there are--are being successfully dealt with!!

The worst of this stuff happened long before the person I knew as Azrael did his dirty deeds and I am damn sure----he was not "my" troll.

Apr 27, 2010, 11:44 PM
Uh no. Tom is not Bisexualinsocal. lol. Even if I didn't know that anyway, I'd know from the description of the guy's posts. Tom is very much an environmentalist.

Seriously...I understand that this site has troll/obnoxious people problems, and for as unfair as it may seem in this case of a former member gone loopy, getting aggro, but later realizing "Shit, maybe I was over the line, there" I get that the admins feel the need to be vigilant.

Apr 28, 2010, 10:40 AM
:three:Ithingk i remember, but thats is ok we all go through tough times some more than others.:bigrin:

Apr 28, 2010, 11:38 AM
I think this troll had/has a couple of female persona's too there, Voltie. Stay tuned. They'll be back directly.

Apr 30, 2010, 10:20 AM
Now now, lets play nice, Ya'll. If you have a beef with someone, keep it civil.
I know Tom and his persona's caused more than A Little chaos, and caused many folks to create more animosity amoung each other. I hope he IS doing better and has out-grown his demons. Maybe if he left the persona's by the wayside and adopted a decent mannerism, he may be welcomed again....as long as no more shit is started. But ditch the personas, All of them, and be himself.

The only accounts I have are ardhanari and this one I just set up for me and BP.

Bear in mind, a lot of people were impersonating me and trying to make it look like I was the drive by troll all along.

Here's the list of all the names I've had on here:
Quintus the cat

If it wasn't one of those names it wasn't me.

I sent Drew a PM explaining that I'm on my best behavior from here on out. Seriously. This is my home on the web and I miss it. I just went a little crazy and got sick of the place being taken over by furries. *sigh*

But, I suppose I can just ignore them.

And I am in a much better place these days, thanks.
Sorry for being such a dick in the past.


Apr 30, 2010, 10:29 AM
The only accounts I have are ardhanari and this one I just set up for me and BP.

Bear in mind, a lot of people were impersonating me and trying to make it look like I was the drive by troll all along.

Here's the list of all the names I've had on here:
Quintus the cat

If it wasn't one of those names it wasn't me.

I sent Drew a PM explaining that I'm on my best behavior from here on out. Seriously. This is my home on the web and I miss it. I just went a little crazy and got sick of the place being taken over by furries. *sigh*

But, I suppose I can just ignore them.

And I am in a much better place these days, thanks.
Sorry for being such a dick in the past.


Well, welcome back then. Hope Drew gives you a shot instead of tossing you out the next chance he gets. :)

Apr 30, 2010, 10:38 AM
The only accounts I have are ardhanari and this one I just set up for me and BP.

Bear in mind, a lot of people were impersonating me and trying to make it look like I was the drive by troll all along.

Here's the list of all the names I've had on here:
Quintus the cat

If it wasn't one of those names it wasn't me.

I sent Drew a PM explaining that I'm on my best behavior from here on out. Seriously. This is my home on the web and I miss it. I just went a little crazy and got sick of the place being taken over by furries. *sigh*

But, I suppose I can just ignore them.

And I am in a much better place these days, thanks.
Sorry for being such a dick in the past.


Okay I hope that you are on your best behaviour but I really have only seen one person identify themselves as a furry and they haven't taken over. Maybe some shit happened before my time, but to even denounce anyone or any group on this site in an apology shows you might still have a few tiny issues. I hope you can overcome those and come join us at the campfire :)

Apr 30, 2010, 10:40 AM
The only accounts I have are ardhanari and this one I just set up for me and BP.

Bear in mind, a lot of people were impersonating me and trying to make it look like I was the drive by troll all along.

Here's the list of all the names I've had on here:
Quintus the cat

If it wasn't one of those names it wasn't me.

I sent Drew a PM explaining that I'm on my best behavior from here on out. Seriously. This is my home on the web and I miss it. I just went a little crazy and got sick of the place being taken over by furries. *sigh*

But, I suppose I can just ignore them.

And I am in a much better place these days, thanks.
Sorry for being such a dick in the past.


Welcome Back Tom! Missed ya!

Apr 30, 2010, 11:07 AM
Okay I hope that you are on your best behaviour but I really have only seen one person identify themselves as a furry and they haven't taken over. Maybe some shit happened before my time, but to even denounce anyone or any group on this site in an apology shows you might still have a few tiny issues. I hope you can overcome those and come join us at the campfire :)

FMP (fecal minded people) is what I meant to say, not furries. Sorry for the confusion. I know that prolly sounds arrogant of me, but a lot of smart people have left the place due to it becoming a tad dumbed down. I do notice the place perking up, though in that regard.

Apr 30, 2010, 11:13 AM
Okay that makes sense, and sorry but some who majored in bovine scatology are still here but it's okay we just get a shovel and dig for the truth while holding our noses. So welcome back :)