View Full Version : Piercings

Apr 25, 2010, 11:45 AM
What are all of your thoughts on piercings? I realize that more people in my age group might have them than some older people here.

I recently got my nose pierced, and I'm really happy with it. I also plan on getting my tongue done when this is finished healing.

Thoughts on piercings in general?

Apr 25, 2010, 11:55 AM
Personally, I love them! I love tattoos and piercings. I have eight holes in my ears, my tongue, nipples, hood and HAD a monroe TWICE but that didn't work out so well...sigh...

Have quite a few more tattoos and piercings lined up for in the near and not so near future too. Yay.

Apr 25, 2010, 1:51 PM
We've each got several visible (and less visible) ones and we love 'em. They add a bit of aesthetic flair and a bit more tactile sensation for everyone involved.

Granted, some people do get pretty intense with the number of them they may choose to get, but it's neat to see how people express themselves.

Apr 25, 2010, 2:14 PM
Hate 'em. Tattoos are fine. Piercings are yucko to me.

Apr 25, 2010, 2:49 PM
Only the one nipple piercing ( so far ) but love to see piercings - unlike a tattoo they can generally be removed without leaving a scar

Apr 25, 2010, 3:12 PM
Only hav 2 teensy weensy tattoos..an used 2 hav only me ears pierced (2 on each lobe).. few months 'go decided 2 get pierced at top a me lug'oles.. jeez.. forgot jus how painful havin ya ears dun is... an nev ev had the toppa me ears dun... the scream wos chillin an Lou poor wee babba, jus bout pooped 'ersel.. Kate laffed an called me a soft cow.. she wos rite...an still had 3 more 2 get.. cos me wos havin 4 altogetha 2 go wiv the 4 on me lobes.. 'ventually wimped out an jus had 1 on each ear... jus dunno how peeps can hav more hole than ear'ole mesel as sum dus.. an me nips, belly button an clit?? U mus b kiddin...:eek:

Las nite at a club, saw cuppla young girls of bout 19 or 20.. ther faces had bout haff pound a silver on 'em... they wer, methinks, ver pretty girls.. but wos hard 2 tell cos a jus how much silver wos coverin ther lil faces...:rolleyes:

Apr 25, 2010, 5:55 PM
I don't care for piercings and tattoos. They are very distracting to start with. It takes away from the natural beauty of the person. At least with most piercings, when one gets tired of them, or are in a setting where they are not appropriate, they can be removed. Tattoos are another story. Some are works of art, which is fine. So have the artist draw it for you and stick it on your wall and get your self a temporary tattoo for your body. A few individuals doing it for fun or for shock value to make a statement is one thing...when a lot of people are doing it, it's just joining the crowd.
For myself, I wouldn't have a piercing or a tattoo. I do theater and change my character all the time...but it's temporary. I like going back to a clean slate to work with.

Apr 25, 2010, 6:02 PM
I have two tattoos, only one that I would want to change in anyway. After being married for 10 years I thought it would be safe to add my wedding date on the wolves that I had... funny when Lady Renegade was freehanding it she told me I could always change it to a braid with little trouble if needed. 8 months later I told the ass to get out of my life and I will get that braid done when I can afford to do so.

I have never looked at tatts as anything but works of art and there are some truly wonderful ones out there. Like anything it can be taken to an extreme by some, but they are comfortable with it. It's just a matter of individual tastes.

As for piercings...I have my ears done two on each side lower lobes and on one side up in the cartiledge. I have never desired to have any piercings elsewhere cause I'm not into pain but some don't mind and do other body modifications that please them. Check out http://www.bmezine.com/

Apr 25, 2010, 6:07 PM
I love bmezine.com

Apr 25, 2010, 6:18 PM
I'm not much for piercings, myself, but I think they look nice on other people. And I would get a tattoo if I could think of something I would permanently want on my body. My best friend got a very tasteful Fleur de Lis on the side of her ankle that is very becoming.

Apr 25, 2010, 11:34 PM
Yeah, I really like having my nose done. It's my first major piercing. I don't anticipate ever getting tired of it, but if I do, it's just a tiny little hole in my skin.

I guess I don't value my body that much, I just think "it's just a body." lol.

Apr 25, 2010, 11:43 PM
Yeah, I really like having my nose done. It's my first major piercing. I don't anticipate ever getting tired of it, but if I do, it's just a tiny little hole in my skin.

I guess I don't value my body that much, I just think "it's just a body." lol.

Having piercings does not mean someone doesn't value their body. Many people get tattoos and piercings because they want their body to express their personalities or because they think it enhances them physically, which can actually be seen as someone valuing their ody.

Apr 25, 2010, 11:44 PM
I guess I'm just responding to the "YOU'LL HAVE A HOLE THERE 4EVER" crowd. It's just a small hole, and really, it's not that big a deal to me.

Apr 26, 2010, 5:37 AM
My navel is pierced, just changed the ring from a twisty rainbow band 10g to a seamless blue ring, called a segment ring.

Apr 26, 2010, 7:01 AM
i have a nose piercing and the usual 2 in each ear lol have 2 tatts too but would also love a tongue piercing tho!

Apr 26, 2010, 8:54 AM
i have a nose piercing and the usual 2 in each ear lol have 2 tatts too but would also love a tongue piercing tho!

My tongue is next, I've decided. I'm nervous but...haha, it's a while away, my nose won't be healed for at least two months.

I'm really excited about it.

As for tattoos, I need to think about those a long time before doing them but I know what my first one will be inspired by.

Apr 26, 2010, 10:43 AM
i have 10 tattoos and 2 piercings on my.........

Apr 26, 2010, 12:57 PM
I have a Marilyn above my lip on my left side, and a bow and arrow tattoo on my left hip.

Might get a Nefertiti and a snake on my right ankle.


Apr 26, 2010, 8:43 PM

I...um...don't think I shall be wearing that once I have my tongue pierced.

Apr 26, 2010, 9:14 PM
HAD a monroe TWICE but that didn't work out so well...sigh.

Ok, I'm curious, I gather a Monroe is some type of piercing, can anyone enlighten me further?

Apr 26, 2010, 9:31 PM
It's a piercing above the upper lip in the same place as Marilyn Monroe's beauty mark, hence the name.

Apr 26, 2010, 9:35 PM
It's a piercing above the upper lip in the same place as Marilyn Monroe's beauty mark, hence the name.

I thought it was Cindy Crawford's mark? Oh vell. Don't care for that piercing anyway.

Apr 26, 2010, 9:45 PM
No, it's for Marilyn Monroe...it's also called a Madonna since Madonna has the same beauty mark, but, eh.

I don't like it either. I can't imagine someone being eighty years old and still wearing it.

Apr 30, 2010, 4:27 PM
I figured I'd bump this instead of starting a new thread.

I think I'm going to get my tongue next. I am very nervous...

Apr 30, 2010, 4:43 PM
I figured I'd bump this instead of starting a new thread.

I think I'm going to get my tongue next. I am very nervous...

It's ok to be nervous, but as long as you go to a piercer who knows what they are doing, it's really not a big deal. It's actually one of the easiest, low maintance piercings. The first week or so will be a little uncomfortable between swelling and having a way too big barbell in your mouth, but after that it's easy as pie.

Apr 30, 2010, 4:47 PM
I'm nervous, but I'm also excited, I love tongue piercings. I might go back to the same piercer who did my nose, she was nice. It will be very uncomfortable with the swelling, but hopefully it will be okay and I can eat mushy foods.


Apr 30, 2010, 4:48 PM
I don't care for piercings and tattoos. They are very distracting to start with. It takes away from the natural beauty of the person. At least with most piercings, when one gets tired of them, or are in a setting where they are not appropriate, they can be removed. Tattoos are another story. Some are works of art, which is fine. So have the artist draw it for you and stick it on your wall and get your self a temporary tattoo for your body. A few individuals doing it for fun or for shock value to make a statement is one thing...when a lot of people are doing it, it's just joining the crowd.
For myself, I wouldn't have a piercing or a tattoo. I do theater and change my character all the time...but it's temporary. I like going back to a clean slate to work with.

Couldn't have put it better myself, Mmonty.

Wouldn't go so far as to describe tattoos as 'art' though. Many of the popular designs - armbands, for example - are nothing more than visual clichés and excessive tattooing just makes the bearer look like the victim of a graffiti vandal.

I shall stick to expressing my individuality through my character and personality.

Apr 30, 2010, 4:52 PM
Couldn't have put it better myself, Mmonty.

Wouldn't go so far as to describe tattoos as 'art' though. Many of the popular designs - armbands, for example - are nothing more than visual clichés and excessive tattooing just makes the bearer look like the victim of a graffiti vandal.

I shall stick to expressing my individuality through my character and personality.

Hey, you're entitled to your opinion. I can say that tattoos have meaning to me, and to many of the people who get them, and of course I don't think they're graffiti, but obviously you feel differently.

I don't care for cliched tattoos like tribal designs or nautical stars either, and keep in mind not all tattoos are hackneyed and boring like the ones you mentioned. Some are incredibly beautiful.

And the poster who said he does theater and likes a clean slate--you do realize that tats can be covered with concealer, and piercings can be taken out?

Apr 30, 2010, 4:54 PM
I'm nervous, but I'm also excited, I love tongue piercings. I might go back to the same piercer who did my nose, she was nice. It will be very uncomfortable with the swelling, but hopefully it will be okay and I can eat mushy foods.


I actually ate anything I wanted, I just cut it up into small pieces, put it directly to the back of my moalers bypassing my swollen tongue, and chewed very carefully haha. The worst of the swelling is really within the first few days...once you get past that the worst part is the stupid barbell. I was in HEAVEN when I finally got it changed to a smaller one.

Really, people think tongue piercings hurt like HELL...but in reality they usually don't. Either they don't hurt at all, or they feel just the same as any other piercing. At least that was my experience and several of my friends. Everyone is different. None of my piercings ever actually hurt. I think the worst of the tongue piercing is the anticipation that it is going to be more painful than it really is though.

My mom said to me "Ya know...they used to do things like this to people as torture...you go and pay someone to do it...I don't get it." LMAO.

Apr 30, 2010, 4:55 PM
I also think tongue piercings on other people look sexy as hell... ;)

Apr 30, 2010, 8:47 PM
3rd ex was a full body piercer and did about half of mine. Have six out of seventeen left, but that's because I lost several to surgeries, gave up nipple piercings for work and don't dance anymore so don't wear others for effect as I used to. Now it's just ears and nose.

As for a tongue piercing, if it's done right the needle only goes through a strip of cartilage and there is very little bleeding if any. That's also why it's almost painless. Will heal quickly if it isn't aggravated by playing with it, spicy foods or overly hot or cold stuff. Will add that my older son had double tongue piercings but gave them up after a few years because he was either swallowing the balls off the stud in his sleep or chipping his teeth.

He has several very nice tattoos, all original. I have one armband which I spent six months designing. 3rd ex is covered neck to ankle and had a beautiful backpiece with an avenging angel fighting a demon. His are also all original.

In my opinion, it depends on the person. Some people just look right with piercings or tattoos. It suits them well, like 3rd ex. 1st and 2nd ex had none and would have looked like wanabees anyway.

Navels usually take longest to heal, ear cartilage second longest. Flesh piercings are kind of cool, but are usually rejected so they're done mostly for magazine covers and shows. I like collars, not that I'd get one 'cause it wouldn't look right on me :.)

May 1, 2010, 4:26 AM
Couldn't have put it better myself, Mmonty.

Wouldn't go so far as to describe tattoos as 'art' though. Many of the popular designs - armbands, for example - are nothing more than visual clichés and excessive tattooing just makes the bearer look like the victim of a graffiti vandal.

I shall stick to expressing my individuality through my character and personality.

Not even the teensy-weensiest and tasteful little piercing(s) or a suitably placed mnemonic saying "gently please"


May 1, 2010, 8:35 AM
Hate 'em. Tattoos are fine. Piercings are yucko to me.

Strong words , I would say if you dont like them them maybe their not for you. But People who choose to express themselfs with such, shouldnt be judged. Yes their not for everyone but those of us who have them choose to do so because its what we like. Im sure there are things that everyone does or says along the way in life that others think are yucko ( your words ) or not what the majority goes along with. We do it for us not anyone else.

Dont Judge............ theres only one who can Judge us all.

May 1, 2010, 6:20 PM
Couldn't have put it better myself, Mmonty.

Wouldn't go so far as to describe tattoos as 'art' though. Many of the popular designs - armbands, for example - are nothing more than visual clichés and excessive tattooing just makes the bearer look like the victim of a graffiti vandal.

I shall stick to expressing my individuality through my character and personality.

I have just two little tattoos.. one on the shoulder and one on me ankle.. subtle but beautiful I think..and works of art..especially the celtic horsie on me ankle.. Kate has a Rennie MacIntosh rose on her shoulder... me best m8 has a celtic knot armband on her left arm. Her partner has one on her right, both have beautiful celtic artworks at the base of their spine. If anyone knows anything about celtic art and design.. how they could say that tattoos are not art is an absolute mystery to me... they may not be original artwork.. but they are assuredly art.. and very, very... indeed... exquisitely beautiful art......

...and visual cliches? Sometimes.. but not always.... but many cliches are as valid and important as when they were first coined....

May 1, 2010, 6:24 PM
Whether or not they are orriginal depends on who designs it. I designed my own tattoo, had an artist work it up.

Plenty of folks have tattoos that are individual to them.

May 1, 2010, 6:36 PM
None of my piercings ever actually hurt.

I'm not keen on facial piercings but I like nipple and navel piercings, but I would have thought having your clitoral hood pierced was painful and prone to infection.

May 1, 2010, 7:20 PM
I'm not keen on facial piercings but I like nipple and navel piercings, but I would have thought having your clitoral hood pierced was painful and prone to infection.

Nope it didn't hurt during or after. Now, I'm not saying I didn't feel it or anything, because there was a slight pinching sensation that lasted for a split second...but it wasn't painful. The recieving tube was the most uncomfortable part of the process to be honest...

As for it being prone to infection, that is soooo not true. A lot of people think that but in reality, the vagina is one of the cleanest places in the body (it is designed to be self cleaning afterall) and it heals faster than other piercings too because, like the mouth, it is designed to heal quickly due to the moisture. Unlike other piercings, like a navel, it isn't something that you would normally have a tendency to "play" with during the healing process either because...well...most people don't reach down their pants in the middle of the day and start fucking around with their hood...let's face it. It's one of the easiest low maintanence piercings. It is no more prone to infection than any other piercing. As long as you follow your aftercare instructions the way that you are supposed to.

May 1, 2010, 8:13 PM
Whether or not they are orriginal depends on who designs it. I designed my own tattoo, had an artist work it up.

Plenty of folks have tattoos that are individual to them.

Wich Marie darlin' is wy me used the word "may"..

1a the mos riginal artworks me has ev seen on ne 1 wos on a girl me didn like 2 much.. it wos anglo saxon inspired and ther wer 3.. 2 encirclin 'er nips an 1 round 'er belly button wich also encircled 'er waste... each represented the 3 stages of earthly existence.. birth, life, death... they wer both delicate an powerful statements of how she saw the universe.. they wer a tadge posey.. but God Marie... they wer gorge posey..

May 2, 2010, 12:20 AM
Don't mind them overall. However, I definitely don't care for Prince Alberts....
They get in the way for me when I'm enjoying giving oral....I definitely prefer sucking without that kind of interference...

May 2, 2010, 1:07 PM
^ Prince Alberts can also leave a penis leaky if removed. The hole made during the piercing doesn't fill back in quickly, and sometimes never completely.

May 3, 2010, 5:06 PM
I myself don't have any piercings. If you check out the movie " Girl with the Dragon tatto" Noomi Rapace looks great with nose piercings...Just my :2cents: worth.

May 4, 2010, 5:29 PM
I used to have a ring in my lip (on the left side), and two eyebrow rings- The brow rings were ripped out during an accident in a school play in 11th grade, and the lip ring had to be removed for a part-time job...my boss at the time told me they were "unsanitary", as though I would somehow be rubbing my lip all over the merchandise.

Hate to admit it, but I'm terrified of needles, and getting that done was almost as scary as a visit to the dentist. It did in fact hurt, but not for long- like getting a shot at the doctor- it's over before you know it.

I now work at a place that allows body modifications, and am considering getting a few re-done...but I want to finish one of my tattoos first. :)
I have two, both designed and done by myself (stupidly) when I was in my early teens, with a sewing needle and india ink. A celtic moon on my right ankle, and a stylized anhk about two inches tall across the top of my hand and left wrist- the anhk is the one I intend to have touched-up- it's all prison tat right now, just a black outline. I want to extend it up my arm a ways, then add color and a wedding band that connects to it all.

I find tattoos and piercings extremely attractive (on the right person), though I found hood piercings a little daunting. An ex-girlfriend had one, and I was constantly worried I might be too rough with it, and felt like it got in the way of things a little bit- but I guess that depends on the person who has it done. Lip piercings are my favorite...I find it incredibly sexy, especially if the person has full pouty lips.

May 5, 2010, 1:33 AM
when it comes to tatoos...I'm a wimp when it comes to pain so I donno if I could stand getting a tatoo. unless it was something small and quick, like a japanese kanji. I would also only put names of those those presents are perminent, like my children or parents, or something like that. As for piercings...well like I said I dont like pain so...I'd like my ear cartilage done, possably belly button if I get the courage.

May 5, 2010, 6:59 PM
Love Peircings, have my lip pierced and my ears, plan on getting more.

Love tattoos aswell. I have a friend who is a tattoo artist who has taken on my ideas for tattoos and has agreed to complete them for me :)

Overall i think they are a turn on

May 5, 2010, 7:20 PM
Thinking I may have my nose pierced.