View Full Version : National Lampoon's Moving Day

Apr 24, 2010, 4:08 AM
Dear members, today is my moving day and I am very excited. Can't wait to show you around me new place. Chris I'm sorry but I was so busy yesterday packing didn't get a chance to write. Does anyone have any amusing stories of moving days.....and/or do those cat pheromone releasers really work to de-stress your pussies?


Long Duck Dong
Apr 24, 2010, 7:23 AM
lol I have moved a few times over the years...... some times, across town, and other times, from one end of nz to the other...lol....

I can honestly say, that it has never gone smoothly..... there has always been some issues

one time that I moved, we packed up the truck, got the house sorted and got ready to go to the new home.... and sat in the truck for the next 45 minutes with dumb looks on our faces...... we had forgot where the new house was....
talk about blonde moments......

worst moving experience I have been involved in.... was helping a couple move out of their rented house to their first new home... and what a sod of a job that was.... but many hands make lite work... and two days later, we had moved everything out of the rented house to the new house, and arrangements were made for commercial cleaners to come into clean the rented place...... but next morning... there was a call from the ex landlords, there had been a short in the wiring during the night... and now there was no place to clean, the rented house had burnt down.....

but the best one is with our current place.... actually it was not a moving house story, tho it was pretty moving..... we had been here for a few months and there was a outside shed, that I used, full of computer gear lol.... more than $10,000 worth..... and I was happy with that shed as it meant that I had room inside..... until the next door neighbours tree decided to make out with the shed..... thank god for insurance....
but next time i will be a lil more careful where I move to...lol

as for the cats, mmm depends on the cats.... house cats, yeah..... cats that naturally roam... doesn't work so well...

Apr 24, 2010, 8:30 AM
Moved several times and some were good some were bad got another move planned that is problematical from the start. But state to state is different than hopping countries lol

My out and out worst move was heading to Arkansas... freaking triptic from AAA sent me through all these backroads to the aparment I had rented....backroads with a 24 four foot truck with a car trailer......so anyway get there and get unloaded... Great... truck needs returned and oops suddenly no reverse gear. To actually move the truck I had to have a friend from work come over and shift the gears manually from beneath while I held brake on. Yes it was fun and I got to see a friend get really dirty...and a damned good excuse for a couple beers when we got back