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Apr 23, 2010, 8:33 AM
On Sunday all of our posts were removed. The post count is still there, and I can still see those posts if I'm logged in, but no one else can, and we cannot send PMs that anyone receives. I asked Drew, as did two others, and no response has been given since then. I am assuming Drew has been busy elsewhere.

So, until Drew returns and explains things (I'm suspecting a glitch), we are going to be using this new account. I wanted to post that here, up front, so no one thought I was pulling a fast one or trying to imitate the trolls we all love and admire.


Long Duck Dong
Apr 23, 2010, 8:35 AM
welcome back, hands ya a beer or wine.... lol.....

Apr 23, 2010, 9:10 AM
Welcome back....seconds the handing over of a beer or wine or your favorite poison.

Apr 23, 2010, 10:30 AM
Welcome Back

*hands you a cool drink*

Apr 23, 2010, 11:01 AM
Calla yasel Pasodoble or Pastheparcel for all me cares Pasa.. long as we keep gettin ya lil pearls a wisdon 2 rip 2 shreds.. tee hee (kiddin.. kinda..) We wud b the poorer wivout 'em..;)

Welcum Back Pasa.. or woteva ya call yasel...:bigrin:

Apr 23, 2010, 11:02 AM
Welcome Back Pasa 2.0!

Apr 23, 2010, 11:03 AM
Calla yasel Pasodoble or Pastheparcel for all me cares Pasa.. long as we keep gettin ya lil pearls a wisdon 2 rip 2 shreds.. tee hee (kiddin.. kinda..) We wud b the poorer wivout 'em..;)

Welcum Back Pasa.. or woteva ya call yasel...:bigrin:

How about Pasathechocolate?

Apr 23, 2010, 11:19 AM
I cannot imagine it was Drew and Company that did anything to your posts with it being anything other than a glitch---hopefully the site didn't get hacked in some way--but if that was the case---probably more of us would have had the same thing happen---I hope that Drew gets the problem fixed soon.

Apr 23, 2010, 11:28 AM
Welcome back =)

Apr 23, 2010, 11:44 AM
How about Pasathechocolate?

Yes please... Dairy Milk please.. :bigrin:

Apr 23, 2010, 12:40 PM
Well There you are, Darlins. I'd wondered where ya'll had gotten off to. Welcome Home. ;)

Apr 23, 2010, 12:41 PM
Uhhh, why should it matter who the first ones to welcome them back Were...???

Apr 24, 2010, 12:04 AM
Thank you for the welcome back, most of you.

And Cat, you know why they said it. There is supposedly a great cabal between you, me, LDD, TT, Darkeyes,and others. We are the antiLGBT League of Extraodinary Injustice.


Apr 24, 2010, 12:11 AM
Thank you for the welcome back, most of you.

And Cat, you know why they said it. There is supposedly a great cabal between you, me, LDD, TT, Darkeyes,and others. We are the antiLGBT League of Extraodinary Injustice.


Sorry I refuse to wear any cape....any color would just clash with ummm style?

Apr 24, 2010, 12:35 AM
Only good guys wear capes. Bad guys get cool designer outfits and lackeys.


Apr 24, 2010, 12:37 AM
oh wow I need to go check out the cool things in SkyHigh then....do we get superpowers too or just cool little censor pens....

Long Duck Dong
Apr 24, 2010, 12:40 AM
Only good guys wear capes. Bad guys get cool designer outfits and lackeys.


tried being a good guy once.... and the cape was a bloody nightmare...... half the time I used toilet paper, the other half of the time, the cape..... sighs....
thats the trouble when you do not have eyes in the back of ya head......

grins... but I can honestly say I am not like the other * good guys *.... they wear their capes in front so they double as bibs and its not their asses they wipe the crap from lol.....

Apr 24, 2010, 12:41 AM
tried being a good guy once.... and the cape was a bloody nightmare...... half the time I used toilet paper, the other half of the time, the cape..... sighs....
thats the trouble when you do not have eyes in the back of ya head......

grins... but I can honestly say I am not like the other * good guys *.... they wear their capes in front so they double as bibs and its not their asses they wipe the crap from lol.....

Baby...I love you but damn I worry about you at times..........

Apr 24, 2010, 12:42 AM
Only good guys wear capes. Bad guys get cool designer outfits and lackeys.


Ohhh Lackeys!!!

Apr 24, 2010, 12:44 AM
does having lackeys mean we get to get out the riding crops???

Apr 24, 2010, 12:52 AM
And other devices!!!


Apr 24, 2010, 12:55 AM
devices....oh my that sounds devious should we bring in a lackey for a lackey?


Apr 24, 2010, 2:22 AM
Wait wait wait! ya mean I'm a member of this prestigious organization and I didnt even get a T-shirt?? Aw mannnn...lol
Card carrying Cat.

Apr 24, 2010, 2:35 AM
We could simply make a tshirt with a form to fill out....


Apr 24, 2010, 2:44 AM
Ohhh Lackeys!!!

Yeah, I mean . . . Sheeet. . . Lackeys.

(looks for genera101.2 ...'cause he's my favorite lackey... when I can find him. <.< ;; ;;>.>)


Apr 24, 2010, 12:49 PM
What happened to you is the same as what happened to ontheside and the resurrection of azreal, and a few others I think.
I believe azreal has a real medical/mental condition for which he takes medication (I seem to recall but could be wrong); and he would periodically post some... pretty hot stuff.
I'm pretty sure it's not the same as banned, but your (previously visible) posts were often clearly insulting/personally attacking and even physically threatening (you remember breaking wrists comment? "Give me address so we can fight" comment?). Being continuously insulting, can get you in trouble, here. Your attacks on nearly any topic (as opposed to just supporting your position) were getting tiresome. Offering violence is over the top. Your IP (Internet Provider) should have been notified, be glad they were not (you didn't consider this even after you posted threat?). I think that would interfere with your 'morality contract' in the teaching industry (assuming I remember correctly that you are a teacher).
Being passionate, opinionated, and even in a funk (I hate everyone!) are understandable. But you are one of the few who have posted direct violent threats on this site.
I've read part of the posted apologies of ontheside and azreal (with some difficulty as their persona are still 'in the mist'). For the insults they inflicted (I don't recall seeing any violent threat by either).
You have publicly offered no such apology as far as I can see.
The possibility that you have become a troll hasn't occurred to you yet.
As such, It wouldn't surprise me to see you disappear again. If people disappear for just insults, then violent threats are...
I assure you, this is not self righteous condemnation as I have gone overboard in insults/personal attacks myself and am lucky to still be here.
I repeat, I have gone overboard in insults/personal attacks myself and am lucky to still be here.
You appear to be sufficiently ego centric as to not be very capable of self examination of your behavior (on this site). The fact you didn't even consider notification of your IP, reinforces this.
I do not extend my best wishes to you, as opposed to my normal custom.

Apr 24, 2010, 3:20 PM
If I didn't know who you were talking about or the context of those incidents I would think this was a horrible troll. Fortunately, context means everything. Not one of those 'incidents' happened the way you have presented them. I would be happy to set the record if needs be.

I can either assume that you truly missed the fine points, or that you are intentionally misrepresenting me. If it is the former, please PM me so that I can clear up any misunderstanding. If it is the latter, go away.


Apr 25, 2010, 1:28 AM
Oh, I remember them very clearly. I also recall that I have stated that you have shown a lack of debate skills. My assessment stands, Jeannie.


Apr 25, 2010, 3:03 AM
Actually Pasa once or twice I seem to recall you offering violence.. I said nothing because this is the net and what could you do.. it does however display your own lack of debating skills.. I may have some understanding of what drove you to say such things for I feel so angry sometimes I get the red mist over the eyes (never however in something as trivial as a web site), but for all that I could never condone the act.. if we cannot debate our way through a problem as individual human beings what price nations?

Apr 25, 2010, 3:40 AM
Blue - suggest ISP as Internet Service Provider rather than IP which tends to be used for Internet Protocol e.g. one's static IP address can be specific to a particular machine (and often an individual).

IP's are poised to move to a new format as the exisiting addresses have effectvely been used up i.e. they will be moving from IPv4 to Ipv6 format (from addrersses given by 4 groups of numbers to six groups of numbers). To me it looks just like and extension series.


Apr 25, 2010, 6:35 AM
Actually Pasa once or twice I seem to recall you offering violence.. I said nothing because this is the net and what could you do.. it does however display your own lack of debating skills.. I may have some understanding of what drove you to say such things for I feel so angry sometimes I get the red mist over the eyes (never however in something as trivial as a web site), but for all that I could never condone the act.. if we cannot debate our way through a problem as individual human beings what price nations?

I've said two things that are violent. Neither of them were threats. I said that my response to someone patting me on the head and being patronizing gets the response of me reaching up and breaking the wrist. The second thing I said was to note that I sincerely doubted if the poster would say what he said (that I did not love my sons, and that I must have hated them to mutilate them) were we face to face. I then offered him my home address to prove me wrong.

Neither of those things are threats. One was extending a metaphor. The other was to point out that people take their anonymity too far. People who are supposedly out and proud hide behind their computer screens and say things that they would never dare to say face to face to another human being knowing that the consequences would almost certainly be a well deserved ass kicking.

Context and reading comprehension are key to debate. In both of those incidents, reading comprehension allowed most people to understand that I was not making a threat. Context allowed most people to understand my very specific intent in both situations. Most people.

I agree with you on the concept of debate. And in both of these situations, the people involved had decided that attacking me rather than the issue was appropriate. I love debate, and am fairly good at it and good at teaching it. Sometimes debate is not possible. Sometimes the person has devolved into being unreasonable (Jeannie's meltdown, or our bi-bashing troll, or Falci where Christians are concerned etc.). Once that happens who knows what will transpire as reasonable people pull out their hair in frustration?


Apr 25, 2010, 6:37 AM
Blue - suggest ISP as Internet Service Provider rather than IP which tends to be used for Internet Protocol e.g. one's static IP address can be specific to a particular machine (and often an individual).

IP's are poised to move to a new format as the exisiting addresses have effectvely been used up i.e. they will be moving from IPv4 to Ipv6 format (from addrersses given by 4 groups of numbers to six groups of numbers). To me it looks just like and extension series.


They really should just move to 8s. I remember when they said that 10 numbers weren't really needed for a phone number. HAH!


Apr 25, 2010, 7:08 AM
Very well said and so on the money!!! Thanks for putting the situation so eloquently. It seems pasa doesn't remember those quotes mentioned and now chooses to tell bluebiyou that pasa has been taken out of context. I wonder if he remembers the nasty things he has written to and about me. I'm pretty sure I didn't take his threats and nasty comments, insults out of context. But then hey, I have inane arguing skills among other things according to pasa.

My original response to this wasn't quite correct. Take two: I remember the things that Bluebiyou referenced. I don't remember saying anything to or about you before the Jeannie meltdown. In fact, we were on the same side of a few issues. And even more to the point, you've only posted 77 times. I just spent a few minutes reading all of your posts, and my responses to them, or rather my lack thereof.

So, what exactly are you talking about? Before Jeannie went off the deep end, I'd never said so much as a word to you in a cross way, and only a handful of words in any way whatsoever.

Facts. They are our friends.

Apr 25, 2010, 8:45 AM
"I've said two things that are violent. Neither of them were threats. I said that my response to someone patting me on the head and being patronizing gets the response of me reaching up and breaking the wrist."

I was surprised to read that someone was accusing you of being violent in your posts as I could not remember any statement about breaking someone's wrist. When I read you making a statement above, I am uncertain as to what you mean? To me what you have written is a threat but a more generalized one. I recall you stating something about how you would react if someone did something to one of your sons. I don't remember the exact wording but it was a threat that you would become violent if someone hurt your boy. I understood that it was out of love for your son and to me that seemed an appropriate statement even if it threatened violence. It seemed like a statement about protecting those you love and whether you actually would do it ....who knows. It was a generalized statement not directed towards any poster on this site. However, the above statement does seem to be more of an over reaction from my perspective. It is a fairly bravado "guy macho" statement though and maybe you are just used to making such statements in your local culture? Is "break the wrist" a common statement where you live? ..just wondering because I do not think of you as a violent person. Around where I live it would be more like "If you take that last piece of chocolate cake off of my plate, I'll break your wrist". (love my chocolate cake...and it would be more of a joke threat..lol)

Apr 25, 2010, 9:52 AM
Your argumentative skills are persistant, if not impressive.
You are manipulatively trying to sidetrack the issue.

If I didn't know who you were talking about or the context of those incidents I would think this was a horrible troll. Fortunately, context means everything. Not one of those 'incidents' happened the way you have presented them. I would be happy to set the record if needs be.

Please tell us the "context" which allows one member to physically threaten another on this site.
Every now and then most of us adults (not just 'kids' -less than 30 years old) has expressed anger or savagely insult another member. For those of us who have been here a long time, remember the angry fights between DD and the Mage? Those guys among a few others simply did not like each other. However, there is no reasonable excuse for violent threat. Are you ill? Are you on thorizine or clonipan? Did you forget to take your meds? These are things that even adults can overlook if the person comes back and apologises.

I can either assume that you truly missed the fine points, or that you are intentionally misrepresenting me. If it is the former, please PM me so that I can clear up any misunderstanding. If it is the latter, go away.

Why would you want to 'clear up' "misunderstanding" in private when the threats occurred in a public thread and I have addressed them here in a public thread? You sound like a manipulative person on a damage control mission.

To narrow it down for you, you've publically misbehaved. A violent public threat is a criminal offense, don't believe me? Try threatening the President online and see what happens; use your argumentive dance to explain the 'fine points'.
Free speach ends where threats begin.
You clearly know of your threats.
You also know (presuming you don't have a malignant Narsisistic ego) (and especially if I was correct about - and this point I admit I may not be right - you being a teacher) that no amount of verbal abuse warrants a violent threat. If someone makes a direct viable threat to you, then yeah, as adults we can assess some leeway for the reaction of a counter threat. Nothing like this has happened.

Now, Fran has led the way in responsible adult behavior and apologized for her part. Others, but certainly not all, have apologized. After being booted, you come back in, knowing what you did, (artfully dodging the obvious upon your re-entry I might add), and even when pointed out the unacceptable adult behavior, where you topped everyone's sins, you want to argue your way out of it. Do you have any feelings of social responsibility? Is your ego far greater than your social obligation here?
Your previous moniker "pasadenacpl" was suspended/frozen/struck for a reason. You're coming back in with the lame "I'm suspecting a glitch" is typical teenage manipulation standard. It's right up there with the grade school "so-and-so made me do it".

You're not very able to restrain yourself from insulting folks; well, that sometimes happens with one or two passionate subjects for most opinionated adults; a little room for tolerance there on this site.

You don't seem to have the self respect (and self responsibility) of coming forward on your own initiative when you have socially misbehaved. No proffered apology.
When finally "called to the carpet", you're not able to take adult responsibility for your actions and publicly apologize, instead you argue; no different than a troll.
Finally, and most importantly, you're not able to totally restrain yourself from violently threatening folks; you're all by yourself on this one.

Pasa, the last time I really flamed folks, I left for three weeks. I was ashamed of my behavior. I reentered with apologies.
If you had any appreciable self respect/dignity, you would apologize and leave voluntarily before you're booted again; seek professional therapy to find out why you're so angry before it destroys or (at best) totally limits the rest of your life.

Note to all: While it is often looked upon as an insult to suggest someone (especially a male due to typical male ego) to get psychological help, I firmly believe in the positive, very potentially healing and life improving effect of modern psychotherapy that most people would derive. Very few of us are skeleton-less, and many of us go the wrong route in reaction to the bigger skeletons (our typical reaction of hiding/denying rather than confronting). Girls seem to 'get' this much more than us guys... understanding (and raw power) of feelings, preoccupations, ego, etc.

Finally, an insult. I will break with the analytical/logical progression for one emotional jab: Pasa, you have no clue. Are you a kid in your early 20's? Your ego cripples you and extinguishes your wit and wisdom. Assuming you have a background in teaching, you have the same starting point as Fran. That aside: she both outclassed you, and outran you by such a stretch, you're still in the starting gate while she's crossed the finish line and you don't even know it yet!

Okay, sorry everyone, I'll return to analytical/logical now.

Apr 25, 2010, 12:05 PM
BiCD4U, I've noticed, now that I have read all of your posting history that you never have an original thought of your own to post. All you do is cheer on others who attack the people you don't like. As Mr. Spock would say it is...fascinating.


Apr 25, 2010, 12:07 PM
BiCD4U, I've noticed, now that I have read all of your posting history that you never have an original thought of your own to post. All you do is cheer on others who attack the people you don't like. As Mr. Spock would say it is...fascinating.


I was actually thinking the same thing.

Apr 25, 2010, 12:53 PM
Your argumentative skills are persistant, if not impressive.
You are manipulatively trying to sidetrack the issue.

I wasn't arguing. Now, the rest of this post? Now I'm arguing. BUT, it's more of a disagreement on what the facts are, rather than anything with attitude.

Please tell us the "context" which allows one member to physically threaten another on this site.
Every now and then most of us adults (not just 'kids' -less than 30 years old) has expressed anger or savagely insult another member. For those of us who have been here a long time, remember the angry fights between DD and the Mage? Those guys among a few others simply did not like each other. However, there is no reasonable excuse for violent threat. Are you ill? Are you on thorizine or clonipan? Did you forget to take your meds? These are things that even adults can overlook if the person comes back and apologises.

Read a few posts above where I explained both. Neither were a threat. Context is everything, as I have said.

Why would you want to 'clear up' "misunderstanding" in private when the threats occurred in a public thread and I have addressed them here in a public thread? You sound like a manipulative person on a damage control mission.

Well, since y'all decided you wanted to rehash it all here, that's fine too. As you can read above, I pretty clearly spelled it out.

To narrow it down for you, you've publically misbehaved. A violent public threat is a criminal offense, don't believe me? Try threatening the President online and see what happens; use your argumentive dance to explain the 'fine points'.
Free speach ends where threats begin.
You clearly know of your threats.

I clearly know of the incidents to which you refer. They were not, however, threats. Subtle difference? Yes. But, I use the English language for subtlety and nuance. Only very rarely will I not say exactly what I mean.

You also know (presuming you don't have a malignant Narsisistic ego) (and especially if I was correct about - and this point I admit I may not be right - you being a teacher) that no amount of verbal abuse warrants a violent threat. If someone makes a direct viable threat to you, then yeah, as adults we can assess some leeway for the reaction of a counter threat. Nothing like this has happened.

I've said several times that I'm a teacher, there is no secret there. And I disagree with your statement. Sometimes what you say gets you an asskicking. I'm not a pacifist. I believe in Freedom of Speech even moreso than our friends to the north do. I also believe that sometimes your speech earns you consequences. And sometimes, those consequences hurt.

When people have to be conscious of what they say, and what might happen if they say it, they become more polite. Robert Heinlein wrote, "An armed society is a polite society." Heinlein was a genius.

I am quite certain that my original point still stands. I'm betting that no person would dare say to me what they have said on this forum (in regards to that specific issue) if they were standing right in front of me.

People use the internet anonymity as a blanket to protect them from having to account for their words. I grew up, as it were, in an internet community where I actually saw most of the posters once or twice a year. Having to be face to face with people at some point in the future meant that I learned very quickly not to rely on that, and to instead be careful of direct insults.

Now, Fran has led the way in responsible adult behavior and apologized for her part. Others, but certainly not all, have apologized. After being booted, you come back in, knowing what you did, (artfully dodging the obvious upon your re-entry I might add), and even when pointed out the unacceptable adult behavior, where you topped everyone's sins, you want to argue your way out of it. Do you have any feelings of social responsibility? Is your ego far greater than your social obligation here?

Social obligation? MY social obligation? Let's see, since being on this site I have been called a racist because I am a Christian Conservative Republican, even though I am not. Have been accused of mutilating my sons. Told that I don't love my sons. I have been told that I am antiLGBT. I have been hounded, maligned, insulted all privately and publicly. There was an orchestrated movement against me (and others) by BrettLA, Jeannie and BiCD4U and a few others. As a whole, I owe this site nothing. I owe you nothing. That I have spent this much time attempting to set the record straight is as much as you get until you earn more.

Your previous moniker "pasadenacpl" was suspended/frozen/struck for a reason. You're coming back in with the lame "I'm suspecting a glitch" is typical teenage manipulation standard. It's right up there with the grade school "so-and-so made me do it".

In the past, Drew has answered PMs within a reasonable time frame. He has yet to answer any PM from me, Twyla, or Marie regarding this subject. I said that I suspect a glitch so as not to assume that Drew had done anything purposefully without getting confirmation from him. I was being polite in an open forum.

Especially since those incidents you keep referring to happened months ago and nothing recently comes to mind that could have triggered such a move. So, why would Drew all of a sudden drop me? For what cause? Threads that were over months ago? That doesn't make much sense.

You're not very able to restrain yourself from insulting folks; well, that sometimes happens with one or two passionate subjects for most opinionated adults; a little room for tolerance there on this site.

I do not attack people. Sometimes people are insulted by what I say, but not because it is directed at them. I will, right here, state that once I have identified one of our trolls I do, actually, insult them. I consider that to be an exception, as this person (these persons?) have targeted this site and our regular posters for their own brand of pleasure. The quicker I can get them to ranting about being closeted, antiLGBT, and the rest of their standard diatribe, the quicker we can get them out of here. I actually have it down to about 6 posts now with appropriate triggers to get them to out themselves as our troll(s).

Back to the issue, though. If I make a perfectly reasonable statement, and you get insulted even though it had nothing to do with you, then that's on you. Sorry, but too many people get too pissy about entirely too many things.

Finally, an insult. I will break with the analytical/logical progression for one emotional jab: Pasa, you have no clue. Are you a kid in your early 20's? Your ego cripples you and extinguishes your wit and wisdom. Assuming you have a background in teaching, you have the same starting point as Fran. That aside: she both outclassed you, and outran you by such a stretch, you're still in the starting gate while she's crossed the finish line and you don't even know it yet!

I had to laugh at this. First, because you spent all that time lecturing me on being insulting, and then you intentionally attempt to insult me, even labeling it as so. Secondly, because your insults are lame. The rest of your post was far more insulting than this was.

Don't assume that you know me, or know anything about me, my ego, my personal demons, or my needs. Unlike Fran, or Rissa, or Doggie, or Marie, or RJ, or Twyla, or LDD, or Cat (and the list goes on) you've not spent any time attempting to get to know me. You know nothing about me (if you didn't even know for sure that I'm a teacher, you REALLY don't know anything about me).

I will tell you, however, that using Fran as some sort of pawn in your argument is pretty bad. She's perfectly capable of holding herself up in contrast to me. She does so all the time. But supposedly lifting her up, for the sole purpose of slamming me down is rude. Fran is my friend. I don't appreciate you using her like this.

In closing, IF the facts were as you say, then I'd probably agree with you. However, the facts are NOT as you claim them to be. And as such, this entire post, and the conclusions you draw was pretty off. That's ok. It's either a difference of perspective, or simply that we do not agree. I can live with that. At least you spoke to me and brought about your points. I can respect that, even if I think you are off in left field with most of it.


Apr 25, 2010, 1:50 PM
And still, no attempt to stand up to social responsibility...
or personal responsibility...
Sustaining your abusiveness with your intellect and argumentative abilities.
Dodging... "back-at-ya"ing... any cost... any method...
to preserve your precious ego.
You go! John Wayne pasadenacpl... You go!
Argue away your facing a few of your worst traits.
Demonstrating the definition of Malignant Narcissism, even borderline (only borderline?) sociopathy.
All of us stand in awe in the shadow of your omnipotent ego.

Thank you Pasa for confirming everything I said, and so much more.

Everyone. Take a look. I couldn't insult him worse than his own responses. I couldn't show him worse than he showed himself in his responses.
Though you did not mean to, thanks for confirming my points.

Apr 25, 2010, 2:20 PM
How about actually addressing anything I said. Rational discussion would be nice. I have attempted to talk with you in good faith. Was I wrong to do so?


Apr 25, 2010, 2:53 PM
Is ver nice 2 b so much appreciated.. am fonda both ofya Blue an Pasa, even tho both ofyas talk gibberish a lotta the time.. but u believe it an thats wot mattas.. but sumtimes yas dus need nice gentle tap on back of the hand.. but chill me lufflies.. life is 2 short..an don play me as piggie in middle ifya don mind.. me chooses who me is sandwiched in 'tween..:tong:;)

Apr 28, 2010, 12:43 PM
Oh God,
I realize what needs to be done. But it will take so much of my time and energy.

How about actually addressing anything I said. Rational discussion would be nice. I have attempted to talk with you in good faith. Was I wrong to do so?


Pasa, I accept your challenge.

I've said two things that are violent. Neither of them were threats. I said that my response to someone patting me on the head and being patronizing gets the response of me reaching up and breaking the wrist. The second thing I said was to note that I sincerely doubted if the poster would say what he said (that I did not love my sons, and that I must have hated them to mutilate them) were we face to face. I then offered him my home address to prove me wrong.

Neither of those things are threats. One was extending a metaphor. The other was to point out that people take their anonymity too far. People who are supposedly out and proud hide behind their computer screens and say things that they would never dare to say face to face to another human being knowing that the consequences would almost certainly be a well deserved ass kicking.

In these two consecutive lines you've come full circle. You're clearly talking out of both sides of your mouth; beginning with admission of violent intent, but denying threat, then painting the background for the very violence you deny.

Context and reading comprehension are key to debate. In both of those incidents, reading comprehension allowed most people to understand that I was not making a threat. Context allowed most people to understand my very specific intent in both situations. Most people.

Mental masturbation is what most of us call you last sentence of evasion. It is possible that it was accidentally horribly misworded by you, but then you say:

I agree with you on the concept of debate. And in both of these situations, the people involved had decided that attacking me rather than the issue was appropriate. I love debate, and am fairly good at it and good at teaching it. Sometimes debate is not possible. Sometimes the person has devolved into being unreasonable (Jeannie's meltdown, or our bi-bashing troll, or Falci where Christians are concerned etc.). Once that happens who knows what will transpire as reasonable people pull out their hair in frustration?

Gee, what will happen Pasa, as you of course are a 'reasonable person' ?

I wasn't arguing. Now, the rest of this post? Now I'm arguing. BUT, it's more of a disagreement on what the facts are, rather than anything with attitude.

Read a few posts above where I explained both. Neither were a threat. Context is everything, as I have said.

Well, since y'all decided you wanted to rehash it all here, that's fine too. As you can read above, I pretty clearly spelled it out.

You've said nothing, you were simply wiggling away and denying the best you could.

I clearly know of the incidents to which you refer. They were not, however, threats. Subtle difference? Yes. But, I use the English language for subtlety and nuance. Only very rarely will I not say exactly what I mean.

Then we can assume you fully meant "I'll break your wrists" and wanted to exchange address to meet face to face (for your non-threatening non-violent encounter, right?). It wasn't a threat due to nuances of your subtle use of the English language... that only you understand of course.

I've said several times that I'm a teacher, there is no secret there. And I disagree with your statement. Sometimes what you say gets you an asskicking. I'm not a pacifist.

Here we go with the asskicking again. But non-violent, non-threatening ass kicking, right?

I believe in Freedom of Speech even moreso than our friends to the north do. I also believe that sometimes your speech earns you consequences. And sometimes, those consequences hurt.

Reinforcement of threat.

When people have to be conscious of what they say, and what might happen if they say it, they become more polite. Robert Heinlein wrote, "An armed society is a polite society." Heinlein was a genius.

I am quite certain that my original point still stands. I'm betting that no person would dare say to me what they have said on this forum (in regards to that specific issue) if they were standing right in front of me.

Because of your violent threat, right?

People use the internet anonymity as a blanket to protect them from having to account for their words. I grew up, as it were, in an internet community where I actually saw most of the posters once or twice a year. Having to be face to face with people at some point in the future meant that I learned very quickly not to rely on that, and to instead be careful of direct insults.

Social obligation? MY social obligation? Let's see, since being on this site I have been called a racist because I am a Christian Conservative Republican, even though I am not. Have been accused of mutilating my sons. Told that I don't love my sons. I have been told that I am antiLGBT. I have been hounded, maligned, insulted all privately and publicly. There was an orchestrated movement against me (and others) by BrettLA, Jeannie and BiCD4U and a few others. As a whole, I owe this site nothing. I owe you nothing. That I have spent this much time attempting to set the record straight is as much as you get until you earn more.

You owe this site nothing.

In the past, Drew has answered PMs within a reasonable time frame. He has yet to answer any PM from me, Twyla, or Marie regarding this subject. I said that I suspect a glitch so as not to assume that Drew had done anything purposefully without getting confirmation from him. I was being polite in an open forum.

Especially since those incidents you keep referring to happened months ago and nothing recently comes to mind that could have triggered such a move. So, why would Drew all of a sudden drop me? For what cause? Threads that were over months ago? That doesn't make much sense.

It doesn't if you don't want it to.

I do not attack people. Sometimes people are insulted by what I say, but not because it is directed at them. I will, right here, state that once I have identified one of our trolls I do, actually, insult them. I consider that to be an exception, as this person (these persons?) have targeted this site and our regular posters for their own brand of pleasure. The quicker I can get them to ranting about being closeted, antiLGBT, and the rest of their standard diatribe, the quicker we can get them out of here. I actually have it down to about 6 posts now with appropriate triggers to get them to out themselves as our troll(s).

Back to the issue, though. If I make a perfectly reasonable statement, and you get insulted even though it had nothing to do with you, then that's on you. Sorry, but too many people get too pissy about entirely too many things.

Getting 'pissy' about your anti social behavior? Aren't you bypassing flaming someone to directly challenging them for a clearly violent 'face to face' event?

I had to laugh at this. First, because you spent all that time lecturing me on being insulting, and then you intentionally attempt to insult me, even labeling it as so. Secondly, because your insults are lame. The rest of your post was far more insulting than this was.

Don't assume that you know me, or know anything about me, my ego, my personal demons, or my needs. Unlike Fran, or Rissa, or Doggie, or Marie, or RJ, or Twyla, or LDD, or Cat (and the list goes on) you've not spent any time attempting to get to know me. You know nothing about me (if you didn't even know for sure that I'm a teacher, you REALLY don't know anything about me).

I will tell you, however, that using Fran as some sort of pawn in your argument is pretty bad. She's perfectly capable of holding herself up in contrast to me. She does so all the time. But supposedly lifting her up, for the sole purpose of slamming me down is rude. Fran is my friend. I don't appreciate you using her like this.

In closing, IF the facts were as you say, then I'd probably agree with you. However, the facts are NOT as you claim them to be. And as such, this entire post, and the conclusions you draw was pretty off. That's ok. It's either a difference of perspective, or simply that we do not agree. I can live with that. At least you spoke to me and brought about your points. I can respect that, even if I think you are off in left field with most of it.

Simply insisting the facts are not what they are does not change them. You repeatedly threat and support your logic for that threat.
You have re displayed the facts for us.
Pasa, I've agreed with you on many points in the past, I've disagreed with you on a few. There's no doubting your intelligence. Lately, before you expulsion, you seemed mostly angry and argumentative on a child level in nearly every post I saw.
I read your original post, the "I'll brake your wrists" post a few times before I brought it back up to public attention. I had no doubt it was a threat. Within a couple days, your former identity met it fate. Clearly someone else agreed with me.
I've addressed your behavior.
And yes, I've strayed to insult you a couple times (which in my mind takes me down).
You admitted right here, you owe this site, this group of people, nothing, not even responsible adult behavior?
Am I the only one who has read your recent posts?
Yes, we all make mistakes, but to come forward as an adult and publicly apologize for reprehensible behavior is... a social obligation of adults. And for an alleged 'teacher' who, universally teach social obligation in matters of behavior... is horribly inconsistent (which brings other concerns to my mind).

You've come back from your social punishment with arrogance, and manipulation.

Your attitude reminds me of a South Park cartoon:

Kyle: You know what, Cartman? I believe you.
Cartman: You do?
Kyle: Yes, I believe that you believe you helped write that joke. That's how people like you work! Your ego is so out of whack that it will do whatever it can to protect itself. And people with a messed up ego can do these mental gymnastics to convince themselves they're awesome, when really, they're just douchebags! [turns and leaves the bathroom]

Lest I forget, let me point out your tendency is unwaivering:

Fran, you cannot be nice with the WBC folks. I've ridden against them, and it gives some comfort to the families, but honestly, these folks need a good asskicking. I say, if these folks want to be martyrs...we should assist them in that desire.


Please do some mental gymnastics for us and convince us how "we should assist them in that desire" (to be martyrs) is, like all of your previous posts so far from (via 'nuances') an even thinly veiled threat. Probably one you have no intention of carrying out... but a threat nonetheless.

There you are, Pasa a well supported thesis, as you desired.


Apr 28, 2010, 3:45 PM
hey everybody lets get along la di da