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Apr 22, 2010, 1:05 PM
The video in the link in the middle is enlightening about the CBS press.


Using Vicious Anti-Trans Arguments to Oppose ENDA and Being Given Air Time to Do It
posted by: Steve Williams

When wanting to discuss and debate the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), legislation that would make it illegal for employers to hire, fire, demote or make other employment related decisions based on a worker's sexual orientation or gender identity, it seems natural to want opposing view points. Most, however, would agree that providing a platform for extremist groups is a step too far.

Well this is what CBS has been charged with by some LGBT rights advocates after a recent segment on ENDA where CBS' Nancy Cordes spoke to the Human Rights Campaign's Allyson Robinson (pictured on the left) and the Traditional Values Coalition's Andrea Lafferty (pictured center). The Southern Poverty Law Center has listed the Traditional Values Coalition as a hate group due to its long running campaign against the LGBT community.

As you can see below, the segment's discussion quickly becomes one sided:


Why CBS thought it was appropriate to pick Andrea Lafferty for the opposing side of this argument remains a pressing question, especially when, just last week, she spuriously claimed that ENDA would result in disabled war veterans possibly being assaulted by "stump fetishists."

Regardless, I think it's important to examine the segment and what Lafferty said about ENDA because this seems typical of the kind of rhetoric we will no doubt see over the next few weeks as Congress takes up the legislation.

Lafferty starts with her main talking point, which is that ENDA's federal protections will mean that a "teacher can not be reassigned out of the classroom" if they are transgender.

The fact that she has zeroed in on this one issue out of the many that ENDA encompasses demonstrates her tactics very clearly: ENDA opponents are mindful that it is unlikely that they can mount substantial opposition to ENDA on the issue of sexual orientation alone, but maligning transgender people through intentional misdirection, especially when it involves children, has been a powerful tool against statewide ordinances in the past.

Nevertheless, Dr. Jillian Weiss over at Bilerico has already demonstrated that Lafferty's statement isn't completely true. I recommend you take a look at Weiss' entire article, but a small excerpt on this matter reads:

While it is true that school districts will not be able to discriminate based on gender identity under ENDA, there is nothing in the bill about not being able to reassign teachers if that is an appropriate move. As a consultant to human resources departments of many organizations on transgender workplace issues, I have certainly seen reassignment of employees from one position to another. I have also specifically seen situations in which transgender teachers moved to a new school in order to keep a low profile and to avoid controversy. While each situation is different, requiring different solutions, the blanket statement that school districts will not be able to reassign teachers is simply a lie.
Lafferty pushes her argument further by throwing in this little anti-trans nugget: "Children need a safe environment in which to learn." The implication? That transgender people are a danger to kids. She goes further on this, saying that the American Psychiatric Association (APA) classifies transgender people as having a mental disorder. Such a broad classification is a relic, it is being challenged and may even soon be altered in the latest version of the DSM. The fact that Lafferty then has the front to turn to Allyson Robinson and call her mentally disordered to her face - in spite of all evidence to the contrary - both shocks and saddens (but does not surprise) me.

The next piece of Lafferty's argument is that transgender teachers are "very confusing" to children. At no point does she provide any evidence to qualify this statement.

Allyson Robinson replies by asking, "What about my children?" This is a pertinent question that Lafferty tries to dodge. Robinson develops this counter-point further, asking about the children in states where transgender protections already exist. No harm has been evidenced there, she offers.

Lafferty largely ignores this and returns to her Anita Bryant style scaremongering, repeating her "think of the children" line later on with, "focus on how children will be effected."

Later, Robinson counters this by attempting to get Lafferty to recognize how small an issue this is when she asks the rhetorical question of how many transgender people are currently teaching children today? The answer being, of course, not many. Lafferty brushes this off, but this exposes the central pillar to her manipulative assertions- she is arguing from a point of absurdity that it is fair and right for people to be fired for no more than their gender identity or sexual orientation and is attempting to justify it by creating imaginary scenarios that have little to no basis in reality and that she can provide no evidence for.

One particular part of the clip that is very telling, is where she says: "We know that most people who have sex changes don't physically change their sex. So we know they are female from the waist up and male from the waist down. That's very confusing to children."

Here we have the sexualization of male to female transgender people, a common tactic, and, given the context, the inference that this will be brought into the classroom. CBS' Nancy Cordes immediately questions her on this and how it is relevant in the classroom question. Being unable to support that statement, Lafferty then switches to a personal reminiscence about transgender people entering a bathroom that she was in.

However, it has been reported that ENDA's gender identity provisions have already been amended so as to address concerns regarding shared bathroom facilities in the work place. You can read more here.

The benefits or detriments of these changes aside, the fact that these concessions have been made is undeniable, and Lafferty even concedes this herself before trying to play it down, and then continuing with her various bits of political theater on child welfare.

In this segment Lafferty also attempts to create a polarization of views, putting LGBT rights advocates on one side and then playing the victimized "traditional values" card on the other, as though the bill has no support from religious quarters.

This is not true. Many faith groups have previously voiced their support and some religious leaders even testified during congressional hearings on the bill, noting, for instance, the fact that the bill exempts all religious institutions and businesses with fewer than fifteen employees.

Similarly, she contends that ENDA gives LGBTs an "elevated status" in civil rights law, which is a nice way of saying she thinks ENDA confers special rights. It does not. It would grant LGBTs the same rights in employment that Lafferty enjoys wherein she is protected from being fired solely on the basis of her religiosity.

Perhaps what is most worrying is that CBS has framed Lafferty's extreme anti-trans agenda here as a mainstream viewpoint that is reflective of wider conservative concerns regarding ENDA. Hopefully, Lafferty's somewhat rabid performance may backfire, but there is a real danger that, without opposition, this kind of rhetoric will reach people who do not know the facts about the bill and will then mistake these as legitimate concerns and pass them on to lawmakers in Congress who are undecided on ENDA. Every vote will count if the legislation is to succeed, so media coverage like this can not be taken lightly.

To find out how many possible votes ENDA currently has in the House and the Senate, and what work there is to be done, please click here.

Further Information and Resources:

* Facebook ENDA Campaign
* ENDA Campaign Senate Spreadsheet
* ENDA Campaign House Spreadsheet
* Act on Principles House Public Whip Count
* Act on Principles Senate Public Whip Count

Related Reading:

* Find out more on the House Employment Non-Discrimination Act.
* Find out more on the Senate Employment Non-Discrimination Act.

Apr 22, 2010, 1:34 PM
Allsion should have pointed out--or better yet---the interview moderator should have noted in regards to the comments Andrea made about transgender being a mental disorder---it is not considered to be a serious or dangerous mental conditions as she continued to say and that it is more likely that this designtaion is going to be removed from the DSMR manual with the coming new edition.

It should also have been noted that there is no proof that even hints that somehow a trans person's presense is somehow "harmful and dangerous" to children as Lafferty at the very least, implied.

But it is one of those myths of the far right that anyone other than a couple of straight people raising children is harmful to the deveolpement and well-being of children--based only on a fraction of a true study on what is best to raise children--they ignore the rest of that study that found children do best in any situation around people who provide a child-rearing environment is positive, nurturing, and love filled.

My God--from my experience in doing probation work---I have seen some horroific conditions provided by straight parents with crime, drugs, mental and physical abuse of all kinds---- and from my life beyond that work--some of the most loving, nurturing and caring conditions possible provided by single parents of both genders and with parents of various sexual and gender identities--but that is reality and reality gets in the way of their myth making and their agendas.

Apr 22, 2010, 5:51 PM
Transgendered folks are no crazier than any other set of folks.

In fact there is considerable evidence that being transgender is not mental but physical in orrigin.

As far as whats in my britches being confusing to anyone, unless you are sexual with me how the heck are you gonna know?

Of course, if they want to pay for my surgery I'm all for that, too. Otherwise , its none of their business.

Apr 22, 2010, 10:24 PM
What I find most troublesome is that the interviewer refused to take control of the discussion, as was her responsibility.

To me, that implies collusion with the right-winger and only encourages her to continue lying.

It seems that a good interviewer should have known enough about the subject to challenge the propaganda, even a little.

Apr 23, 2010, 11:22 AM
I found this blog post by Dr. Jillian T. Weiss (http://www.bilerico.com/contributors/dr_jillian_t_weiss/).

http://www.bilerico.com/2010/04/top_capitol_newspaper_publishes_responses_to_tradi .php#more

Some choice quotes:

...Imagine my surprise when I saw, the next day, that CBS had not only picked up on TVC's press release, but they had swallowed it whole and re-framed their own coverage to reflect TVC's biased agenda. Then I really saw red. I published a blog post excoriating them.

I communicated with CBSNews.com's editor. He was very nice. He pointed out that they merely report the news objectively, and without any bias towards one side or the other, but that he was open to suggestions about how to cover the story.

He also pointed out that they are very sensitive to transgender issues. He sent me links to several reports they had done, including such gems as "India's Transgender Beauty Pageant," and "Minister Reveals Transgender Secret." He didn't send me a link to "Transgender Killer Tells Massachusetts Taxpayers to Put Mammogram on Her Tab," but that was an equally sensitive portrayal. Naturally, I sent him a warm thank-you letter. Very warm. JK Rowling would have called it a Howler. ...

...In my response to Lafferty in Roll Call, I didn't spend much time talking about her weird ideas, which would just perpetuate them to a crowd that knows little about ENDA or the problems that LGBT people face. Instead, I pointed out the hate group status of TVC, and their desire to distort the facts, and quickly moved on to what ENDA is designed to accomplish and the studies showing the need for it.

I looked to the testimony that the Task Force provided to Congress, discussing core American values, and the Census 2000 data showing a strong link between thriving economies and diversity. I noted the polls in which more than 70 percent of Americans favor a law against firing or harassing people just because they are gay, and the fact that a majority of the Congress is in favor of ENDA.

I asked readers to imagine what our lives would look like if we had listened to the bigots in the 1950s and 60s, pointing out that ENDA simply seeks to accomplish those same goals.

How would you have written a response?

Apr 23, 2010, 4:52 PM
More on Andrea Lafferty.
She is now claiming that it is an honor for the Traditional Values Coalition(TVC) to be listed by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) as a hate group.

In her words:

The SPLC is the group that wrote a memo used by Obama’s Homeland Security Department claiming that veterans and pro-lifers were dangerous to national security.

Actually, it is a badge of honor for TVC to be listed by the SPLC as a “hate group.” It proves we’re effective in challenging liberalism, socialism, and the LGBT agenda.

This is what the Southern Poverty Law center has to say about Anti-gay Hate Groups

Opposition to equal rights for homosexuals has been a central theme of Christian Right organizing and fundraising for the past three decades – a period that parallels the fundamentalist movement's rise to political power.

For Christian Right leaders, the gay rights movement and its so-called "homosexual agenda" are the prime culprits in the destruction of American society and culture. In the words of Focus on the Family founder James Dobson, the battle against gay rights is essentially a "second civil war" to put control of the U.S. government in the right hands, meaning those who reject gay rights.

The religious right in America has employed a variety of strategies in its efforts to beat back the increasingly confident gay rights movement. One of those has been defamation. Many of its leaders have engaged in the crudest type of name-calling, describing homosexuals as "perverts" with "filthy habits" who seek to snatch the children of straight parents and "convert" them to gay sex. They have disseminated disparaging "facts" about gays that are simply untrue — assertions that are remarkably reminiscent of the way white intellectuals and scientists once wrote about the "bestial" black man and his supposedly threatening sexuality.

By the way , that part about SPLC writing a memo is a fabrication.