View Full Version : Mythical Creatures.

Apr 22, 2010, 2:04 AM
This is probably something more suited for the Campfire thread, but thats ok.
I was just watching Destination Truth and they were relating the stories about a New Zealand creature called the TaniWha, an Eel-like creater that the Mouri(sp) have told tales about clear back to first memory. I've always been facinated by this stuff, and love hearing different legends of beasties, haunts, and folk lore myths.
All myths have some type of basis in fact, even though it may have been misinterpreted or distored over generations, and retellings over the centures and years.

Back home in Mississippi and Arkansas we had our share of tales and superstitions such as the Skunk Ape, and Grass Ape, and Bogg monsters. These guys were said to be kin to the Bigfoot, only they inhabited the swampy areas boardering Miss. and Lousiana. Large, hairy, stinky: Often stealing fish or game out of traps, or letting go animals caught live in traps. Not as big as a Bigfoot, but broader and grayish/brown. Alot of times these were called "Skookum's"

In Ark. we had tales of a creature said to be called, "The man in the forest" and in a big box canyon it made its home. No one from our Rez would go up there, and it was to be left in respect and peace. Hunters who strayed into that area spoke of feeling like the air was heavy, and unbreathable, and it felt like you were being watched, and not even the birds stayed in the trees there.

Here in the Great Pacific Northwest, we have the traditional tales of Sasquatch, or Bigfoot. The GPNW is one of the largest spots where these sightings are said to take place, and its growing close to summer, so I suppose the reports will be coming in soon. :} Oregon is another place where out big footed buddy is siad to inhabit as well.

So tell me of Your legends and creatures from where you are. I love hearing these tales from all over the world..:cool:
Cat, looking for someone to cuddle up with now.......lol:eek:

Apr 22, 2010, 2:56 AM
We have the legends of the Skunk ape out from the Everglades as well. plus we also have reports of the Chupacabra.

And let's not forget about Champy in lake Champlain or World Famous Nessie in Scotland.

Apr 22, 2010, 2:58 AM
I've long been a fan of anything to do with cryptozoology. There are a lot of legends around the US but nothing that is just local to Kentucky. Wasn't that long ago that someone claimed to have spotted Bigfoot, complete with a video that shows something in the background. Experts viewed it and offered lots of theories...it could be a garbage bag it could be anything it could even be a large hairy man ape. Hehe look out it's a bird :)


Long Duck Dong
Apr 22, 2010, 3:07 AM
the maori legend of the taniwha ..... here is a link Taniwha (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taniwha)

in nz, there is a legend of a large, very large black cat, like a panther only larger in the upper south island and that legend has been around for a number of years... there has been a number of sightings over the last 60-70 years... including 3 photographs that show a black cat about 5ft5 -6ft at the shoulder plaster casts of animal tracks, and in one case, a shooting, where blood was found and tested and found to be feline in nature, but not identified as belonging to any cat group.....

I have seen it myself during a army exercise ( I can not give details on the exercise ) but yes, i have no doubt in my mind as to what I saw, and I was not the only person to see it....
its been hunted many times over the last 30 odd years, its been shot at a number of times but never killed....

about 7-8 years ago, there was a rogue sheep killing dog in the area... and they have civilian hunters and army snipers out after the dog as it was rumored to have killed 60+ sheep over a 4 month period
the dog, they shot on 3 seperate occasions, finally killing it.... but hunters there lost 17 dogs to something with very big claws and teeth.... so its become a no go zone for hunters with dogs now, unless they are stupid and wanna lose their dogs......

but this reminds me of the story about bigfoot and the dna tests on fur they found that they believed belonged to bigfoot.... and found that yes, bigfoot was a ape... but of a type they have never encountered, the dna was different to any on record.....

there will be sceptics and nay sayers..... but nudges cat, some of us believe in the truth.... * hums the x files theme * and hands cat a smore

Apr 22, 2010, 3:44 AM
I heard about the Lambton Worm when I was at University in Norwich http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambton_Worm.

But if you want to know what really used to happen in the woods
http://www.guardian.co.uk/travel/2010/apr/16/robin-hood-and-woodland-orgies :bigrin:


Apr 22, 2010, 4:06 AM
Oh this is frantastic, Guys. More please..:}:bigrin:

Apr 22, 2010, 4:28 AM
You called Cat? tee hee:bigrin:

We have hundreds of old myths and legends about funny beasties.. everyone has heard of Nessie up at Loch Ness.. surviving dinosaur or triff tourist con? Zif we wud tell fibs 2 pull in tourists.. the very thought indeed! But Loch Ness is worth the visit..it is glorious!

..and of course their is Morag.. another dinosaur? that lives in Loch Morar, which is also very beautiful.. watch bout for the midgies tho..would rather face a dinosaur than the humble highland Midge!!!

.. but I love the old celtic myths and legends.. the Selkie.. seal like and can turn into human form and lives in and around our coasts.. and the Kelpie..the Water Horse.. which lures unsuspecting travellers to their doom in stretchs of water. Usually takes the form of a black horse, but sometimes I believe also white..

There is the white stag of the Isle of Arran which only makes a very rare appearance.. he shows himself only when the local laird or chief or some nob is about to snuff it! Maybe he should think about a few more appearances on this side of the Clyde!!!!

.. and of course their is the occasional sighting of Franniticus Necciticus sometimes seen swimming unclad in a small very deep pool of water in Glen Rosa. Small and very slight any who gaze upon her will have peace and contentment for the rest of their days...:)

Apr 22, 2010, 5:06 AM
I love to visit this site, they have some pretty informative Crypto pages too.

Shadowlands (http://theshadowlands.net/)

Apr 22, 2010, 9:04 AM
I grew up in the pacific northwest - home of the sasquatch(AKA "BigFoot".) In fact there was a few sightings a year in the hills near where I lived.


Also have you heard of Mothman? It is something that has been sighted worldwide and (allegedly) appears just prior to a major disaster.
( http://www.qsl.net/w5www/mothman.htm l)

The History Channel has a serries - Monsterquest - where the go search out different leggends and monsters. & you can watch on line.


Apr 22, 2010, 10:28 AM
Here in Ohio we have many reports across the state of Big Foot type creatures---the reports come mostly from the more rural and hilly parts of the state--but even close to fairly good sized cities----there are some reports people have made just a few miles from me.

I was friends for a time back in the 90s with a couple who investigated these sorts of things----they were both members of MUFON---being the official MUFON (Mutual Unidentified Flying Object Network) investigators for this area during the time I knew them.

The male member of the couple was the one who did the UFO stuff---his wife was the one involved in the Big Foot investigations.

They had all kinds of very interesting video footage they had made during their trips around the state to investigate Big Foot sightings with the footage they had of areas that the creatures are said to be--and copies of things people had taken.

She was born out in a rural area of the state and had a heritage of both Scots-Irish Appalachian blood and also of being part Native American---namely a mix of Shawnee-Cherokee. With both the Native and Mountain white people--they both have a history of saying there are such creatures that live in Ohio and adjacent parts of Penna, West Virginia, and Kentucky.

One of the more famous audio recordings of a supposed "Big Foot" type creature comes from Ohio.


they have the howl--recorded back in 1994 in one of the state's rural eastern counties on this site--its about half-way down the page:



One of the things these creatures here in Ohio are said to do is to break small trees and smaller branches of bigger trees making a form of a shelter--with those branches resting among a cluster of trees in the deep woods up about eight to ten feet above the ground-----and in my time having hiked many off trail areas in the area over the years---I have seen such "structures" myself for years and didn't think much about them---but once my friends had shown me video and still photos of such things---I told them that I have seen those too.

When I have seen them----at first they just look like bits of trees that have fallen from the tops of the trees, getting stuck in the branches of those tree clusters---but when you look closely and I have done so on later hikes once I was made aware that such a thing was possible---you see there is a pattern to those "tree shelters"--espeically when you look at higher up in the standing trees---you see where some branches have been broken off and also find a number of smaller trees that have been broken from points on the ground and those small trunks placed up there. Now--it could be people that do that--but they are very strong since the trees are broken and not cut---I don't know who or why someone would take the time and effort to do that sort of thing---but then again I guess nothing is stopping anyone from doing it---I just don't see the purpose for a person or people to expend such effort--they have to be pretty damn strong people and have experience in using ropes to raise up limbs up to those heights off the ground--or maybe climbing the trees--I cannnot imagine anyone carrying a ladder miles out into the woods to get up and do that sort of thing, but I guess that anything is possible--but with the improbablity that someone would do that---maybe it could be a big foot class of creature that does it!!!

Apr 22, 2010, 11:04 AM
[B]Hello everyone! Darren here... Geez, I haven't logged in here in quite some time. I have been a bit busy though... I dunno if I mentioned it in any of my posts before, but I more or less live off of my SSD (Social Security Disability) and do computer work on the side. And I dunno what's been goin' on, but I've been having all kinds of friends and friends of theirs calling me for help with this or that... Anyway, enough of my yappin'! Hehe.. Yah, about 'mythological' creatures, I've got a little something to add/ask your opinion on. As for Bigfoot, I personally believe he/it exists, but I'm not posting to ask you about Bigfoot, what I'm curious to hear about is regarding to Dragons. Months back, maybe even sometime last year, I was watching a documentary on....I think it was Nat Geo channel but, whateve... The documentary was about creatures of myth and how they have worked themselves into various cultures. During one part of the show, they started talking about China and the Chinese calendar. Now, without going into the whole long thing, what I found interesting is the fact that every animal in the Chinese calendar is an actual animal, that is, we knoww it to exist, except the Dragon. What I wonder is, did dragons actually exist at one time? Or if they didn't, was the stereotypical dragon we know, like many other things is history, an actual creature that slowly got misconstrewed (sp?) and mis-interperated throughout the ages? I mean, if you think about it, almost every culture on Earth has had some sort of fable, myth, legend, etc...involving, or relating to dragons. Okay, well I suppose I'll end it here... By the way, sometimes I forget to log in here lol, or just dont feel like checking it, so if you'd like, you can reply to my post to Stinger1118@aol.com or www.myspace.com/scratchy78. Thank you and take care n' all that good stuff... lol

Darren "Scratchy"


Apr 22, 2010, 11:42 AM
I have always wondered myself about that--I did see that show you talked about---and they looked at creatures that could have been mistaken for dragons--things like big monitor lizards and such--and that is believable in places that have such creatures--also like Komodo Dragons but for there to be legends of dragons in cold places of Europe so long ago and so far from places that have big lizards like those I mentioned--it does make one wonder if maybe there wasn't some sort of creature that lived until the time of human society to create the legend of dragons---it is certainly true----legends and myths have some core aspect of them that come from reality---perhaps some remnant creatures from the age of the dinosaur survived--that could be possible since it is now being determined that many of the dinosaur creatures were actually warm blooded. It could have been that the last few remaining members of such a species lived on long enough to make it into the oral and maybe even early written histories of people.

There is no record of the bones of such creatures--but then again---in all my years of going out in the woods hiking when I was younger--I know there are creatures like deer and such---but on only one occassion have I ever found a deer bone on the trail---if a creature doesn't fall in something that immediately surrounds it and keeps it long enough to be fossilized----the natural processes of predators, insects and microbes makes short work of the bones of creatures that die.

It reallly is a lucky thing that we ever had any fossil remains at all of so many creatures--to not find bones of some creature does not mean it doesn't exist simply that examples of such creatures never fell into a bit of tar or clay bottomed bog--but then again----this summer--some archeologist could dig up the bones of just such a creature, they are making discoveries of this sort everyday and the bones of a dragon or at least the creature that spawned the legends may be out there--still to be found.

As far as finding the remains of a big foot sort of creature-----once again---in nature it is not easy to find remains of animals--even big ones like bears and we know they exist---and if those creatures have some degree of intelligence----something that is believed they do--could they not have come up with a way of dealing with their dead that would make finding the remains even harder???

Apr 22, 2010, 11:46 AM
Up in Palm Beach County, there has been sightings of a very large creature swimming around in the one of the inlets.

There has been video shot of it and no one knows what it is. It is bigger and faster than a manatee, but has no dorsal fin, so it is definitely not a shark or marine mammal.

I don't recall if anyone has given it a name, as of yet, but the video is probably on Metacafe or Youtube by now.

Apr 22, 2010, 3:07 PM
The bottom line is that every myth has a basis in fact somewhere in time. Just because we haven't yet found a skeleton of a dragon, or bodies of Bigfoot forever preserved in a bog doesn't mean they don't exist. It's entirely possible given the prevelance of reports from around the world that Bigfoot might just be a Neanderthal that took a different evolutionary path. There are things considered extinct that are suddenly showing up dead in some places or even alive in others such as the coelacanth. Even recently there was a story on stuff.co about a giant gecko that was caught in a mousetrap that died, something long thought to have been gone from that island. Gecko (http://www.stuff.co.nz/environment/3611058/Rare-lizard-killed-in-trap)

There is certainly no way to ever know for sure if creatures like Nessie and Champ are really plesiosaur that have survived in fresh water since prehistoric times. Creatures like Bigfoot and Nessie are possibly one of families still living in the wild around the world. Until the world closes in so much that more and more sightings occur. I think maybe in the next 20 years or so we will actually know for sure what some of the mythical creatures are and by then, we won't be surprised at all.

Apr 22, 2010, 4:39 PM
On that program on Animal Planet "Lost Tapes" that are really fake but purported to be real--they did have a show on something that I hope is not at all still living or that is evolving out there---a form of centipede that is like six feet long----little ones can be deadly enough---we wouldn't want mother nature to evolve critters like centipedes back into bigger forms again--it would be unsafe to be in many places--at least without a big gun with ya!!

I would thnk a flying, fire dragon would be pretty bad too--sort of like that recent film with that as the subject.

Apr 22, 2010, 4:57 PM
When I was a kid a bunch of us went camping high up in the mountains while my brothers hunted Elk. We were close to Awhohali Canyon (Eagle Canyon) where the stories came from. We were only like 8 miles from it, and the hunters wouldnt go there. It was kind of like an unspoken understanding that our people had. We respected the stories and old ways and never went there intentionally.
Being silly kids we decided to to give respect to the Man of the Forest and leave it some goodies. So we gathered together some small goodies. (grapes, that old fashioned ribbon candy, chex, sugar walnuts that my Auntie made, fig newtons and even a tootsie roll pop. Like where the hell else is he gunna get Fig Newtons fer God's sakes..lol) and left them on a big flat rock a little ways outside of our campsite in trubute to this legend. We did this every night for the whole week, and when we'd get up in the morning, the candy and fruits and nuts would be gone. The guys teased us about how the Squirrels and Chippies and Crows probably got it.

Later that night before we were to leave, we were sitting around the campfire talking and laughing, roasting corn and weenies and marshmellows and we heard something big moving outside the range of the firelight. The guys jumped up and automatically grabbed their rifles. My oldest Brother said "No! We dont know what it is, but I thinks its a Forest Man. Leave him be..he wont come into camp..he's not going to hurt any of us. We're in His back yard, remember?"

He went to the edge of the light and raised his hand and told whatever was there that we lived in peace with nature, and that we were there in respect and love. We hunted only to feed our families and never took more than we needed. And that the children had left tokens of affection for him and His family. There was this funny little grunt like a bear would make, but it didnt sound quite Like a bear. We didnt hear anything else the rest of the night, so we continued to sit and talk and laugh. We kids just huddled together watching out in the brush and trees hoping to get a glimpse of something moving in the night, or a glimpse of red eyes in the dark. We Did get a look at some greenish/white glowing eyes, but it could have been almost any night creature.

In the morning we kids were all eager to go see if our goodies had been taken. My brother went with us when we got everything packed up for the trip home. We rushed around to see if there were any tracks and were Thilled to find some, and some fur caught on a bush. It wasnt black like a Bear's, it was grayish/white like a Silver Wolf. We found tracks like someone had been wearing good well worn Moccasins On the flat rock, all of the goodies were gone, and in its place were some Beautiful yellow mountain roses. Trouble is, these only grew high up in Eagle Canyon....

They are small delicate flowers that only grow in part of the canyon, and are horribly hard to climb to get to. They had a rock holding them down gently, and there were those large tracks beside the rock. The men started looking around Immediately, but we kids knew that it was him, or her, that had come in the night, and who had probably watched the family during the night around the campfire.
My Brother had that length of hair for many years, and I never knew what happened to it after his death..Wish I had...:}

Apr 22, 2010, 8:12 PM
I have seen several documetaries discussing mythical creatures. One such creature which is actually quite well documented, even one photograph existed, was a very large condor-like bird of prey. The Native Americans claimed it would show up during big thunderstorms on the Great Plains, and kill and eat buffalo calves. It is also claimed to carry off very small children. One photograph exists and seems to be un-touched. It is of a huge condor-like bird next to a kid. The farmer (from Mexico) shot it defending his kid!
There is also the legend of the Thunderbird which is actually believed to be based on a lightning strike in the desert exposing a Terradactyl skeleton.
In our area, there is typical legend of Bigfoot and Sasquatch. But, we also have the mythical monsters that seem to inhabit ANY large body of water.
We also have the not-so-mythical skin head/neo-nazi assholes, but luckily they are few and far between (not far enough, sadly).

Apr 22, 2010, 8:19 PM
lol The Bigfoot and lake/river monsters are natural...the Neo-Nazi monsters are not. Those are Idjet made...Snicker:bigrin: One of ya'll hold me..I's scared now.
Bad Cat

Apr 22, 2010, 10:00 PM
You called Cat? tee hee:bigrin:

We have hundreds of old myths and legends about funny beasties.. everyone has heard of Nessie up at Loch Ness.. surviving dinosaur or triff tourist con? Zif we wud tell fibs 2 pull in tourists.. the very thought indeed! But Loch Ness is worth the visit..it is glorious!

..and of course their is Morag.. another dinosaur? that lives in Loch Morar, which is also very beautiful.. watch bout for the midgies tho..would rather face a dinosaur than the humble highland Midge!!!

.. but I love the old celtic myths and legends.. the Selkie.. seal like and can turn into human form and lives in and around our coasts.. and the Kelpie..the Water Horse.. which lures unsuspecting travellers to their doom in stretchs of water. Usually takes the form of a black horse, but sometimes I believe also white..

There is the white stag of the Isle of Arran which only makes a very rare appearance.. he shows himself only when the local laird or chief or some nob is about to snuff it! Maybe he should think about a few more appearances on this side of the Clyde!!!!

.. and of course their is the occasional sighting of Franniticus Necciticus sometimes seen swimming unclad in a small very deep pool of water in Glen Rosa. Small and very slight any who gaze upon her will have peace and contentment for the rest of their days...:)

And don't forget the Sidh in Ireland.

Apr 22, 2010, 10:04 PM
The bottom line is that every myth has a basis in fact somewhere in time. Just because we haven't yet found a skeleton of a dragon, or bodies of Bigfoot forever preserved in a bog doesn't mean they don't exist. It's entirely possible given the prevelance of reports from around the world that Bigfoot might just be a Neanderthal that took a different evolutionary path. There are things considered extinct that are suddenly showing up dead in some places or even alive in others such as the coelacanth. Even recently there was a story on stuff.co about a giant gecko that was caught in a mousetrap that died, something long thought to have been gone from that island. Gecko (http://www.stuff.co.nz/environment/3611058/Rare-lizard-killed-in-trap)

There is certainly no way to ever know for sure if creatures like Nessie and Champ are really plesiosaur that have survived in fresh water since prehistoric times. Creatures like Bigfoot and Nessie are possibly one of families still living in the wild around the world. Until the world closes in so much that more and more sightings occur. I think maybe in the next 20 years or so we will actually know for sure what some of the mythical creatures are and by then, we won't be surprised at all.

Well, here's one.

The Gryphon is believed to have been the mistaken description of the unearthed bones of Triceratops in the western regions of China. the tales got taller as they moved west, then they added Hyppogriffs in the oceans and all of the legends became myth.

I love to learn about those myths and legends. They are fascinating.

Apr 22, 2010, 10:04 PM
Okay I can't resist....quiz time. What mythological creature are you (http://quizfarm.com/quizzes/new/WildOnyx/what-mythological-creature-are-you-cool-pics/)

You Scored as Faerie

Faerie: Aren't you a cute little flying person? Faeries are earth spirits. They live among each element completely hidden. They have cousins called Pixies. Pixies however, are very mischevious. They enjoy tormenting other creatures for fun. Little pranksters.. I hope you never meet one. Pixies have a bad reputation for finding a creature and clinging to them until death. Faeries can be somewhat close to a Pixie, but mostly they are loving, playful, and carry with them a child-like enthusiasm for life. Hide among the pedals of a Daisy, you are a Faerie.


Long Duck Dong
Apr 22, 2010, 10:09 PM
You Scored as Faerie

Faerie: Aren't you a cute little flying person? Faeries are earth spirits. They live among each element completely hidden. They have cousins called Pixies. Pixies however, are very mischevious. They enjoy tormenting other creatures for fun. Little pranksters.. I hope you never meet one. Pixies have a bad reputation for finding a creature and clinging to them until death. Faeries can be somewhat close to a Pixie, but mostly they are loving, playful, and carry with them a child-like enthusiasm for life. Hide among the pedals of a Daisy, you are a Faerie.

Apr 22, 2010, 10:31 PM
Faerie: Aren't you a cute little flying person? Faeries are earth spirits. They live among each element completely hidden. They have cousins called Pixies. Pixies however, are very mischevious. They enjoy tormenting other creatures for fun. Little pranksters.. I hope you never meet one. Pixies have a bad reputation for finding a creature and clinging to them until death. Faeries can be somewhat close to a Pixie, but mostly they are loving, playful, and carry with them a child-like enthusiasm for life. Hide among the pedals of a Daisy, you are a Faerie.


When the wife and I were playing EverQuest II, I had a Fae Paladin......imagine a fairie in full plate armor, wielding a big honking Claidhmore of a sword.:eek::bigrin:

Apr 22, 2010, 11:54 PM
LOl Well arent we a bunch of cute lil Faerie's? LOL:bigrin: I hope hoping to be something a bit more scary, but I guess that'll do. lol

Apr 22, 2010, 11:56 PM
*sprinkles dust on Cat* Come on girl now we can go to Neverland and play with Peter Pan and all the Lost Boys......

Apr 23, 2010, 2:30 AM
Well, in Spain we have a lot of legends of magical and myth creatures. The north of Spain is a mix of Celtic and native legends, where you can find elf, goblins,...The South and West of Spain is a mix of Greek and Roman myths..

I found some examples that may sounds fun but these are some of the creatures you must fear when you camping ;-)

However, there is an excellent movie, Pan's Labyrinth ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pan%27s_Labyrinth ) where in the fascist Spain of 1944, the bookish young stepdaughter of a sadistic army officer escapes into an eerie but captivating fantasy world.

Basa-Jaun (Homme de Bouc): An ogre of the Basque in north-western Spain, whose name means "lord of the woods". He is given credit for teaching mankind the art of agriculture and forging. He lives high in the Pyrenean Mountains, in the woods and caves where he protects the flocks of sheep and goats from predators and thunderstorms. But he has a malignant nature and will trap and torture humans if they stray into his domain. In some stories, he is described as a spirit that is mischievous, but not malignant.

Bicha: In Spanish folklore, a monster depicted as having the body of a bull and the head and face of a human.

Caballucos del diablo: "Devil's small horses". In Cantabria (northern Spain), it is told that those creatures appear with a terrific cry at Saint John's Eve, amongst fire and smoke. There are seven winged horses, of seven different colors: red, orange, yellow, white, black, blue and green. The red one is the strongest, and their leader. All the horses are mounted by demons. During this one night, they roam the land, in search of four-leaf clovers, that are rare, and considered as powerful lucky charms. The mission of the horses and riders is to destroy as many four-leaf clovers as they can find, to avoid people searching them next morning to benefit from this gift.

Culebre: In Cantabrian (northern Spain) folklore, it is a dragon-like creature, or a snake with two bat-like wings, that exhales fire and sulfur. Culebres are very dangerous, but it is worth fighting against them, because they usually hide huge treasures in their dens.

Dones d'aigua: Dones d'aigua (Maids of the Water): are typical beings of Cataluña, and they appear in many myths. They live in any place where they can find clean water (wells, springs, fountains, lakes), but they can also be found in woods and caves. They appear as women of incredible beauty, although half of their body can be fish- or bird-like (as for many other faeries of Spanish folklore and Indo-European myths). Dones d'aigua often guards wonderful treasures. They are always good and kind to humans.

Espumeros: "Foamers". Marine beings form the Cantabric (northern Spain) coast. Their appearance is that of fat children. They wear tunics that are the colour of algae. They like to play in top of the waves, forming small whirlpools in them. The Sirens are their friends, and they usually give the Espumeros seashell trumpets as a gift. As those marine beings are very good willing and helpful to fishermen, they blow into their sea trumpets when there is going to be a storm. Thus the seamen are warned that it is safer to return to port. Espumeros also help farmers sometimes, carrying water in their trumpets to water the crops.

Ijanas: Female creatures of Cantabrian (northern Spain) folklore, they live in caves, are always naked, and have breasts so long, that to walk they must put them over their shoulders. Very greedy and unquiet, they spend their time looking for food, destroying beehives in search of honey and entering houses without permission. Yet, unless bothered, they are not particularly dangerous, just very much annoying.

Apr 23, 2010, 3:59 AM
sprinkles dust on Cat* Come on girl now we can go to Neverland and play with Peter Pan and all the Lost Boys......

Oh damn...I didnt look at it that'a way...but then again I always Did think Tinkerbelle was kinda hot......
Demented Cat

Apr 23, 2010, 7:02 AM
sprinkles dust on Cat* Come on girl now we can go to Neverland and play with Peter Pan and all the Lost Boys......

Oh damn...I didnt look at it that'a way...but then again I always Did think Tinkerbelle was kinda hot......
Demented Cat

And there's always that hottie Capt'n Hook....wonder if he keeps kegs of rum?

Apr 23, 2010, 11:31 AM
The mythical creature I always hoped to meet out in the woods was a satyr!!! Never have seen one though. If they are around--I have invited them to pay me a visit, especiallly when its a night lit by a full moon. I'd bet you could have a good time with one of them!! :bigrin::bigrin:
I do swear that I have gotten brief, fleeting glimpses of faires in a few places though!!!

Apr 23, 2010, 2:37 PM
You Scored as Mermaid
Mermaid: Mermaids are also known as Sirens. These creatures were beautiful women who tricked sailors into becoming completely entranced by their haunting voices and found death soon after. Not all stories of Mermaids are about gentle loving sea people. They are mystical, magical, and extremely dangerous. They have a way about them that brings anyone they are around to seem enchanted. They are very mysterious creatures and to meet one... Would mean certain Death. Let the song of the Sea fill your soul, for you are a Mermaid.


I am actually afraid of the ocean so, I don't think this is going to work. But the rest sounds about right lol.

Apr 23, 2010, 3:45 PM
Pssst Riss..you oughta see how big Eegie is getting...He's over 2 years old now ya know..:} I'll see if I can get ya pics purdy soon..*Snicker*

Apr 23, 2010, 3:46 PM
Not something to bump into in the dark

Not a mythical animal, just long extict. Not so much looking like a rat, not one bit, but like a giant capybara and it also had a tail. A capybara is like an enormous guinea pig, but not so bright. Gee.....I thought thattrying to walk past Beatrice and Lily's cage, without awakiening them was scary enough. How loud, would this long extinct creature, have squeaked?

''Phoberomys pattersoni, a 1,500-pound (680-kilogram) rodent the size of a buffalo, roamed South America eight million years ago. Researchers say Phoberomys looked more like a giant guinea pig than an oversized house rat. Like the buffalo and many dinosaurs, it flourished on a diet of vegetation.''

Apr 23, 2010, 8:18 PM
Just imagine wondering lost from a tour group deep in the Amazon Rainforest and coming across a velociraptor....

I guess my point earlier was that we are expanding more and more, soon there will not be a part of this earth where man has not walked. When that day comes, the hidden existence of some of our mysterious cryptos might well end.

Apr 23, 2010, 10:56 PM
Just imagine wondering lost from a tour group deep in the Amazon Rainforest and coming across a velociraptor....

I guess my point earlier was that we are expanding more and more, soon there will not be a part of this earth where man has not walked. When that day comes, the hidden existence of some of our mysterious cryptos might well end.

The really sad part is that we know more about the local vicinity of outer space, than we do about our oceans.

Apr 23, 2010, 11:49 PM
Around these parts my children have been told the tale of the Monster at the End of This Book. ;)


Apr 23, 2010, 11:59 PM
Has anyone here heard of a Lickolotopuss?

Apr 24, 2010, 12:01 AM
hmmm Marie I've been told many people are searching for that one.....supposed to have a wonderfully long tongue and be very talented at its destined job

Apr 24, 2010, 12:02 AM
Has anyone here heard of a Lickolotopuss?

I've heard that one was found in Denver.


Apr 24, 2010, 12:46 AM
hmmm Marie I've been told many people are searching for that one.....supposed to have a wonderfully long tongue and be very talented at its destined job

...and it can breathe through its ears! Its true! My girlfriends' sister saw one once...

Apr 24, 2010, 12:50 AM
gee wonder if I can find one in New Zealand......

Long Duck Dong
Apr 24, 2010, 12:58 AM
I heard a rumour a few times about a mythical being.... called a *honest politician *

apparently, they have the ability to tell the truth, give straight answers and are supportive of all people..... and the part I find really hard to believe, they live like normal people.....

if the myths are correct, they are polite, respectful and even say nice things about people..... but apparently they are very shy, and you will never see one in the media or websites.....

over the years there has been many reported sightings, but they have turned out to be members of the more common pests known as :
fullarwe ocrappus
megatell bullshitis
imar corruptusashell

I have been hoping to actually see one in my lifetime but I have heard that if one is ever found, that its gonna be captured and taken away for scientific testing and dissection cos they are thought to not be real living beings, but a figment of peoples imaginations

Apr 24, 2010, 9:29 AM
I don't know about any "mythical creatures" <whistles, glancing around nervously> - but I can tell you about a special experience I had at my grandfather's hunting cabin in Maine.

I had been visiting my grandparents for the summer, as part of the trip we loaded up his old pickup with supplies, drove up to Maine for about 12 hours and I helped him do some chores to fix up the cabin for a week. Fixing up the kitchen, replacing the siding, gas stove on the front porch, that sort of thing.

One day we had installed new plywood floor and ceiling and had painted one of them so he decided to take the front door off the hinge and let some air circulate through the whole place.

I stirred awake in the early morning hours on top of one of the bunkbeds (don't ask me how I used to be able to climb up on those things) - anyway I stared down toward the frame of the front door and I saw the most beautiful purple/silver iridescent fog just sort of drifting around outside and on the porch. For all I know I bet it was a perfectly natural phenomenon coming off of the lake a few feet away but I felt pretty special to have seen it. I don't know that I've ever seen anything like it since.

Apr 24, 2010, 9:49 AM
hmmm Marie I've been told many people are searching for that one.....supposed to have a wonderfully long tongue and be very talented at its destined job

The Franniticus Necciticus has a ver long tongue.. but me bruvva keeps insistin its only for spoutin' dross an drivel... worst thing is.. otha peeps who shud kno betta keep agreein' wiv 'im... bloody sauce.. wich is fine wiv me... otha peeps shud b put on notice that Franniticus can take 'er biz an 'er tongue elswer...:tong:

Apr 24, 2010, 11:30 AM
The Franniticus Necciticus has a ver long tongue.. but me bruvva keeps insistin its only for spoutin' dross an drivel... worst thing is.. otha peeps who shud kno betta keep agreein' wiv 'im... bloody sauce.. wich is fine wiv me... otha peeps shud b put on notice that Franniticus can take 'er biz an 'er tongue elswer...:tong:

Yes dear, Fran, but that particular mythical creature is only found in Scotland..more's the pity for the rest of the world. I know LDD has assured me that there might be a certain creature more than capable of using their tongue for intriguing explorations and it's living right there in New Zealand.

Apr 24, 2010, 11:36 AM
I know theres several HorniPornacus running around all over the place too..:bigrin:

Apr 24, 2010, 11:46 AM
Yes dear, Fran, but that particular mythical creature is only found in Scotland..more's the pity for the rest of the world. I know LDD has assured me that there might be a certain creature more than capable of using their tongue for intriguing explorations and it's living right there in New Zealand.

We jus keep on exportin' our mos successful products an peeps Twyla.. sumtimes they even the same thing.. tee hee.. enjoy..:bigrin:

Apr 24, 2010, 11:47 AM
haha Fran, I most certainly plan on it....

Apr 24, 2010, 1:45 PM
I've also heard of this mythical creature here in the Pacific Northwest that is rumored to be able to suck the seeds out of a pickle and never break the skin. Her suction is only rivaled by a milking machine, its told.
She's knows as the Catus Cocksuckingus Maximus....Or, or, so I'm told....*Snicker
Laughing Cat:bigrin:;)