View Full Version : Warning issued about American College of Pediatricians membership

Apr 19, 2010, 8:33 PM
The American College of Pediatricians is a fringe organization that promotes social conservatism primarily by distributing misinterpreted and misrepresented information from reputable medical and research sources and discredited and highly questionable "facts" from other fringe individuals, organizations and resources such as the National Association for the Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH).

The primary goal of the American College of Pediatricians, despite claims to the contrary, is the continued marginalization, isolation, denial of equal rights and mutual respect for transgender children, youth, their families and other members of the greater LGBT population.

These lists are taken from both the American College of Pediatricians and NARTH websites. We include background information on some of those listed below where we feel that information might be helpful or useful to families and others visiting this page.

If you are the parent, caregiver, friend or advisor to a transgender or gender non-conforming child or youth, TransActive (http://www.transactiveonline.org/default.html) recommends AVOIDING these individuals as caregivers and to contact us if you become aware of their involvement as so-called "expert witnesses" in legal cases, policy development or other actions involving transgender identity in children and adolescents.

"It is important not to mislabel transgender children as lesbian or gay. The reverse is also true: lesbian and gay children should not be mislabeled as transgender. A helpful distinction between transgender and lesbian or gay children has been offered by Mallon and DeCrescenzo (2006) who wrote that some gender [non-conforming] children may say they wish they were the other sex, but transgender children will say they are the other sex."

Kimberly A. Stieglitz, PhD, RN, PNP-BC
Development, Risk & Resilience of Transgender Youth (2010)

Lets be careful with our children, the last thing you want is someone who believes in reparative therapy trying that stuff on your child.

'nuff said.

Full list of Members here: http://www.transactiveonline.org/documents/ACPEDS%20Expose.html