View Full Version : As if wrong isn't enough.

Apr 19, 2010, 6:44 PM
The following is on Care2.com and is way beyond tragic, it's criminal.


What Sonoma County did here was beyond criminal.

Apr 19, 2010, 6:51 PM
Stories like that just make me want to cry. I hope that Clay not only gets renumeration and his property returned but that it will pave the way for others in the same situation. The directive from Obama will take time to get in place and I'm sure there are many other stories of tragedy and heartbreak that are still to be told. But nothing can give to Clay the loss of the time at Harold's side or the fact that at the end, he needed to be there with someone who had been there for him.

Apr 19, 2010, 7:06 PM
Why were the deceased partners goods sold off?


Apr 19, 2010, 7:07 PM
Sheez. This goes back to the problem with creating rights which end up removing rights.

People really need to think. Any individual right we would away from one person is taken away from everyone, directly and indirectly. Those people who think they won't be affected are in self-denial. Even if it's a matter that doesn't pertain to a specific person, the fact that a right can be taken away leads to the removal of others.

Apr 19, 2010, 7:47 PM
Stories like that just make me want to cry. I hope that Clay not only gets renumeration and his property returned but that it will pave the way for others in the same situation. The directive from Obama will take time to get in place and I'm sure there are many other stories of tragedy and heartbreak that are still to be told. But nothing can give to Clay the loss of the time at Harold's side or the fact that at the end, he needed to be there with someone who had been there for him.

The really sad part is that they ignored legal documents designed to protect those rights.

That makes it criminal, as far as I see it. The government does not have the right to supersede the wishes of any patient in a case like this, particularly when there are already legal documents in place to protect those wishes.

Whenever I hear some moron say that any of the domestic partnership laws give people that same rights as a married couple, it aggravates me that they actually forget that domestic partnerships do not protect the more than 1100 rights that they do not get that a married couple does get.

Apr 19, 2010, 7:55 PM
Sheez. This goes back to the problem with creating rights which end up removing rights.

People really need to think. Any individual right we would away from one person is taken away from everyone, directly and indirectly. Those people who think they won't be affected are in self-denial. Even if it's a matter that doesn't pertain to a specific person, the fact that a right can be taken away leads to the removal of others.

Actually, giving people rights that are equal to everyone else doesn't take away rights.

It is the idiotic political correctness that is forcibly associated with it that creates problems.

Why do you think that I hate political correctness and often call it the venue of morons?
Nothing wrong with respect, but being PC is just a pc way to say that one is being a kiss ass. I don't kiss asses (at least not in a non-sexual way). it takes away from the truth.

Wrong is wrong and when one needs to be given "special" treatment based on race, gender, religion or other protected status, then it only demonstrates their inferiority. People with equal rights do not need anyone to kiss their ass; they just need to be respected equal to others.
But now I am going off on a somewhat different subject.

Please return to our regularly scheduled discussion.:tong:

Apr 19, 2010, 8:01 PM
The thing is the Obama legislation will also protect opposite sex partners that are not married. They are treated the same and denied the same rights. It's a tragedy all the way around. Being denied the right to be with someone you love over a bit of paper not being signed is extremely unfair. It's worse when there are other papers signed and they are just ignored as was the case here.