View Full Version : The Daddy Diaries

Apr 19, 2010, 1:56 AM
After discussing this at some length with members I have decided to take the plunge and start to investigate ways of becoming a daddy (a real one). This has been one of my top 3 thoughts for about 4 years and after a recent encounter something that I need to follow through on. I've just bought a 2 bed flat in London, career is going well, and am at a point where I feel ready. I posted on a gay/lesbian donor insemination forum, and have begun the process of looking to co-parent with another woman (lesbian, bi or straight). I'll keep you updated, and it might take another 4 years but encouragement from people here has finally pushed the boat out for me. Wish me luck on this new and terrifying but exciting journey.....


Apr 19, 2010, 4:06 AM
Wow, Good luck Dafydd.

Apr 19, 2010, 4:39 AM
Gud luk 2 ya Daffy.. hopeya get ya hearts desire.. kids r triffically rewardin so me has found out ova las cuppla years, wich has kinda shocked me a bit.. always liked 'em but nev thot they wer for me.. jus shows huh?

.. as an aside Kate has raised from time 2 time since Lou was born, having another child.. not her this time, but me carrying the child.. she seems to think it would round off our little family perfectly. I love my Kate to distraction and there is little I would not do to make her happy..and I know this would.. yet it scares me silly and the more so cos I was there when Louise was born and saw what childbirth was like first hand.. it doesn't leave one with any dignity does it? Yet the end result was little Miss Perfection.. I often say I will not be turned into a whalie for anyone.. God I'd be as wide as I am tall (or short take your pick) and the thought of waddling like a penguin also doesnt help. Being uncomfy, roly-poly, possible stretch marks (not if I can help it!!), and the entire childbirth thing does scare me silly. So I have always rejected it for me. I did with my husband which upset him no end..

Kate hasn't made a big thing about it but I know she would love it.. if we went ahead the one thing I wouldnt be doing is allowing some lummox to impregnate me in the good old fashioned natural way of procreation.. that would be much too much. So it would be IVF (thank heaven for small mercies!!).

They have been experimenting with the creation of life from a human egg and female cells, and by turning those cells into a primitive sperm cell, I believe they have created a rudimentary foetus which was not capable of surviving.. but should they ever before I am past child bearing age perfect the technique of having 2 women concieve and have a child, then, and only then would I consider it. In fact should they manage to make it as successful as for normal heterosexual conception and childbirth, then I think I would jump at the chance. The thought of Kate and I having a child which shared our genes would be too much of a lure... and yes I would be the one to be impregnated.. its the least I could do for one who has done so much for me...

.. so in a sense Daffy, I understand where you are coming from. My way may be somewhat more unlikely at present but who knows.. so again.. good luck hun and may your kismet be kind..:)

Long Duck Dong
Apr 19, 2010, 5:04 AM
roflmao.... the idea of fran doing the penquin waddle.......

sorry, I know a friend that was like that, lol..... about 5 ft 1 tall and about 5 ft around lol

I wish you and kate the best of wishes with having fran junior, it can bring you experiences that can really touch your heart...and make you grit your teeth and curse too

and the same for dafydd..... to be a proud father can be a experience in itself.... and the same with changing the diaper from hell...lol...

blessed are the parents of the earth for they bring forth new life, future generations and keep the diaper industry going....lol

Apr 19, 2010, 6:33 AM
yep.. 5'1 and prob 5' round.. that wud b me.. dreadful thot Duckie..

*Waddles off down 2 staff room for a nice cuppa*;)

Apr 19, 2010, 8:02 AM
It would be lovely, Frances, but you know I wouldn't dream of putting pressure on to you. You can quite easily do that for youself. You speak of dreams a great deal. I have them too, and it is one of mine that you too share in the wonderful happening they call motherhood. You have your reasons why you are so reluctant and I have always respected them. The thought of doing for you that which you did for Lousie and I has excited me since it first occurred to me.

The thought of you giving birth to a child which would truly be ours and a part of both of us would be something beyond dreams, for I doubt it would be perfected to such a degree that it becomes feasible for a long time yet to come. Whether any child shares our genetics or not, it would be our child and I would love it as much as I do the girls.

Please accept my apologies Dafydd, Frances seems to have hijacked your thread, as she so often does hijack so many things. I do hope you manage your dream. My older girl has no contact with her father and has never met him, but Louise sees her father a great deal. He plays a very active role in her upbringing and we consult him about many issues concerning her life as is right and proper. Seeing them together, and hearing her squeal, screech, laugh and rawl with her father is a true joy and the happiness it brings her and to him is a real wonder. Any who wish for that in their lives should not be deprived it. I, no, we wish you well.:)

Apr 19, 2010, 9:54 AM
Good luck! Children are miracles and what they give back entirely mitigates the sacrifices :.) It is definitely a long term obligation though! Once a child is born, you don't do what they cannot for the most part. All of your life and most of your energy will be focused on that child. Other things will change because they have to. That's a good thing though... what they need comes mostly from your heart :.)

Apr 19, 2010, 10:16 AM
Good luck to you.

Being a dad is the most frustrating and,simultaneously rewarding thing that you will ever do.

But the big rewards come when you become a Grandpa.

Apr 19, 2010, 1:02 PM
Find a bisexual woman as a co parent since you're bisexual too and partner with her or marry her.

Children do better with two parents than with one and being a single dad is not fun nor is it fair to your child.

Why do you have to get a woman pregnant in order to raise a child and be a father?

Why not just adopt?

Children need loving parents and homes and adoption is an excellent choice instead of the whole thinking that I simply must reproduce and father my own child way of thinking which you should get rid of and abandon.

Lots of kids need parents and do not care if they are adopted.

Whatever you decide to do, good luck.

Very true, that. Children do need both parents.

And adoption, while near impossible for single men, is not completely impossible.
And don't forget the most important thing.........all kids need a puppy. :bigrin:

Apr 19, 2010, 1:31 PM
Very true, that. Children do need both parents.

And adoption, while near impossible for single men, is not completely impossible.
And don't forget the most important thing.........all kids need a puppy. :bigrin:

No Falcie..kids do NOT need a puppy.. they may well want one but need isn't quite the same thing.. much as I NEED lotsa new shoes and clothes, lingerie and cosmetics to fill up an already crammed wardrobe and dressing table and shoe rack and knicker drawer... kind mummies and daddies may let them have a puppy just as kind gorgeous people let me have my little whims..

.. but having said that.. a little puppy or kitten is often good for kids and so if circumstances allow.. great idea!!

Apr 20, 2010, 2:13 AM
I am bi but not bi-amorous, and so find it difficult to fall in love with woman so don't think marriage is an option, (I'd prefer to be in a loving relationship when raising a child) and not important whether she is bi or not. I could adopt, true, but my selfish genes want to reproduce and pass on my own genetic code. Still may not be possible and so adoption or fostering is a definite option. I do have several friends who were raised by single parents who might disagree that 2 parents are essential. Conversely I have friends raised by a mum and dad who would say that a rocky uncomfortable managed totally messed with their childhood.

I just ordered a home sperm testing kit. I've got to cum on this pad and apparently it tells me how fit my little guys are. I've done some research and egg donation for women doesn't seem half as fun as sperm donation for men is :)

d :bigrin:

Find a bisexual woman as a co parent since you're bisexual too and partner with her or marry her.

Children do better with two parents than with one and being a single dad is not fun nor is it fair to your child.

Why do you have to get a woman pregnant in order to raise a child and be a father?

Why not just adopt?

Children need loving parents and homes and adoption is an excellent choice instead of the whole thinking that I simply must reproduce and father my own child way of thinking which you should get rid of and abandon.

Lots of kids need parents and do not care if they are adopted.

Whatever you decide to do, good luck.

Apr 21, 2010, 11:31 PM
I'd volunteer but, am barren :( if there's another plan), hmmm ok then