View Full Version : Is Bisexuality always latent?

Mar 19, 2006, 2:50 AM
Its been my experience that most males, who now consider themselves Bisexual, started out, always thinking of themselves as "straight", and it wasn't until their late 30's, 40's, 50s or beyond, that they became curious in having sex with another male. I just wondered if anyone out there, was aware of their bisexuality at an early age, or if it came later in their life?

As for myself, I was just the opposite. I was attracted to males in my early teens, and always considered myself ..gay. With little or no interest in girls.
However, just before I turned 40, I started getting curious about females, and shortly there after, I had my first experience. I think that I still perfer males more, but I do find sexual arousal and satisfaction with both sexes now, especially with a male/female couple. Just wondered how others feel about this subject? :tongue:

Mar 19, 2006, 3:24 AM
Well for me My first time with a guy was when I was about 10 yrs old and from there with my best freind when we were about 13 or 14, as I was exposed to sexualality in my family being fairy open, I do remeber always going to my freinds house to see his dads collection of hard porn.

I liked to see the gals and always was turned on by them but liked playing with the guys I had to supres my bi side when I enterd the military as I had decied on the dont ask dont tell policy they came up with, Since I got out of the military I have resumed my playing and do enjoy it now that i am in my late 30's so i have been bi my whole life as i look at it. :bipride:

Mar 19, 2006, 6:20 AM
hello.i have known for most of my life,i have been attracted to both sexes whene about puberty started. :bibounce:

Mar 19, 2006, 9:03 AM
When I was about 30 a girlfriend confided to me she would love a g2g experience and wanted badly to see 2 guys get it on. Prior to that I never even thought about it. My ex-wife was bi and let me share a few experiences with her & her gf and she also had a strong desire to see & participate with me in an m2m experience. Had my first and only mm in last year. I enjoyed it for the moment, romantically I am absolutely straight but might enjoy an mm or mfm adventure if the circumstances were and I had a female significant other. Lately I doubt I will ever do "it" again.
:male: :2cents:

Mar 19, 2006, 9:22 AM
Well Shaver

As I have said on many threada on this site - I was aware by my early 20's - but that was easy in London- this was the era of Roxy Music, David Bowie, Marc Bolan - every one was camp as hell anyway!!

And I can look back and I realise now that I did really know by the age of around 16 - but any homosexual acts between men were still illegal in the UK and, of course, there was peer pressure to confrom i.e. str8 and homophobic.

The difficulty with being a bi-sexual at an early age is the confusion. You know you love women, maybe have had a few girlfriends, find the romance and sex great - yet harbour that odd little flutter, that occasional fantasy of being with another guy. Yet you know you aren't gay.

By my late 20's I was happy with who I was and happy with the sexuality that I had "chosen" - a bisexual.

So that's my :2cents:

Rupe :)

Mar 19, 2006, 11:42 AM
I remember being "Bi-sexual" even before I knew the word existed. I have been lucky to have been in relationships that were accepting of me. :paw: :paw:

Mar 19, 2006, 11:52 AM
Within weeks of eatting my first pussy I blew my first cock...I knew from early on I wasn't gay because I found sex women so absolutely fasinating but I knew I wasn't straight because I found sex with men so absolutely tantalizing...and when I first got butt fucked, I knew that no matter how hot I found women, I couldn't do without being sodomized because it drove me wild. I must have been in my late teens by then or early 20's, but even before my first sexual expereinces I knew both genders held an interest for me.

Mar 19, 2006, 3:04 PM
Hi Shaver,
I had dreams and fantasies about both genders from a young age. I enjoyed seeing both women and men in porn I had see in my teens. I felt guilty that the guys turned me on too. I had taught myself to suppress them most of my sexuality because I had been taught that all sex was bad and "dirty" - and sex with guys - forgetaboutit. I did not act on any of my desires until I was able to shake off the beliefs I had been taught and developed my own views on sex and sexuality. I do think that it was always there for me but I just tried to ignore it. I never really considered myself straight - I thought my thoughts were "weird" - but now I just accept my sexuality for what it is - mine.

Thanks for the post,

Mar 19, 2006, 8:20 PM
Before I was hetrosexual or bisexual, I was just plain sexual. My first experiences were with myself. I recall being about 3 or 4 and was told by my mother that if I didn't stop playing with myself she would tie a ribbon around "it" and make me wear it around the house. I can still remember wearing that ribbon to this day. My first sexual experiences were with both boys and girls begining at about 8 limited to basically taking all my clothes off and walking aroung naked ( LOL just returning from a trip to a local nudist resort, I guess that hasn't changed much ) My first male to male experiences began at about 10 and lasted until I was about 14. They began again at 21 and have continued off and on since that time. My first preference has always been and continues to be hetro oriented but I seriously enjoy both.
Ambi :)

Mar 19, 2006, 10:35 PM
I was finishing this lonnng post when my computer locked up and did a total reboot. *sigh* So, I'll try for a recap.

I was raised in the middle of 5 boys and all their buddies. I ran with them, treated exactly as one of them. The only difference was I couldn't pee standing up. I was judging their circle jerk contests by the time I was 10 yrs old - the only non-contestant ya know?

There was a same/sex episode once with a girl cousin that happened when we were 14. It puzzled me for a while, then the boys started chasing me when I was 15.

I met my husband at 17, married at 20 and became the wife of a fundamentalist Christian minister for the next 26 years. We had 2 children, and led a very insulated life, completely caught up in church activities. We only socialized with other family and church friends.

I just put down the yearnings and dreams to the fact that I've always known I was different/weird somehow. Always been the square peg that didn't quite fit. I had no concept, no framework for understanding bisexuality. I certainly knew I wasn't lesbian - I love hetero sex WAYYYYYYYYY too much LOL. I also had a bit of a phobia about lesbians, after being assaulted in a women's bathroom when I was about 21.

My son was born when I was 36. He was about a year old when I got online for the first time. From there, a series of steps led me to a definition of bisexuality. "A bisexual is a person who feels sexual attraction and affection for both genders."

It was a life changing epiphany. I was never "bi-curious". As soon as I read that definition, I knew that was ME. It took another 18 months before this gorgeous redhead from Dallas seduced me, but there was never any doubt in my mind from that moment when the curtain was ripped away. It was an awesome moment to finally understand there are others out there like me.

Mar 20, 2006, 12:42 AM
Yeah, I pretty much fit the profile of "interested in it before I knew it had a name". As a kid (about 8 or 10) I had my first blow job from another boy and given a hand job at about 13, which made me cum for the first time. Even though I chased after girls in high school, I couldn't help being attracted to boys as well (but, since I was shy, I couldn't come on to girls with ease - now imagine boys).
I think bisexuality develops differently from person to person, some have suggested it is a brain coordination think, like being left handed, right handed or ambidextrous.
:soapbox: :2cents:

Mar 20, 2006, 2:55 AM
......but there was never any doubt in my mind from that moment when the curtain was ripped away. It was an awesome moment to finally understand there are others out there like me.

Like Countrylover, my "bi-ness" was so latent I didn't know it existed; happily shagging my way with 2 husbands and more than a respectable number of casual one and 2 niters.

Then when i was 34, through almost an accidental process, I made tentative love to another woman, allowing myself to be seduced shortly after by a very bi, arguably lesbian friend.

Never looked back!!!! :bigrin: :female: :bigrin:

You betcha there are others like you out there!!!

Mar 20, 2006, 3:58 AM
From there, a series of steps led me to a definition of bisexuality. "A bisexual is a person who feels sexual attraction and affection for both genders."

It was a life changing epiphany. I was never "bi-curious". As soon as I read that definition, I knew that was ME. It took another 18 months before this gorgeous redhead from Dallas seduced me, but there was never any doubt in my mind from that moment when the curtain was ripped away. It was an awesome moment to finally understand there are others out there like me.


That was beautiful and I couldn't agree more!!!
Thanks for that!!!


Mar 20, 2006, 6:26 AM
The last 2 years of High School was when I acted on some of the thoughts that I had been having years earlier.My best friend and I would jerk off together,it all seemed like a game but did not go any further.A couple of years later we ended up sharing a place together and my interest in experimenting more just would not subside.Fortunately he felt the same way.

Mar 20, 2006, 3:26 PM
It's funny how there seems to be a tone of becoming sexually active early on.. I wonder how/if that relates to our bisexuality?

I was around 8 or 9 when me and my best friend began experimenting... the next few years saw that expand to all the boys in my neigborhood. We even put on "sex shows" for one another in a very private little clubhouse we had. Odd thing is, I didn't have sex with a female until I was 18 even though they were the focus of my fantasies for the most part.

Mar 20, 2006, 5:53 PM
Not really...while I had some playing around in my early teens, it wasn't much more than feeling up...my first actual sexual experience was in basic training on liberty I was 18....been trying to make up for lost time ever since. :bigrin:

Mar 21, 2006, 12:55 AM
I guess in my case it was. I vaguely remember some solo anal stimulation and penetration with various objects as a teen, but never thought about sex with a male until I stumbled onto some gay/bi erotic stories when I was about 45 years old. The thoughts slowly built in my mind until I had my first actual male to male experience at age 59. Now I know it can be real fun and am happy to be intimate with both sexes, but preferrably at the same time. My ultimate fantasy would be about six nude couples in a 'piggy pile'.