View Full Version : The Genie In The Bottle

Apr 16, 2010, 8:51 PM
A man was looking over the lot of land he had just bought, well to say lot is an understatement. It was about 30 acres. As he walked he stubbed his toe on a bottle half buried in the dirt. He picked it up and admired the craftsmanship, it was not a run of the mill bottle this was a fancy one! Stuffed in the top was a cork, the man pulled the cork out and...WHOOOSH! out roared a Genie!

"Master!" the Genie said, "You have freed me from the bottle! I can grant you 3 wishes." The man didn't know if he should beleive this creature but decided to give it a try.

"Alright," he said. "For my first wish, I want my land beautifully landscaped and a 40 room mansion sitting in the middle of it."

"As you wish Master!" said the Genie. He waved his arms and POOF! The land was landscaped perfectly with trees, ponds, and lush green lawns. In the middle of it all was a huge mansion.

"Awesome!" said the man. "For my second wish I want to be the richest man in the world!"

"As you wish, Master." said the Genie and with a wave of his arms a huge vault filled with billions of dollars appeared. "Please Master," the Genie said "You only have one wish left, I suggest you use it for the good of human kind and not for your selfish wants, you are the richest man on Earth, surely you can use you're last wish for the good of human kind."

"Fuck off, Genie." the man retorted, "You gave ME the 3 wishes not human kind, I will use the last wish as I see fit and you cannot do a damn thing about it! Just be glad I don't wish you back in the bottle for eternity!"

"You are right of course," said the Genie. "What is your wish Master." The man thought and thought, finally he said, "Genie, for my last wish I want to be between the legs of a beautful woman!"

"Very well Master," said the Genie. And with a final wave of his arms the Genie turned the man into a Tampon! :bigrin:

Apr 16, 2010, 8:54 PM