View Full Version : Viagra for women?

Apr 14, 2010, 11:00 PM
Researchers may be one step closer to a Viagra for women, given the results of a British study released Tuesday.

Sexual side-effects of antidepressants may improve with Viagra use.Attempts to treat female sexual dysfunction with Pfizer's erectile dysfunction drug Viagra have for the most part failed, but a new prototype from the company offers hope for a female-specific treatment for those with female sexual arousal disorder, FSAD.

The drug, which the researchers tested on rabbits, acts by increasing blood flow specifically to the genitalia, enhancing and extending the duration of arousal.

The drug would not help all types of female sexual arousal disorder, however, as blood flow is only one of many reasons that women experience sexual dysfunction.

"This is the closest thing out there to Viagra for women," says Sheryl Kingsberg, chief of the division of behavioral medicine at University Hospitals Case Medical Center in Cleveland, "but the problem is that a Viagra-like effect will not solve the majority of sexual dysfunction cases in women.

"In contrast to men in whom erections have played a huge role in sexual health, for women arousal is not the key problem, desire is," she said.

Truth or Myth? 7 Health-Related Sex AidsRead an Excerpt: Why Men Stop Having SexED May Be More Than A Sex ProblemBut for the approximately 5 percent of women who have diagnosable arousal disorders related to blood flow, Kingsberg said, this treatment could be "the right option" and, fortunately, likely a safe one.

Do It Like Rabbits
Researchers tested the drug by simulating arousal in female rabbits and then administering the drug to the animals. As hoped, the prototype mimicked the human body's natural processes in bolstering arousal.

By specifically blocking the enzyme in the body that checks blood flow to this region, the drug could allow for greater blood flow and greater physiological arousal, said Chris Wayman, the lead researcher on the project.

The drug would not create arousal out of nowhere, however, but would boost blood flow when accompanied by desire and sexual stimulation, Wayman said.

Why is blood flow so important?

When a woman becomes sexually aroused, emotional and physical cues in the brain tell the body to increase blood flow to the genitals; this relaxes the vagina, improves lubrication and increases sensation, Wayman said.

When there isn't enough blood flow to this area, sex can become painful and unpleasurable, and libido can drop. In other words, blood flow acts as the biological catalyst for successful sexual experiences.

But increasing blood flow throughout the body to solve the problem would be "like a shot of adrenalin" Kingsberg pointed out, so the fact that this drug is "vagina-specific" makes it more likely to be safe.

Though the prototype itself is unlikely to become a drug, Wayman said that testing the drug has helped to defog the mystery behind FSAD.

Apr 15, 2010, 12:31 AM
Reading this, I feel very glad that it is something I don't need. I know there are women out there that suffer from issues and any help they can be given is awesome, as long as it's safe.

Apr 15, 2010, 11:45 AM
lol Maybe their motto is: If you're horny for more than 4 hours...Call me!" lol

Apr 15, 2010, 12:23 PM
But they tested it on rabbits.

Talk about using a ringer.

There is a reason that Noah had to keep telling the rabbits "Only two. ONLY two!". :bigrin:

Apr 15, 2010, 4:25 PM
Yeah . . . perhaps testing on something that isnt renowned for its ability to procreate rapidly would be better . . . but think about this . . . if the pill comes to market, women will no longer have the excuse "im not in the mood" . . . just pop a pill i will be back in 30 minutes lol

Apr 15, 2010, 4:32 PM
Cat, that reminds me of the first time I listened to all the side effects on a Cialis commercial "Call your doctor if you experience an erection for longer than four hours".......I was thinking to myself....I'll help :)

ROFL Falcon, true.

heheh Cliff but there is always the "I'm doing my hair", "I have a headache", "I am too tired". One thing I promised LDD was that I would withold sex from him just because I was pissed. We would not take our anger to bed. After all why should I deny myself the pleasure of his body just cause I'm annoyed at something he might have said or the birthday he forgot? Plenty of time to whip him into shape the next morning :tongue:

Apr 15, 2010, 4:40 PM
keep doing your hair, just bend over the sink while ya do :P

here is an excedrin, tylenol, asprin, advil, bayer, and a vitamin.

And here is an energy drink to wash them down with :p

actually one girlfriend of mine was so into having her hair played with that if i wanted some and she wasnt in the mood i would say its ok lets cuddle and then brush her hair or run my fingers through it a while . .. it was never long before she would change her mind lol