View Full Version : The silent casualties of discrimination, and how you can save a life

Apr 10, 2010, 11:10 AM
Pay attention, this affects you. You are involved in this and might not even know it!

When you hear the word discrimination, the taste it leaves is bitter and ugly. It is a tactile word that brings visions of ostracism, alienation, or even outright segregation. It is a weapon that is used to silently assault people like us. We are able and willing American workers that are often ejected from the workplace. Mortally wounding our ability to support ourselves and our families, simply for telling the truth about our existence. We who face discrimination include doctors, lawyers, technicians, scientists, professors, and any other skilled profession you can think of.Pay attention, this affects you. You are involved in this and might not even know it!

When you hear the word discrimination, the taste it leaves is bitter and ugly. It is a tactile word that brings visions of ostracism, alienation, or even outright segregation. It is a weapon that is used to silently assault people like us. We are able and willing American workers that are often ejected from the workplace. Mortally wounding our ability to support ourselves and our families, simply for telling the truth about our existence. We who face discrimination include doctors, lawyers, technicians, scientists, professors, and any other skilled profession you can think of.

It is not enough to reduce nearly half of entire class of people to poverty by failing to grant them legal protection in jobs, but we are routinely mocked, ridiculed, stereotyped and mischaracterized by everyone, from scare mongering political and religious demagogues, to late night talk shows (Conan, Letterman, we're looking at you in the eyes). This is continued to be perpetuated by indie film makers and festivals and certain LGBT blogs that will use our name as an insult (i.e. Dan Savage). Even the mainstream media aggressively misrepresents the issues of our murders through the tactics of mis-gendering, publicly violating our sensitive medical privacy, dredging up irrelevant personal details, and treating the news of our murders differently than any other. The result of which is used to justify our erasure and to reduce the stories of our death to entertainment shock value...

...Complicity is doing nothing when our lives are taken through violence, denial of the ability to earn a livelihood, and the trauma to being relegated to life on the streets. How can they stand by as liberty is taken away with public humiliation, fear mongering, and lies, and how can anyone justify these oppressive tactics that strip law abiding American Citizens of the basic tools that are needed to pursue happiness.

Even our education becomes a struggle, as our youth are thrown out of schools "for who we are", or have to walk past parent protests to enter the classroom. We are shamed, bullied, and outcast by students and teachers alike, until we fade away and disappear. How convenient it is when we just "go away", even if going away means suicide or living in the gutter. We end up doing both in astounding numbers.

Our fate is often left in the hands of organizations without any representation from the people who are directly affected by the policies and laws that they enact, or fail to enact. These are organizations that declare to speak for us when they address that we exist at all and often lack in even the basic institutional competencies to do so.

We are judged not by who we are as people, or even 'the content of our character' but on vague assumptions and blatant ignorance, perpetuated by people who believe that their desire to be comfortable around people "more like themselves" should trump the rights of fellow law abiding Americans citizens to go to work, to live, and to survive.

We are citizens who want only to join the workplace with dignity, so that we can provide for our families. We wish only to share in the same rights that all Americans were promised, regardless of our orientation or gender identity.

Now is your chance to be good neighbors, and stop the silence. Now is your chance to help your fellow law abiding American Citizens be productive members of society. Now is your chance to say to the world "Discrimination is wrong, and I will not stand idly by! I will call my senator and tell them that I think that all people should be treated equally in the workplace, and we support an inclusive Employment Non-Discrimination Act."

This is your chance to do the right thing.


The Transgender American Citizens

Entire article here ( http://www.pamshouseblend.com/diary/15794/guest-post-the-silent-casualties-of-discrimination-and-how-you-can-save-a-life )

Apr 10, 2010, 11:41 AM
This from the Traditional Values Coalition (TVC)

ENDA’s “Dirty 30” includes such bizarre criminal acts as incest, pedophilia, prostitution, beastiality, and cross-dressing. If we don’t act today, Obama and Pelosi will normalize these disorders by federal law on April 21!

. . . If Obama, Pelosi, Hastings and the Congressional Democrats pass ENDA, co-workers will be forced to work alongside individuals with these bizarre sex fetishes. Christian businesses will be directly impacted by ENDA. They would be forced to hire or retain cross-dressers and individuals who engage in these sinful behaviors. Students will be indoctrinated that “alternative lifestyles” are no different than traditional lifestyles. Young children will be forced to learn about these bizarre sexual fetishes – and you will have no say in the matter.

Now last I noticed crossdressing wasn't on par with pedophillia or beastiality...

But then what do I know? I'm a pervert.

For what its worth this from the site "Religious Tolerance"

The Traditional Values Coalition (TVC) has created a unique definition of the term "sexual orientation" that differs greatly from the meaning used by others. They state:

"A person's sexual orientation can include sexual attraction to children, animals, feet, and a whole range of bizarre behaviors that are listed in the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). In fact, there are 30 sexual orientations listed in the DSM."

This is a definition apparently created by TVC whose purpose may have been to confuse legislation and legislators. Both the ENDA bill, and bills covering hate-crimes offer protection to every American on the basis of their sexual orientation, whether they be heterosexual, bisexual or homosexual. By enlarging the number of orientations to 30 the bills become meaningless.

The first sentence in the quote is in error. The DSM defines three and only three sexual orientations. The American Psychiatric Association describes the three sexual orientations both in their DSM and in their "Healthy Minds, Healthy Lives" web site.

What TVC has done is to redefine the DSM's 30 sexual paraphilias as additional sexual orientations. Paraphilias are activities causing sexual arousal in response to sexual objects or situations, including incest, necrophilia, pedophilia, bestiality, masochism, sadism, voyeurism.

Apr 10, 2010, 11:51 AM
beastiality? but Marie - I thought you like a little "dog" now and again with a horse cock :tong: :tongue:

Doggie :doggie:

Apr 10, 2010, 11:54 AM
beastiality? but Marie - I thought you like a little "dog" now and again with a horse cock :tong: :tongue:

Doggie :doggie:

Only if the "Dog" in question walks on two legs and speaks english, and holds down a job...

Apr 10, 2010, 4:46 PM
Crossdressing isnt a crime, at this time. However you can still be fired if your employer finds out in many states. ( http://www.aclu.org/lgbt-rights_hiv-aids/aclu-files-civil-rights-case-against-winn-dixie-stores-firing-trucker-who-cross) even if you dont ever cross dress at work. Which doesnt seem fair at all to me

Some places I look for this information:





A short warning for those of you who consider yourself more on the conservative end of things, these blogs are more on the liberal side of things.
Especially when it comes to GLBT issues.

Apr 10, 2010, 4:49 PM
The TVC is a pack of idiots, Marie... hugs hon. You are no more perverted than any of us here. The problem with groups like TVC is they choose a name trying to look as though they speak for a majority. The majority of people may not understand trans and crossdressers but they don't lump you in with people who have sex with barnyard animals or have to get their jollies going after little kids.

Again just hugs hon........be safe.

Apr 10, 2010, 5:09 PM
I know that, and you know that, but if we just let them get away with telling people things like that, then how long before we are back to the old days of crossdressing being illegal?

It wasnt that long ago(1960's) that people were arrested in NYC for not wearing a required amount of clothes belonging to their gender. These arrests were what started the Stonewall Riots.


During a typical raid, the lights were turned on, and customers were lined up and their identification cards checked. Those without identification or dressed in full drag were arrested; others were allowed to leave. Some of the men, including those in drag, used their draft cards as identification. Women were required to wear three pieces of feminine clothing, and would be arrested if found not wearing them.

Long Duck Dong
Apr 10, 2010, 10:00 PM
over the last 20 odd years, I have watched society change.... as the * old * way are disappearing....

today, we generally are more accepting of diversity and it gives me hope for the future....

tho I live in nz, and our way of life is more open.... there is still the people that hang on to the old ways and I live in hope that the same will happen in the us and in other countries....

I can go to the local watering hole with lgbt friends...and we are simply people enjoying drinks now.... despise the way we are dressed and carrying on.... and some of my friends are in inter racial relationships too..... including a gay male couple.....

to paraphrase and slightly edit mr kings speech, I have a dream, that one day the bigots and biased people in the us, will lose their strangle hold over the laws that need changing..... so that laws can be changed, freedom can reign, and the dim stars can shine brightly.....

we have a very diverse culture in nz,.... it would be fantastic to see that happen in the us....and what gives me hope, is the older generations are fading ( I mean that in a non offensive way )..and the newer generations are more lgbt / hetero / culturally / racially / ethnically friendly .... and that gives hope for future generations to change out dated laws........

I am realistic tho.... changing laws, doesn't change issues.... there will always be the lgbt / cds etc, that may never * come out of the closet * they will always be in the shadows, due to their own issues and problems.... and thats a area that we as the lgbt, need to be understanding as well.....

changing laws do not change personal biased and bigotry.... even in nz, it still exists.... and is done legally..... but sadly thats part of the aspect of diversity, we have to embrace the bad and the good.... and like nature, we need the night as well as the day, cos without them, we would not have their ability to see the light in the darkness.......

so i hang on to hope that while laws are changed and free up the paths to living for lgbt.... that we also understand, that not everybody will support and embrace us..... and that is part of the price we will pay for diversity.....
and that for many many lgbt / heteros, we need to aim for the law changes.... as they are our rights set in concrete..... our right to live as who we are..... but its not a automatic right of entry or access.......

but let us not fall silent in despair.... as more and more countries embrace the diversity and change laws to let us be us..... cos every day that passes that another law is changed and restrictions lifted, is another day we have won a important victory ......