View Full Version : when activitism turns to ignorance

Long Duck Dong
Apr 9, 2010, 8:00 PM
recently people have noticed how I have refered to not making waves, no stirring the boat, take the victory and run.......... and due to a inability to ask for clarification from me about my stance.... I will share what leads me to make statements like that...so others can see that maybe I am merely taking common sense.....

the lgbt ( in the us and other countries ) face a long fight and a hard one..... but the trouble with fighting is that often we get so caught up in the fight and the thrill of the victory, that we forget there is a time to stop fighting....

unfortunately in nz, its happening..... what was once a honorable fight, has turned into something that is hurting nz and serving no purpose

the fight began about 25 years ago, with nz's stance against us ships in our harbors.... a anti nuclear weapon stance... that can be good or bad depending on you view points......

the nz goverment supported the stance, and stood against the us..... we gained a trade tariff and loss of us support for our stance, but shit happens....

that is the point that the protestors should have STFU...... and they didn't, they had won..... and wanted that thrill again, they have won on their stance of a clean and green nz......

so they fought for enviromental rights on a new front... power generation and dams..... winning more victories, against the creation of new dams, hydro and coal / gas / oil dams.... and they were even happier.... but the energy demands of nz were growing, not the energy supply..... nz started to have to deal with brown outs ( power reduction )

currently 25 years later, the same protestors are now fighting against renewable energy sources... such as wind farms.... claiming that they are ugly, and to not fit with the environment......

the interesting aspect is that 20 years ago, they were fighting against dams and demanding more emphasis on renewable / clean energy sources..... such as wind turbine farms..... now they are fighting against them...and the government is sorting out building new dams to avoid black outs in nz due to a excessive drain on power supply.......
the activitists and protestors had won a good fight... then become blinded by their own wins...... and now they are losing all the ground they once had

the fight for civil rights is the same..... we fight the good fight... we win.... we NEED to move to the next target...... not look at the same issue and continue to fight it until we lose all the ground we have gained.....

with the prom issue, it went to court, the fight was won.... we should have moved on..... instead, there are flame wars on the internet, in forums like face book..... and allies that we may have had, are stepping back, to avoid the flame wars that serve no purpose and win no battles, and we lose allies that we need

flame wars do not gain court rulings.... unless its ones over libel and slander etc..... and they really do not benefit the fight for equal rights in any way.....

so yeah I advocate not making waves..... as there is no point in reaching a safe port of call ( a court ruling ) then sailing right back out into the same bloody storm again .......

may the good fights continue to be fought and won...... may equal rights be won...... and may we log into this site one day to hear the victory cries as the us gains the right to civil union / marriage rights for all, equally, and the removal of DADT......
but may it not be lost again because people suddenly want to marry their dogs and cats or play dress up / kissing buddies in the middle of a fire fight..... cos thats when activism turns to ignorance....

Apr 9, 2010, 8:29 PM
recently people have noticed how I have refered to not making waves, no stirring the boat, take the victory and run.......... and due to a inability to ask for clarification from me about my stance.... I will share what leads me to make statements like that...so others can see that maybe I am merely taking common sense.....

the lgbt ( in the us and other countries ) face a long fight and a hard one..... but the trouble with fighting is that often we get so caught up in the fight and the thrill of the victory, that we forget there is a time to stop fighting....

unfortunately in nz, its happening..... what was once a honorable fight, has turned into something that is hurting nz and serving no purpose

the fight began about 25 years ago, with nz's stance against us ships in our harbors.... a anti nuclear weapon stance... that can be good or bad depending on you view points......

the nz goverment supported the stance, and stood against the us..... we gained a trade tariff and loss of us support for our stance, but shit happens....

that is the point that the protestors should have STFU...... and they didn't, they had won..... and wanted that thrill again, they have won on their stance of a clean and green nz......

so they fought for enviromental rights on a new front... power generation and dams..... winning more victories, against the creation of new dams, hydro and coal / gas / oil dams.... and they were even happier.... but the energy demands of nz were growing, not the energy supply..... nz started to have to deal with brown outs ( power reduction )

currently 25 years later, the same protestors are now fighting against renewable energy sources... such as wind farms.... claiming that they are ugly, and to not fit with the environment......

the interesting aspect is that 20 years ago, they were fighting against dams and demanding more emphasis on renewable / clean energy sources..... such as wind turbine farms..... now they are fighting against them...and the government is sorting out building new dams to avoid black outs in nz due to a excessive drain on power supply.......
the activitists and protestors had won a good fight... then become blinded by their own wins...... and now they are losing all the ground they once had

the fight for civil rights is the same..... we fight the good fight... we win.... we NEED to move to the next target...... not look at the same issue and continue to fight it until we lose all the ground we have gained.....

with the prom issue, it went to court, the fight was won.... we should have moved on..... instead, there are flame wars on the internet, in forums like face book..... and allies that we may have had, are stepping back, to avoid the flame wars that serve no purpose and win no battles, and we lose allies that we need

flame wars do not gain court rulings.... unless its ones over libel and slander etc..... and they really do not benefit the fight for equal rights in any way.....

so yeah I advocate not making waves..... as there is no point in reaching a safe port of call ( a court ruling ) then sailing right back out into the same bloody storm again .......

may the good fights continue to be fought and won...... may equal rights be won...... and may we log into this site one day to hear the victory cries as the us gains the right to civil union / marriage rights for all, equally, and the removal of DADT......
but may it not be lost again because people suddenly want to marry their dogs and cats or play dress up / kissing buddies in the middle of a fire fight..... cos thats when activism turns to ignorance....

Well. LDD. I, for one, think that you are an incredibly sensible, farsighted and knowing man. Gosh, I siad that all in one sentence.

Apr 9, 2010, 8:37 PM
this is nothing but an attempt by Long Duck Dong to further deceive people.

he spent some time thinking up plausible sounding explanations to try to explain away what some of us see clearly about him and his posts.

it was to be expected as this is a common ploy used by those who deceive.

Long Duck Dong
Apr 9, 2010, 8:45 PM
lol i have good and bad days...... there are times that I do go off on a tangent but its got a lot to do with my frustration over nz and the * we are one people, one nz but we want things based around race, ..... * aspect of nz.....
( google maori land claims etc )

we are a country that has equal rights / anti discrimination...... but we are now going in reverse again.... as the maori are claiming seperatist rights ( one rule for all nz but exemptions and seperate rights for maori (( google maori fishing rights )).....
and all that after fighting to be the same rights as all nz'ers......

I support their cultural rights etc.... but not the inequal rights afforded to 14% of nz ( the total maori population ) that exceed the rights of the rest of nz,

a example would be that I can be fined for exceeding a daily catch of shellfish of 10 per day..... but a maori person may take more ( cultural rights allow a maori elder to sign a fishing permit for maori to take for events like tangis ( funerals )....
the result is a number of shellfish beds have been stripped bare.... and lost to all nz'ers now.......

so nobody wins in the end..... we all lose..... when we could have stopped at the point of winning equal rights for all.....