View Full Version : *Update* " A costly photo copy it turned out to be"

Mar 18, 2006, 11:15 AM
Well hi my friends, I feel able to address you as such, for so many of you have sent PMs of love and support, and course from the replies to these "blog" like threads on mine. And can I say that I find it so life affirming that those of you knew me months before this "kicked off" find a consistancy in how present myself here. I haven't changed just my circumstances.
:grouphug: Well I needed that!!!! As I will explain.

But firstly let me share some wonderful news with you all, this being early Spring and the birds are building nests and calling to mates!! Love is in the air!!

And it is for me!! I have found love, here, on site!!!
Yep!!! And, in keeping with PeterH's thread, it is of the purest and most romantic kind!! I'm even writing poetry again for the first time in years!!
She is my love, my inspiration, my rock, my muse. I am completely besotted!!
And we have even spoken by telephone and her accent and voice!!! I walk on air after we have spoken, for hours!!! Shame that the Atlantic Ocean seperates us!!!! lol!!! :love: :wiggle2: It is she that makes my heart sing!!
And you never know - I may finally reveal who it is in the coming weeks!! I know how "nosey" some of us are!! lol!! :) And to make it complete - the sun is shinning it London as I type this , after two grey days, bathing my keyboard in a golden light!!

And it was only by focussing on our shared love that I was able to refrain from acting in a rash manner over what follows.

As you may recall, my wife gained, ex parte (meaning I had no prior knowledge), an injunction (supported by a sworn statement that, I might add, can be proved to be full of, how shall I put this, untruths) that forbids me going within a certain distance of the Family home and stops me from contacting her except by e-mail. But there were very strict conditions attached to the content. I was only "allowed" to list possessions that I wanted dropped off at our elderly family friends house.

Now in my last thread I shared how I had been sent a photocopy of some slips of paper that my wife had removed, without my consent, from a spectacles case. It was this exchange of e-mails that my wife has now used against me. For in asking for them, and then by thanking her for sending them, I had broken these strict conditions!!! I could face arrest, but for now this will not happen. But, as of now, I will no longer be in ANY contact with her, except through our solicitors (English 2.0 = attorney). I find this a very sad state of affairs.

And to add insult to injury - she is, now, no longer prepared to "store" my possessions. I haven't shared this before, but she has already cleared shelves of my many books and CDs, vinyl LPs, board games etc and placed them into boxes!!! I now have to arrange, ASAP, to remove them and have them stored.

It is all rather distressing and I can honestly say - I no longer understand or recognise this person at all!!!

But as I have already said, my new love is my rock!!
She, by her love for me, has made it possible not to react in a negative fashion to this latest madness, and I mean that, this situation is pure madness!!!

So there we are!!! A bit of a downer on an otherwise brilliant week!!
But I still have "she who makes my heart sing"!!
And I am bursting with joy!!!
I just want to shout of our love from the rooftops!!

I wish you all love and peace to you and yours

Rupe :)

Mar 18, 2006, 11:53 AM
I want to wish u and ur new love the best hapiness in the world,
i hope that things are great for u both
ur friend

Mar 18, 2006, 12:26 PM
I am such a twit - I forgot to add this - and as over 60minutes have past I can no longer edit it into my original posting!!

But here is some very GOOD new regarding the whole legal aspect to this mess.

I have received Public funding. I have to fill out a few forms and because of my income from a pension (what I live on) I do have to make a contibution - but it is far less than I had expected and I can afford it without it causing me hardship. It will fund having the terms of the injunction altered and once I have made my first payment we can then apply for further funding, which becomes automatic, to get access to my children!!!!

This was very important - I have an extremely good solicitor - one of the best in English Family Law - and there was no way that I could afford her services without this funding. I would have had to resort to a much cheaper source of help.

So God smiled on me, just like the sun, the keyboard is still bathed in a golden light, more Atumnal in quality and colour - but that is my favourite type of sun light!!

Rupe :)

meteast chick
Mar 18, 2006, 12:27 PM

In the same way that I feel sorry for you about your marriage,
I ABSOLUTELY am beside myself over your joy!
I can only hope that your 'muse' feels the same way,
as I believe she will have gained a wonderful man.

HUGS TO RUPE! ((((((((((((((((((((RUPE)))))))))))))))))))))

luv luv luv luv luv and kisses

P.S. What a good man for getting a FEMALE 'solicitor'!!!

Mar 18, 2006, 12:41 PM
(((((((((((((((((((((Rupe))))))))))))))))))))))) :bigrin: :bigrin:

I am again saddened by what your marriage has become and how your wife is acting. :( But I am so happy that you are able to move on and be happy once again. You are such a wonderful, caring man who only deserves happiness and love. :angel:

To you and your new love....may it be all you ever dreamed of :)

love and hugs to you babe.
Mrs.F :bigrin:

Mar 18, 2006, 2:46 PM
Congrats, Rupe! :bounce: It looks like you have a lot going on. Indeed, it seems that the universe is looking after you, even in the midst of your home situation. That is a good thing.

It's all love, sweet Ron. Good on ya! :bigrin:

Mar 18, 2006, 2:58 PM
Hey Rupe...

......good news about you getting legal aid hun... some peace of mind at last that it is not only your estranged wife who has the power of the courts behind her...

......also, i am glad your friendship with your transatlantic friend is bringing you such happiness.. and am also struck by the intensity of your feelings towards her....

...... just take care eh buddy... you have been almost mortally wounded by the fallout from your marriage and are still (of course!) very, very fragile... i would hate to see you become dependent on another lover only for (worse case scenario) this person not to feel able to live up to your perceptions of her..

.......i say this out of care for you Rupe, not in anyway to undermine you or your lovers feelings for each other...

......with love and friendship.. julie xx

Mar 18, 2006, 4:20 PM
... I had broken these strict conditions!!! I could face arrest .....
Rupe :)

omg its bad enough that the sites full of perverts - but now criminals!

tom_uk xXx

Mar 19, 2006, 6:13 AM
hey rupe.I AM SO SO SORRY ON YOUR CURRENT MADNESS WITH THE OTHER.but im also SO VARY HAPPY FOR YOU.I truely hope things work out with your new love.WAY TO GO RUPE :bigrin: :bigrin: :bigrin: :bigrin: :bigrin: :color: :color:.

Mar 19, 2006, 6:53 AM
I am the glad the clouds gave way for the sun to shine. Wish you all the love you deserve. I am glad that you were able to get a lawyer that will help you win the battle. Hang in there...here comes the sun!!!


Mar 22, 2006, 7:01 AM
Well thank you, thank you, thank you!!

Such love and support!!!!!
And such shared joy at my new found love!!!

Now a fair number of you have not posted, but have prefered to PM me about my current situation.

Many of you have expressed fears of both my posting my feeling of love for another, and of that love at all.

My dears, I am well aware that my wife is able to come on site and read what I post up.
I am also very well aware that I am in a vulnerable position emotionally.
I t is not unusual for seperated, divorcing or newly divorced folk to go "bed hopping" or rush into new relationships with disasterous results.

So I just want to reassure that I am doing fine.
Neither my love or I were seeking what we found.
It just happened.
And we are both glad that it did.

And I now have a muse - I am thinking in the most visual of ways (part of my background is graphic design and photography) eveywhere I go my mind's camera is going snap, snap, snap and bringing laughter to my lips.

After many barren and dry years I am beginning to write poetry again - it is beginning to just flow forth, fully formed. An example of this can be found, in two parts, on the Thread "Poetry Slam" start by badkittyamy (and isn't that such a wonderful site tag!!).

My love for "she who makes my heart sing" is growing into something much more comfortable and familiar - like that of an old married couple - the first flush having past I now find that it deepens into something much more meaningful and hopefully we are in it for the long term. But I wish to reassure that even if it ended today - I am glad that I found her. She has completely changed how I was - a bit of dirt - into what I am today - myself.

The greatest compliment that I can pay her is simply this: She has made me happy.
After so many years of unhappiness and being humiliated and despised it has come as something of a surprise to find that I can be both liked and loved for simply being me.
And I have a spring in my step and joy in my mind. After three years of wishing every night not to awaken in the morn' I now find a lust for life again.
It is good to be alive.
For the first time in years I am making plans for my future.

It is a breakout to freedom!!
And I am enjoying each and every second of it!!

I would also like to add that my counselling has achieved more in just three sessions than seven years of psychotherapy did during the 1970's. So much self-discovery. And I am learning how to like myself once more.

My marriage is now, very sadly, a thing of the past. And I am moving on, mentally and emotionally.

The next steps are to find a permanent home and gain access to my youngest children.
The relationships with my eldest three children are growing deeper and stronger and more loving week by week. Being "outed" has not harmed my realtionships with them at all - but has harmed their relationships with my wife.

SO!!!!! There we are.

Love and Peace to you and yours

Rupe :)
PS I have now updated my Profile and will add some new pic.s very soon.

Mar 22, 2006, 8:04 AM
Hey Rupert, best wishes on your new future. I too found someone special who helped me through dark times and even though he eventually broke my heart, I have no regrets.

Best wishes for you and yours ;)

Well thank you, thank you, thank you!!

Such love and support!!!!!
And such shared joy at my new found love!!!

Now a fair number of you have not posted, but have prefered to PM me about my current situation.

Many of you have expressed fears of both my posting my feeling of love for another, and of that love at all.

My dears, I am well aware that my wife is able to come on site and read what I post up.
I am also very well aware that I am in a vulnerable position emotionally.
I t is not unusual for seperated, divorcing or newly divorced folk to go "bed hopping" or rush into new relationships with disasterous results.

So I just want to reassure that I am doing fine.
Neither my love or I were seeking what we found.
It just happened.
And we are both glad that it did.

And I now have a muse - I am thinking in the most visual of ways (part of my background is graphic design and photography) eveywhere I go my mind's camera is going snap, snap, snap and bringing laughter to my lips.

After many barren and dry years I am beginning to write poetry again - it is beginning to just flow forth, fully formed. An example of this can be found, in two parts, on the Thread "Poetry Slam" start by badkittyamy (and isn't that such a wonderful site tag!!).

My love for "she who makes my heart sing" is growing into something much more comfortable and familiar - like that of an old married couple - the first flush having past I now find that it deepens into something much more meaningful and hopefully we are in it for the long term. But I wish to reassure that even if it ended today - I am glad that I found her. She has completely changed how I was - a bit of dirt - into what I am today - myself.

The greatest compliment that I can pay her is simply this: She has made me happy.
After so many years of unhappiness and being humiliated and despised it has come as something of a surprise to find that I can be both liked and loved for simply being me.
And I have a spring in my step and joy in my mind. After three years of wishing every night not to awaken in the morn' I now find a lust for life again.
It is good to be alive.
For the first time in years I am making plans for my future.

It is a breakout to freedom!!
And I am enjoying each and every second of it!!

I would also like to add that my counselling has achieved more in just three sessions than seven years of psychotherapy did during the 1970's. So much self-discovery. And I am learning how to like myself once more.

My marriage is now, very sadly, a thing of the past. And I am moving on, mentally and emotionally.

The next steps are to find a permanent home and gain access to my youngest children.
The relationships with my eldest three children are growing deeper and stronger and more loving week by week. Being "outed" has not harmed my realtionships with them at all - but has harmed their relationships with my wife.

SO!!!!! There we are.

Love and Peace to you and yours

Rupe :)
PS I have now updated my Profile and will add some new pic.s very soon.

Mar 22, 2006, 1:21 PM
great news rupe glad to here about your new person in your life hope it gets even better you

love and respect

clive and tammy

Mar 22, 2006, 3:07 PM
Thats great news Rupert, Just follow your heart mate and you cant go wrong, and for the other half that has put you through all this greif you never know.....the next bloke mighten be as understanding or as placid or even have your patience.............well we wont go into that. But anyway Rup enjoy your new found love you do deserve the happiness mate :tongue:

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Mar 23, 2006, 4:25 AM
omg its bad enough that the sites full of perverts - but now criminals!

tom_uk xXx

lmao Tom!!!!! Thank you for that!!!! :bigrin:

Well I just wanted to say that "she who makes my heart sing" has turned my hearts voice into that of an opera singer hitting the high notes!!!!

Last night in chat - in the main room she revealed herself to everyone there!!!
So now it's out!!!!

But I will NOT be posting her site name on this Public forum - those who need to know can now be told!!!
But as unsympathetic members of my family use this site to read my postings I have no intention of giving them a chance to hassle my love.
Proud Daughter knows and the son I am staying with - and they remain the only members of my family that I shall be telling.

I know a lot of you having been dying to know - PM me - if we have known one another long enough for me to know that you will not harm my love I'll tell you!!! lol!! But I am not so naive as to believe that who people say they are, the photos they post or where they claim to be from are true - just because I try to be as open and honest as I can on this site - that is not true for all!!! lol!!!
But I'd love to tell you!!!!
I'd love to shout it out loud from the rooftops for the world to know!!!
But even though I may be a hopeless romantic - I do have a side that is realistic - and there are people out there that still wish to harm me - and given the chance my new found love.
lol!!!! :bigrin:

Rupe :)

Long Duck Dong
Mar 23, 2006, 7:26 AM
hugs ya rupert and her who makes ya heart sing lol

lil bit of advice about ya marriage..... its like a growing pain, lol

sometimes we have to go thru something like that to discover the truth to love and happiness and unless we do the hard yards, we never reach the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow

ya marriage is a experience, that helped you grow into who you are today... your wife taking a different path to you... and despite how its all turned into a less than desirable situation.... it also teachs you about you in this time of reaching out and learning about yourself... it may not make you a stronger person, but it makes you a lot wiser...... and tho that wisdom is hard gained.... one day... you may turn around and share that wisdom with another... who is walking in the same type of shoes as you are now...... thats the true value of any wisdom and knowledge lol

now, you dear rupert, have the rare qualities of a warm heart and a friendly disposition to add to that, and I can see that no matter how hard ya wife hammers you in the legal sense... no court in the land can give her half of your awesome personality lol.....

hugs ya both

Mar 23, 2006, 8:18 AM
Hey Rupe...

......I'm with Long Duck Dong....

......Your estranged wife may well break your heart and your bank balance... BUT she will never break your spirit or take your soul....


......love julie xx