View Full Version : Wow...that took guts.

Apr 8, 2010, 10:58 PM
My friend's husband lists himself as interested in only men on his facebook. My friend is a girl...

Even though I know it's a joke, and maybe I should be mad at him, I really have to admire the guts it takes to joke like that. Straight girls put interested in women all the time as a joke and say they're married to their best friends. But a guy doing it...wow. That takes guts.

I know he's not interested in men, btw. If he is, it's news to me. Pretty sure it's a joke.

I hope nobody gets offended by this, I'm just remarking on how brave he is to do that.

Apr 9, 2010, 8:45 AM
Funny thing is, I considered doing the same thing as a subtle way of outing myself. I was thinking of switching my interest to men and then waiting to see if I got any "hits". If the wrong people noticed, I'd just say I hadn't realized I'd done that (I find Facebook confusing at times, anyway).

I can't help but wonder if that's what that guy's doing?

Long Duck Dong
Apr 9, 2010, 8:47 AM
My friend's husband lists himself as interested in only men on his facebook. My friend is a girl...

Even though I know it's a joke, and maybe I should be mad at him, I really have to admire the guts it takes to joke like that. Straight girls put interested in women all the time as a joke and say they're married to their best friends. But a guy doing it...wow. That takes guts.

I know he's not interested in men, btw. If he is, it's news to me. Pretty sure it's a joke.

I hope nobody gets offended by this, I'm just remarking on how brave he is to do that.

I can understand what you are saying....lol...... and yeah as a joke, it does take guts.....

what bret LA, seems to not understand, its that most jokes are taking the mickey out of a situation, people, races, nations etc..... but not every joke is done to be offensive to people or to insult people...... thats what insults are for..... not jokes.....

Apr 9, 2010, 2:07 PM
Maybe he's just saying that, on Facebook, he only wants to talk with guys about guy stuff. He might not know or understand the other meanings.