View Full Version : how to stay clean when you play

Apr 8, 2010, 3:38 PM
I was just wondering what does everyone do to prevent a mess when they do anal play. I have too often used a toy and then been disgusted to the point where the great pleasure I got is canceled out. Please help.

Apr 8, 2010, 4:02 PM
Ditto. And if that little bit of crap bothers you, then you shouldn't be playing down there in the first place.

Apr 8, 2010, 4:26 PM
play in the shower

Apr 8, 2010, 4:40 PM
I drink alot of water on a daily basis but I too use an enema a few times a year. I dont see whats the big deal.

of course the natural (fiber) way is the best way but if that don't work I dont see whats wrong with the occasional enema...

Porn stars use enemas before their anal scene so whats wrong with it? Yes, dont do it every day but on occasion is ok..

STAY HYDRATED... excellent point!!!

Apr 8, 2010, 8:16 PM
I concur with those who said it's a butt and poop is going to come out of it...however, I have no advice.

Apr 8, 2010, 8:20 PM
well, i recommend fiber, eating a regular diet, and an occasional enema, a little warm water will loosen and clean things up a bit . . . if you still have alot of trouble in that department after that maybe you should see a dr cause your diet or digestive tract could be off a bit

Apr 8, 2010, 11:09 PM
I agree with what everyone else has said. Stay away from eating too much fried and/or fatty foods; eat more fruits and vegetables for the fiber benefit.

Apr 9, 2010, 12:57 AM
I suppose a stinking hot chilli or a ring stinging curry is out of the question ??

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Apr 13, 2010, 10:34 PM
I would not tell anyone else what to do, but usually I use a 2 quart enema bag of body temperature water and add either 2 tablespoons of organic chlorophyll or 2 tablespoons of diluted H2o2/3% otc hydrogen peroxide. I also drink water with chlorophyll in it regularly throughout the day. Because I study orthomolecular nutrition, I also consume mostly organic veggies and drink lots of water. Chlorophyll, way over simplified, is a natural internal cleanser and deodorizer (as well as a healthy blood builder). Intestinal contents smell more like horse biscuits than the usual :.), but that works just fine for me. H2o2 is made by your body and in diluted form is helpful in a number of ways. After the enema, I do a water and glycerin douche to clear out the green stuff and as a pre-lubricant. All three are inexpensive, safe and work great.

Apr 14, 2010, 1:21 AM
I have a dildo shower attachment - insert clean out.
Before that - take what you get - thats why i always use condom with anal- female- now male

Apr 14, 2010, 1:31 AM
I agree with lady passion, she is right on. I go to a health food store and i bye chlorophyll pills and take one in the morning and one at night after dinner.

She knows her stuff, it really does help with the smell and feeling cleaner.

Also, anything that does not smell bad raw or cooked, will not come out as stinky as other things. For example, if you want to have anal sex, and you know your are for sure gonna do it friday night, starting wednesday start a diet heavy in fruits, vegetables, chlorophyll pills and water. Avoid red meat or lamb, they are the worst smelling of all, try to avoid any red meat you can, fish or chicken is ok, and chicken is the most neutral smelling one.

Fiber is critical, you can get cirtrucel and take it every night, and it keeps your digestive tract cleaner than if you were not taking itl

and there is nothing in the world like an enema, just do not use antibacterial soap, that is a mistake, it kills the good bacteria in your intestines. I have very good luck with staying clean and not having a mess, but remember, no matter what, it will never be perfect!

Apr 14, 2010, 10:56 AM
THe hose treatment. Before i had anal fun, i hit the shower and used the hand held shower head with the hose, Un attach the head and proceed to clean out what you dont like or want showing up at the end of a good time. I have never had a complaint or been embarassed. Clean with soap and water before and after.

Apr 14, 2010, 9:31 PM
Don't take chlorophyll or 2 tablespoons of diluted H2o2/3% otc hydrogen peroxide or put that stuff up your ass.

It's not needed and only plants need chlorophyll. It's a total sham that a human would somehow need chlorophyll and it's not a substitute for actually eating vegetables.

As long as you can take a crap normally and you eat lots of fiber you shouldn't need to use an enema or douche at all.

Not a sham at all. Humans/all creatures get chlorophyll from plants. We can't live without it. Unfortunately plants and conventional veggies and fruits and meats and dairy lack nutrients and contain pesticides, herbicides, fertilizer residue and other chemicals. That's been known since before George Washington Carver. Chlorophyll is loaded with nutrients. Plenty of hard, indisputable science to back that up :.) And it was not suggested vegetables be replaced with chlorophyll.

When it comes to health and cleanliness, people should question everything and research the researchers. I do.

Apr 15, 2010, 4:00 AM
Whatever the precautions - Sooner or later poo happens.

Zack and Miri Make a Porno (2008) - great scene in that.

The real problems to look out for are intestinal infections and parasites - not good.

Apr 15, 2010, 8:23 PM
Some of you people need to eat more fiber especially the woman who does the enemas with chlorophyll and peroxide.
Ha ha... I learned about them when I had cancer several years ago, which I happened to overcome by changing my diet drastically and without cooking my insides with radiation or chemo. I consume about 80% fiber.

You can eat vegetables and get more vitamins and nutrients than any chlorophyll supplements will give you.
Not true at all. What do you base that on?

Chlorophyll is the pigment that gives plants their green color and also mediates photosynthesis. It's very important to plants but has no role in human nutrition.
Now that is dangerous misinformation. You really need to research this stuff before stating opinions as fact.

There is no need to douche or use enemas once in awhile or even that frequently for anal sex with a cock or toy, before doing rimming, or for colon health in general.
No one said there was a need to. It's entirely optional. Lots of people, like myself, do it generally for health benefits.

Just go to the bathroom like you would normally and you're set for anal sex. Some people like to space out meals before having anal sex and this can work better than douching or enemas do.
That's about the only thing you've said that has validity :.)

The colon and lower digestive tract are self cleaning so there's no need to use the sham technique that was posted about putting hydrogen peroxide and Chlorophyll up your ass as this will not do anything and putting Hydrogen Peroxide up your ass is dangerous since it's not supposed go there or be used for douching or an enema.
Yes, they are self-cleaning. No H2o2 and chlorophyll are not dangerous. Sheez. Both are quite commonly used in the medical profession as treatments and using more than I suggested.

Now, if you are going to take a very large toy like a 12"+ dildo or take a forearm or fist you must douche and clean out but do this with plain water and nothing else.[/QUOTE]

Apr 16, 2010, 7:14 PM
I am unabashedly a fan of anal sex. My (now ex) husband and I had many wonderful adventures there.

In all those years, there was never any "mess". A few times a bit whiffy and a very few times a little staining at the base of his penis, but certainly no accidents. And I did the ATM thing a few times!!!! :tong:

I did nothing special except eat healthily and visit the toilet regularly. Certainly no enemas - ever.