View Full Version : does this seem fair?

Apr 7, 2010, 3:52 AM
ok I have been happliy married for 20+ years, and I have always loved sucking cock but the other half just won't eat my pussy, he tried it once (a long time ago I can barely remember) said no it wasn't for him, anyway I can change his mind or do I just have to accept oral is a one way street in our relationship?!

Apr 7, 2010, 4:00 AM
It isn't fair. It is foolish. I don't know what you can do, short of holding out all sex until you get what you want in return.

Long Duck Dong
Apr 7, 2010, 4:01 AM
unfortunately, there are people that do not have the interest or desire to preform oral sex....... and if they are not interested in doing it.... any attempts to pressure them into it, only serves to alienate them.....

what can help resolve the issue ( but may not change anything ) is talking to them about their concerns and feelings and seeing if a reasonable compromise can be reached...... but its a case of being prepared for the possibility that nothing may change

Apr 7, 2010, 5:12 AM
No hun its not fair.. but its the way a life sumtimes.. had the same experience mesel wiv me x hubbie... oral sex on him wos fine..but mine puss wos a dirty place an so it wos summat he rarely did an nev enjoyed.. hang ups an inhibitions r summat wich can b hard 2 break down.. nev did wiv 'im.. not bout oral sex ne way..

Apr 7, 2010, 5:18 AM
Well there are two ways you can deal with this. Deny yourself the pleasure of sucking his cock til he tries oral again on you. Or continue as you are and continue giving yourself pleasure while giving him head. Sorry hon, if it hasn't changed in 20+ years I'm not sure it can be changed. Try talking to him and see if it's just he doesn't like oral period. Is there a chance he doesn't enjoy oral even on himself and lets you do it because you enjoy it so?

Apr 7, 2010, 5:29 AM
That is completely unfair. I don't understand how some women can live like that, always giving and never getting. I don't understand how those men can be so selfish. I wouldn't have stayed with him, because his selfishness in that respect translates to selfishness in other areas. And I certainly wouldn't be giving him head after 20 years. I wouldn't keep giving to someone who never gives.

I can be harsh. When I watched Secret Diary of a Call Girl, the character whose wife hadn't had sex with him in five years stood out to me. I thought, "at a certain point, I don't blame him for cheating." I kind of feel the same way about breaking up with men who won't go down on a woman. It's not that one act, it's selfishness that exists in all aspects of the relationship. Rarely is a man giving and generous in every way but that. A man who won't go down on a woman usually has defects elsewhere and that is just one warning sign.

I have reason to believe my friend, who I am in love with, had this problem with her ex-boyfriend. He's a selfish ass with no respect for women who just sees us as objects for his sexual gratification. He has no idea how to treat women. I admit I am speculating, and maybe thinking a bit too much about my friend's sexual past, but I'm probably right. Luckily she only dated him for eight months. 20 years?? I can't...even imagine.

Apr 7, 2010, 6:41 AM
thanks for all the replies, as I thought others do feel its unfair, thing is he is generous and giving in other ways and when his fingers start oh boy!! But I must admit I do get frustrated, it certainly makes me want to look elsewhere even though I love him. As for him enjoying me giving him oral thats a definate although I have stopped taking him all the way as he refuses to go down on me it hasn't changed his mind, sadly. Recently I have discovered he has been indulging in a little bi sexual activity on the side, he is unware that I know, so I am now seriously thinking of grabbing a bit of action on the side myself!

Apr 7, 2010, 9:35 AM
I think it is a bit unfair, but there is more to marriage than just wanting certain sexual acts to be done. So if you can be married this long and still love each other and want to be with each other while not getting all that you want physically, it must be worth it :)

Have you ever tried talking to him about it and actually finding out what it is about giving oral that he despises so much that he can't do it every now and again?

Apr 7, 2010, 9:45 AM
Very unfair, but that's the way it is. I've been in the situation myself more times than I care to remember. If he truly doesn't enjoy doing it don't bother trying to change his mind or somehow force or coerce him because it won't be any good.

Apr 7, 2010, 9:49 AM
Boy--that guy doesn't know what he is missing!!! It is unfair and kinda sad that he won't do that for you if for no other reason that he cares for you and wishes to make you feel good and all----I don't know what to say to make a guy who doesn't want to perform oral on his lady suddenly change his mind----about the only time I would not want to do it for my lady is when its "that time of the month"--but other than that----its no problem for me---wish I could give you better advice.

Here's to hoping your guy has a change of mind and heart on this, though!!!!

Apr 7, 2010, 10:25 AM
I have been married for 16 years and for the vast majority of that I have loved eating my wife's pussy but she has seldom returned the favour. I was OK with that.

Recently my wife did suck my cock and how has now declared that she likes it, much to my surprise and delight. So people can and do change what they like sexually.

I would suggest that you ask your husband to try again as it has been such a long time. Tell him how much you love it. Good Luck!

Apr 7, 2010, 3:56 PM
Bret's post reminds me of a scene in Good Will Hunting when Minnie Driver is telling a joke about an old married couple who pledge to each do anything the other asks just once. The man asked for a blowjob, the woman complies. He asked what she would like. She says with a mouthful of cum "Give me a French Kiss".

Apr 7, 2010, 6:06 PM
Bret's post reminds me of a scene in Good Will Hunting when Minnie Driver is telling a joke about an old married couple who pledge to each do anything the other asks just once. The man asked for a blowjob, the woman complies. He asked what she would like. She says with a mouthful of cum "Give me a French Kiss".

Well. well......so now I know.....that's where he heard the joke...LOL

Apr 7, 2010, 6:08 PM
This is totally fair and normal.

Your husband is not into giving women or you oral sex and there's nothing wrong with this as not every man likes to give women oral sex even straight and bisexual men do not.

Imagine it from your perspective like if you hated to suck cock and hated giving men oral sex as there are quite a number of bisexual and straight women who do not like to give men oral sex or suck cock and the majority of women do not like to suck cock or are not good at it and no woman is as good or as skilled at giving oral sex to a man as another man is.

There's not some unwritten rule that says that your s.o. or husband or wife simply MUST fulfill all of your sexual expectations, fantasies, and do what you want and that they must reciprocate giving oral sex just because you give them oral sex.

Just have your husband do other things to you for sex that you like that don't involve you getting oral sex as not every straight or bisexual guy is into it and it's not fair to force someone into doing something sexually that they have no desire to do.

I know men who have been married to women for 20-30+ years and never once did they get a blowjob from their wife or any woman at all and they give their wife oral sex a lot.

Gee....I hates to say this...but I agree with you.

Apr 7, 2010, 6:14 PM
''That is completely unfair. I don't understand how some women can live like that, always giving and never getting. I don't understand how those men can be so selfish. I wouldn't have stayed with him, because his selfishness in that respect translates to selfishness in other areas. And I certainly wouldn't be giving him head after 20 years. I wouldn't keep giving to someone who never gives.''

Oh, dear....sighs...and here speaks the voice of maturity and great experience''

''I can be harsh. When I watched Secret Diary of a Call Girl, the character whose wife hadn't had sex with him in five years stood out to me. I thought, "at a certain point, I don't blame him for cheating." I kind of feel the same way about breaking up with men who won't go down on a woman. It's not that one act, it's selfishness that exists in all aspects of the relationship. Rarely is a man giving and generous in every way but that. A man who won't go down on a woman usually has defects elsewhere and that is just one warning sign.''

Sighs again......and wonders about the reality gleaned from watching cinematic movies or telemovies.

''I have reason to believe my friend, who I am in love with, had this problem with her ex-boyfriend. He's a selfish ass with no respect for women who just sees us as objects for his sexual gratification. He has no idea how to treat women. I admit I am speculating, and maybe thinking a bit too much about my friend's sexual past, but I'm probably right. Luckily she only dated him for eight months. 20 years?? I can't...even imagine.''

There is something a lot deeper, going on here!

Apr 7, 2010, 6:23 PM
This is totally fair and normal.

Your husband is not into giving women or you oral sex and there's nothing wrong with this as not every man likes to give women oral sex even straight and bisexual men do not.

Imagine it from your perspective like if you hated to suck cock and hated giving men oral sex as there are quite a number of bisexual and straight women who do not like to give men oral sex or suck cock and the majority of women do not like to suck cock or are not good at it and no woman is as good or as skilled at giving oral sex to a man as another man is.

There's not some unwritten rule that says that your s.o. or husband or wife simply MUST fulfill all of your sexual expectations, fantasies, and do what you want and that they must reciprocate giving oral sex just because you give them oral sex.

Just have your husband do other things to you for sex that you like that don't involve you getting oral sex as not every straight or bisexual guy is into it and it's not fair to force someone into doing something sexually that they have no desire to do.

I know men who have been married to women for 20-30+ years and never once did they get a blowjob from their wife or any woman at all and they give their wife oral sex a lot.

Um, excuse me...do you have major issues with women or what? Because based on your reply here and your replies to me I am thinking you are a huge jerk. Did some woman do something awful to you, or do you just have a chemical imbalance?

I suggest that whatever issues you have, you get them sorted out. Until then, don't reply if you think you are incapable of being civil.

And just to make sure your brain synapses are functioning: What the hell is fair about one partner getting oral for 20 years and the other being denied it (when she wants it)? The situations where the men are denied aren't fair either, I never said they were.

You have a serious attitude problem, and you need to deal with it. I am seriously considering placing you on ignore where you belong.

Apr 7, 2010, 6:26 PM
''That is completely unfair. I don't understand how some women can live like that, always giving and never getting. I don't understand how those men can be so selfish. I wouldn't have stayed with him, because his selfishness in that respect translates to selfishness in other areas. And I certainly wouldn't be giving him head after 20 years. I wouldn't keep giving to someone who never gives.''

Oh, dear....sighs...and here speaks the voice of maturity and great experience''

''I can be harsh. When I watched Secret Diary of a Call Girl, the character whose wife hadn't had sex with him in five years stood out to me. I thought, "at a certain point, I don't blame him for cheating." I kind of feel the same way about breaking up with men who won't go down on a woman. It's not that one act, it's selfishness that exists in all aspects of the relationship. Rarely is a man giving and generous in every way but that. A man who won't go down on a woman usually has defects elsewhere and that is just one warning sign.''

Sighs again......and wonders about the reality gleaned from watching cinematic movies or telemovies.

''I have reason to believe my friend, who I am in love with, had this problem with her ex-boyfriend. He's a selfish ass with no respect for women who just sees us as objects for his sexual gratification. He has no idea how to treat women. I admit I am speculating, and maybe thinking a bit too much about my friend's sexual past, but I'm probably right. Luckily she only dated him for eight months. 20 years?? I can't...even imagine.''

There is something a lot deeper, going on here!

Secret Diary of a Call Girl is actually based on the personal writings of a real woman named Brooke Magnanti who worked as an escort in London. So I can only assume that her account was based on actual experiences, as in, a real man whose wife had withheld sex for five years.

This is my opinion and I'm entitled to it, mature or not, experienced or not. Just because I haven't had sex doesn't mean I don't know a good relationship and a healthy sex life from bad ones.

And as for my friend, I don't really know, but the man is so selfish and self-centered and disrespectful towards women, it seems to follow that he would never give a woman oral. He probably doesn't even know there's such a thing.

In the future you should just keep your snarky little comments to yourself.

Apr 7, 2010, 6:57 PM
Secret Diary of a Call Girl is actually based on the personal writings of a real woman named Brooke Magnanti who worked as an escort in London. So I can only assume that her account was based on actual experiences, as in, a real man whose wife had withheld sex for five years.

This is my opinion and I'm entitled to it, mature or not, experienced or not. Just because I haven't had sex doesn't mean I don't know a good relationship and a healthy sex life from bad ones.

And as for my friend, I don't really know, but the man is so selfish and self-centered and disrespectful towards women, it seems to follow that he would never give a woman oral. He probably doesn't even know there's such a thing.

In the future you should just keep your snarky little comments to yourself.

No, love, not ''snarky'' little comments......but like you say, about what you posted.....my take on things....as I see and read them. Now if I hit a raw nerve, I don't apologise.

As for the film of the real life diary of a call girl.....umm.....I'd bet my bottom dollar that whatever she wrote, was a good deal more juicy, than whatever happened.

Just what is a healthy sex life? I think you will find that all people have views, ideas, fantasies, about what is a healthy sex life and they will differ...and all be totally random.

If a man, or a woman ''witholds,'' any sexual act from their partner, or spouse, it will usually be for a good reason and that doesn't make it OK for the other half of any relationship, to go looking for ''it,'' elsewhere. It's called adultery or cheating...a terrible thing to do, to someone one supposedly loves...because it involves lies and deception...which nearly always get found out. The damage done, is immense.

Now the OP has a partner, who does not like one particular sexual contact and doesn't want to partake in that. It's not a matter of it being unfair, that he doesn't want to do it, it's just not for him, not his thing and if he has been a kind and loving partner, in other ways and for so many years, it's a meeting one another half way, which is the most important thing and sex is a small part of any relationship. There are some people who are physically unable and incapable of having a sexual relationship, yet they remain in happy, loving marriages, or partnerships.

''And as for my friend, I don't really know, but the man is so selfish and self-centered and disrespectful towards women, it seems to follow that he would never give a woman oral. He probably doesn't even know there's such a thing.''

This is rather a confused paragraph. What on earth has your heterosexual friend's boyfriend being self-centred and disrespectful toward women, got to do with him having any knowledge of oral sex. One could argue that kissing is a form of oral sex, especially french kissing, where tongues will investigate and play with one another and two people are joined....lips to lips.

I guess, like you say, about what you know...''I don't really know.''

Apr 7, 2010, 7:28 PM

Maybe she embellished a bit, but nothing in the show seems that farfetched, so I'm going to guess she didn't exaggerate too much. And it's not a film, it's a show.

At a certain point, if you're not having sex with your spouse or partner, you shouldn't even be with them anymore. True, it would have been more honorable for him to just divorce her, but maybe he doesn't want to deal with the bullshit and the financial problems it can bring. If you don't want to have sex with your husband, he shouldn't be your husband anymore, and really isn't your husband anymore except according to a piece of paper.

I think we can safely assume that he no longer loved his wife, and she no longer loved him, given that they hadn't made love in five years.

Sex is a VERY important part of a relationship to me. It's essential in non-platonic relationships. And if I'm with a man and I'm blowing him every day, he better be going down on me. Otherwise I will probably leave him, because selfishness there means selfishness elsewhere. It's not about the act, it's about the selfishness. Having gone without sex my entire life, you better damn well believe I am not going to be in a sexless relationship. Hell no. Not happening.

Men who don't care for and respect women generally aren't very good in bed, because they don't give a rat's ass about giving a woman pleasure. My friend's EX boyfriend is just such a man. I'm pretty sure he only cared about getting himself off, and I'm pretty sure that's part of why they broke up.

Kissing is a form of oral sexual activity, but I would not in any way call it sex.

I guess, like you say, about what you know...''I don't really know.''

I have no idea what you're talking about here, so I'm going to say you're being really annoying, like you always are, and leave it at that.

Get a life.

Apr 7, 2010, 7:47 PM
Now just wait a minute.... there is no way in hell a person should throw away a loving relationship of more than 20 years because of one tiny thing. You are assuming the man is selfish, have you ever tried something to eat and didn't like it so you won't even try it again? Same principle, for whatever reason he didn't like the cunnilingus. That doesn't make him selfish, it makes him different. A lot of people do not like oral of any nature or think it's okay for one or the other. For all you know he was raised to believe it was something dirty and sinful and it's a deep seated reservation of his that he can't bring himself to try it again, but he tried it once, for the love of his wife, he tried.

And sorry, for a virgin you are sure damned judgemental about sex. I supported you in your thread but I'm seriously wondering if you are this outspoken in real life, you say no...but then this is online anyone can say anything. Your remarks to the OP of this thread were distressing to read as it shows a very jaded view of sex and sexuality from someone who was praised for being fresh and youthful.

Apr 7, 2010, 7:54 PM
I am shy irl. Take that as you will, I know I'm not lying.

I have my own ideas about sex, like everyone does, virgin or not. And if he was raised to think it's sinful, why does he enjoy GETTING it but not giving? That doesn't make any sense. People who are told it's a sin are told that it's a sin to give or receive.

What are virgins supposed to feel about sex? Are we just supposed to not have an opinion either way?

I mean I am almost 26 years old. I'm hardly as youthful as I once was. An 18 year old virgin is youthful. I'm just an adult approaching my late twenties with no sexual experience. There's a difference.

Apr 7, 2010, 7:56 PM
Opinions yes but you have no right to tell someone you think she should throw away 20 years of love because YOU wouldn't put up with it. She came here seeking advice, much the same as you did. Some of the replies were helpful some not so helpful. That's the way it is with all posts, your's just happen to fall into the not so helpful in this case. Lighten up, the world doesn't revolve around sex.

Apr 7, 2010, 8:09 PM
I never said it did. And I don't think she should throw away her relationship and I don't remember saying she should.

I said I would not have stayed with him, because I wouldn't have. I didn't command her to leave him.

Apr 7, 2010, 8:12 PM
Then you don't remember posting this?

I can be harsh. When I watched Secret Diary of a Call Girl, the character whose wife hadn't had sex with him in five years stood out to me. I thought, "at a certain point, I don't blame him for cheating." I kind of feel the same way about breaking up with men who won't go down on a woman. It's not that one act, it's selfishness that exists in all aspects of the relationship. Rarely is a man giving and generous in every way but that. A man who won't go down on a woman usually has defects elsewhere and that is just one warning sign.

Apr 7, 2010, 8:22 PM
As for myself--sex is a part of life, and when it's missing and you want it, life feels incomplete. I'm not asking for a life that revolves around sex, just a life that includes it. I feel like I have a right to that as a sexual person.

I didn't say "you should leave him."

That's how I personally feel. I'm really tired of people, the second I say something they don't like, jumping on the fact that I've never had sex/relationships and say "well you don't know anything because you've never done it." So I can't feel how I feel? That's not really fair.

Apr 7, 2010, 8:22 PM
I'm a little confused. I thought you said that you had not had relationships, which would mean you have not had a marriage. How can you sit here and say that it is rare for men to be generous in other aspects in life if they do not like to give oral sex to a woman? Have you conducted studies (and I am not talking about a few things that you have heard from friends)? Because it certainly can not be do to experience.

Apr 7, 2010, 8:24 PM
I'm a little confused. I thought you said that you had not had relationships, which would mean you have not had a marriage. How can you sit here and say that it is rare for men to be generous in other aspects in life if they do not like to give oral sex to a woman? Have you conducted studies (and I am not talking about a few things that you have heard from friends)? Because it certainly can not be do to experience.

You don't have to have relationships to know that when a person in selfish in one area, they are often selfish in others. That's why I couldn't be with someone who wouldn't go down on me. It would just raise too many issues in the entire relationship.

Also--I just plain want someone to go down on me and would be very unhappy living without that, as I have already done so for 26 years.

Apr 7, 2010, 8:33 PM
You don't have to have relationships to know that when a person in selfish in one area, they are often selfish in others. That's why I couldn't be with someone who wouldn't go down on me. It would just raise too many issues in the entire relationship.

Also--I just plain want someone to go down on me and would be very unhappy living without that, as I have already done so for 26 years.

Well, this does not necessarily have to be about selfishness. He may just simply not enjoy it. Not everyone enjoys oral. It doesn't make a person selfish. Also, it is human nature to be selfish about some things in life. If the human race lived by the theory that you have presented here, no one would be happy in any relationship because we would all be miserable with our selfish partners and they with us :)

Apr 7, 2010, 9:09 PM

Could you expand on that?

''Maybe she embellished a bit, but nothing in the show seems that farfetched, so I'm going to guess she didn't exaggerate too much. And it's not a film, it's a show.''

Now who is naive? A ''show,'' ultimately, made for entertainment value....whatever the message may be. Don't split hairs, about whether the thing you watched, was a film, or a show.....it's filmed or put on video.....

''At a certain point, if you're not having sex with your spouse or partner, you shouldn't even be with them anymore. True, it would have been more honorable for him to just divorce her, but maybe he doesn't want to deal with the bullshit and the financial problems it can bring. If you don't want to have sex with your husband, he shouldn't be your husband anymore, and really isn't your husband anymore except according to a piece of paper.''

You are actually serious...aren't you? So, if people are not having a sexual relationship, but, apart from that, are very happy......they shouldn't be together. What a load of hogwash. You dig yourself a deeper hole, the more you say, in that paragraph. Marriage is not about sex! Guess what...you don't have to be married, to have a sexual relationship!

A marriage is about commitment and with that commitment, whether the relationship be a legally formalised one, or what is termed a common law marriage, there are responsibilities....aka children, finances, shared hopes and dreams and the older people get, other things come into play....illness...not being so active, children grown and flown the nest, grandchildren.....and eventually, one partner will die, leaving the other alone.

Marriage is most certainly not just a piece of paper. it becomes that, when someone has broken a vow, making all promises null and void...when a marriage has died. One day, young lady, you may understand such things.

''I think we can safely assume that he no longer loved his wife, and she no longer loved him, given that they hadn't made love in five years.''

You're still talking about a television show....Sheesh!!!

''Sex is a VERY important part of a relationship to me. It's essential in non-platonic relationships. And if I'm with a man and I'm blowing him every day, he better be going down on me. Otherwise I will probably leave him, because selfishness there means selfishness elsewhere. It's not about the act, it's about the selfishness. Having gone without sex my entire life, you better damn well believe I am not going to be in a sexless relationship. Hell no. Not happening.''

I suggest that before you make such great decisions....you actually wait....and find out what sex is like, with a member of the opposite sex. I have never, as you so eloquently put it ''blown anyone''......never wanted to, never was asked to and never will do. I cannot think of anything more revolting, than having a mouthful of mucous, semen being a mucosal carrier for the sperm.....we all do what feels right for us.

And are there no better terms for describing oral sex....''blowing'' people and ''eating'' people......ye gads....have we not evolved to a point, where more attractive terms can be used.

''Men who don't care for and respect women generally aren't very good in bed, because they don't give a rat's ass about giving a woman pleasure. My friend's EX boyfriend is just such a man. I'm pretty sure he only cared about getting himself off, and I'm pretty sure that's part of why they broke up.''

How the hell would you know anything about how good, or bad, certain types of men, can be, in bed. This is all very text bookish and you assuming things, you know nothing about and have no experience of. Where do you get your information??

''Kissing is a form of oral sexual activity, but I would not in any way call it sex.''

I would....I would call it sex...because if it is a form of sexual activity.....it's sex.

''I guess, like you say, about what you know...''I don't really know.''

''I have no idea what you're talking about here, so I'm going to say you're being really annoying, like you always are, and leave it at that.''

Well...that is interesting. Once again, you have no understanding of what i am talking about. Poor you.

And...''you're being really annoying, like you always are, and leave it at that.''

Wow...do you know me that well?

Today is April 7th and you joined the site on March 28th and you have been very busy since then. Hmmm....wonders......

Not my problem, if you don't understand plain English.

''Get a life.''

Young lady, I have a life...not an exciting one, but it is a life. I thought it was you, who was complaining, that you didn't have one...or not the kind you would like to be leading.!!!!

Apr 7, 2010, 9:55 PM
Excellent post!

A marriage is not all about sex, not at all.

If you have kids your sex life goes way down compared to what it once was before them and your children should take the #1 priority to sex.

I know married couples who have kids who had sex daily, then weekly, and then after kids maybe once a month if they are lucky.

The longer you stay with someone as a partner the less over time you have sex with them and sex with them becomes routine and can become boring for some people and there's more to a marriage than just sex like bemy thinks.

BeMy needs to grow up, mature, and get some life and sexual experience before she runs her mouth like she's doing here and in other posts.

Thank you, Bret....and thank you for not being afraid to say what you think, the way you feel it should be said. What saddens me, is the three wise monkeys approach, of many people, both in real time and on line.

Why do people feel the need to ignore, or put on ignore, what or who, they don't agree with. I don't call anyone troll. If someone makes a post worth commenting upon, I'll post an answer. If not, I don't....but never would I jump up and down calling ''troll''....although, I do admit, there can be people who can be called troublemakers.

It's true. the three times a night does wain and become maybe three times a week, or once a week and that can be before children are born. When people are married, or in a committed relationship and they set up house and are both working, life changes. They are not living at home with their parents, or on their own.

What was once, just their money, now has to fund joint ventures or needs. Looking after a home and working, leaves one tired and the same urge to couple may be there in the mind, but not so much in the body. Most people learn, that it's quality and not quantity, which is important.

As the years pass, we change as individuals. We may grown apart, or come closer together. Some people will talk of their spouse, or partner as more than that, as their best friend. Sex is the least important thing....and also very important...but sex, to some...can be a kiss on the cheek..or just a hug.

Family life will take up a lot of time and until the chldren are grown and fly the nest...there is that great responsibility. I have one son, who keeps coming back and who always 'phones me to tell me, when something has happened, be it good or bad. He's my rock and I, his.

We are all different, We all have our likes and dislikes. We all have our different needs...but ultimately, we all have to comprimise. That's just life.

Apr 7, 2010, 10:01 PM
I don't plan on ever having kids. So that drop in sex that you speak of, unless I have some kind of medical condition, is not likely to happen. I would be very unhappy if I could only have sex once a month. This is due to going 26 years without sex, and that's just so far. Once I start having sex I sure am not giving it up.

Apr 7, 2010, 11:00 PM
You don't even know me...and you have no idea what my view on relationships is.

I don't get why people think they're insulting me when they say "I'm glad you're not having children."

I'm glad too. Children suck up time and energy and would ruin my life. I'm glad I'm not having them because I don't want them, and trust me, having kids doesn't make someone qualified to impart healthy ideas about relationships.

And yeah, you sound hateful, and it's too bad you aren't sorry. I would be if I was talking to you like that. Oh well.

Apr 7, 2010, 11:23 PM
I feel bad for whatever person or people have sex or a relationship with bemyonlyone, if it ever even happens. Hopefully it never will since she's so jaded already.

Bemyonlyone posted about how she was forced to leave another site since she would flame people there and spam about how she can't get laid there. She's a troll.

Hi, it's nice to meet you.

Apr 7, 2010, 11:26 PM
''I don't plan on ever having kids. So that drop in sex that you speak of, unless I have some kind of medical condition, is not likely to happen. I would be very unhappy if I could only have sex once a month. This is due to going 26 years without sex, and that's just so far. Once I start having sex I sure am not giving it up.''

Umm.......people stop going at it like rabbits, for more reasons than having children, or medical consitions. I don't think you have been wanting, all of your 26 years, to have sex....a slight exaggeration.

''You don't even know me...and you have no idea what my view on relationships is.''

I think we are learning...very quickly!

''I don't get why people think they're insulting me when they say "I'm glad you're not having children."

I'm glad too. Children suck up time and energy and would ruin my life. I'm glad I'm not having them because I don't want them, and trust me, having kids doesn't make someone qualified to impart healthy ideas about relationships.''

I think you need to talk to a professional.

''And yeah, you sound hateful, and it's too bad you aren't sorry. I would be if I was talking to you like that. Oh well.''

And....are you sure you are 26?

Apr 7, 2010, 11:29 PM
Sorry if this sounds hateful (really, I'm not sorry that I come across as hateful, I'm just sorry that I feel this way about another human being).

This is probably the smartest post you have made during this thread. Your view of relationships is so negative for someone with little experience that I'm glad that you aren't planning on bringing a child into this world and exposing them to your warped sense of what a relationship is all about.

Mrs. Pasa

It's becoming more and more puzzling........dontcha think?

Apr 7, 2010, 11:30 PM
I feel bad for whatever person or people have sex or a relationship with bemyonlyone, if it ever even happens. Hopefully it never will since she's so jaded already.

Bemyonlyone posted about how she was forced to leave another site since she would flame people there and spam about how she can't get laid there. She's a troll.

Well. she ain't no Billy Goat Gruff!!!

Apr 7, 2010, 11:31 PM
I'm glad you enjoy being hateful towards me, and other people being the same way. To think I almost felt sorry for you.

Apr 7, 2010, 11:41 PM
Took you a second try to get your response the way you wanted it. Nice. Nowhere did I say that having kids makes someone qualified to "impart healthy ideas about relationships." I pretty much said that the ideas that you have shown towards relationships on this forum should not be imparted upon children.

Mrs. Pasa

Back to our regularly scheduled program....

Good for you.

Apr 7, 2010, 11:51 PM
Children suck up time and energy and would ruin my life.

Perhaps that is your thought....but as someone who too had thoughts of not having children...was changed by the JOY that our daughter has brought into our life. I would not be as blessed has she not come into our lives ...giving of time and energy is but a small price to pay for her.


Apr 7, 2010, 11:53 PM
Nuh-uh. As soon as I can I'm getting my tubes tied.

I definitely prefer the company of adults. I can deal with children in small doses but generally find it hard to deal with. I don't even know how I'm gonna cope when my siblings start having kids. I have NEVER wanted kids and first made it known when I was 19.

Maybe it makes me sound cold-hearted, but so it is.

Hypocritically, though, someone who is good with kids is a turn-on. Hypocritical, the same way I find smoking sexy but also disgusting.

Apr 7, 2010, 11:55 PM
I feel so bad that this member's thread about her problem has turned into a gigantic pissing contest. Ugh.

Apr 8, 2010, 8:55 AM
To those of you who have posted helpful, thoughtful comments thank you it has certainly given me food for thought, and I guess I need to talk to hubby more about our sex life. So to the helpful I thank you.

To the rest...well maybe you need to think before you post and decide if what you are about to say has any bearing on the original post/thread!