View Full Version : Are you rich?

Apr 4, 2010, 2:05 PM
This question was asked in one of the classes the other day, and I got to thinking about it with the little girl I work with. The essay was to be on this topic. "Are you rich?"
It didnt necessarily mean in monitary sense, but rather were you rich in your life? She didnt understand because she thought the Prof meant rich as in how much money the family had. (Daddy is one of the top Surgeons in the whole damn state, and Does make good money)

I told my student, "I dont have a great deal of money. I have disability, and I work part time, so I'm not rich that way. But I have a good roof over my head, I am getting my health back, and theres food in the freezer. My bill are current, and I am loved by friends and family. I have a warm soft bed to sleep in at night. I have my 'furry' blanket and a soft pillow to sleep on. I have music that makes my mind happy, and there's flowers growing outside my door. I have veggies growing in my garden, I have happiness and contentment in my heart. I have peace of mind that I never had when I was married, and I have the freedoms to be me and to do whatever I want to in my life. I have a fantastic group of adopted family, and I have my kids and grandkids. I can walk outside or go to the forest and take a huge deep breath, and feel content in the fact that I'm free and alive, and to me that's being rich. Being rich isnt having a bank-load of material things, its about how rich your Life is. Rich is being happy with what you've got and loving life that's yours, and loving the people and things that inhabit this life With you. I'm also rich because I have love in my heart..even for idiot people who dont really deserve it...lol
And just being alive to enjoy life makes me an incredibly rich person, because dispite my disabilities and problems right now, the Creator sees fit to keep me here to carry on doing what I'm doing, so that makes Me very rich"

She thought about this all afternoon, she said. And when it came time for me to type up her essay, she counted off all of the things in her life that made Her rich, and I'm sure she'll get a great grade on her paper. :}

Are You rich? In what way? :}
Rich Cat...;)

Apr 4, 2010, 4:11 PM
Yes I am. Because it may have taken me 38 years to find the partner from previous lives but I found him. I'm rich because of the people I've let into my life and I'm rich for understanding that sometimes the Goddess takes away so that she can give more later.

Apr 4, 2010, 5:54 PM
"Rich" is a matter of perspective I guess, I certainly am blessed - to have a good home, good friends, a family worthy of respect and love, and a full stomach.

On a related note, Cat - I don't know exactly how I got from your question to this link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TChazq0npVQ - It's not like the lyrics are even that complicated. but now I spent a good while remembering, listening and crying like a baby.

The sheer freedom of just being loved for who you are means a lot. Isn't it interesting how difficult it is to feel anger and gratitude at the same time?

Thanks for the medicine.

Apr 4, 2010, 6:40 PM
When did the idea of worship become about power? It seems to me no good can come of worshiping power for the sake of itself.

Apr 4, 2010, 6:53 PM
This is a very good title for a thread and good subject matter. It is a question, which does, indeed, require some thought. Am I rich? Am I poor? Am I somewhere in between? A good subject.

I am proud to call myself working class, in the old tradition of the word, but these days, if a person works, or worked, are we not all working class? So class seems to get based upon how much the individual or family income is. Governments love having, what they call, the middle class, as we are supposedly, have enough money to pay for everything we want and need, so, will not mind being taxed to high hell. Someone should explain to governments, that middle income bracket, means that very little is available, in the way of any state handouts and very little is left in the bank account, at the end of each month.

So, monetary-wise, I do not consider myself rich. Not on the bread line and as Cat, there is a roof over my head and food upon the table, but it’s not going to last. I am going to head out on my own and I’ll never be able to own my own property and I’ll probably have to work until I drop…..but….I’ll be free…and far more happy and that will another kind of richness.

I’m poor, because I made a bad marriage, but I am rich, because from that union, I have three beautiful children. I’ve been the one to do most of the raising…nurturing their interests, helping with homework, wiping their tears away (and other, less desirable things), and I hope that because of my ‘learn as you go along,’ skills, they’re the excellent young people that they are, today. I know that I will forever, be very close to my second child and I love it when he ‘phones me and says ‘’Guess what,’’ whether or not that ‘’guess what,’’ is good or bad news. Yesterday it was to tell me he had a new car….’’Not another one.’’ I love him dearly, but no more than I love his siblings.

I’m poor because I come from a dysfunctional family, torn asunder by outsiders….and by a tyrant of a mother, but I am rich because I had a most excellent man, as a father and although my mother was never to be questioned, even in her 90s, I feel that I am rich, because I understand why she behaved as she did and although I did not like her, I still respect her ad she was a good person.

I’m rich because I live in one of the most beautiful countries, upon this earth. My father was right, the shades of green, to be found, in the English countryside, are quite amazing and each month, sees a very different look to the landscape. My favourite month, May, will see the white flowers of the Hawthorn in the hedgerows and as the daffodils die back, the yellow of the dandelions will fill the fields. The swallows will return and the birdsong will be loud and a thrill to the ear. I’ll be able to hear the woodpeckers, I can watch the squirrels at play and if I am lucky, maybe I might even see a Sparrow Hawk. I love England.

I’m rich, because in the last eight years, I have, at last, found my spiritual home and my spiritual growth has developed to such a degree, that I feel in touch with every piece of stardust, or so it feels, at times. And I still have a long way to go…the journey is never over.

I’m rich, because I was allowed to love again and in the truest manner; a love that will never die, or decrease in value. I’m rich, because I found inspiration and encouragement and what I thought, was a true belief in me. I’m poor, because it’s lost and yet, if I can remember all that made me feel whole again, all that made me laugh, more than I have ever laughed, all that made me love, as I had never loved before, then I am still rich. I am rich in spirit.

Apr 4, 2010, 7:48 PM
...what a beautiful thread!

for me, i often find myself comtemplating this very idea; many things pass through my mind, sometimes i am ready to answer but give it a moment to sink in, and my answer changes, as it takes on new dimensions.

i am rich, not because of the things that i have, which make things very comfortable for me, but that i have the abilities to make them happen; and i can use those same abilities to see that others achieve that as well.

i have lost all the ones that i loved and find myself alone; but i am rich for having had that moment in the sun, and that i knew them in ways others as physically close, never had or made the chance to know them as i did. they will be forever with me, until i take my last breath.

i am rich as i have passed along this path that i have walked, and that there is still a future to unfold, and like my past, completely unknown until that time it is revealed.

...and it is the cumlination of all the above, that i have this chance to live in a neighborhood, city, state, and country that i can love even when it makes me so damn angry when something goes wrong; just outside my house i can see a landscape like few others, that makes me hunger for it the moment i leave it, a city that can provide so many opportunities where so many can only complain, or evern worse, put down. my neighbors are entergetic and devoted, and turn it into positive results for others in the community. my state shares its bounty generously, and reminds us of its temptuous nature, as it did only a few minutes ago.

so i am rich beyond imagining, and give thanks for it, even when the dark areas sometimes close in, for it is those things that do not break us that make us strong.

wth thanks for all that i have!

Apr 4, 2010, 8:44 PM
Yes beyond belief.. I have a partner who is wonderful, and two young children in my life I adore and who the daft wee buggers seem to feel the same.. I have a father who thinks the sun shines through my a**e..and through whose a**e it most certainly does. A mother who is challenging to say the least but would die for me and any of her children.. a brother with whom I had been estranged for half my life who has now re-entered it and it is almost as if he had never been gone, who has allowed me the privilege of getting to know his wife and kids and finally become Auntie Fran.. a sister who, like my mother is a challenge, but with whom I have always been close and the older we get the closer we seem to become.. my m8s..and their partners, their children but most of all from among them my adored Jo.. my best friend.. counsellor, friend, shoulder, humourist, mother to my name-child, jambo, gorge bitch and fellow tart..

I have .com..and all of u lot..even the sods who think I am a rite cow.. ty.. you have given me so much in the last 5 years.. especially in times when I was at my lowest ebb.. and I miss u Ran...:( But am rich beyond belief for having known u and for what u did for me...:) and many many others..

I am not poor, have money in the bank.. I have a decent job, as does Kate..we have our health.. we have a house we rattle about in we love...a huge garden we struggle with.. we live on the edge the greatest little city on the planet, in quite the loveliest little country on the planet. We enjoy life and live it to the full.. I have a myriad of interests and passions (other than sex)....and I have cognac and my plonk..

Forget how much I may have in the bank.. if I didnt have a penny, with what else I have in life..I am so fucking rich you wouldn't believe...

Apr 4, 2010, 9:36 PM
E-honey, you are very welcome. Sometimes one has to look to the past to be able to keep their futures in order, and to prepare for what might come their way in the future, too.
Hugs my friend.

Apr 4, 2010, 9:41 PM
Well let's see. I have two beautiful adult daughters. An ex-wife that I am still best friends with. A huge family that loves me. An adorable 5 y/o grandson, a job in a profession that I love. A dog who thinks I rock. I have my health and a house in Beautiful Colorado, and great friends nearby, in numerous states and on bisexual.com... A love child with Cat - happy easter eggie (Do NOT eat the bunny!!!) Bill Gates... Eat your heart out!!!!

Apr 4, 2010, 10:47 PM
Well--money wise--I am in an "OK" situation----ya always wish ya had more--at one time I wished for more money simply to be able to buy more stuff---but not so much now---I probably have more stuff than I need and could stand to pare a lot of it back.

I have to say that I have lots of close and good friends but I don't at present have "that special someone"---I figure that when the time is right for someone to come into my life---they will.

I can say this---it took me a long time in life to become "content" with life and I don't mean that I have just settled for whatever my situation is---I feel I am content--because I do have good friends and family----I have lots or interests to keep me stimulated and interested in life like my writing, my art, my photography. I am adding new interests now too---like the gardening bug has hit me big time----with my looking to exapand what I grow from a simple plot of just tomatoes, some squash and zuchini and herbs to including growing things like corn, watermelon and many other things----my goal is to be able to really stock up on my own home grown veggies for myself, family and friends, to be able to start selling produce to chefs of local restaurants that are part of the growing trend of "buying local" and to also sell at the local farmer's markets---of course I have to build up to those things---

My other new interest is that FINALLY--I am learning to play the guitar---it is coming pretty good---I am determined to get it---and I also have discovered another instrument that I fell in love with in about ten seconds after just futzing with one----a Mountain Dulcimer. Gonna be getting one of those very soon and get to learning how to play them.

I do wish I had more money so I could buy really good quality cameras, camera gear, take seminars with top photographers and go on those training photo safaris to cool places with them and things of that nature---and also being able to do similar sorts of things when it comes to both writing and art----all those things take some big money to go and do programs with top level people in places like Hawaii, New Mexico and in other countries--with many of those programs costing many thousands of dollars.

I am also about ready to make the next jump up in digital cameras----and even though the one I am buying costs over a grand---that is still a far way off from being a true, pro grade DSLR cam----they are big time bucks just for a body---then the lenses!!! Holy CRAP!! With the next cam I am getting----it is a major upgrade in just about every measure possible---and it will make it possible for me to create photos that are surely marketable---so maybe instead of laying out cash for my photography---I can actually begin to bring some meaningful cash flow in instead it always flowing out!!!

Sure---if I had some big time bucks---I would surely upgrade my lifestyle with things like a few cool cars, at least one killer house, definitely have a few small boats and one kick ass one that would allow me to do some traveling with--- stuff like that----but now---as much as anything-----I really wished I would win one of those mega jackpot lotteries that is way up there so I could not just buy the stuff I want and the other things I said like the training and equipment---but because I would really like to be able to fund in a very substantial way----some educational or other philanthropic programs.

I actually have a very specific program in mind that if I won a big huge pile of money (because my idea would take a big chunk of money to get off the ground)---that would be what I would work to create----I have this idea pretty well worked out in my mind----it is said by some new agey and even some of those prosperity Christian groups that we should write such things out in detail---so that God, the universe or whatever hears your intention----well---I have not written this in detail----but I feel I should and I am planning on working on that in the coming days-----it sounds crazy----but I really feel that maybe I am getting close to having such a thing happen----that I am close to getting such a windfall----it feels not like some crazy notion or dream----but something very real about to happen----I sure do wish it would---so I could bring this thing I have in my mind from being merely a "pipe dream" to something that is real, something that would be bound to help those who take part in what I hope can become real. Maybe when I write up my dream project--I will post it here just for the heck of it. Who knows--maybe the notion that "putting your intention to the universe" just might work!! LOL

Call me crazy or whatever---I don't care----guess I am a bit crazy---like the line from one of my other fave Jimmy Buffett tunes----"if we weren't all crazy we would go insane!"

No matter what though----I feel very good about my life at this point----and I certainly cannot complain at all for I know that I have been fortunate and/or blessed, however one considers it---and I am thankful for what I have had in the past and do have now.

Long Duck Dong
Apr 4, 2010, 11:13 PM
am I rich..... in many ways.....

yes I have more money than i want or need.... but I hate money with a vengence

what has made me rich, is the chance to walk out the back door and roll in the grass, view the sky, enjoy the sunshine and the rain.... and at night, the moon and the shadows.....
I have near full range of movement, so i am rich with the freedom to move around as I please.....

but what really makes me rich in my eyes, is the diverse people I share my life with, the ones I agree with and the ones I don't..... the ones that are the same and me and the ones that are not..... the ones that share my way of life and the ones that don't
and the cats that I have shared my life with.....

without them, I would not have the chance to learn, laugh, smile, love, cry, curse, grumble, moan, sulk, think, agree and disagree, argue, debate, dislike...etc.... and that would make me a very poor man indeed.....

so the riches I have that i really treasure, are the ones in this site and others, and out in the world.....

Apr 5, 2010, 12:17 AM
LMAo OOPS! I grabbed ahold of him b'fore he got the whole Bunny, but he Did get a bite'a tail, so theres an Easter Bunny out there with a naked butt tonight...Sigh.
Cat & Eegie..:}....lol:bigrin: