View Full Version : Hey Texas, this is one of yours......

Mar 31, 2010, 12:04 PM
you may want to get rid of this guy while you still have a right to vote.


Mar 31, 2010, 12:23 PM
That is "very interesting" Falcon.

I have heard calls by some on the Tea Bag side of things saying things like "we should go back to only allowing those who own property to vote" and some have reportedly said that "only property owning white men should be the ones to vote"---

I do have to say--with all the crazy stuff coming from the "tea bagger" types----I like to use comedian Louis Black's term--that they are all "bat shit crazy!!"

God help us if some of the most extreme stuff some of those people propose were to happen---but as an interesting experiment---I would be willing to cede them a part of the country---say Alabama and Mississippi (Texas too--just let us liberalistas have Austin) and parts of a few other states in that region---where the right wing nuts can have a place that they can run the way they think it should be run--with business free to do what it will--like no environmental rules, no labor laws--everything done according to "the way the Constitution" was meant to be--sans slavery of course---everything done according to 'biblical principles"-- all the crap like that they want and let it go for 25 years or so---with the rest of the country going on to progress inspite of being all evil and liberal---I bet that the place they have would be a total pit and not a place worth living--bet a good percentage of those who went there thinking it would be a nirvana would have bailed pretty quickly on too!!!

Mar 31, 2010, 1:09 PM
Ok--thought of some more of the "rules" regarding the rightwingnutteabaggerbatshitcrazymofo dreamland---first--since they are so xenophobic and stupid about "illegal immigrants"--they don't have to worry--they won't have any----but since we aren't gonna allow em to keep "darkies" as slaves---they are gonna have to do all the sorts of "shit work" like work in the beef, poultry and pork production facilities, they are gonna have to go out and harvest the crops in the fields, be the ones who do the housekeeping in motels and hotels and generally--like I said--do all the grunt shit work that they had slaves or Jim Crowed black folks do in the past and largely done by "illegals" now.

SECOND--and this is a biggie--since according to the most batshit crazy of the rightwingnutteabaggerbatshitcrazymofo types seem to honestly believe that we "rainbow people" are the devil's own spawn----then with that being the case---everything that has ever been done by a rainbow person (my new term for GLBT and associated peoples) by logical extension MUST have come from the depths of Hades and from the desk of Bezelbub hizself---SOOOOOO-----with that being the case----any and everything ever created by a rainbow person is tainted and they cannot use in the rightwingnutteabaggerbatshitcrazymofo dreamland place--in any form---so maybe they won't miss the music, the literature and such we have created since most of its immoral, liberal pap anyhooo---but anything that we rainbow people have created along technological, scientific or medical lines and the other things that might rely on those creations, discoveries or developments----they cannot have in rightwingnutteabaggerbatshitcrazymofo dreamland--- since it had to be knowledge that came from Satan!! RIGHT????? (Since we are Godlikish here---we know for certain who was ever a "queer" whether it was public knowledge or not---we will remove those things created by those people from existing in rightwingnutteabaggerbatshitcrazymofo dreamland)

So--that means that things like machinery that rainbow people had any part in creating in whole or in part over the years like cars, airplanes, computers and such---they won't have that evil presence in good old rightwingnutteabaggerbatshitcrazymofo dreamland-----

See how much they like life then without the contributions the rainbow people and minority groups like blacks, latinos or whoever who do their "dirty jobs" provide them and society!!!!!

But hey--when it comes to the dirty jobs--they are all such rugged individualistic He Men and Women--it won't be any problem for 'em to do the shit work too!!!! I mean---good hard work like that never killed anyone--right???????

But ohhh--it will be heaven on Earth itself for God Fearing people and True Red Blooded American Patriots!!!!

Mar 31, 2010, 5:50 PM
It's sad and pathetic, the amount of utter drivel that passes for debate on this service.

Mar 31, 2010, 7:50 PM
And People wonder why the fuck i don't want too vote or give a shit about POLITICS!!! It just galls me when both sides would rather see AMERICA FAIL when the OTHER PARTY is in Power. Man i Fuckin HATE GOD DAMN POLITICS!!!

Mar 31, 2010, 9:12 PM
And People wonder why the fuck i don't want too vote or give a shit about POLITICS!!! It just galls me when both sides would rather see AMERICA FAIL when the OTHER PARTY is in Power. Man i Fuckin HATE GOD DAMN POLITICS!!!

Dearest Texy....tell us how you really feel! I can feel for you..for I live in a very political state too.


Mar 31, 2010, 9:59 PM
Voltman nobody cares about your politics or the drivel that you post about them that is just trolling and pure spam.

There are other people here that do the same thing but not to the extent that Voltman does where it's spam and trolling. Voltman even posts about politics or tries to sway or hijack the discussion towards his brand of politics in threads that have nothing to do with politics at all.

Most people on the site including myself don't want to read about nothing but politics on a site that has nothing to do with politics since it's a site about sexuality/sex first and foremost.

Do you really think that such an extreme proposed (not actual law) law and setback would actually pass by any politicians either (gasp!) Conservative, moderate, or liberal at all? Or that it wouldn't get shot down by the majority of politicians?

Hehehehe --its called "satire"----and of course meant to be hyberbole----or if ya want--shit running from the mouth-----as far as politics is concerned on here on this site--politics has every thing to do with sex and sex has everything to do with politics, especially the kind of sex people on here like-- but if is obvious that some people sure as hell don't have a sense of humor--I mean--can you tell Bret (same goes for Darkside) that I was simply having some fun and going over the top in the stuff I said???---did you really take me seriously???? If ya did---you are the one(s) with the problem!!!! LOL

Mar 31, 2010, 10:03 PM
Voltman nobody cares about your politics or the drivel that you post about them that is just trolling and pure spam.

There are other people here that do the same thing but not to the extent that Voltman does where it's spam and trolling. Voltman even posts about politics or tries to sway or hijack the discussion towards his brand of politics in threads that have nothing to do with politics at all.

Most people on the site including myself don't want to read about nothing but politics on a site that has nothing to do with politics since it's a site about sexuality/sex first and foremost.

Do you really think that such an extreme proposed (not actual law) law and setback would actually pass by any politicians either (gasp!) Conservative, moderate, or liberal at all? Or that it wouldn't get shot down by the majority of politicians?

Somethin smells fishy with this guy...:rolleyes:

Mar 31, 2010, 10:29 PM
Somethin smells fishy with this guy...:rolleyes:

I think you just might be correct----I read through some of his posts and looked at his profile----lots of tells in both---he's on my iggy list now---wonder how long it is before he fracks up and Drew boots this "person"???

Apr 1, 2010, 12:29 AM
I think you just might be correct----I read through some of his posts and looked at his profile----lots of tells in both---he's on my iggy list now---wonder how long it is before he fracks up and Drew boots this "person"???

I think so, too. He has all the markers for it.

He even has a complete lack of understanding of what this community is all about.

Apr 1, 2010, 12:38 AM
Dearest Texy....tell us how you really feel! I can feel for you..for I live in a very political state too.

Belle Amen too that My Dearest Belle of The Ball. You most certainly live in a highly charged Political State.

Apr 1, 2010, 1:39 AM
Amen too that My Dearest Belle of The Ball. You most certainly live in a highly charged Political State.

Your sure do Tex---and even though many Texans are pretty conservative--its not monolithic---you have the ends of both extremes it seems with some basions of liberalistas like Austin around----

Ohio always seems to be a player when it comes to candidates touring around and campaigning--it was right here in my hometown of Dayton that they introduced Sarah Palin to the world--and in many of the recent years many candidates make some of their first stops once they get their party's nomination---John Kerrey's first stop was Dayton, Ohio the day after the Dem convention of that year--same with some others.

Ohio also seems to be one of those states that quite often---"puts us over the top" when it comes to the electoral college.

We have our share of both liberal and conservative--but on balance anymore---it seems more are conservative than liberal.