View Full Version : Gay and Bi-curious???

Mar 30, 2010, 9:39 PM
I am an older gay male but have recently been considering being with a woman.Have any other gay men had these desires and how did you handle this? I'm sure I'm not alone in this.

Mar 30, 2010, 9:47 PM
Carter, almost anything you can think of, someone has done it before you!

I know of two cases of folks who thought they'd never change their sexual preference, but did.

It's not a disease, so if you find a willing partner, try it; you might like it!

Mar 31, 2010, 9:21 AM
Personally I think a persons sexuality is a much more fluid thing than most people give it credit for. I think that its fluidity is why you see people come out later in life, after being married and having kids and whatnot.

As a person grows and matures they value things differently. As time goes on the influence of community, family, school, work, friends, church, society and other things on a person changes. The influence these things have in a persons life can lead people to conform to what they feel is expected of them.

Not to mention peoples own personal exploration of life may lead to new curiousities. Personally I see no difference in a gay man being curious later in life than when a straight man does. If someone had told me 10 years ago that I would be having sex with men and enjoying it I would have laughed, or maybe punched them.

Its kinda like hearing about a new sex position that a friend loved, it might sound really kinky, and nearly impossible to do, but if you find a willing partner you know your going to try it just to see. So go ahead and learn to do a split, and hang off the ceiling fan, and spin baby SPIN lol