View Full Version : When passion strikes at the wrong time

Mar 30, 2010, 6:09 PM
http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/2010/03/30/2010-03-30_horndog_high_teachers_alini_brito_cindy_mauro_t o_be_charged_for_alleged_lesbian_.html

I can understand that, at times, it is almost impossible to control your carnal needs. But surely, these ladies could have found a safer place to do this!

I admit to have taken some chances before, so I can't condemn them. But, damn!

Mar 30, 2010, 7:41 PM
Bad timing ladies..lol Like ya'll didnt know the nosy janitor would be there that night..Geez. :rolleyes:

Mar 30, 2010, 7:59 PM
and they will be appearing on youtube shortly!

Mar 30, 2010, 8:08 PM
The teachers - the thrill of being caught or were there external difficulties such as partners? Surely there must have been a better place to strip off and canoodle.

The janitor need not have gone the the extent of a formal report. Just look at the fallout - including the reputation of the school. Hope he enjoyed his 15 minutes of fame the egocentric twit.

The third teacher involved with a student - Russian roulette!

Stupidity all round. Maybe the school should have been renamed 'DumbArse High'

Long Duck Dong
Mar 30, 2010, 9:06 PM
thats on school lesson they will not forget in a hurry, but it adds new meaning to the term sex ed at school

Mar 30, 2010, 9:32 PM
The janitor, if he wasn't such an asshole, should have quietly closed the door and went on to mind his own business. I'm not trying to justify what the teachers did............a little discretion would have gone a long way, there!

Mar 30, 2010, 11:37 PM
They got what they deserved.

They must have hated working there and wanted to get fired and never teach again.

Did they actually think that they wouldn't get caught or that nobody would know or somehow never find out that they were having sex with each other?

It's called going to someone's place or getting a hotel room.

Everyone's getting mad at the janitor but what if he/she legally had to tell?

What if they were eventually caught by someone other than that janitor and then the teachers said how the original janitor had caught them and this causes the first janitor who caught them to get seriously reprimanded or lose his/her job since they didn't tell and lied?

Even if heterosexual men and women that have sex where they work especially in a school they get fired and reprimanded for it when they're eventually discovered.

There are places to have sex and where you work even if it's a school and it's after hours and you think nobody is around, are not one of them.

Well, Bret, whatever you are, or are not, whatever some people may like to think you are, or are not, I will comment upon what you say, as I see fit.

I fully agree with what you have said, here, even though I would have worded it a little differently. Where there are minors, or students who are supposed to have adults as role models, two people, of whatever sexuality, rolling around, in a class room, is not on. The Janitor did his job. Your last sentence sums it up.

Long Duck Dong
Mar 31, 2010, 12:36 AM
yeah there are private places that are generally set aside for love making..... but most healthy adults can admit to having fantasies or moments of passion in unusual places.....

I can understand both sides of the issue.... and I am walking the middle line.... the teachers made a error in judgment, a lapse in common sense.... and that may will cost them their careers.....

I wonder if the people that have such a rigid stance, have had kids walk in on them in their own bedroom, in the middle of lovemaking.....
its embarrassing, its awkward, its uncomfortable, but its no reason to lose your kids...

the same with the teachers, yes reprimand them, but do not destroy their careers for a lapse in judgment.... but having their names and pics on the net ??? yeah, why not ruin their reps and out them to the public as well....
and what is it gonna really accomplish ???

I am not applying that to the teacher with the student tho, thats a different matter

Mar 31, 2010, 1:12 AM
Well said, babe. From reading that article they did have an expectation of privacy and I bet you anything they are now wishing they had sprung for a motel room. I feel for them, it's a mistake that most of us have made at one time or the other just compounded because we think teachers should be nothing more than walking textbooks feeding our children info. They are real people who have passions for things other than learning and they are human and made one giant mistake.

The teacher accused of sleeping with a student though.....sigh that's not a mistake that's a crime.

Mar 31, 2010, 1:30 AM
<picks up a stone and prepares to cast.....remembers getting caught by the cops when he was 16....puts stone down and slowly backs away>

Mar 31, 2010, 1:34 AM
If I were the janitor. I wouldn't have said a word....

I would have started undressing and see where things went...:bigrin:

Mar 31, 2010, 1:46 AM
A Gentleman never asks and a lady never tells!

Mar 31, 2010, 3:04 AM
The teachers should have gotten a room at a hotel. The one calling tje student should have never acted on her infatuation until he was 18.

We all need to remember that our legal system is based upon the notion of a presumption of innocence until proven guilty beyond a shadow of doubt.

Mar 31, 2010, 5:21 AM
I cannot and will not condemn. Many of us have had little dalliances at work.. and many of us have gotten down to our nothings and done exactly what these two have done. Of course it was stupid and extremely unwise but it happens. There are times when many if not most of us are likely to act just as they have done, dependant on circumstances. It shouldn't happen but it does, and those of us who have done precisely as they have done know just what spontaneous passion involves and how exciting it can be. In whatever job we are in, shagging on the premises is risky and career threatening....unless of course its shagging the boss.. but thats a double standard that isn't relevant here and often involves its own career threatneing risk.. good luck to them both and next time.. some where off premises with no Jannie pokin 'is nose in..

Regarding the student/teacher relationship..teachers have a duty of care toward their students and in the UK is innapropriate and illegal no matter the age of the student. It is not something I could do, but sometimes feelings become involved which are as real as between any two adults..feelings more than just lust..

Some people think its always the adults fault in such circumstances and this is true, but many children, at least those who are themselves close to being of age, or in the case of legally of age schoolchildren (is that the right word for those of age?), often bear their share of the responsibility.. having been a schoolgirl once not THAT long ago, I remember quite ardently flirting with adults...and a few of those adults were my teachers.. I may never have had a relationship with a teacher, but would I have had? Too right, with several had they responded as I wished them to. As a young girl, I had relationships with adults and have never hidden it, and many of us on site, male and female know that is applicable to them also. There are predatory 14 and 15 year olds as much as there are 25 and 30 year olds and I was one.. Human relationships is a very complex issue.. we condemn at times when we should not and applaud at the most innapropriate times. In the area of student teacher relationships, I am unable to condone, sometimes will condemn, and can often sympathise..

May 13, 2010, 2:17 PM
Well said, babe. From reading that article they did have an expectation of privacy and I bet you anything they are now wishing they had sprung for a motel room. I feel for them, it's a mistake that most of us have made at one time or the other just compounded because we think teachers should be nothing more than walking textbooks feeding our children info. They are real people who have passions for things other than learning and they are human and made one giant mistake.

The teacher accused of sleeping with a student though.....sigh that's not a mistake that's a crime.

I agree. The janitor should have minded his own business. I refuse to second guess the teachers. they at least attempted privacy but were caught by fate. It could happen to any of us.

May 13, 2010, 2:48 PM
A friend of mine(male) was a teacher a a private school. One of his students (female aged 18, and in the 10th grade) was always smiling at him, giving him a wink now and then, trying to talk him for no reason...

On graduation day, this student asked if she could go to his office & get some paper...He very cautiously said that he turned in his keys the day before.

May 13, 2010, 6:23 PM
I agree. The janitor should have minded his own business. I refuse to second guess the teachers. they at least attempted privacy but were caught by fate. It could happen to any of us.

What expectation of privacy did they think they had in a classroom at school?

May 13, 2010, 7:43 PM
What expectation of privacy did they think they had in a classroom at school?

Well I dont know about your school Jamie.. but I do know at mine there was the odd classroom well out of the way where much canoodling went on... I dont know of any teachers who were at it in them but I do know not a few kids who were.. and where I teach now.. there is one part of the school where I wouldnt be surprised if kids canoodle there as well... every school seems to have it's quiet places...;)

May 13, 2010, 10:51 PM
If they are rooms... most of these rooms have multiple sets of keys issued to multiple people. If it's a hallway, it's acessible by more than one person. Legally speaking (which is where I am assuming Jamie is coming from) , there is no expectation of privacy.


May 13, 2010, 11:37 PM
If I were the janitor, I'd have asked, "What's in it for me?" *lol*

May 14, 2010, 3:26 AM
I've always been a big fan of innapropriate things in innapropriate places, but in a school while kids were down the hall is just plain stupid. A school is different from a usual workplace in obvious ways.

And as for the teacher who was flirting with the student--EEEwww!
Younger-older fantasies, and even real experiences, can be hot, but in real life a teacher persuing a student is kinda icky.

I also have to wonder if the people who are more symathetic to the teachers would still be if all these theachers were men?