View Full Version : Kinsey jerseys

Mar 16, 2006, 9:58 PM
Just a thought I've been mulling over for a couple of days.
I think most of us in the bi/gay spectrum know about the Kinsey scale. I have been thinking that it would be nice to have shirts silkscreened that resembled a football jersey, but with the name "Kinsey" instead of a player's name and for the number... well whatever number you fall on the Kinsey scale (maybe just whatever's in the middle), maybe even with the colors of the bi flag in a band around the arms. To me, it would be a way to let others who are "in the know" know but still be low keyed enough not to be a dead give away to the general public.

Here's a link showing the style shirt I have in mind.

Whaddya' think?

Mar 16, 2006, 10:03 PM
That is funny...I just tried to order one from Sports Authority 2 weeks ago and they never called to confirm my order.

Mar 16, 2006, 10:08 PM
Was there a reason you picked Dick's Sporting Goods and does he really sport them well???

Mar 16, 2006, 10:11 PM
Was there a reason you picked Dick's Sporting Goods?
:bigrin: :bigrin: :bigrin: :bigrin:

Mar 16, 2006, 11:02 PM
I think the idea has a lot of potential. I like the use of the scale, and colors on the arms too. Placing myself from the point of view of the consumer I guess would be these concerns.
(1) Using the name Kinsey.
With my luck LOL, I can see myself at the mall and having who knows maybe 300 people wearing the same jersey and the other 5000 people wondering who in the hell Kinsey plays for. The concern would be accidentally “outing” myself. The upside would be that everyone wearing, one would be someone with the same inclinations. Possible solution would to be maybe having a limited variety of names. For example if I could elect to use “Johnson & 3” or “Peters & 3” it gives me a little anonymity. You figure there’s got to be a Johnson or Peters playing somewhere ( no pun intended.)
(2) Sports Logo
Forgive my ignorance about sports jerseys but, the example of the jersey at “Dicks” looks like it had a team logo of some sort. Again to use a recognizable symbol would be my concern so what would be a possible solution ?….Is a logo necessary?

For those not concerned about outing themselves I think your ideal seems very feasible. Just about everyone wears Tee Shirts/ Jerseys so the potential for marketing an ideal like that certainly is appealing. There is probably a large market for those in a position to wear there bisexuality on their sleeve or on their backs in this case LOL A few tweaks and I think you’ve got a winner! :bounce:

Ambi :)

Mar 16, 2006, 11:17 PM
I love the idea! I'd get one for sure!


Mar 17, 2006, 1:13 AM
Print them up, slaphappy...I'll buy one... :paw: :paw: