View Full Version : Warning about your forum posts here.

Mar 24, 2010, 10:21 PM
I recently did a search on my username here and was kind of surprised when every search engine I tried came back with a list of what appears to be all of my forum posts from this site, some of them very personal and not information I would necesarily want to share with just anyone.

If you happen to use the same nickname here on other sites such as facebook, you tube, amazon, twitter, etc you may want to be careful of what you post.

It can be very easy for our separate worlds to be put together by others with access to usernames we frequently use with a simple google search. I was curious about what came up under mine after I realized I was using it on the playstation network, where I have co-workers as online friends for gaming.

Luckily I am not completely in the closet so I was not horrified, but given a choice I would prefer this information to not show up on search engines.

Mar 24, 2010, 10:50 PM
Just out of curiosity I checked again today and they no longer show up but that might be because I emailed Drew and requested they not be public or are removed.

Sorry to break the news Glantern, but your posts are still there, plus a lot of other places with your name attached. It will probably always be like that, for it seems, that what you put on any publically accessible domain, automatically is available to the world wide web. It's just the way things go. The way things work.

I remember telling a few people about this ages ago and some were unaware that this happened. That's why it pays not to fill profiles with very precise details, or add your real name, date of birth etc. I don't even put real names or postal code (zip code), on any email address I have.

But some people will put very precise and intimate details, on profiles and even say where they live, if not their exact address. Foolish, is what I call that. If people want to get to know you, most sites will have a messaging service like this one does. Only when one feels comfortable with a person, does one need to move on to giving more details.

At least this site allows only one nickname per email address. One site I can think of, allows one to use an email address to create as many nicknames as one wants and has no way of knowing if someone is under age (yes, I know that could happen here, also...but here under age people are removed swiftly).

Most people one comes into contact with, are perfectly decent folk, but unfortunately and this has been my sad experience in the last few years, you will always find one person, who will be a total fraud and fake. Those types are usually quite good at pulling the wool over the eyes of others and present themselves as caring, decent people, when they just the opposite.

If you have posted nothing you are ashamed of, why worry Glantern. Only basic details are available on the search engines. If one wants to get private details, one either has to pay for it..and why the hell do that...or be one of these clever devils who knows how to bypass all the different systems.

Mar 24, 2010, 11:22 PM
I have a few nicknames I have used for a long time over the years. I'm 38 and been online for over 20 years at this point. Not a single time has it been Twyla or Twobits or any variation. Not hiding anything but I really didn't expect to come here and be such a big part of the site. I was here to look at a profile, to LOOK at a profile you have to register. So that helps a bit, Glantern. But the posts are available normally you have to put things in like Long Duck Dong Bisexual to pull them up first and foremost. Otherwise they are about 5 or 6 pages down in surfing for Long Duck Dong.

But it is a good warning, unfortunately...by the time a lot of people read this, they have already used identifying information and it's part of the superhighway where there are no speed limits as it flies around the world from server to server.

Mar 25, 2010, 12:09 AM
I have a different name here than I do 'out there', so it isnt a prob for me, but ty for the info, Lantern.:}

Mar 25, 2010, 12:16 AM
ummm even I figured that out (not a superhiway addict) oh well