View Full Version : Brain Teaser

Mar 16, 2006, 4:55 PM
So i got this and thought "oh it'll be easy!" nah, its actually a harder one. so i thought i'd pass it along and see how everyone else does!

Brain Teaser!!!!

Ok..... This is an IQ tester. The object of the game is to get everyone across the river. This is a test some Japanese applicants have to take when applying for a job in Japan. The instructions are listed below. After reading, click on the link. Enjoy!


Click on link, and then click on the big blue circle. Use the rules below.
This is going to do your head in, but it can be done.
Apparently this is an IQ test given to job applicants in Japan:
"Everybody has to cross the river".

The following rules apply:
Only 2 persons on the raft at a time

The father can not stay with any of the daughters, without their mother's presence

The mother can not stay with any of the sons, without their father's presence

The thief (striped shirt) can not stay with any family member, if The Policeman is not there

Only the Father, the Mother and the Policeman know how to operate the raft

To start click on the big blue circle on the right.
To move the people click on them.

To move the raft click on the pole on the opposite side of the river.

You do this right - you can land a job in Japan!

Mar 16, 2006, 5:17 PM
Ok, so I didn't want a job rafting people across the river in Japan anyway. I could get everyone but one kid over.

Mar 16, 2006, 5:38 PM
Well, I got it accomplished, but my concern is the message sent. I mean, why is Dad gonna hit a daughter if mom not around? and why Mom beating the sons if Dad isn't thee?

Mar 16, 2006, 6:06 PM
lol allbi...yes, i was a little curious about that too. who knows...i'm not japanese!

Mar 16, 2006, 6:54 PM
Nijongin wakaremaska?

Driver 8
Mar 16, 2006, 10:41 PM
I think you mean "Nihongo ga wakarimasu ka?" ;)

Mar 17, 2006, 5:59 AM
I got the job done, it took a while for me to get the basic thought figure out though.
Arana: to complete the puzzle, do what you did to get the first kid across!
It was a fun puzzle, thanks Beks

Mar 17, 2006, 6:37 AM
I beat it too, but I won't say how many tries :eek: Some of those kids wil be scarred for life.

Mar 17, 2006, 8:34 AM
That did take a bit...but it's really late here!
Thanks for the brain exercise!

Nara :flag3:

Mar 17, 2006, 1:01 PM
I got it in 2 tries....I studied it for a big first....I sent it to some people at work and none of them have gotten it so far....gives me confidence in the engineers here!

Mar 17, 2006, 7:03 PM
My brain really could use more exercise, but i got em all across. Its a good thing i dont have to work in Japan. Thanks beka that was alot of fun,feel free to brain tease me anytime.

Mar 18, 2006, 10:03 AM
Good Grief. Well, I was unemployed for a bit there (actually, well into my retirement years), but I got it, and the job. Alas, I was to old and frail by then to even get to work, so they fired me on the second day. :)

Mar 18, 2006, 4:34 PM
O.K. what is the answer. it's driving me crazty.