View Full Version : Bi Tribes

Mar 20, 2010, 4:38 PM
Just been discussing gay tribes with some friends of mine, jokingly trying to work out which tribe each of us fitted best into. Things like 'twinks', 'bears/wolves/otters/cubs', 'jocks', etc.

What I was wondering is do us bi's have bi-tribes, so to speak. Are they the same as the gay tribes or do we have our own, and if so, what are they?

So, lets come up with some Bi tribes/sub labels and please do tell us what each of them means.

Mar 20, 2010, 5:59 PM
I know labels have a purpose, but why not just be ourselves, and call ourselves by our names?

Nevertheless, this thread is going to be interesting.

DB :bipride:

Mar 20, 2010, 6:36 PM
I'm familiar with all of those terms but 'wolves'. Define please. I just know that I see a whole lot of stolen Wolf's Rain art on gay pride web stores. I like the idea of tribes, as long as they aren't taken too far. I'm a member of the nerd/geek tribe, among others.

Mar 20, 2010, 9:06 PM
lol I'm already a memeber of a Tribe, Darlin, and a nation. And I dont really know where I would fit in. I'm already labeled not really Bi by those who consider me being so picky, or Bi-Select. Lesbians tell me I'm confused and fence sitting, and straight people tell me I need to make up my mind and decide if I like women or men.
So I guess I'll just remain a member of the T'salagi Cherokee Tribe. Its easier for me...lol;)

Mar 21, 2010, 12:17 AM
I too am a member of the Cherokee nation, which is a "Label" I am immensely proud to bear. Other than that my label would have to be "100% Cotton -Large". In all seriousness however, I am told by gay friends that because I am fairly hairy I am a "Bear". Maybe I should change my screenname from Lonewolf to Yogi. :tongue: Wolfie

Mar 21, 2010, 2:03 AM
Me is part of the "messed up beyond belief trying to figure it all the fuck out" tribe.

I am sure its very crowded in my tee pee too.

heh heh heh

come snuggle closer please......:bigrin:

Mar 21, 2010, 10:35 PM
Lonewolf to Yogi. Wolfie

teehee too funny and don't forget your lonesome sidkick BooBoo :bigrin:

Mar 21, 2010, 11:23 PM
hmmm Blackfoot/Irish/Scots on one side German and more Irish/Scots on the other....I think I'll just stay in the tribe with everyone else: Human.

Mar 21, 2010, 11:35 PM
"Things like 'twinks', 'bears/wolves/otters/cubs', 'jocks', etc."

Well the tribes or groups of gay guys that you mention deal with body types. There are also sexual interests that are used. I think that if a bi guy gets involved in these things that he is more likely to be participating in gay categorizing and not specifically a separate bisexual category or tribe. From the responses, the OP can see that bi people overall do not practice such things nor do they seem to have a desire to do it.

btw...is the use of the word "tribe" a personal thing for the OP or is this term new ...or certainly out of my experience?

Mar 22, 2010, 10:33 AM
I'm from the Human tribe, clan queer...

I find interesting that you see this mostly in Gay Male Culture. Not so much in Bi Culture( if there could be such a thing.)

I wonder if its true of Lesbian culture?

I know that trans have different erm for lack of a better word "castes." Passing /Non-passing / Privileged/ un-privileged / Pre, post and non-op even some set up by political divisions (Harry Benjamin Syndrome (http://harrybenjaminsyndrome-not-transsexual.com/) , Separatists, and others) The reason I would call them Castes is that once placed in one there isn't much movement between them (except pre/post-op.)

Just remember you (yes, you!) are unique, just like everyone else(all 6808500000 of them.)

Mar 22, 2010, 2:08 PM
I find it much more liberating to be uncategorized =)

Mar 22, 2010, 11:20 PM
Lonewolf to Yogi. Wolfie

teehee too funny and don't forget your lonesome sidkick BooBoo :bigrin:

Good point! Unless he was also my lover then he might be "Woo-Hoo!" :-)

Mar 25, 2010, 3:41 PM
Um, guys, girls, this was just meant to be a bit of fun really. You're all taking this a little too seriously, from the looks of it.

I guess I'll just concede to just 'Bi' then.

You're all no fun ;( ^mock-pout^

Never mind.

Mar 25, 2010, 8:50 PM
I wonder if its true of Lesbian culture?

Isn't that what bull, girly, and all those are? Labels

Mar 25, 2010, 9:36 PM
It's taken me quite awhile to find a "tribe". I would say urban nerd, hipster wanna-be.