View Full Version : *Update* "Oh Happy Day"

Mar 15, 2006, 9:26 AM
Well hello folks - I'm sitting typing this on a glorious Spring day - it is very mild here in London today and the sun is streaming down in golden waves of warmth and bright light - so at least I can see the keys easily!! lol!!

Was nice to see that we have two new rooms rooms, eh guys and gals - well done mimi for kicking it all of!! Just let's see how and where it goes!!!

Well, for a mighty major change, I have some good news!!!
This should have gone up yesterday - but got caught up in chat at great length with some-one who deserved my time!!


(although the son I am staying with has pointed out that I was a fool for thanking my wife for them - that she had no right to have removed them in the first place, especially as she claimed not to know I still had them or that they were in my spectacle case!! And he forced me to accept that fact before he would play backgammon - something he and I have not done for years - and when we did - I got hammered!!! Rotter!! He could have let his dad win!! He's a very competative lad!!)

AND...... my wife e-mailed to say she had sent them by post and apologised for not sending them with our family friend on Sunday - wonder of wonders!!
AND.........when they arrived they came in a large envelope - so they were not even folded and again she had written an apology.

So I now have them!!
And when I 'phoned to thank her - I found myself all "cut up" as I read them waiting for the voice mail to kick in.
As many of you know I am a Christian (I know!! and me a bi man!!!! But hey, God loves me unconditionally for being me!! Bi and all!!)- and like many I have my own idea of what "heaven will be like" - and I kinda think that we will all be the same "age" and that my two "lost" babies will be there - perfect and all growed up and waiting to meet their daddy - never having had to go through this earthly life so full of woes and sadness and pain at times.

I have now had my second session of counselling and it is going fine - so much self discovery - it turns out I have feminine personality (no wonder I was a Mr Mom and loved it - the very BEST job in the world!!!) - and no that does NOT mean effeminate!! And it also turns out that I am a pretty likable and fairly "nice" person!!! And I am learning to "let go" of my wife. This is all very tough for me - lots of tissues get used up!!! But I am learning and taking it all on board.

I see someone regarding my housing crisis tomorrow - so if that's good news (or not) I'll post up.

And once again, PLEASE, allow me to thank all of you for your love, support and time - you guys are just so wonderful!!!!

with heaps of love to you and yours

Rupe :)

Mar 15, 2006, 9:49 AM
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Rupe ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

I'm so glad you got your papers from your wife. And I'm so glad your counceling is going well. You are a very dear man who is well liked by all. :bigrin:

Always here for you Rupe.
Take care and be happy :)

Mrs.F ;)

Mar 15, 2006, 11:46 AM
yea!!!!!!!!! i'm so happy you received your papers!

and ya know, i think it shows just how big you are that you did thank her. we havn't really talked one on one much...only seen ya in chat a few times. but after this post i can see what a big heart you have. thats a wonderful quality to have. unfortunatly it is also that quality that causes so much pain at times.

now i hope what i say next doesn't turn this into a religious post...but i gotta go there... ;) i too am a Christian and i am sure that God has some reason why he is doing all this. and that is a wonderful thought about seeing your babies in heaven. (i too look forward to that day when i can finally hold mine in my arms!)

with hope and love and forgiveness i think that you will get what you need Rupert. those are qualities of a beautiful heart and i truly belive that as long as you can love then things will turn out ok for you. and apparently you have those thing in your heart.

for some reason i'm not all that great w/words anymore. i used to be good w/'em and would totally wow my friends w/out realizing it...maybe i'm intimidated by the age differences here. haha but hopefully you get what i'm saying here. its just really a big compliment to you i guess. ;)


meteast chick
Mar 15, 2006, 12:20 PM
Rupert, m'lad, my friend ((((((((((((((((((((((((RUPE))))))))))))))))))))))
I'm so glad today has been a bright spot for you.
Sometimes we get so bogged down in the darkness
that it takes something like this to pull us out.

I hope you can start to see the end of this very long tunnel.
No matter what or where you are,
we will be there for you,
through thick and thin,
Your friends have your back.


Mar 15, 2006, 1:39 PM
Yay, Rupe! So glad to hear you got a bit of positivity and that you are learning so much in your counseling sessions. That's great news. :wiggle2:


Mar 15, 2006, 2:22 PM
I am delighted to read the latest chapter, both for you AND for your wife, who seems to have unhardened her heart a little. Maybe one day the love you once shared will be the basis for ongoing civility, if not friendship. After all, any marriage which produced such fine children as yours seem to be cannot be considered a total failure, even if it must end. And you will always have those beautiful young people in common.
Good luck, my friend, and keep moving forward. You deserve all the joy that life has to offer.
Love and peace, sailor :)

Mar 15, 2006, 6:10 PM
Hi Rupe,So glad to hear things are gitting better. And as the others said,you were the bigger person for saying thank you to your wife. So keep us updated along the way. Love,,,Charles,,,Tex....

Mar 15, 2006, 7:18 PM
A positive spark in the form of an apology from your wife...Hope the sparks continue to come and in greater numbers... :paw: :paw:

Mar 15, 2006, 7:48 PM
Nice to hear you have good news, hope its the begining of a trend, all my best.


Mar 16, 2006, 5:00 AM
:bibounce: :rainbow: :grouphug:

I am still amazed at the response these "blog" like threads bring!!!

Thank you to all of you who, until now, have never put up a reply!!!!

They do mean so much to me!!!

Time and time again I find myself in wonder at how this site is growing - in both numbers - and in it's ability to evolve as a cyber-family!!!

So a big welcome to our newest members - thanks for "joining in" so soon!!!

I continue to grow and explore the areas of "me" that had become lost after the years of being made to feel like a lump of pooh!!!
And, of ourse, there are still many moments of "darkness" - but am slowly, but surely, building a strong network of support.

So, once more, thank you all for you love and support!!

with love to you and yours

Rupw :)

Mar 16, 2006, 5:13 AM
I am happy for you. I hope that this good news is the begining of more good news for you. So here is a great big bear hug and a kiss for you.
(((((((((((((((((((((((rupert))))))))))))))))))))) )))))))<<<muah>>>

Mar 16, 2006, 12:48 PM
:rotate: Go rupert! Go rupert! Go rupert! :upside:

Mar 16, 2006, 12:55 PM
It is so good to see you so upbeat and positive about the future. Keep it up as best you can but also allow yourself to acknowledge the sad feelings if they do indeed return from time to time. Doing so doesn't mean that you are backsliding by any means...it merely means that you are continuing to deal with them, overcome them and conquer them.

Like we discussed, remember the good memories of your past, deal with the bad ones as best you can but continue to move on...LIVE IN TODAY...and have bright hopes for the future. I know you can do it!


Mar 16, 2006, 7:27 PM
Rupert Im glad to hear of your good news. Its sounds like your life has taken a turn for the better. Keep being that nice likeable person that you are because this world needs more people like you.

Mar 16, 2006, 10:49 PM
So glad to hear that things are starting to come around for you. Like Kate said, it's ok to backslide once in awhile, but learn from it.

You are a stronger person than you think. Take each day one at a time, and keep everyone posted as to how things go. We're all here for you anyday, any night, any time! You're loved by ALL of us! Remember that Rupe!!!



Mrs. Taz
Mar 16, 2006, 11:29 PM
I am glad things are maybe getting alittle better for you sweetie.

Mar 17, 2006, 1:21 AM
you said it turns out that your a pretty nice guy? you are not giving your self enough credit.you are a nice guy and in my last post. i said i thingk you are sweat person anybody wuold love to get to know :bigrin: and guess what? im also a christain and bi i agree with you on the whole subject. so rupe you take it easy. looking forward to chating with you. :bibounce:

Mar 17, 2006, 8:40 AM
On ya Rupert!

Noticed your tone improve so much! Each day, mate...find at least one positive!!!


Nara :flag3:

Mar 17, 2006, 9:59 AM
big applause to u mate for takin control, being so strong and moving on
ur the best
keep the head up mate
things will be great
wishing u all my love and luck

Mar 18, 2006, 3:42 AM
It would appear that my photocopies have come at a great cost!!

Expect a new thread in the next coupla days explaining why.

But thanks for all of your replies - especially to all of the "new" names that have appeared (((((((((((((()))))))))))))

with love to you and yours

Rupe :)