View Full Version : CBS: The Science of Sexuality

Mar 14, 2006, 8:39 PM
Did anyone see this story on 60 minutes last night. I missed it, but read the following article on their site. I can't help but wonder if the show mentioned bisexuality at all. The article is definetly written from an "either\or" angle.


EDIT: OOPS...Overlooked the prior post. That sure scolled through the list fast.

Mar 14, 2006, 8:48 PM
There is a thread about this here:


Driver 8
Mar 14, 2006, 8:59 PM
The researchers also studied the way gay and straight people talk, and they found differences on average there too. [...] But to Bailey, the stereotypes suggest there's a feminizing of the brain in gay men, and masculinizing in lesbians.
There's already another thread about this, which I'm sure your Power Ring will fetch for you if you ask nicely ;)

But I do want to comment on this - how is the difference in language use proof of anything? There are LOTS of studies showing that people's styles of speech are unconsciously influenced by those around them - including which groups of people they identify with, and which they don't. (Some of the more famous ones include different groups of residents on Martha's Vineyards, and high school cliques - and no one is postulating brain differences there.)

I can't help thinking that the language claim is the sort of thing that sounds good to non-scientists. "Yes, I think gay men's speech is kind of feminine ... that must prove it!"

But just because you've proved gays and straights talk differently doesn't mean you've proved why. (And, frankly, having seen Bailey's other research, I doubt he's proved a damn thing.)