View Full Version : Can't chat

Mar 11, 2010, 8:43 AM
Ok, Iv'e tried re installing and all sorts of other things. Why doesn't the chat window open for me? Does it just not like me:( Suggestions please

Mar 11, 2010, 10:19 AM
1. clean out your temporary internet files

2. check to make sure your popup blocker is set to allow popups for this site

3. make sure your java is up to date... check here:

Mar 11, 2010, 10:25 AM
Hi Kegspoon,

I had the same problem yesterday. Like Peg said you need to install the latest version of java.

After I installed that everything worked great!

Good luck

Mar 11, 2010, 1:33 PM
Do you get any sort of message come up or do are you simply not able to get on here?

For a time---I had been using Verizon Wireless as my internet provider and for some reason with them---I could not chat in here because there was some sort of block their servers had that kept me from here.

I got some message that came up about it---I sorta forget what it said now--but it was about some port not being accessible or something of that nature.
There was also some number that came up, I think it was like 3080 or somethng of that nature--it's been a few years now---so my memory has faded on that--I wanted to forget that!!!!!

Mar 18, 2010, 9:28 AM
Keg, i had same problem, i cleaned out everything, re installed java, shut comp off several times. I couldnt get in for almost 2-3 weeks....was driving me nuts! But i just kept trying....youll get in....dont give up.