View Full Version : TVC fights ENDA

Mar 11, 2010, 1:07 AM
See Link: http://www.endahurtskids.com/

OMG Transpeople in the classroom!

President Barack Obama and Congressional Democrats are quietly rushing through legislation (H.R. 3017 & S. 1584) that would actually bring cross-dressing teachers into your child’s classroom. Under the so-called, Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), your children will be trapped in classes taught by drag queens and transgender activists. Students will be indoctrinated that “alternative lifestyles” are no different than traditional lifestyles. Young children will be forced to learn about bizarre sexual fetishes – and you will have no say in the matter. It is already happening in some states and concerned parents can’t do a thing about it – until now.

This radical bill goes too far. That’s why the Traditional Values Coalition is standing in strong opposition to ENDA. Sign our petition against ENDA today and send Obama, Reid, Pelosi, and their liberal allies a clear message: cross-dressing teachers do not belong in our classrooms!

Currently, 36 states do not make “gender identity” into a protected minority under law. But once Obama signs ENDA, this will change. Every state will be forced to make cross-dressers, drag queens, transsexuals, and she-males into protected classes.

If ENDA becomes law, she-male activists and cross-dressing teachers will hold your child hostage in the classroom. It’s that simple. Not all states have laws protecting “gender identity” but if ENDA passes, every state, local government and business with 15 or more employees will be forced to employ and affirm she-males – including school teachers.

Bizarre sexual fetishes. Like being true to your own thinking instead of blindly following what other think?

These people deserve to be listed as a hate group by SPLC (http://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/intelligence-report/browse-all-issues/2005/spring/a-mighty-army?page=0,3#12).

These people really should get a clue.

I personally think all these cis-gendered idiots should stay outta my britches and I'll endeavor to stay the hell away from them.

Oh and FWIW I think these "men" and "women" are a bunch of whores and rent-boys :P

Of course they probably see nothing wrong with what they are saying. They certainly have no idea where they got their technology from. Good god these people make me sick.

Dumb asses.

Mar 11, 2010, 1:28 AM
Must be a right wing Christian group.

Every time that something comes along that is not in total agreement with their agenda for world domination, they drag out these tired and extremist arguments.

Maybe, if they don't want to exercise the mandate for equal rights, then they should all leave and start their own little backwards theocracy somewhere other than in this secular nation of free citizens.

I have grown completely tired of these right wing head cases and their fascist attitudes about others.

Much of what they spew is little more than the same crap that have been used to generate hatred of everything non-Christian.
It's all just posturing and propaganda with no moral or social value at all.

The right wingers want to have things their way, but won't allow it for others. Bunch of lying hypocrites.

Mar 11, 2010, 2:32 AM
Falcon, it has nothing to do with being a Christian and everything to do with being an idiot.

Idiots exist, it's a fact of life. The ENDA legislation is supposed to stop all discriminatory practices in hiring employees. If they fit the requirements for the job then their color, gender, religious preferences or lack thereof, sexual proclivities should not matter in the fact of their hiring.

TVC is a group filled with idiots, and not to start an argument, mostly Republicans going after the evil Democrats. It's a political agenda not a religious one.

Mar 11, 2010, 4:09 AM
Twyla is rite.. idiots indeed.. sum peeps r mysoginist sum mysandrist.. dusn mean kids r held hostage by man or woman.. personally cant c the difference.. *sigh*:rolleyes:

Mar 11, 2010, 9:48 AM
Traditional Values Coalition is the largest non-denominational, grassroots church lobby in America. Founded in 1980, by Rev. Louis P. Sheldon, Chairman, TVC has sought to empower people of faith through knowledge.

TVC speaks on behalf of over 43,000 churches bridging racial and socio-economic barriers and includes most Christian denominations. Churches across the United States and throughout Puerto Rico find a valuable resource in TVC.
With an emphasis on the restoration of the values needed to maintain strong, unified families, Traditional Values Coalition, focuses on such issues as religious liberties, marriage, the right to life, the homosexual agenda, pornography, family tax relief and education.

While Traditional Values Coalition is a lobbying organization, its sister organization, Traditional Values Coalition Education & Legal Institute, is a foundation dedicated to educating and supporting churches in their efforts to restore America’s cultural heritage.

TVC believes America’s strength is in her churches. Pastors and their churches are not barred by law from being involved in the making of public policy. Traditional Values Coalition provides a multitude of information for Christians and pastors, to equip them with the information they need to be educated on issues and on the representative form of government.

Rev. Sheldon and Andrea Lafferty, Executive Director, know what is at stake for America and they work hard to defend what is morally right. They bring a wealth of information to America’s churches and are a voice of reason in the media.

Rev. Sheldon served for 25 years as an ordained minister prior to founding TVC. Andrea, who served in both the Reagan and Bush Administrations, directs the day-to-day lobbying in Washington. They work regularly with members of the House and Senate and their staffs on a variety of pro-family issues of concern to churches and the grassroots.


Louis P. Sheldon (born 1934 in Washington, D.C.) is an American Presbyterian pastor and chairman of the social conservative organization, the Traditional Values Coalition. He primarily speaks and writes about social issues such as abortion, religious liberty, and public acceptance of homosexuality and same-sex marriage.

Sheldon was born and raised in Washington, D.C., the son of a Jewish mother and a Protestant father. He earned a B.S. in History from Michigan State University in 1957 and a M.Div. from Princeton Theological Seminary in 1960. Sheldon founded the Traditional Values Coalition in 1980 as a non-denominational, grassroots church lobby.

He has appeared as a guest commentator on the Fox News Channel, on programs such as Cavuto on Business, Hannity & Colmes, and The O'Reilly Factor. He has also appeared on CNBC, MSNBC, CNN, and PBS, and has also been featured in newspapers such as The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal, as well as on numerous national radio talk shows.

Sheldon was married on August 24, 1957 and has four children.

Link to Jack Abramoff scandals

Sheldon was an associate of Jack Abramoff, the Republican lobbyist jailed for influence peddling. Sheldon worked with Abramoff to lobby members of the US Congress to kill the Internet Gambling Prohibition Act. Abramoff directed his client, eLottery, to direct $25,000 in payments to Sheldon's Traditional Values Coalition.

The TVC has also been linked to the Mariana Islands worker abuse scandal. The organization was used by Abramoff to pay for the trip of at least one member of Congress to visit the island, then-Congressman Bob Schaffer. The Denver Post reported that the TVC paid the $13,000 travel bill for the trip, organized by Abramoff's lobbying firm.[1]

Abramoff's lobbying team would prepare questions and "factual backup" for friendly lawmakers. Trips to the island for congressmen and staff would be a key tool to "build permanent friends," the memo said.

The congressional junkets to the Mariana Islands were designed to build support in Congress among Republican lawmakers to block labor and immigration reforms at the islands, which had been found to harbor worker abuse and forced abortions among immigrant workers. The trips involved hotel stays and parasailing trips.

Mar 11, 2010, 12:37 PM
More scare tactic stuff from one of those "bat shit crazy" groups.

They got to keep some people scared with all their boogeyman or transwomen I guess in this case!! LOL

They use that tactic--because it sure does work pretty well for 'em!

I sometimes do really wonder with these types how much it is their worldview and ideology at play---or is it really they just simply lust after power and will take any cheap and easy means to get the power they seek????

Mar 11, 2010, 1:21 PM
Falcon, it has nothing to do with being a Christian and everything to do with being an idiot.

I can agree with that, but when it is right wing or Dominion Christians, then the two are completely interchangeable.
The opinions of those two types do not always jibe with the views of other Christians/Christian groups, which I have pointed out in other threads that have touched on the subject of religion.

Mar 11, 2010, 9:32 PM
See Link: http://www.endahurtskids.com/

OMG Transpeople in the classroom!

Bizarre sexual fetishes. Like being true to your own thinking instead of blindly following what other think?

These people deserve to be listed as a hate group by SPLC (http://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/intelligence-report/browse-all-issues/2005/spring/a-mighty-army?page=0,3#12).

These people really should get a clue.

I personally think all these cis-gendered idiots should stay outta my britches and I'll endeavor to stay the hell away from them.

Oh and FWIW I think these "men" and "women" are a bunch of whores and rent-boys :P

Of course they probably see nothing wrong with what they are saying. They certainly have no idea where they got their technology from. Good god these people make me sick.

Dumb asses.

Marie, I agree with most of what you say here, although I'm not so clear on the "whores and rent boys". I definitely agree with "dumb asses", needing to get a clue, and that they should stay out of people's britches.

But I don't think we do anyone any good when we sling the term "cisgender" around as if it was some kind of insult. It isn't. It's what we wish we were, or at least what I wish I was. It's why I am going to such lengths to transition: so I can feel cisgender, instead of transgender.

When we use "cisgender" negatively or as an insult (I'm looking at your use of "cisgendered idiots"), we help to alienate ourselves further not just from those who already hate us, but also from any cisgender people who haven't yet formed a strong opinion.

I know you were frustrated, and rightly so, when you wrote it, but let's do our best not to alienate people who've done us no harm. We can do with all the support we can get, and no progress will ever be made for us without the help of a LOT of cisgender people!
