View Full Version : Aid to masturbation

Mar 8, 2010, 9:07 AM
With all the porn on the 'net in the form of videos and pictures and cam2cam chat, I wonder if anyone still reads pornographic stories as an aid to masturbation.

Mar 8, 2010, 9:15 AM
Not recently, but under normal circumstances I enjoy a nice sexy read. Gives the imagination some exercise :D

Mar 8, 2010, 9:17 AM
To me it depends on who wrote it, something anonymous has never really appealed to me near as much as one of LDD's stories he writes for me.

Mar 8, 2010, 9:25 AM
I love to read good erotic stories!! :love87:

Mar 8, 2010, 9:47 AM
I only like personal and true sex stories. Fiction doesn't do anything for me.

That's just like porn video. I don't like the "pro" stuff. Amateur porn beats the pro stuff hands down, as far as I'm concerned.

Mar 8, 2010, 10:29 AM
I only like personal and true sex stories. Fiction doesn't do anything for me.

That's just like porn video. I don't like the "pro" stuff. Amateur porn beats the pro stuff hands down, as far as I'm concerned.

I agree with most of what you have said Fred--but a well crafted fictional sex story is pretty hot to me.

I guess it is the writer part of me that makes me enjoy reading about sex more than seeing it in most cases.

I certainly agree-when it comes to video "porn"---hands down---I much prefer to watch "regular people" having sex over "pros."

It is a bummer now that on many of the sites that started out being for amateurs have transitioned into having more vids coming from pro operations or gays or gals who figured they can make some bucks off of their vids--so they only give you free teasers and if you want to watch their best stuff---you have to pay--something I just don't do!!!!

Mar 8, 2010, 10:34 AM
I agree with most of what you have said Fred--but a well crafted fictional sex story is pretty hot to me.

I'll have to admit, someone posted a link here some time ago to a web site devoted to sex stories. I found them quite fun and even arousing. Then, upon looking closer, I realized they were mostly fictional stories.:eek:

Mar 8, 2010, 1:48 PM
I agree with most of what you have said Fred--but a well crafted fictional sex story is pretty hot to me.

A well crafted fictional story wiv a well crafted sex scene or 2 mayb Voltie.. afraid me prefers sex (if any) in me fiction written 2 strengthen the storyline not 2 b the storyline.. am not big inta gratuitous sex in me readin, telly or film.. not so long 'go mayb in life tho..:tong:;) .. aaah memries.. tee hee:bigrin:

Mar 8, 2010, 3:06 PM
Only a couple of people have complained about my erotics..lol. I have a series called the Party Girl Journals, and all of those are true stories. Hopefully once I get this surgery nonsense out of the way, I can get back into my writing. Sigh...

Mar 8, 2010, 4:20 PM
I do! I read the lesbian scenes in Anne Rice's "The claiming of Sleeping Beauty" series and the fanfics.

Mar 8, 2010, 4:51 PM
I once found my parents stash of fictional pornographic books. I read them, with curiosity, from time to time, when I was home alone. Dishonest, but what can I say? I was a horny teenager! :tong:

DB :flag3:

Mar 8, 2010, 6:29 PM
I like it in either form. Fictional or the dirty magazine true stories. It keeps the imagination sharp! And the plumbing squirty!

Mar 8, 2010, 9:54 PM
I only like personal and true sex stories. Fiction doesn't do anything for me.

That's just like porn video. I don't like the "pro" stuff. Amateur porn beats the pro stuff hands down, as far as I'm concerned.

I read stories all the time and like Fred prefer the personal true stories best. Of course I watch porn too and also like amateur porn best. Same sex (lesbian and gay) stories and porn are my main appetite.

Mar 8, 2010, 11:04 PM
With all the porn on the 'net in the form of videos and pictures and cam2cam chat, I wonder if anyone still reads pornographic stories as an aid to masturbation.

I read erotic stories ALL the time. Nifty.org & Literotica.com (has a bit of everything) are my 2 favorite sites. I would love to find out others so if anyone knows of any good ones, please post them...

camming is good but timing is everything.

Mar 9, 2010, 4:45 AM
I prefer to read my porn rather than look at pictures.


Pasa.. don read or wotch porn.. but dus participate now an then.. tee hee.. ;)


Mar 9, 2010, 4:51 AM
I think erotica is sometimes even more fun than convetional porn. It encourages you to use your imagination, it's very insertive, and best of all, it's almost always free. Plus, I think erotica tends to be a bit more "tasteful" than some of the more blantent Porn out there. I guess I'm a bit of a girl though, I like a good story behind my fantasies.

Mar 9, 2010, 9:21 AM
I agree.

When you watch a video, or movie, you are stuck on someone else's mental interpretations of the events.

But, when you are reading, or listing to a story, your mental pictures can be your own.

Listening to the radio when I was a kid, allowed me to use the images I had in my mind. They were different than others listening to the same story. That was the beauty of it; each person could have different visions of the faces and events that unfolded.

Mar 9, 2010, 2:38 PM
I agree.

When you watch a video, or movie, you are stuck on someone else's mental interpretations of the events.

But, when you are reading, or listing to a story, your mental pictures can be your own.

Listening to the radio when I was a kid, allowed me to use the images I had in my mind. They were different than others listening to the same story. That was the beauty of it; each person could have different visions of the faces and events that unfolded.

Ya not hav plays an stuff on radio nowadays ova ther? Me lissens 2 radio a lot wile workin at 'ome..even chattin or postin on 'ere, an not always music.. lissen 2 Radio 4 a lot wer ther r a lotta plays an serials.. even betta is Radio 7 wich broadcasts lotsa plays an serials (as well as comedy me nev heard of) from las year rite bak till Methusalah wos a lad. Luff plays an stuff on radio cosyas rite..plays an serials on radio letya imagination fly free as no otha media.. in many ways even moren books cos ther r less desciptors 2 go by.

Soz tho..not much is ver naughty... BBC wos rite prim an propa wen lotsa that stuff wos recorded an 1st broadcast.. Reithian they call it...but its brill jus the same.. ne way.. who needs rude stuff on radio or even telly wen ya can do it...:bigrin:

Annika L
Mar 9, 2010, 2:52 PM
A well crafted fictional story wiv a well crafted sex scene or 2 mayb Voltie.. afraid me prefers sex (if any) in me fiction written 2 strengthen the storyline not 2 b the storyline.. am not big inta gratuitous sex in me readin, telly or film.. not so long 'go mayb in life tho..:tong:;) .. aaah memries.. tee hee:bigrin:

I completely agree with Fran here...sex should enhance a story, not be the story.

To the OP, yes, I often prefer creative, well-written erotica to video (especially the kind of video that tends to dominate the market and internet). Watching a video can be fun once in a while, and provide a spark on a given evening. But certain well-written stories stay with me and provide erotic fuel for *years* after I read them! I cannot say that of any video I've ever seen.

Mar 9, 2010, 3:09 PM
With all the porn on the 'net in the form of videos and pictures and cam2cam chat, I wonder if anyone still reads pornographic stories as an aid to masturbation.

Bi all means I use printed stories to get me up ready for a good j/o session. I have a particular one that I first found 4-5 years ago. It's all about sucking & not about anal. Now don't get me wrong as I love the feeling of getting my ass rammed, but I LOVE the thought of eating a great deal cum even better. Yummy;)