View Full Version : Is sexuality still liberating?

Mar 14, 2006, 4:44 AM
A habit I try to avoid is melancholy, I try not to do what every passing generation does and that is to look back at "the good old days". Granted, American society always struggled with it's fucked up social problems but I think a facet of life that we were becoming "liberated" in was the world of sexuality. What some might label "promiscuous" others might have labeled "free spirited" many years ago. Even today's youth seem to carry their "hedonism" in a very sloppy, cerebrally devoid and self-serving manner.
Watching loud, obnoxious college kids flaunt drunken lechery as a way to air their dysfunctional status in an oppressive minded society really saddens me more than it angers me. Instead of being sensual, we have become emotionally disconnected and sexually retarded. Individuals nothing more than our occasional, disposable cum rag as we try to fill the nameless void in our lives with more consumption, novelties and something to eat or drink to make us feel good while we get heavier and sicker.
The seventies certainly had some dark times but wasn't it commonplace to see "best sellers" in the book stores about how to enjoy all manner of sex, or, how about "bawdy stories"? Weren’t there many popular sex clubs where "swingers" came to "swap wives" or partake in orgies at such night spots in NYC as "Plato's retreat" or "Le Trapeze"? These people didn't just grudgingly "Fuck" one another, granted there were "one night stands" and horrible sexual truths, such as depicted in the movie "Mr. Good bar" but there seemed more of a sexual vitality that I don't think many people understand anymore.
Over the violence at Stonewall and the overbearing homophobia of the sixties and seventies, gay clubs too were more sociable and sexually charged. No one can tell me that the political climate isn't an indicator of the mind set of a society. From my perspective, the "Son of Sam" murders, AIDS, Reaganism and the new consumerist fetish turned us in to the most tight assed, cynical, hateful and sexually introverted mass of silent desperation since 19th century England.
Even our most toxic state of mind seems most evident in our current political climate. We don't want to make our partners feel good and thereby feel good in turn, no, we want to take our frustrations out on someone, we want to sit in front of the television and watch someone pummel someone else, be it physically or verbally. We laugh at comedy that tells us how hopeless and stupid we are as individuals and as dysfunctional family units. We want our children to watch circus like brawls where muscle headed idiots are cheered for obvious lack of intelligence and pretending to slam each other with chairs. We worry about gay marriage because it might teach junior to suck cock and become too sensitive to be worthy of being alive.
For one thing the evangelicals are right but not in the context they use, we are a dead society. We screw our PCs with fantasies that we later discard, out of doubt or fear perhaps because we are still losing social skills and becoming chronic jack offs. We work around the clock among people we wouldn't choose to be around, nor they us. We make pitence to pay bills and "go online" to escape reality. Even bisexuality seems more of a myth than a reality. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there was a place you could go to and not feel pressured, where someone could easily walk up to you and ask or offer sex, and even if you said "no thank you", there would be no ill feelings?
Sexuality is not just part of the baby factory where pussy gets slammed by cock and life starts all over again, it is a release and a bond that all young people should experience at some point. If you can trust and truly care for the person on top of you, inside of you or in anyway fiscally connected to you in that blissful moment, that is called sex, anything else is akin to a type of consensual rape. Perhaps things do go in a cycle, maybe when we get tired of the ignorance, the cynicism, guilt and anti-social behavior, another generation will take our place and wonder how the hell we tolerated this crap so long. :three: :eek: :(

Mar 14, 2006, 5:58 AM
i dont tolarate nothing i choose to look at the good new days.and the genaration you talk about starts with us.so lets make a possative one e.

Mar 14, 2006, 11:26 PM
i think ya nailed that pretty well, tho i'm going to reread it and get back to ya offline about a thing or two that has me curious as to how you formed those opinions.

anyway, nice rant. dennis miller will be proud.