View Full Version : What Would it Take to Get This Site Updated?

Mar 6, 2010, 1:47 PM
We've been members of Bisexual.com for a couple of years, try to visit at least once or twice a week when time permits. It would be wonderful to see this site being really *maintained*, with updated news on bisexuality issues being posted to the website. It's very tiring to always see the Robyn Ochs story from nearly 3 years ago as the "latest" posting.

Does anyone have contact with the owner of this site, who might be able to convince him/her to make some changes and updates? Could others comment on whether you've felt this way too? It's wonderful to be a part of an online bisexual community but this site could be so much more if someone put some thought and creativity into it.

Thanks for your comments--hope we can inspire some meaningful discussion on this issue,

S and K

Mar 6, 2010, 2:11 PM
I totally agree, but I'm not sure who runs this place. although someone did update the events thing.

Mar 6, 2010, 2:34 PM
I agree as well. Not everyone is here solely for "slap and tickle"....well at least not all the time.

Mar 6, 2010, 2:44 PM
I know, right?

I mean, at the very least, IMO we need to have more than one moderator. I mean, like Drew and then he can have other moderators under him. I can ignore the Robyn Ochs posting, I'm just worried about my growing ignore list. Frankly, we need somebody who has the balls to say "I just deleted a bunch of posts and blocked one or two people from posting for a short time cus they were flaming. If this continues, the thread will be deleted or locked.", or "I just kicked so-and-so out of the chat room/muted so-and-so for a minute or so cus they were trolling, please continue on with respectful discussion.".

In other words, I'm worried about our community. The nice thing is that we are a community built around respect, and honesty. The not-so-nice thing is that people who don't "fit in" cus for whatever reason they cannot respect other people only only get put on ignore, and their posts deleted every so often, and if not, fed.

DB :flag4:

Mar 6, 2010, 3:29 PM
Let's see

1/ this site is free to join and no fees
2/ there are no commercials or ads
3/ The discussion and chat sections are free to post or chat for anyone who joins

Some above posters seem to want more for nothing?

How can this Drew afford to maintain this site?

Thanks Drew for your efforts. This site may not be perfect but I can ignore old articles and the lack of new ones. People are free to start a thread and post or refer to a web page article.

Mar 6, 2010, 4:15 PM
But that's the American way everybody wants everything for free and they want it there way. If u dnt like the way the site is run PAY to join another one

Mar 6, 2010, 4:28 PM
I believe they would be willing to volunteer their services to help Drew with things. In fact I know for sure of at least 20 people who would be willing to help with this site for free to make it better for all of us. I dont think its a matter of "wanting something for nothing" as again, Im sure they would be willing to help out themselves. This site does need updating, it does need a new look, it does need more moderators and yes it is free. You dont need to fix whats not broken but then again, updates and moderators seem to be broken.

Mar 6, 2010, 6:21 PM
Solution is simple. Contact Drew and volunteer your services. This question has been asked frequently over the last couple of years, and the alternitive is still the same....contact the source and experess your concerns. :}:cool:

Mar 6, 2010, 9:39 PM
Or you could offer Drew an insanely indecent amount of money for the site and run it your way.


Mar 6, 2010, 11:23 PM
Solution is simple. Contact Drew and volunteer your services. This question has been asked frequently over the last couple of years, and the alternitive is still the same....contact the source and experess your concerns. :}:cool:

Out of morbid curiosity, has anyone actually done this? Drew?

I know I am *willing* to be a moderator, but I'm not sure if I have the maturity to be one.

DB :flag3:

Mar 6, 2010, 11:29 PM
You gotta be kidding me!?!? ,,,,SENSUALLOVERS #2 ,,,, Shure, there are the articles at this web-site, which have been there for a while, and are kinda like books, and hopefully will never go out of style!

Then there are the forums that are the main topic and are updated on a daily, ever hourly basis. In the forums you can discuss almost anything under the sun, make comments on what other have posted, and even "horse laugh" others for posting what you think is stupid (if done tactfully).

So, if anybody wishes, and were to write / submit a well written article along the bisexual / gay lifestyle and could pretty well prove that it was an original. Then the management of this site might post it in the articles dept, instead of the forums.

Don't it always seem to go. That when people show up here (and really everywhere), the first thing they want to do is re-do the wall-paper, paint and re-arrange all the furniture. I wonder what happens when they get a hotel room? :bigrin:

That is my :2cents: thought on the subject. Your friend, :doggie:

Mar 7, 2010, 6:04 AM
There is a sort of history, Jon Pressick was an author/contributor who in certain instances became insulted by some folks, so he stopped, I don't think he was a member so you prob wouldn't find him in search members. Howewer, Drew is certainly a member, why not member search him, look at his threads and posts and you will find all sorts of interesting topics regarding these complaints such as, delaying advertising and deciding to keep this site underwritten from his 3 pillows site, response to lack of contributors, maturuty of members/moderators etc. It's there if you want to look and find it. Just my thoughts. :rolleyes:

Mar 7, 2010, 10:05 AM
excellent suggestion marie.

"this" Drew is a Canadian

contact him here (http://main.bisexual.com/forum/sendmessage.php):

My personal experience has been that some moderators on chat sites tend to have "agendas" and for that reason I commend Drew in NOT having them here. Too many opportunities for empire builders to lash out in moments of anger. I'm sure if Drew wanted someone to moderate, he would approach the chatter personally and privately... or, at least, that's the way I would do it LOL.

Drew IS around, I see him regularly in the online list and his status reads "moderating".


Mar 7, 2010, 8:30 PM
I agree as well. Not everyone is here solely for "slap and tickle"....well at least not all the time.

LoL, Try not at all for me. I thought this was a site about connecting with others and getting a feeling of community. Hasn't really worked for me, and opened a door to griefs I never knew existed. So I rarely come here, and when I do it's usually for the comics. Those haven't been updated in ages. Heck, it doesn't even have the upcoming pride events in my area.