View Full Version : Have you had sex with a Canadian?

fred fencesitter
Mar 2, 2010, 10:57 PM
And if you haven't, would you?

Mar 2, 2010, 11:12 PM

I'm not telling:cool:

Although..........Never with Stephen Harper ...yuk

Remember we Canucks are iceholes...:)

Mar 2, 2010, 11:25 PM
Is a Canadian or has a Canadian ever been my lover?
No. I have never had sex with a Canadian.

But, I did have some Crown Royal Wiskey a few years ago and it was really good! Does that make me slightly Canadian?
I have relatives in Canada. Does that make me slightly Canadian?
I have been to so many hockey games, that I am sure I could identify a puck at 200 ft away. Does that make me slightly Canadian?
If I masterbate does that mean I need to clarify the definition of "is"?

Mar 2, 2010, 11:42 PM
You might be more Canadian if your drank Canadian Club Rye. We refer to your whiskey as Rye...generally and generically. You could also drink a beer called Canadian. I wouldn't suggest it though as I like other Canadian beer. Warning. Canadian beer tends to put USAmericans piss drunk on their butts as it has more alcohol;)

Mar 2, 2010, 11:56 PM
I have a sweetie up in Canada who has been trying to get my up there for years now. I'd go in a heartbeat if I could. Ehh. :bigrin:

Mar 3, 2010, 12:44 AM

Mar 3, 2010, 2:39 AM
Never have, no. But I wouldn't be opposed to it, by any means! (Hey baby, cross my border? Nah, lousy pick-up line.)

Mar 3, 2010, 4:26 AM
This city has millions a tourists every year a wich thousands r Canadian.. also has hundreds a Canadian students at its universities... hav had an interestin an varied lil life an had me moments... so guess...

Mar 3, 2010, 8:17 AM
I wish there was an option saying that "as far as I know...no..."

Mar 3, 2010, 8:57 AM
I wish there was an option saying that "as far as I know...no..."

Take it from me Ris..ifya had..ya wud kno fore ya eva got near gettin laid...;) Is no criticism.. jus an observation cos they r determined they not gonna b confused wiv u lot... bit like a guy in Holland me had 2 put rite cos 'e thot lil ole me wos English...:eek:

Mar 3, 2010, 9:11 AM
Nothing ventured, nothing gained: Canadian-born guy living in London, offering himself to worthy locals. :bigrin:

Mar 3, 2010, 9:13 AM
Nothing ventured, nothing gained: Canadian-born guy living in London, offering himself to worthy Britons. :bigrin:

Soz..ya hav rong bits hun far as this lil Brit is concerned... but ifya cant get laid in London ya won get laid ne wer...:tong:

Mar 3, 2010, 12:02 PM
Once upon a time in a galaxy far away.....there was a French Canadian

girl I met in Old Montreal. Right in the shadows of Notre Dame.

Mar 3, 2010, 12:34 PM
Me m8 used 2 live in Paris at Montmartre an me used 2 go ova wen me cud an wen finances allowed partly cos me luffs 'er an 'er family, an partly cos Paris is the mos wondaful city on the planet.. snogged a girl from Leeds in shadows a Notre Dam who lived in Toronto an whose son wos born in Canada.. an we had a luffly time ova the 4 days we knew each otha.. dus that count?

Mar 3, 2010, 12:50 PM
Take it from me Ris..ifya had..ya wud kno fore ya eva got near gettin laid...;) Is no criticism.. jus an observation cos they r determined they not gonna b confused wiv u lot... bit like a guy in Holland me had 2 put rite cos 'e thot lil ole me wos English...:eek:

I had friends in high school that were born and partially raised in Canada and Germany and I didn't even know for the LONGEST time...so I'm sure it could happen haha.

Mar 3, 2010, 9:12 PM
My first orgasm was generated by a neighbor who was an older retired Canadian. I identified as bisexual as soon as I knew what it was!

Mar 3, 2010, 9:46 PM
I used to work with a canadian who was such a stud, probably a good thing I didn't know I was bi back then or I wouldn't have been able to keep my hands to my self. ;-)

Mar 3, 2010, 10:00 PM
Only if during sex they have that outrageous Canadian accent, "Oh yaa, yaaa, oh yaaa, yaaa, oh I'm gonna come donchaknow?"

Mar 3, 2010, 11:10 PM
It's an interesting poll, considering how many Canadians there are here.

"Hey, I'm coming, eh?

Mar 4, 2010, 12:33 AM
I have and she was wonderful. I would be with her forever if it were not for the distance and each with a family on our sides of the border. I always picture one strategically covered by a Canadian Maple Leaf.

Mar 4, 2010, 4:23 AM
Only if during sex they have that outrageous Canadian accent, "Oh yaa, yaaa, oh yaaa, yaaa, oh I'm gonna come donchaknow?"

God Joe.. me thinks Canadians hav luffly accents... an hav nev ev heard a Canadian girl or guy say "dontcha kno" jus as they start 2 cum! (an read inta that nethin ya like..;))

Mar 4, 2010, 4:47 AM
My first(1st) exerience was with a Candian Girl and I'm still paying the price, noit really but it was wonderfull, no regrets from here

Mar 4, 2010, 2:45 PM
Only if during sex they have that outrageous Canadian accent, "Oh yaa, yaaa, oh yaaa, yaaa, oh I'm gonna come donchaknow?"

Sounds like Sarah Palin to me!

Har har.

Mar 4, 2010, 2:56 PM
I am Canadian, not born here, husband and most of the men and woman. It nice doing while you freeze your ass off or inside with a warm fire. :bigrin:

roy m cox
Mar 5, 2010, 12:16 AM
wait what , o_0 oh why knot pass the back bacon eh :bigrin:

Mar 5, 2010, 3:51 AM
Hav met an gotten 2 kno quite a few Canadians.. wot me has always found interestin bout the buggas.. is that like the Scandinavians, ther wimmen hav skins 2 die for....an they don seem 2 put 2 much effort inta it... o 2 b so lukky... grrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!:(

.... aaahh the green monster strike's gain...:eek:

Mar 5, 2010, 7:30 AM
well being an aussie, it wouldnt matteron what country you where from, but i believe the question was asked by a yank. go figure ??????

Mar 5, 2010, 8:12 AM
well being an aussie, it wouldnt matteron what country you where from, but i believe the question was asked by a yank. go figure ??????

Hav had a few mo's wiv peeps from Oz an all.. city hoaches wiv 'em spesh in Spring, Summa an Autumn.. cant go inta a pub or club wivout 'earin the twang from behind bar askin wotya wont.. sum r dead deeelish.. yanks less so but kno a few who actually liv 'ere.. plenty tourists an plenty luffly 1's an all.. me preference a all 3?? Canadians on balance as lookers an genral sexiness.. soz 'merica an oz.. jus how me c's it...;)

..no comment bout the guys... no longa qualified 2 pass judgement...:rolleyes:

Mar 5, 2010, 9:57 AM
I've been to Canada a couple of times and have worked with the Canadian military. Being from Florida, I've met many of them here in the winter, too.

I have to admit, I wish Americans had some of their laid-back attitudes and ways. They don't seem to take themselves as seriously and definitely are not as hung up on sexual issues. I think they exhibit more European ways, in many aspects.

They certainly aren't nearly as suit-crazy as we are. They thought the huge settlement that old gal got, when she spilled coffee on herself, was ridiculous!

One Canadian asked me, "What about being held accountable for your own actions?"

Someone posted a photo of a sign on the Internet, taken on a highway in Canada, that typifies their "Tongue-in-cheek" attitudes to me. It was an advertisement for Daisey BB guns: It had the caption, "Daisey BB Guns, helping keep kids off your lawn since 1896!"

Nuff said about that!

Mar 6, 2010, 4:07 AM
Not that I know of, although I've sex a few times while in Canada - just not with a Canadian.

However, I know of one Canadian on our site to whom I'd gladly give up my Canadian sex partner virginity. And if we weren't 2,500 miles apart I'd be hitting her up for a lunch-to-breakfast date instead of sitting here writing this poll response. ;->
Peace, BBNN :yinyang:

Mar 6, 2010, 9:43 AM
Only if during sex they have that outrageous Canadian accent, "Oh yaa, yaaa, oh yaaa, yaaa, oh I'm gonna come donchaknow?"


Mar 6, 2010, 9:46 AM
.....Never with Stephen Harper ...yuk
Remember we Canucks are iceholes...:)

Harper *gag*

iceholes? 'eh' ?

Mar 6, 2010, 9:48 AM
Well, I could have possibly had sex with a Canadian but I was drunk at the time. There was a lot of growling going on and he/she was pretty hairy so it also could have been a bear or even a walrus.

Mar 6, 2010, 11:00 AM
Beavers and woodies take on a whole new meaning up here.:bigrin:

Mar 6, 2010, 11:07 AM
Never did have sex with a Canadian--but I sure would like to--to "foster relations" between our two countries, of course!!!! Doing a little bit of "international trade" of sorts! :bigrin::bigrin:

Mar 6, 2010, 1:18 PM
Well, I am a Canadian...so I guess there's no pt in me taking the poll.

I have had sex with an American. He was a model and he was so gorgeous. Have not slept with a US woman yet though...:bigrin:

Mar 9, 2010, 7:06 PM
This guy that I was dating wasn't from Canada, but he a Canadian maple leaf tattooed just north of his cock. =P

Mar 11, 2010, 10:52 AM
nope and not going to !!

Mar 12, 2010, 12:37 AM
well eh??

Not that I think the Q is dumb or not? [Think hoserhead... eh?]

Yup sure have. They're a weird bunch that will stand in a snow storm at 3am in the morning with no traffic, and wait until the sign indicates "walk'" before they cross.

Fine bunch up there in the "Great White North" - that's based on snow, not colour of people. Actually, how they take the cold 11 months a year totally baffles me.


Mar 12, 2010, 1:54 PM
If only Canadians would answer their emails.

Mar 15, 2010, 12:13 PM
I can't answer your survey because there is no " I don't know " option . Since I live in Maine , there is a good chance that I have . " What is your nationality ? " just isn't one of the questions I ask of a potential partner .

Mar 15, 2010, 8:39 PM
I sure have and she was stunning, had an amazing body, bright blue eyes and a sweet personality. She said her heritage was Scottish and that it was common in Toronto. So I ask you the British equivalent, have you had sex with a Scot. Dark Eyes you can't answer that one though! :bigrin:

Mar 15, 2010, 9:35 PM
well eh?? . [Think hoserhead... eh?] . They're a weird bunch that will stand in a snow storm at 3am in the morning with no traffic, and wait until the sign indicates "walk'" before they cross. Actually, how they take the cold 11 months a year totally baffles me. graytwo

well.. Nobody I know says "eh" and the MacKenzie hosers went out in the 1980's. Yes, most of us are polite, (it's a cultural thing) and we do obey the traffic lights (most of us).

Don't know where you're getting your information from, but it is NOT cold here 11 months of the year nor has it ever been! We have 4 seasons here.

Summer temps usually run about 80-85F+, and sometimes over 90 for weeks on end.. This winter, in my neck of the woods (Ontario), we haven't had any snow since December, and it's been anything but cold. It's relative.

Peg the Canuck

roy m cox
Mar 16, 2010, 1:50 AM
well.. Nobody I know says "eh" and the MacKenzie hosers went out in the 1980's. Yes, most of us are polite, (it's a cultural thing) and we do obey the traffic lights (most of us).

Don't know where you're getting your information from, but it is NOT cold here 11 months of the year nor has it ever been! We have 4 seasons here.

Summer temps usually run about 80-85F+, and sometimes over 90 for weeks on end.. This winter, in my neck of the woods (Ontario), we haven't had any snow since December, and it's been anything but cold. It's relative.

Peg the Canuck
um well people get the word eh from movies and lot of Canadian tv shows so yeah its all in fun not to mention i have some Canadian friends that use that word "eh" and they are realy nice guys too :bigrin:

Mar 16, 2010, 6:34 AM
No, but I've had sex in Canada. It was a warm bright moonlit night just outside of Kamloops. She lifted her shirt off to feel the warm air rushing in from the sun roof. As the moonlight illuminated her ample breast............................................ ................

Mar 16, 2010, 7:28 AM
I sure have and she was stunning, had an amazing body, bright blue eyes and a sweet personality. She said her heritage was Scottish and that it was common in Toronto. So I ask you the British equivalent, have you had sex with a Scot. Dark Eyes you can't answer that one though! :bigrin:

Wy not? Me lives in Scotland wiv a Scottish girl.. wos married 2 a Scottish guy.. gotten off wiv lots a guys an girls who wer Scottish, an even hav shared a bed wiv quite a few of each, an even had nookie alfresco wiv a fair ole numba.. then ther wos kitchen table, couch, floor, stairs, cars, train, kirk, office parties, party parties, cave, boat, ferry.. :)

nope.. nev hav hun.. am a lil innocent angel.. always keep me knickers on:angel:

Mar 16, 2010, 7:43 AM
Looks like I'm missing all the fun down South, I'm moving to Glasgow! :tongue:

Mar 16, 2010, 9:10 AM
Just tell Fran she CAN'T do something, then stand back!

Mar 16, 2010, 9:23 AM
Looks like I'm missing all the fun down South, I'm moving to Glasgow! :tongue:

Move 2 ther ifya like.. me will stay in luffly lil town on otha sida country.. but ifyas got ne xtra dosh then me dus lotsa shoppin in Glasgow .. don mind who buys me me clothes an shoes..:bigrin:

Am an angel nowadays, sweets.. me has the luffly Naggy Knicks 2 keep me in the fun style 2 wich me has becum accustomed...:female::female::tong:

Mar 16, 2010, 9:26 AM
Just tell Fran she CAN'T do something, then stand back!

Think 'es cooled off at mention a shoppin Realist..they usually do..:bigrin:

..an wy has lotsa peeps started callin me Dark Eyes me wondas?? o well.. dusn matta.. am still nice woteva they call me..:tong:

Mar 16, 2010, 12:31 PM
sorry Fran, my brain was addled this morning, before my first coffee, when i wrote it and I couldn't for the life of me remember your name at that moment, soorree! :( Still in truth I prefer Edinburgh.... and I was trying to have a dig at the absurdity of the subject of American/ Canadian relations (and relationships for that matter1); peeps is peeps... :eek:

Shopping? London is expensive enuff!!!! :tongue:

Mar 16, 2010, 12:38 PM
sorry Fran, my brain was addled this morning, before my first coffee, when i wrote it and I couldn't for the life of me remember your name at that moment, soorree! :( Still in truth I prefer Edinburgh.... and I was trying to have a dig at the absurdity of the subject of American/ Canadian relations (and relationships for that matter1); peeps is peeps... :eek:

Shopping? London is expensive enuff!!!! :tongue:

S'ok.. jus noticed peeps hav started doin it..me forgives ya.. it dusn niggle or owt jus curious 2 kno wy peeps r doin it...;)

..but wot dus is that shoppin in Edinburgh is brill an all.. u cud spend even more ofya hard earned dosh on me 'ere cos me shops eva so much more at 'ome...

....an peeps r peeps indeed.. muah!

ps..an luff shoppin in London an all...:bigrin::tong:

Mar 16, 2010, 12:53 PM
Well, I still say "eh" but with much less frequency than some may think that we do...I think that a lot of us still use that word, eh? It is on a Timmy's (Tim Horton's) commercial about all the stereotypes of Canadians. More of us probably refer to "Timmy's" more frequently though...:bigrin:

well.. Nobody I know says "eh" and the MacKenzie hosers went out in the 1980's. Yes, most of us are polite, (it's a cultural thing) and we do obey the traffic lights (most of us).

Don't know where you're getting your information from, but it is NOT cold here 11 months of the year nor has it ever been! We have 4 seasons here.

Summer temps usually run about 80-85F+, and sometimes over 90 for weeks on end.. This winter, in my neck of the woods (Ontario), we haven't had any snow since December, and it's been anything but cold. It's relative.

Peg the Canuck

Mar 16, 2010, 1:12 PM
I'd have sex with most anyone , provided they were someone I felt *that* way about.

Sometimes the accents are...erm..quite stimulating. :bigrin:

The sexiest accents are: 1 Irish; 2 Italian; 3 Scottish; 4 French; 5 Australian; 6 English; 7 Swedish; 8 Spanish; 9 Welsh; 10 American.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1224773/French-lose-accent-love--Irish-lilt-voted-worlds-sexiest.html#ixzz0iMPgONYb

Kinda makes me wonder what they mean by "American Accent" though.:tongue:

But for the most part "people are people."

Mar 16, 2010, 1:21 PM
"Kinda makes me wonder what they mean by "American Accent" though."


I'm inclined to think that we English speakers would not be able to discern the difference from a Parisien speaking English from a person from Marsielle's speaking English?

The same might hold true for a person from New York speaking French and a person speaking French from South Carolina? A French person may not distinguish the difference in either speaking French.

The same would hold true between a Newfie Canadian and an Albertan Canadian speaking French. Now a Quebecois speaking French can be identified from a Parisien speaking French by the French...lol (Quebec is primarily a French speaking region in Canada and their French is closer to 16th century mainland French than contemporary French).

Mar 16, 2010, 1:35 PM
"Kinda makes me wonder what they mean by "American Accent" though."


I'm inclined to think that we English speakers would not be able to discern the difference from a Parisien speaking English from a person from Marsielle's speaking English?

The same might hold true for a person from New York speaking French and a person speaking French from South Carolina? A French person may not distinguish the difference in either speaking French.

Yeah I agree , for the most part.

However, you can tell a person from London vs a person from York, right? An upper class accent vs a lower class one?

If two people are speaking English I'd know pretty quickly what part of the US / accent wise they were located. NY vs South Carolina, Ethnicity all that sort of thing makes a persons voice. Granted I'd have a tough time telling the difference between two Mexican accents if they were both speaking English.

However I knew a young lady (from where I grew up) that had an English mother who had a nanny that was from the south eastern US(Georgia, I believe.) Poor girl had an English /Southern accent. That made her almost not able to be understood by her peers most of whom grew up with a Northern Californian accent.

(test your US Accent here) (http://www.gotoquiz.com/what_american_accent_do_you_have)

Mar 16, 2010, 6:48 PM
I've noticed that a lot of the very heavy "American" accents involve moving your mouth the least amount possible. Annunciation doesn't have much place where I live. One could pronounce the name of my hometown "Gay-lord" phonetically and with a wide open mouth, but that would instantly give away the fact that you're from out of town, because the locals pronounce it more like "Gheylerd".

Mar 25, 2010, 6:33 PM
American accent ? Would this be a north american accent or central american accent or south american accent ? It is as if when one proclaims to be an american , everyone else should assume you from the United States . That seems to be incredibly arrogant to me . Canadians and Mexicans are also north americans as well as those who are from the United States . Although , I am a proud United Statesian doesn't have the same ring .

Mar 25, 2010, 7:12 PM

I have more than done my bit for closer relations with both Anglophone and Fracophone Canada:tong::tong::tong:

May 13, 2010, 2:59 PM
I met a Canadian guy at a mall several years ago. We just started talking and the next thing I knew he was touching me. I let him have his way and thoroughly enjoyed it!:flag2:

May 13, 2010, 3:24 PM

Would I like to, Yes...:flag4:

May 13, 2010, 5:24 PM
Yeah... He was straight. Generally nice guy, went back to Toronto the next semester. :)


May 13, 2010, 6:17 PM
Does the pope live in Rome?!?....sheesh....but unfortunately the answer is 'no'....:(

However, I do know of one or two here at this site that I would gladly indulge in those wonderful moments with.....

May 14, 2010, 1:35 PM
Well, I am a Canadian, and as you might guess, most of my sexual partners have been Canadian.

Even when I'm 'Hand Solo', I'm having sex with a Canadian!:bigrin: