View Full Version : Why do guys like it when you

Feb 26, 2010, 11:54 AM
Ok so i will be the first to admit im kinda ditzy ok! i cant help it but also i have always noticed that when i give a Bj guys will always be like No dont spilt! or they will say something like swallow for me babe.. ya you like that? thats so fucking hot!.. or the want to like jack off on my face? so i know some people might be laughing as you may be reading this . But i really dont have a clue why they do this..Or They always say you like that dont you .. ? and i have this freaky effect on straight guys that is like , well let me explain
they will say something like you have nice lips you look like you could suck dick good. or you have a nice ass id tap that but im not gay or bi ? and all tha crap like confuses me.. And then like i get told but alot of guys and girls That im Pretty? ( sometimes handsome ) and that dosent bother me it bothers me when i walk through a public place and past a couple of married people or GF/BF and the guy like eybals me and shit or stares and the wife or girlfriend gives me this look thats like back the hell of my proberty b***h and the just glare at me... can somebody explain to me if u think its something im doing cuz i dont try to do that and also answer the whole top part about the why guys things Thanks bunches ! ( sorry i side tracked )

XoXo yours truly the one the only

Feb 26, 2010, 2:05 PM
Ok so at least try to answer i se 39 people viewd this and not one of you can help

Feb 26, 2010, 2:38 PM
Guys get a feeling of dominance and power over women when they can cum on you or get you to swallow. At least that's how we see it. My husband loves to cum on me, but I don't swallow and only once has he done it on my face.

I'm ok if my husband looks at you. We're not jealous types at all.

The compliments you are receiving are just a bit gauche, but we're wondering at what point in the conversation are these men making those comments.

Perhaps you have a subtle body language that men are reading and acting on. There's lots of things at work here and worth exploring.

PM us for more if you like.