View Full Version : Triad

Feb 25, 2010, 4:06 PM
My husband and I are starting a relationship with a female. We are excited but i have never been with another girl past kissing. I am afraid i wont be any good. Neither one of us are experienced. Any pointers?

Feb 25, 2010, 4:49 PM
I think if you can be yourself and up-front with your new lover, you will either find that you are compatible, or not. Don't try to sacrifice what you want, if she does not have mutual desires. Only if you are honest with her about what your interests and dreams are, will you achieve any kind of cerebral, or physical connection.

Communication really is the key (honest-open communication, that is)

I hope it works out for you; in my limited experience, a loving and sensual relationship, between two of the same gender, can be an exquisite experience. Keep in mind that you can't make yourself, or her, feel things that aren't in you both to feel.

If it works, great! If not, you can shake hands and say, "Thanks for trying, but we just did not fit."

If it works, you will soon learn what pleases you both and the exploration will be one of the most rewarding events in your life.

Feb 25, 2010, 4:50 PM
If neither of you are very experienced, then you don't have a basis for comparison :D That's a good thing! You'll all be able to learn together, experiment and just in general, have a hell of a time. The first time I was with another woman after a ten year absence (and only my second time) I was a nervous wreck....was scared to death I would be terrible and thought my inexperience would make me a less than good lover. Instead, I realized that I was doing what came naturally to me. Sometimes just the idea is so scary that you can end up talking yourself out of it before you ever get the chance to experience something awesome. My advice to you, is try to calm down a little, breathe and enjoy every second of this. You've been through the hardest part of the experience....finding someone. The rest is easy!

Feb 25, 2010, 5:24 PM
I already know we get along we have had a friendship... the friendship has blossomed into all of us wanting more. I am not afraid i wont like it i am afraid that i wont be good enough to please her.

Feb 25, 2010, 7:11 PM
Just relax and be you, Nursie. Just start out slow and easy and savor the experiance. Dont go into thinking "What if?" Those thoughts will only bog you down, Hon. Start out by watching a good porno, and lead up from there...*Cheezy grin inserted here*
Try it, love, and if its not for you, then at least you'll know, but dont let FOF Fear of Failure, stop you from at least trying. :}
Have fun Darlin.

Feb 25, 2010, 8:16 PM
Cat, as always, I agree totally...you sure you don't want to move to Indiana and be my full-time gf? <evil grin>

Seriously though honey, don't be so afraid that you lose sight of the fun and pleasure that's just waiting for you! It's there, you just have to reach out and take it :D

Mar 5, 2010, 8:00 AM
OK so There are no more doubts about this no more anything just anxious to get started. We have to wait but thats ok because absence makes the heart grow fonder. My husband, myself and her are all excited. Ill let you know how things are going after we all get settled. We go to visit her in a couple weeks then in april/may she should be free to move down here after she finishes her classes.
