View Full Version : just got laid

Feb 24, 2010, 3:41 PM
i just got laid yesterday and it was amazing....its not the first time its like the 3rd or 4th... but its also the 3rd or 4th time i havnt been able to finish....is there something wrong with me?

Feb 24, 2010, 4:24 PM
Dunno.. but me own experience a guys in ther very early sex life wos finishin so fast it wos hardly worth startin..;) but will let guys ansa that 1 forya.. but if ya can masturbate 2 a climax..wud think ya cud durin sex wiv a partner...:)

Feb 24, 2010, 4:28 PM
thats what i thought but i cant for some reason... i can go and go and go but i just cant finish

Feb 24, 2010, 6:27 PM
If you weren't with someone you knew well, or, if the person you were with may be imprinted in your brain as being someone special, you may have a performance anxiety issue.

My main focus always was pleasing my partner, first. I'd often worry about making them feel good, while being filled with insecurities at the same time. Any indication, that I may not be filling my part of the bargain, and I'd be on a downward spiral to an incomplete and unrewarding session.

I've always done better when I knew my lovers better, understood what aroused them, and what brought their biggest pleasure. Only after I knew I was doing everything right, could I relax and achieve an orgasm, too.

I only attempted a one night stand with a lady. long ago. and the outcome was so bad, that I've never had another one. I assume I've had a lot less lovers than some, because I feel more comfortable knowing a person well and understanding them better, before we become intimate.

Feb 24, 2010, 7:55 PM
o believe me i like women sexually, and im bi not gay.....all the other times were with women too....and i dont do drugs or drink

Feb 24, 2010, 8:54 PM
I have that issue as well even with someone I know. I just like having sex and dont want it to end.


Feb 24, 2010, 10:19 PM
yea i do like this girl and we used a condom the first time and i couldnt finish and after we didnt use a condom and i still couldnt finish

Feb 24, 2010, 10:28 PM
You seem young? If you are then this is a bit unusual but not impossible to happen. You mention that this is your fourth attempt to orgasm. Sometimes, if you masturbate a lot it may interfere with orgasming during intercourse. (not usually a young guy but it is possible). Try not choking the chicken for a week and then try intercourse again. See if that changes things. ...well if you can keep your hands off yer pecker for that long...:eek: :bigrin:

Another remote possibility is that you are afraid that you may impregnate her?...subconsciously though.

Feb 24, 2010, 10:31 PM
oki will try not to

Feb 25, 2010, 11:17 PM
Are you on any medications? I know some anti-depressants can cause that problem.

Feb 26, 2010, 3:55 PM
no im not on any nad im 18