View Full Version : Study explores link between bisexuality & poor mental health

Feb 24, 2010, 9:34 AM
Interesting article -

Researchers have known for a few years that bisexual people are more likely to experience poor mental health compared to straight or gay people.

"There were these statistics showing high rates of depression, high rates of anxiety, high rates of suicidality but there were no stories behind them, basically, to explain why that would be," says Lori Ross, lead researcher for the Bisexuality, Mental Health and Emotional Well-being Research Project.

Ross, a researcher with the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health's (CAMH) Social, Equity and Health Unit, says the project aimed to get at the stories behind the statistics.

"The goal," she says, "was really to talk to bisexual people about 'What are the things that are important to your mental health?'"

http://www.xtra.ca/public/National/Study_explores_link_between_bisexuality_poor_menta l_health-5693.aspx

Feb 24, 2010, 10:32 AM
Can't be the constant struggle in your head that you're "different" and knowing society will shun you when you first start to wrestle with accepting being bisexual that can contribute to it. nah. never. that's just silly.

Feb 24, 2010, 10:36 AM
Can't be the constant struggle in your head that you're "different" and knowing society will shun you when you first start to wrestle with accepting being bisexual that can contribute to it. nah. never. that's just silly.

Well that is kinda what they went on to say. Lack of support from either the GL community or the Hetero community, does nothing for bi folks. In addition we often get it from BOTH sides when it comes to prejudice.

Feb 24, 2010, 11:27 AM
Ahhh, so That's what's wrong with me. I thought I just had a cold. That's what I get for kissin' girls I guess...lol :rolleyes::tongue:

Feb 24, 2010, 1:13 PM
This doesn't amaze me, for the reasons Joe mentioned. I think we have less support and visibility and it takes longer to work out who you are compared to gay or straight people, who have more role models and a more obvious clear-cut box to fit into.

Feb 24, 2010, 4:06 PM
"We want to take these factors that bi people have identified as being important to their mental health, and measure them together with bi people's mental health over time," she says."

I live in the province where this work is being done. I get a more positive interpretation from this article. I read where a variety of resources are being set up to help bisexuals. That is a great thing as far as I'm concerned. There are insufficient studies about bisexuals.

We may know the reasons why bisexuals may experience mental health issues but those involved with mental health as well as other segments of society may not. It doesn't mean that all bisexuals experience mental health issues. I found the point about a bisexual seeking counselling through GL resources that basically denied the bisexual's attitude interesting. If such continued research raises a greater understanding about bisexuality, that's good. If it brings greater awareness that we are not exactly the same as GL nor are our needs and understanding exactly the same, that is good in my opinion.

Feb 24, 2010, 4:09 PM
Joe brings up good points. Not diminishing them. But I'm happy being bisexual, even if it does mean sort of walking an edge. From personal experience I can say depression can have other causes, triggers. But yeah, Joe had a few good points.

Feb 24, 2010, 4:53 PM
Me a pretty happy person most of the time.. smart arsed an yappie.. but then yas prob guessed that long fore now.. but eva since me wos bout 10 or11 every few years me gets a gud hard kik wiv a bout of depression.. an it lasts months.. am susceptible 2 gettin depressed wich isn quite the same thing an usually only lasts a day or so.. r they down 2 me sexuality? Interestingly since me finally came out as a lesbian havn had a depression attack.. but do get depressed bout the same amount an for bout the same lengtha time.. but that me has not had a depression, wile it's interestin, is not unusal 2 go 2 or 3 years wivout all hell breakin loose in me head..

.. but reelly.. is it surprisin that bisexual peeps do hav mental health probs moren gays or str8s? Spesh those who r not out...they get flak from much a both communities.. so Joe is dead rite methinks.. an then ther is the transgendered... spare a thot for them..they get it from bisexuals an all.. so they mite well be the worst of all wen it cums 2 mental health probs..:(

Feb 24, 2010, 6:14 PM
I do have to wonder if it really is the case that bisexuals suffer from emotional/mental health issues more than any other population. Seems to me that so many people in our society, irrespective of their sexual orientation, have some degree of mental or emotional distress---just look at all the people who are on anti-depressants and meds of that sort.

I swear---I am constantly amazed when I learn someone I think really "has it together" who is seeing a "shrink" and is on some sort of med. It seems at times that nearly everyone I know is under such care.

I know that I have had times in my life when I was pretty well in a state of turmoil and probably should have seen a "shrink"---but I didn't. Fortunately I was able to pull myself out of those dark times.

I know at the VA---every time I go in for any sort of appointment---along with taking my physical vital signs---they always ask questions regarding "how I feel" in terms of mental state---it is good the VA does that since we Vets do have such a high incidence of mental problems and suicide.

It is a good thing that some medical people are recognizing that bisexuals have "issues" that need to be addressed.

I don't know though---if I do someday suffer some sort of mental meltdown---will it be because I am a bisexual or a military veteran-or just simply the slings and arrows of life finally became overwhelming---or the wiring in my brain went haywire for some reason?

I am not disputing or being critical of this effort---its a good thing---I just don't know if being bisexual necessarily makes one any more prone to mental problems than simply living our lives in this crazy world of ours!

Long Duck Dong
Feb 24, 2010, 8:01 PM
there are unofficial stats in nz regarding this, I say unofficial as they were never released to the public in a official capacity
the info comes from a internal study done not long before I retired from counselling and therapy work

the info is based around nz and we do have a 1 in 5 person mental issue ratio and a high substance abuse problem in nz so I do accept that many people will find the info a lil hard to swallow...

legally I am not allowed to post the actual numbers but I can share info about the findings

a bisexual man ( not female ) is 5 times more likely to suffer depression as a result of cheating / infidelity... the issue was not the cheating, it was getting caught and having to deal with the results

the main mental illness in bisexual males ( not females ) is bi polar depression

a bisexual male is more likely to drink or have a alcohol related issue than a bisexual female

a bisexual female ( not male ) has the highest rate of low level depression than any other gender and sexuality ( that also does include non sexuality based depressions such as pre and post natal depression

bisexual males are 3 times more likely than a bisexual female to develop a narcissistic personality trait

this is the one that floored me, a bisexual person is 7 times more likely to develop a substance abuse issue ( drugs, legal meds, alcohol )

a bisexual male ( not female ) is 4 times more likely to average 7 or more partners a year than any other sexuality

bisexual males ( not females ) are 16 times more likely to lie and cheat in a relationship than any other sexuality

bisexual females are more likely to be openly bisexual and misidentify as bisexual than a bisexual male, but a bisexual male is 26 times more likely to lie about their bisexual nature and sexual attractions

the reason what I put in stuff about non mental health issues, is to show what was found amongst mental issue people...and a possible reason for short term depressive states.....
its not being bisexual that is the issue, its the way we lead our lives....

Feb 24, 2010, 8:53 PM
Well that is kinda what they went on to say. Lack of support from either the GL community or the Hetero community, does nothing for bi folks. In addition we often get it from BOTH sides when it comes to prejudice.

Wow, really. I was just throwing it out there. Just reinforces I missed my calling as a therapist.

Feb 25, 2010, 8:39 PM
My daughter is bi, and also of dual ethnicity (she calls herself mixed race). She is also bi-polar and after a crisis a psychiatrist in a hospital actually told her that she should finish with her female partner, get a boyfriend and adopt a straight lifestyle, and she should also decide whether she was black or white and not describe herself as mixed. Then, he said, her mental health problems would be over. True. Sounds as though he was a suitable case for treatment, not her!

Feb 26, 2010, 7:02 AM
My daughter is bi, and also of dual ethnicity (she calls herself mixed race). She is also bi-polar and after a crisis a psychiatrist in a hospital actually told her that she should finish with her female partner, get a boyfriend and adopt a straight lifestyle, and she should also decide whether she was black or white and not describe herself as mixed. Then, he said, her mental health problems would be over. True. Sounds as though he was a suitable case for treatment, not her!

Wow---who made that therapist God??? I'd sure as hell not listen to that person and would file some sort of complaint against that therapist with the appropriate people to make such a complaint--not that anything will happen as a result--but at least the protest will be on file.

That is hardly an ethical therapist, abiding by the professional and ethical standards of his or her profession.

Feb 26, 2010, 7:54 AM
Wow---who made that therapist God??? I'd sure as hell not listen to that person and would file some sort of complaint against that therapist with the appropriate people to make such a complaint--not that anything will happen as a result--but at least the protest will be on file.

That is hardly an ethical therapist, abiding by the professional and ethical standards of his or her profession.

I agree Voltie..an think idiots like him shud prob struck off... we r all human.. not black, white, yellow or of mixed race.. not gay, str8, bi or trans ...we r not a race, but a species... merely human.. so 'e is hardly a beacon a tolerant thought is e'?:eek:

Feb 26, 2010, 8:16 AM
I would guess they think there must be something wrong with us, yet they probably have those same impulses we have too, but ours are just too strong to ignore. Thank god. I love oral with a well hung man or beautiful woman. I can't help it why deny myself all that pleasure and all those choices or opportunities. Alexander the Great did pretty well and he was way bi so was James Dean he practically used those same words I just used. Oh yea Pres. Lincoln liked a little man meat on the side too, he came out fine. lol Were fine their just jealous!

Feb 26, 2010, 10:56 AM
there are unofficial stats in nz regarding this, I say unofficial as they were never released to the public in a official capacity
the info comes from a internal study done not long before I retired from counselling and therapy work

the info is based around nz and we do have a 1 in 5 person mental issue ratio and a high substance abuse problem in nz so I do accept that many people will find the info a lil hard to swallow...

legally I am not allowed to post the actual numbers but I can share info about the findings

a bisexual man ( not female ) is 5 times more likely to suffer depression as a result of cheating / infidelity... the issue was not the cheating, it was getting caught and having to deal with the results

the main mental illness in bisexual males ( not females ) is bi polar depression

a bisexual male is more likely to drink or have a alcohol related issue than a bisexual female

a bisexual female ( not male ) has the highest rate of low level depression than any other gender and sexuality ( that also does include non sexuality based depressions such as pre and post natal depression

bisexual males are 3 times more likely than a bisexual female to develop a narcissistic personality trait

this is the one that floored me, a bisexual person is 7 times more likely to develop a substance abuse issue ( drugs, legal meds, alcohol )

a bisexual male ( not female ) is 4 times more likely to average 7 or more partners a year than any other sexuality

bisexual males ( not females ) are 16 times more likely to lie and cheat in a relationship than any other sexuality

bisexual females are more likely to be openly bisexual and misidentify as bisexual than a bisexual male, but a bisexual male is 26 times more likely to lie about their bisexual nature and sexual attractions

the reason what I put in stuff about non mental health issues, is to show what was found amongst mental issue people...and a possible reason for short term depressive states.....
its not being bisexual that is the issue, its the way we lead our lives....

I found these facts to be very interesting and thank you for posting them. Until very recently I have always blamed my short term but frequent depressive states on the fact that i want to have sex with men as well as woman. But the truth is that my life style and the way i treat my girlfriend and past girlfriends i.e cheating and dumping, has caused me to feel that my life is not going the way i want it too, or i am the person i don't want to be.

Just want to say that this is great community on here and is always a help to me.


Feb 26, 2010, 11:03 AM
My daughter is bi, and also of dual ethnicity (she calls herself mixed race). She is also bi-polar and after a crisis a psychiatrist in a hospital actually told her that she should finish with her female partner, get a boyfriend and adopt a straight lifestyle, and she should also decide whether she was black or white and not describe herself as mixed. Then, he said, her mental health problems would be over. True. Sounds as though he was a suitable case for treatment, not her!

Unfortunately, that's a double standard. I think what happens is that they (doctors in institutions) try to kick out the more "difficult cases" so they can keep the "easy cases". Sounds like that was what was happening to your daughter--the psych-doc was pulling things out of his rear to keep your daughter in the hospital. Good thing your daughter has a good support system!

DB :bipride:

Mar 1, 2010, 7:30 PM
there are unofficial stats in nz regarding this, I say unofficial as they were never released to the public in a official capacity
the info comes from a internal study done not long before I retired from counselling and therapy work

the info is based around nz and we do have a 1 in 5 person mental issue ratio and a high substance abuse problem in nz so I do accept that many people will find the info a lil hard to swallow...

legally I am not allowed to post the actual numbers but I can share info about the findings

a bisexual man ( not female ) is 5 times more likely to suffer depression as a result of cheating / infidelity... the issue was not the cheating, it was getting caught and having to deal with the results

the main mental illness in bisexual males ( not females ) is bi polar depression

a bisexual male is more likely to drink or have a alcohol related issue than a bisexual female

a bisexual female ( not male ) has the highest rate of low level depression than any other gender and sexuality ( that also does include non sexuality based depressions such as pre and post natal depression

bisexual males are 3 times more likely than a bisexual female to develop a narcissistic personality trait

this is the one that floored me, a bisexual person is 7 times more likely to develop a substance abuse issue ( drugs, legal meds, alcohol )

a bisexual male ( not female ) is 4 times more likely to average 7 or more partners a year than any other sexuality

bisexual males ( not females ) are 16 times more likely to lie and cheat in a relationship than any other sexuality

bisexual females are more likely to be openly bisexual and misidentify as bisexual than a bisexual male, but a bisexual male is 26 times more likely to lie about their bisexual nature and sexual attractions

the reason what I put in stuff about non mental health issues, is to show what was found amongst mental issue people...and a possible reason for short term depressive states.....
its not being bisexual that is the issue, its the way we lead our lives....

well i gotta say there is a lot of stress involved cuz like someone mentioned there, there's not so much support from either side, and so you're kinding getting a battering from both sides. little nervous myself though, i do spend a lot of time looking at myself in the mirror...