View Full Version : Am I being paranoid?

Feb 24, 2010, 1:16 AM
A little over 3 weeks ago I posted about a guy named John who used me and then made a bullshit excuse about why he couldn't be with me. There was a mutual friend named Sarah who I hadn't really seen much since that happened. Yesterday I was walking across campus and saw her at a little way ahead of me and waved at her. I swear I saw her roll her eyes at me, look away for a second and then look back smiling.

I was thinking about it and I realized that last semester Sarah and I actually had a class together, though it was a class we could attend sporadically and still get good grades. But whenever we were in class on the same day she would usually come in after me and would always sit on the other side of the classroom.

Am I over reacting or does this make anyone else think that John might have been spreading rumors about me without me realizing it? Any suggestions on how to figure out whether this is true or not? I've actually been sitting trying to write a paper and this popped into my head again and I can't stop thinking about it.

Feb 24, 2010, 1:55 AM
I was hoping for an unbiased opinion of the situation from someone who wasn't there, that's why I posted this here. As for why I care if rumors are being spread about me I care for the same reason most people care. It affects how people react to me. If false rumors are spreading I would like to head them off, though given that it's been over a year since this happened that might be difficult.

In regard to the mention of class I'm in college, not high school.

Feb 24, 2010, 8:18 AM
I haven't read the other post, but from what you are saying. I am not sure if you are paranoid or not. Why don't you simply say hello to her when you see her somewhere neutral. Just continue to act the way you have always acted and whether or not rumors are spread will make no difference, everyone will still see you as the same person.

Feb 24, 2010, 11:36 AM
Communication is the best solution, Hon. You are not going to get any answers by not asking the questions. Ask her about it, then leave it alone. If it happened a year ago, then its a mute point.
Ask her, then go on to bigger and better things. Concentrate of your school work. Its more important than you know. :}