View Full Version : Server Problems Today - should be much better now...

Mar 11, 2006, 6:53 PM
The site was unavailable for many of you at various times during the day today. Sorry about that. It should be okay now, although I notice the site is still a bit slow right now - that should get better over the next few hours.

It was all just another part of Drew's long learning curve! :compuser:

- Drew :paw:

Mar 11, 2006, 6:58 PM
Although I experienced a few problems accessing the site, I feel better just knowing that it was not just my computer causing the problem. I guess you have just spoiled us with this site and to not be able to access it can be frustrating, but I also understand that things like this happen from time to time...and it is always for the better as a result.

Thanks for all that you do to make this site a place we like to visit so often!!


Mar 11, 2006, 7:03 PM
The site was unavailable for many of you at various times during the day today. Sorry about that. It should be okay now, although I notice the site is still a bit slow right now - that should get better over the next few hours.

It was all just another part of Drew's long learning curve! :compuser:

- Drew :paw:
I know the feeling. Dropped the load on a UPS this week at work. The UPS for the the main File Server. System Administration sucks at times like that.....

Those "Database Error" messages this thing throws out are kind of scary though....

Ooops, forgot the important part of what I wanted to say:

Thank You!

Mar 11, 2006, 7:25 PM
I know the feeling. Dropped the load on a UPS this week at work. The UPS for the the main File Server. System Administration sucks at times like that.....

Those "Database Error" messages this thing throws out are kind of scary though....

Ooops, forgot the important part of what I wanted to say:

Thank You! A fellow techie!! A kindred spirit who understands my heart palpitations when things go wrong! ;) lol

Thanks for the thanks bhg and kate. I'm thrilled that so many people really like the site.

- Drew :paw:

Mar 11, 2006, 9:20 PM
There was a problem with the site today?

Mar 12, 2006, 2:27 AM
thanx drew, i thot it might have been something like that , but when those server error messages started showing up!!!..... uh oh . what went thru my mind was either the webservers were having a bad wire day, or my isp was being difficult again, or our great site was having some service work done on it.. glad to see it was all under control.

kates' right, too.. you do spoil us with the service and dedication you provide for us.

:kiss: love ya dude.. thanx for being there for us.

Mar 12, 2006, 2:46 AM
"wb drew"

as we are always saying to one another in chat!!!

Never crossed my mind that these kinda "techie" problems would cause palpitations!!!! Your poor heartsie!!!!! ((((((((((((((Drew)))))))))))))

But man, thanks for getting it fixed - was fine yesterday morning - bit slow but by loging out and coming back in seemed to fix. But by midday (UK time) it sure was fun trying to get anything to work!!!! lol!!!

I was trying to PM someone I didn't know, who'd posted on a thread I'd put up and lost the message three times - later found the fourth atempt had been sent plus an earlier one!!!!!! lol!!! Person now has two almost exact messages - will think I'm bonkers!!!!!! rofl!!!! :)

Thanks for all of your time and efforts from you and your team!!

with love and peace to you and yours

Ron (aka Rupe) :)
But HEY we're all back in business, thanks mate!!!!!

Mar 12, 2006, 12:04 PM
I would also like to give a big thanks to Drew for keeping this site in top shape. Yesterdays slow-down was the first I've noticed since I've joined and I'm here pretty much every day. I've certainly seen many other sites that are not as stable.

Thanks Drew!