View Full Version : british ban of gay marriages in church may end

Long Duck Dong
Feb 23, 2010, 7:51 PM
I am glad to see that they refer to churches and synagogues that are willing to allow gay marriages in the places of worship....

I support movements like this that allow gay marriages, but do not force unwilling churchs to preform ceremonies that go against their teachings

the thing I really love, is that some of the churches are supporting the law change... it again reinforces the fact that some churches and followers of christ are not acting strictly according to the bible, but according to gods will, " as you do unto the least of my children, you do onto me " and " judge not least ye be judged "

I saw the same pattern in nz, some of the churches and christians make the statements that its for god to decide what is right and right, not his followers and what the bible may say is not always what god wants

this is the article

A ban on gay couples being allowed to marry in church could soon be lifted in Britain.

Senior Anglican bishops have backed plans by politicians to drop the existing ban on civil partnership ceremonies in religious premises under proposed changes to equality laws in March.

The Times newspaper said the removal of the ban on blessings of homosexual couples would allow the registration of civil partnerships in churches, synagogues, mosques and all other religious premises.

The proposed changes to the Equality Bill, which were first debated in the House of Lords in January, are expected to be reintroduced to the House of Lords in early March.

While the changes are expected to be backed by the Conservative party, the Labour government is yet to decide whether to support them.

In a letter to The Times published on Tuesday, a group of Church of England clerics - including the Bishop of Salisbury, the Dean of Southwark and four retired bishops - urged all sides of politics to back the changes.

"Straight couples have the choice between civil marriage and religious marriage," the letter said.

"Gay couples are denied a similar choice. To deny people of faith the opportunity of registering the most important promise of their lives in their willing church or synagogue, according to its liturgy, is plainly discriminatory."

Feb 23, 2010, 8:03 PM

Feb 24, 2010, 12:03 AM
I'm glad, as you pointed out, that some members of the clergy are following what they know to be true. Jesus said, "what you do to the least of my people you do unto me". I think that a lot of people are too literal and misunderstand, some deliberately, the wording of certain phrases for their own ends.

Perhaps this will be handled well in England and some of the other major countries of the world will follow suit. Allowing the actual fellowship and celebrations on a legal marriage to be shared by all in whatever place of worship they choose.